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Call of the Tempestarii



Okay so, I had surgery recently and have kinda been unable to play since the railjack rework, what the hell am I supposed to be doing in this mission?  I start it, there's some ship I see travelling to the mission in that load screen space which Cephalon Cy remarks on... and then nothing.  There's no instructions or objectives, I fly around and shoot stuff and... nothing.  I got out of the railjack and looked around... nothing.  I got close to the various large ship looking things... nothing.  I'm usually pretty good about figuring out what I'm supposed to do if I'm not given any instructions but... yeah.

Like I played Railjack some before, but aside from boarding the big ships or the stations to complete missions the only thing to do was blow up little floating things for resources.  Was there some new thing added I'm not aware of that I should be doing?  Is it a glitch??  What the heck is going on?  I searched it up a bit and the wiki says something about 'scavenging resources from wrecked ships' and then enemies show up but... what the hell does that mean?  Am I supposed to be able to do something with these wrecks with all the wobbly looking effects around them?  I got nothing when I closed in on them both in the ship and out of the ship.  I'm at a loss here.

Also also, I'm required to add a tag to my post now and the only options are Conclave, Weapons, Warframes, Mods, and Companions?  Did I wake up in some F-ed up Mandela effect alternate universe or something?

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It sounds like a glitch. The mission shouldl have the regular yellow waypoint, the resources there have red markers. After you have collected a sufficient amount the mission will progress to the next step.

I'm hesitant to reveal too much as it is a new quest, if it still doesn't work maybe check a vid on youtube...?

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