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How Do We Know Whos Winning?


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Lots of people seem to know who is winning this event, so can someone please tell me who is winning and with how big of a lead please? I hear its Grineer but I wanna know how big of a lead they have.


PS: To the Developers, I feel I really must point out that asking people to spend time getting 100 missions is asking a bit much, what about the people who dont have the time to sit around for something like that? Does anyone else here think 100 missions is unreasonable? I personally know some friends who find it ridiculous. I understand greatly that the DEs have the right to do it this way if they want to...but why do it this way? Why not require people to just do 60 or 70 missions? Why 100?


Also: Because of what I just learned, it seems very pointless for anyone to try to fight in favor of Corpus when they are not gonna get the rewards. From the very beginning the majority of people have favored the Grineer. Why was this sort of event even released? When the likely hood of one side having the majority favor was very high? You should never do an event like this where people favoring the one side end up with something they dont want, I sure as heck do not want any of the Grineer weapons should the Corpus lose. I did this event for the Corpus weapons and the Corpus Weapons only, just to find out that Ive wasted time because the two sides were unbalanced in how many people were supporting which. This event is just...*sigh* a bit of a middle finger to the face to anyone who didnt support Grineer. I realize if i do 100 missions ill get Grineer stuff because I didnt support em, but again, dont want Grineer stuff.

Edited by Ootarion
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It's the Grineer.™


Edit: Proof - Look at the war map, also someone is doing a thread of the current numbers in the conflict. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/123737-spreadsheet-current-numbers-1600-cst-est-grineer-476k-corpus-244k-changes-are-now-per-hour/


May not be up to date, but it's quite obvious nonetheless given the time left in this event.

Edited by Andaeros
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1 mission takes around 4 minutes. 100 missions = 400 minutes = ~7  hours. The event is a week long so thats playing only 1 hour per day. it is not unreasonable at all.


Kudos to the guy who has a strong team he probably grinds with, and who doesnt work 8 hours a freaken day, grats man.

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I didn't find the 100 missions unreasonable, I did however find them moderately boring and somewhat grindtastic after about the 50 or 60th one. Honestly when this event is over I'm probably going to end up taking a week long break from Warframe. Although I have no one but myself to blame for that since I'm sitting on 197 battles fought.

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The winner is going to be the side with the most Node control on Mars. Which has 17 missions minus 1 for the Boss level War, so 16. (I am of the option that War will not be counted, or will only be used in the event of an unexpected tie breaker. I find it extremely unlikely that War will be a contested Node during this event as that would really mess with new players accessing both that boss and the associated Warframe. In short too much work on top of the event mechanics for too much headache.)

Currently the Grineer control the majority of martian Nodes and continue to take them typically at a rate of 3:1 over Corpus. The Grineer have more Nodes and are winning more Battles. They also have more total missions run for them. By every metric the Grineer are winning on runaway.

This is due in part to the number of mission runs they are getting for a very sizable portion of the player base and some of the most populous and active clans.

Edited by Brasten
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The winner is going to be the side with the most Node control on Mars. Which has 17 missions minus 1 for the Boss level War, so 16. (I am of the option that War will not be counted, or will only be used in the event of an unexpected tie breaker. I find it extremely unlikely that War will be a contested Node during this event as that would really mess with new players accessing both that boss and the associated Warframe. In short too much work on top of the event mechanics for too much headache.)

Currently the Grineer control the majority of martian Nodes and continue to take them typically at a rate of 3:1 over Corpus. The Grineer have more Nodes and are winning more Battles. They also have more total missions run for them. By every metric the Grineer are winning on runaway.

This is due in part to the number of mission runs they are getting for a very sizable portion of the player base and some of the most populous and active clans.


This right here shouts unfair. The balance is so darn one sided there is no point in even siding with the Corpus.

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This right here shouts unfair. The balance is so darn one sided there is no point in even siding with the Corpus.

There is but one reason. To own a badge that nobody else will have.

Also Steve admitted he rigged it for the grineer. Unless he has plans for what happens if you sided with bla or bla he ruined a perfectly good event.

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Lots of people seem to know who is winning this event, so can someone please tell me who is winning and with how big of a lead please? I hear its Grineer but I wanna know how big of a lead they have.


PS: To the Developers, I feel I really must point out that asking people to spend time getting 100 missions is asking a bit much, what about the people who dont have the time to sit around for something like that? Does anyone else here think 100 missions is unreasonable? I personally know some friends who find it ridiculous. I understand greatly that the DEs have the right to do it this way if they want to...but why do it this way? Why not require people to just do 60 or 70 missions? Why 100?


Also: Because of what I just learned, it seems very pointless for anyone to try to fight in favor of Corpus when they are not gonna get the rewards. From the very beginning the majority of people have favored the Grineer. Why was this sort of event even released? When the likely hood of one side having the majority favor was very high? You should never do an event like this where people favoring the one side end up with something they dont want, I sure as heck do not want any of the Grineer weapons should the Corpus lose. I did this event for the Corpus weapons and the Corpus Weapons only, just to find out that Ive wasted time because the two sides were unbalanced in how many people were supporting which. This event is just...*sigh* a bit of a middle finger to the face to anyone who didnt support Grineer. I realize if i do 100 missions ill get Grineer stuff because I didnt support em, but again, dont want Grineer stuff.

The reason behind giving Grineer better rewards in the beginning is that victorious side will be determined by sector dominance (side who will have more nodes at the end will win) and since Corpus started with whole Mars under their control things cried for some balance. People bragged so loud about their support for Corpus but many of them sold themselves for rewards - don't blame DE for it, blame soldier of fortune8 at heart.

Furthermore maybe people just like Grineer more...

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There is but one reason. To own a badge that nobody else will have.

Also Steve admitted he rigged it for the grineer. Unless he has plans for what happens if you sided with bla or bla he ruined a perfectly good event.


Then if this is true, Steve needs to get fired. You dont rig events, that is horribly cheap.

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Then if this is true, Steve needs to get fired. You dont rig events, that is horribly cheap.

You guys are taking things out of context again.


Steve didn't 'admit' that he rigged it. That carries with it baggage suggesting that he tried to cover it up at first. He said outright that he intended for the Grineer to have an advantage at the start, so that they could take the first node in the system - a forward operating base of sorts.


What he didn't expect was that people would fix their allegiance based on that from the start, because even when Corpus rewards far outweighed what the Grineer offered, people still went Team Grineer.  

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Kudos to the guy who has a strong team he probably grinds with, and who doesnt work 8 hours a freaken day, grats man.


Still pretty easily done though.

Pugged most of mine and finished yesterday.


Go go team Corpus!

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I did this event for the Corpus weapons and the Corpus Weapons only, just to find out that Ive wasted time because the two sides were unbalanced in how many people were supporting which.


Not really, either corpus wins and you get the Detron, or Corpus looses and you get the BP which will get you the detron (albeit you dont get the weapon slot) .. donÄt see how thats a waste of time if you really want it, either way you get it. Or have I missed out on something ?

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Kudos to the guy who has a strong team he probably grinds with, and who doesnt work 8 hours a freaken day, grats man.


i work 8 hrs/day (total of 10 hrs if we count travels home-work / work-home), i have a 3 months old child, i'm changing house,

i managed to complete my 100th mission yesterday night.

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Im not even going to get involved in this one, but I cant help visualise these poor wives, slaving over a hot stove, hoovering, wasing up, minding the child and serving the guy on the pc with his eveneing meal so he needn't get up and can complete his 100 missions ... but thats all just fictitious of course :)

Edited by Veemaxt
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