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Entry 3 - Nov 1- Warframe Skins


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OK, awesome skins. Seeing these makes me want to pick up all the frames so I can have all of the skins.

Edit: I was just wondering, are all the frames going to get skins when these ones get launched, or will the others get their skins in a later update?

Edited by Yargami
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Loki skin, what is this???  My Loki runs around, black as night, and invisible to boot.

They'll most likely go into the same closet as the scarves though, "not worth plat", as its just a different texture overlay.


Now, if it were a mesh overlay, now that would be worth some plat.

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Cool skins!  


Will there be any alternative "frames" for the warframes?  (Probably the wrong terminology!)  Would love to see options that change the whole look of the frame just as the alternative helmets are completely different, and the Brokk "skin" is a completely different "model" to the Fragor, not "just" a skin.


Hope that makes sense!

Edited by Philbo
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I very much like the new skins, but for all that is Based Tenno, please DO NOT put stats on these!

Adding stats to these would be asking for a fissure that would prioritize choice of skin to what has better stats, similar to what has happened to customized helmets right now. Sure, we would love you for stat boosts that are beneficial to the frame (Vanguard Helmet for Rhino is a prime example), but once a second influx of skins to the market appears, newer skins would become criticized as to whether or not they are beneficial to the frame. It would also possibly add incredibly unbalanced/overpowered builds (not that they do not already exist with corrupted mods).


Also, as a side note;

Would these skins work with Primed versions of the frames (and alternative helmets)?

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