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Alternate trigger exilus mods


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The title is the general idea: exilus mods that change trigger types when equipped.

Some general mods would be: +firerate -recoil change from full auto to burst of 3 or 4, +recoil change from burst to full auto.

Some other specific ones: change from duplex-auto to semi, change from burst of 2 to duplex-auto, change from burst to semi.

I will also no hide what I want most from this area: change from hold-to-charge to tap-to-autocharge for Ferrox (basicly transplant of Javlok trigger to Ferrox).

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This could be done in Mass Effect Andromeda, and the build combinations were pretty amazing. Full auto shotgun with tracking bullets but reduced damage, and basic aiming required, and the bullets were quite slow, turned into projectiles.

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The way only a handful of select fire weapons exist in WF is weird. I like this idea, though. What would be great is if they actually took the time and did a set for each weapon, or at least each trigger type. For example, a Soma mod where you get 10x damage, but you fire in semi-auto, and each shot consumes 10 bullets. Or a Burston mod that lets you fire in full auto so you can recreate that cutscene.

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