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The Gravidus Dilemma, Well Played Digital Extremes


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With the GRAVIDUS event you've not only succeeded in turning most of the attention away from the fact that Warframe is still a highly flawed and incomplete game, but also managed to polarize its community on a subject other than the lacking artificial difficulty ridden core gameplay of the minimum viable product that is Warframe. Now the most prevalent topic on your forum and inside your game chat seems to have turned turned into a kind of pseudo roleplay &!$$ing contest where who is part of the clique that mindlessly grinds the biggest numbers claims some sort of ill conceived and self proclaimed bragging rights — So much for your lofty goals about positive reinforcement inside your community — Any sensible argument or voice of dissent in regards to fake choice and shallowness of it all is met with either roleplaying zealotry and/or misplaced alpha primate mentality. You've successfully turned the game's already feebly surviving appeal to a spirit of cooperation between your players into the common lowest of denominators of gaming; PVP, competition, and yet again the fake of kinds at that, of course this aspect has already helped countless clumsy developers with giving appeal to even the most dreadful and problematic of titles, i'm sure it will work out for yours too, as it already seemingly has.

I know I will very likely be getting flak for this, and i'm not expecting to find many who agree with me as I reckon sarcasm and cynicism aren't exactly the best forms of communication... But this is all that i've got left of my enamourment with Warframe, this is what you've created Digital Extremes; to you, your community and the future of your game:



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Neither your unnecessarily bombastic language, nor your wall of text, can hide that you're finding every excuse to whine about a perfectly fine event.


The only thing I'm unhappy with DE over right now is that there is no more downvote button. 

Edited by Darayas
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Neither your unnecessarily bombastic language, nor your wall of text, can hide that you're finding every excuse to whine about a perfectly fine event.


The only thing I'm unhappy with DE over right now is that there is no more downvote button. 

It's always easier not to speak your opinion and go with the flow. Oh wait, the flow agrees on this one. Go kiss &#! somewhere else

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Neither your unnecessarily bombastic language, nor your wall of text, can hide that you're finding every excuse to whine about a perfectly fine event.


The only thing I'm unhappy with DE over right now is that there is no more downvote button. 


If it was perfectly fine we'd have the infected to side with too... "Teennnooo betray the dogs of flesh and greed. We will reward your efforts twice fold for every... liberated gluttonous dog of war."

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Well, if you have issues, you can take it to the "Improving Warframe" board instead of complaining about it here.




Neither your unnecessarily bombastic language, nor your wall of text, can hide that you're finding every excuse to whine about a perfectly fine event.


The only thing I'm unhappy with DE over right now is that there is no more downvote button. 

I didn't know people were fine with how rigged the event seems.

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What's important is whether the players are having fun or not. And it seems like the majority of players are enjoying this Grineer Versus Corpus competition... the "pseudo roleplay" as you put it is testament to that.


Also, the community has gotten so large that it's really impossible to please everyone with every little thing. I'm sorry to hear that you're dissatisfied with this event, and I hope that the next event might be more up your alley. 

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Seriosuly? Posts that are just bashing the OP with "lol didn't read" and "stop crying" get so many upvotes? Please, community, don't be that shallow. Give him an actual chance. I believe he has some important points there, like the splitting of the community by PvP and competition. You should think about it at least. Don't be the community that he fears we have become!

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Neither your unnecessarily bombastic language, nor your wall of text, can hide that you're finding every excuse to whine about a perfectly fine event.


The only thing I'm unhappy with DE over right now is that there is no more downvote button. 

This /\

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What's important is whether the players are having fun or not. And it seems like the majority of players are enjoying this Grineer Versus Corpus competition... the "pseudo roleplay" as you put it is testament to that.


Also, the community has gotten so large that it's really impossible to please everyone with every little thing. I'm sorry to hear that you're dissatisfied with this event, and I hope that the next event might be more up your alley. 

You sorry? Lawl! My thread with pictures of exclusive stuff thrown into garbadge bin was deletd in 4 minutes, I still wonder if I should make a new one just to entartain more people.

I dislike this event so much that I gone that far, you made me do it DE. RIP "tokens of appretiation".


All I wanted is that DE should give people possibility of choice, not just force half comunity to end with stuff they didint want.

Edited by derclaw
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You sorry? Lawl! My thread with pictures of exclusive stuff thrown into garbadge bin was deletd in 4 minutes, I still wonder if I should make a new one just to entartain more people.

Yes, we get it, the fact that it was deleted interrupted your grand plan to be remembered forever in the history books as a martyr. 


You can stop bringing it up in every thread now. 

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What's important is whether the players are having fun or not. And it seems like the majority of players are enjoying this Grineer Versus Corpus competition... the "pseudo roleplay" as you put it is testament to that.


