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Waypoint system


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A few months (maybe more than a few tbh) you updated the waypoint system.

It sucls.

It seems to mark "steps" rather than just telling you where to go in open worlds.  The most annoying thing is it still points me to elevators in rooms where I have the option to bullet jump or drop down instead.  NOBODY (or should be nobody) uses elevators in these tiles.

Please just tell me which door to exit a tile from or, in open world, point me to where I need to be, or cave entrace if relevant.


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31 minutes ago, GibsonPrime said:

NOBODY (or should be nobody) uses elevators in these tiles.

Go say that to someone with a disability or medical condition that makes parkour moves painful or difficult or even impossible to do. I will 100% choose an elevator in every tileset if one is available.

Other than that, yes the waypoint system could be better and I'd love to have more options for it.
Full: shows elevators and other "easy" routes, ideal for new players
Light: shows entrances / exits and mission objectives only, default option, has a quick toggle to turn waypoints on/off (I find it really annoying to have several waypoints on my screen while grinding survival)

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45 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

Go say that to someone with a disability or medical condition that makes parkour moves painful or difficult or even impossible to do. I will 100% choose an elevator in every tileset if one is available.

Fair.  Yeah, options.  And kudos to anyone for sticking with the game with such a condition.

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Yes, at least option to disable that in-tile navigation would be great. Even on unfamiliar tiles one can find ways to reach the point in the tile, with or without parcour - see Kuva Fortress, which is like "there's an exit 3 meters above you, good luck finding way around lol".

Waypoints in general break fast speeds greatly. They move slowly on the screen and don't show right direction for some time when you change the tile, which can be confusing. Sometimes they guide you through every flight of stairs only to end up in a door that's 3 meters directly below the entrance.

And in open worlds waypoints are very bad with caves. Sometimes they stick to cave entrance and don't move to the objective independent of whether you are inside, whether the objective is inside. And sometimes when objective is in cave, waypoint doesn't show you the cave entrance, but simply stick to global position of objective. Sometimes this happens in mission tilesets too (I've seen this mostly in void tileset): extraction doesn't point to door, but simply floats 100 meters behind a wall.

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