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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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I think people forget that corpus supporters are annoyed about not getting the Detron because they grinded out 100 corpus missions because they wanted the Detron.

It's pretty unfair to make someone work for something then slap them in the face with something that they didn't want at all instead of what they worked for.

Especially when the reasons for giving them something else were entirely out of their control.

yeah i am :/ 

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Ok I see we have problems communicating.......


Now, you just said it yourself.....


Missing out on news on the front page of the site of the game is $&*&*#(%&....


Anyway, this is blowing up out of proportion more than it should...


And again I stick to the fact that you simply did not read and/or understand my post....


p.s. An ingame description is what any sane developer would do for this kind of thing...


And that is my honest opinion on how it should work....


I knew. the guy you are reacting to knew. Most people knew. it was stated on multiple -obvious- locations. news section, main page of warframe.com AND the wiki page of the event.+ a ingame link.


If you did not see any of those and say it was not there AT ALL. i suggest you redownload your browserand redownload the game or buy a new computer. because there is clearly something wrong on YOUR side.

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NO Finale on WAR with Sgt. Nef Lennon, Jackal Harrison, Hyena Mccartney, and Ringo Ambulas?


WELL S#&$! 91 Missions and yet so far...

damn this event beat me up big time...


Edited by Hazadin
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grineer and corpus were mindf*cking me, both tried to be the good side.

But i chose grineer cause of the corpus grand plans...

Rather be a grineer slave then my fellow tenno to fall in corpus hands


you can allways push back an enemy on the advance, but you can never retrieve lost comrades.

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Thanks for a fun week DE.Invasion mode was interesting and battle pay rewards were great (most at least).


I am looking forward for invasion mode to be permanent in the game but i hope for multiplying the number of enemies by 10 or something.Nobody goes to war with a mere 100 soldiers :P.


And infested would be good to add in the mode as well.

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I knew. the guy you are reacting to knew. Most people knew. it was stated on multiple -obvious- locations. news section, main page of warframe.com AND the wiki page of the event.+ a ingame link.


If you did not see any of those and say it was not there AT ALL. i suggest you redownload your browserand redownload the game or buy a new computer. because there is clearly something wrong on YOUR side.

Are you smoking something? This is what you understood? That I said it was not there at all? Stop trying to reply out of the habbit of just arguing and bloody read what the other person is saying for once. And again, you knowing, or everyone that knew about it, falls under the "location everyone agreed it should be on" phrase. Learn to read, PLEASE! If you cannot understand the point to what I am saying dont bother replying at all. Simple. You obviously didn't get what I am saying and I explained it in 3 different ways at least. Learn to comprehend already! You are missing the fkng point!

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You do realize that they said it ends 12 PM PDT. Anyone ever read anything? Or convert the time to their time? No? :D

wasnt in game and i stay away from forums typically. i was aware of the time zone differences. doesnt mean that the game couldnt be better if it just had a timer in there after all this game is currently being internationally played its best to have nuetral time settings like time in hours until completed. imagine if all your alert missions that normally say 1h 23m  actually said 6:23Pm EDT. its not that i couldnt convert it. its that there are better way to program it.

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Meh... thrown into a life or death fight with little to no intel about who we are fight for/against (other than battle pay) I can say that the rewards were about the only part of this event I really liked.  The rest was a mixed bag.  The conflict system is interesting but will need a balancing tweak if it's gonna be used for events like this.  The background lore could've been handled better and even been more interesting than in previous events due to the fact that no matter what side you chose the results on the lore were pretty general.  We wanted to know more about the conflict itself and all we got was Corpus not happy with Grineer, Corpus performing unethical experiments on Tenno, and Grineer want free labor (which is odd since they're a race of clones from what I understand so they should be able to grow their workforce).  All in all the event may be over but several questions were never even posed in the gameplay.


For example mid mission we could come across a group of corpus civilians in a room cowering in fear of the two possibilities involving grineer and we could choose to hand them over to the grineer if it meant more rewards or we could split the party to allow half the party to assist the civilians escape and in that regard curry favor with the corpus despite being there to kill corpus in the first place.  I've said it in another post and I'm gonna say it again: depth, we want it.

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