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"Can't do anything" bug experience, or how i almost lost 2 hours worth of resources.


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Hello there.
Today, i've decided to share a story with you. An experience unlike any other. One i didn't expect nor wanted to have, but had one nonetheless. Here it goes...

Its an early morning. As always, before my shift, i waste my time playing me some vidyagames. This morning the choice fell on warframe, since i had resource booster going and i still haven't commited to grinding deimos. So just in case and to prevent grind burnout in the future i've decided to go to deimos and mine me some minerals, fish some fish and yadi yada... You know the drill.

And so it went on... A single, relaxing session of boosted grind... That went on for 2 hours. As you could imagine, i got quiet the loot in my pockets by that point. So far - relatively smooth sailing.
But then...

I've decided to stop by and fish a hotspot that happened to be in my path. Everything was fine at first, got a bunch of fish as per usual.
And then something happened... My spear ricosheted off the fish i wanted to catch and flew away in a completely different direction, much to my surprise.
"Weird" i thought to myself as the spear returned to me. Oh well, let me just make another throw and... Oh? Uh oh... I couldn't throw the spear again. I could aim, but not throw.
But more importantly... i couldn't do anything else either.

Its fine. Not my first rodeo. I started pushing all the usual suspects to try and get myself out of this mess: summon archwing, k-drive, operator... Even tried to do the /unstuck trick. But nothing was working. The only thing i could do was open ESC menu, which would taunt me with "abort mission" button, promising me freedom... But at a cost.
I was stuck. For good. With 2 hours worth of loot. All alone. Well, almost all alone... The cursed floating fish swarmed all around me, as if mocking my misfortune.

Dread started setting in. I searched for more options to escape. I was in solo mode, which meant i couldn't invite someone to force-evacuate me... I pressed every button on my keyboard and none of them had any effect.
Then an idea struck me: DEATH. Maybe if i could die and revive myself - maybe that could solve my unfortunate state of existence.

Problem though: no infested in sight. Of course! The one time i needed them the most they decided to NOT attack me while i was fishing! Those little...
Sigh... Well. Not like i had options, right? All i could do is wait and hope...

5 minutes of boiling in my own anger... An infested appears. A single infested osprey. Could this be my chance? No, it couldn't. Because my fishing companion - OXYLUS sentinel was there.
And he did exactly what i wanted him to do during normal fishing - started shooting osprey with his plasma cannon.
"NO!" i screamed as 1st shot of plasma reduced my potential savior's HP to 5% "HE'S MY ONLY CHANCE! DON'T DO IT!"
But my companion was deaf to my pleas. And so level 19 infested osprey had met his fate at the hands of my context-proof ally. Goddammit.

Another 5 minutes passes by. And another glimpse of hope appears: a familiar sound and falshing of light.
A glass fracture has happened. And spawned... A single glassed volatile runner.
A smile crossed my face. This is it! My companion was inadequate for dealing with such a threat and couldn't hurt him, surely. In fact - he didn't even tried, much to my delight.

"YES!" i said, as my unlikely savior was approaching me "COME TO PAPA!"
He rushed to me from the other side of the river, reached his attack range, charged his swing and went for it. His fist of freedom lands on my face, dealing a nice 200 damage to my shields. Surely this is it!
And then...




He stoped.
He just.

My "savior" decided to join me in my buggy solitude, only occasionally making infested noises as he stares into the nothingness.
I have no words. I'm dumbfounded. I'm laughing hysterically. This is the greatest joke of the universe, and i am the goddamn punchline!
Well... At least now i have another company besides stupid fish and my quiet sentinel.

At this point i decided that i might as well just go and do some chores around the house until my situation resolves itself.
Which is precisely what happened after another 3-4 minutes. While i was AFK another fracture happened, spawned some glassed chargers and they rightly ended my suffering.
I revived and - THANK GOD - could move again. Of course, i immediately put on my archwing and rushed back to necralisk to secure my precious loot before being struck by another unfortunate accident.



And that's the story how i almost lost 2 hours of grind to a very unfortunate bug and had to just stand there for 15 minutes while hoping that the game would find some way to KILL ME.
Be careful out there, kids. Save your progress.

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Report bug in the bug report section. If you have a screenshot of the game at that time especially the reward section send it to the zendesk. Warframe screenshot has embedded code that’ll help de team to get your stuff back if you lost em due to bug... which, according to my experience, they will.

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Every 15 minutes or so... maybe after collecting a big glut of resources... maybe after finding some rare stuff... go base and check in. It's not quite as efficient, but I don't really have much sympathy for people that do these giant marathon sessions then lose everything to a crash, bug, or other mishap.

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4 hours ago, sly_squash said:


Every 15 minutes or so... maybe after collecting a big glut of resources... maybe after finding some rare stuff... go base and check in. It's not quite as efficient, but I don't really have much sympathy for people that do these giant marathon sessions then lose everything to a crash, bug, or other mishap.

This had been warframe since I can remember and those "old void keys long runs" were pure nightmare because of the unstable nature of the game, I still got HM-PSTD from those times

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