Also, the community has gotten so large that it's really impossible to please everyone with every little thing. I'm sorry to hear that you're dissatisfied with this event, and I hope that the next event might be more up your alley. 

Only people I see having fun are the ones who have jumped on to the bandwagon that go with the easiest route possible, best rewards, etc and know full well that instead of getting crap blueprints they get the full go by going to what everyone else is doing. Was there a real reasont o have two factions during this when you set it up that one faction got all of the benefits? Its called stacking the deck.

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I see this as a plus,they've taken our minds out of the flawed game (not for long  hopefully) and made us concentrate on a totally different thing,thus giving them more time to fix/implement new things.

Indeed, at least is a way to implement some lore and some nice event with the available game mechanics.

lets see what we got next week, but for now is a nice hiatus until new real content appears..

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You've successfully turned the game's already feebly surviving appeal to a spirit of cooperation between your players into the common lowest of denominators of gaming; PVP, competition, and yet again the fake of kinds at that, of course this aspect has already helped countless clumsy developers with giving appeal to even the most dreadful and problematic of titles, i'm sure it will work out for yours too, as it already seemingly has.

I know I will very likely be getting flak for this, and i'm not expecting to find many who agree with me as I reckon sarcasm and cynicism aren't exactly the best forms of communication... But this is all that i've got left of my enamourment with Warframe, this is what you've created Digital Extremes; to you, your community and the future of your game:


Pull that self-rightous stick out of your butt and maybe people will identify with you better.


There is no PvP in this event. It has nothing to do with conclaves. Even then, conclaves are 100% optional. They're just for friendly competition. This event does have indirect competition, and some players turned it in to roleplaying. So what? It's enjoyable to most people. Participation is 100% optional. You don't have to participate, and the event only uses 3 nodes at a time. There's still plenty of other game to enjoy. Since at this point it looks like the grineer are going to win by a landslide you won't even miss out on a weapon. The Grineer already have a hand-cannon. The Seer. They're just getting another one apparently.


This is an event. It's temporary.


If the game has lost its appeal to you then leave, and take the stick with you. We don't need it and you have nothing positive to contribute anyway.


Seriosuly? Posts that are just bashing the OP with "lol didn't read" and "stop crying" get so many upvotes? Please, community, don't be that shallow. Give him an actual chance. I believe he has some important points there, like the splitting of the community by PvP and competition. You should think about it at least. Don't be the community that he fears we have become!

That's really not fair. Maybe you should tell the OP to stop attacking the dev AND the community. If he hadn't posted a topic so aggressivly, he wouldn't get aggressive replies. OP should try constructive criticism rather than aggression. He even acknoledged that he was gonna get flak for this because of the language he chose. He basically asked for this. So either he's a troll or he's just apathetic. Either way, he posted this knowing full well what he started. He made and entire post of cynical criticism without a single sentence on how to improve the game.



Only people I see having fun are the ones who have jumped on to the bandwagon that go with the easiest route possible, best rewards, etc and know full well that instead of getting crap blueprints they get the full go by going to what everyone else is doing. Was there a real reasont o have two factions during this when you set it up that one faction got all of the benefits? Its called stacking the deck.

I'm having plenty of fun and I support corpus 100%. I may be dissapointed sometimes that Corpus (generally) only give credits but the event isn't over yet. I can hope that the rewards will get better. There's 5 days left on the event (supposedly). Hopefully it will even out.

Edited by SteeleTheShow
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I know, but for now let us have truce. There is tons of stuff they are now going to do and I myself as a very vocal player. Will now give them a rest and charge up my power for a possible round two. I suggest you do the same because as far as I know, they are now doing rather good job on things. Fixing way more than they used to for a while but if that is not the case. This will surely turn into the battlefield again.

And like others said, I quite frankly like this event. Sure, it enforces toxicity and divides the playerbase, while taking a small step to uncommon competition. This is, despite all the flaws the event and the game has. A relieving change to see for now. I mean for a long time, for a month or so, I am actually having fun again.

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Give players a choice between two sides and they'll fight each other for eternity instead of focusing on the developer.

DE has been tired with being the butt of the criticism for the game's faults for a long time so they is a convenient way to divert the playerbase's attention at a time when they need to look at their most competent.


Neither your unnecessarily bombastic language, nor your wall of text, can hide that you're finding every excuse to whine about a perfectly fine event.

Perfectly fine apart from the multitude of crash issues people have had that seem to congregate around the boarding rooms or the fact that the spawning starts to break down if your team is too efficient at killing their targets.

Being able to make it to the extraction point before the last enemies have had a chance to spawn, even while wiping every single target out, doesn't sound like perfection to me.

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