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The issues with companions.


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I worry that my title has precluded this post from gaining any genuine attention, as this issue doesn't seem to be a large focus of DE.
Yet, I feel compelled to offer up my experience with the hopes of improving the game overall.

The good.

To begin I'd like to address what I like about companions, what I feel works and make an effort to show that I don't just want to 'dev bash.'
When I'm choosing a companion, the choice has the potential to be somewhat compelling. On my more survivable frames that I intend to use more melee focussed playstyles I will almost always take an animal companion. This is aided by the mod Pack Leader, allowing me to heal them. Also aided by the fact that if I do get reckless, I will be able to revive my animal companion.

Then, conversely I take sentinels, or specifically Carrier on my more squishy frames. With the assumption I will be staying at a distance for the most part, and that I should be able to keep the sentinel safe. This seems harmonious because on these frames in particular I rely on my guns much, much more. So the decision is intuitive, functional and can be compelling. However...  


The bad.

While the above is true and genuinely what I believe, the decision is only necessary because I feel held hostage by my companions. Regardless of how you play, you very much need both your radars and vacuum. If I could live without them, I genuinely wouldn't take any companions with me. I really would just rather focus on keeping myself alive. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I'll start with sentinels, as in my opinion they are in a much worse spot than animals. It's commonly understood that in higher level content, you should be taking an animal companion, as in high level content sentinels can get one shot, even at considerable distance. However, in my experience, the issues actually begin around level 20-30.
If a sentinel takes an electrocute proc from a corpus unit, it's very likely that single proc alone will kill the sentinel. you can get tagged with electricity at exceptional range, even while staying mobile. It can leave you feeling like there was nothing you could do to save the sentinel.

Infested toxin clouds, at approaching level 30-40, again just tagging you briefly can drain your sentinels life in a matter of seconds. These are more avoidable, but if you do get tagged by a cloud, in an incident that would deal 50-200 damage to your frame, takes your sentinel away from you. Leaving you unable to see enemies on the map, unable to see loot, and in the position where you have to physically walk over pick ups. Bringing the game to an absolute crawl.

Grineer are possibly the most passable, but they are not without aoe, or status procs that can wipe your sentinel in seconds. Bombards, nox units, inferno units. Most of these can be somewhat worked around, yet the issues do still appear here, too.


My issue is not that your sentinels can die, it's that it often feels cheap and unavoidable. As if there was nothing you could've done to prevent it. A recent experience of mine, I was doing the tier 3 bounty in Orb Vallis. the enemy levels were 25-30. While "defending the drone," trying to stay mobile to prevent my sentinel from getting an electric proc, it eventually was hit. At that point there was nothing I could do but watch it's health get drained away by the proc, and it died. I decided I didn't want to continue without my radars and vacuum, so I stood there and tried to get myself killed. It took 40 seconds for the enemies to kill me, while I was just standing there doing nothing.

I died, revived, returning my drone to me, and immediately resumed aerial evasive manoeuvres. Yet, it was in vain, before I was even able to begin, the drone had already been hit by an electric proc. Within 4 seconds of being revived, my drone was dead again.

This problem plagues every fight in every mission. It is a constant thorn in my side when engaging with the game, and the consequence of something that feels unavoidable transforms the game I know into what is an honestly painful slog. Without radars and vacuum, it's difficult to proceed in most missions. I can't see the loot that drops, and even if I could, I would have to walk over every piece manually. It's the worst consequence the game can force upon you. But like I said, it feels entirely unavoidable and out of my hands as to when, and what causes my sentinel to die.


The solution.

1. Status immunity. This would keep our sentinels mortal. Which I expect is what DE wants to do, as nothing has been done to address this problem thus far. But it would take some of that strain off of players, and no longer punish us for getting briefly tagged by an effect that is inconsequential to us, but devastates our sentinel. Keep in mind, this becomes a problem as early as level 20-30, that a single proc can kill your sentinel.

2. Complete invulnerability. I can understand this isn't appealing to DE, but this would be the option I would choose. As I don't believe my gameplay should be entirely shaped by needing to keep my companion alive, even at the extent of myself. The vast majority of my deaths are intentional, just to get my sentinel back. If this option is appealing, I would suggest cutting 2 of the 8 mod slots from the sentinel, leaving it with 6. That way we get to focus purely on just the utility we want attached to it. The sentinel would be much more in line with other ephemeral style pets seen in other games, and would no longer have such a large demand over playstyle and consideration.


As stated in my opening, I feel almost hopeless while I type this. I sincerely doubt this issue will ever get the attention it sorely needs, and that this blemish will forever continue to sour the core experience of the game. Yet, I felt compelled to do what I can for the health of a game I love. I attempted to get out all of my experience on this subject exhaustively, and I appreciate anyone that took the time to read this far.

DE, you've made a great game, comprised largely of gargantuan triumphs, but it's little blemishes like these that have an ever present and devastating affect on the game. Some TLC in the core systems is necessary, I genuinely believe it's partially because of how unreliable sentinels are, and that animal companions need constant melee spam to be kept alive, that is contributing to this very one sided melee meta. I genuinely believe that if sentinels weren't so flimsy, it would do a lot of good for the overall health and balance of the game. Because in content around the level 80-150 mark, if you aren't spamming your melee button over and over and over again, your animal companion will die. in quite literally seconds. Then, you need to stop playing warframe, essentially pause the entire game to take the time to revive them and continue on. Again, knowing if you ever stop meleeing enemies, your companion will die and you have to stop the game again to revive them. 

I wish health and happiness to all of those at Digital Extremes.

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