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November 4Th: Community Hot Topics!


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an infested invasion mission would be pretty awesome. say something like you team up with the Corpus/Grineer and you guys need to defend an area or control room from a horde of infested overrunning the ship/outpost or a strike team is sent onto an infested ship and you need to escort a bomb/virus carrier to a designated location and then extract.


hell even having something that at any point infested could take over random nodes throughout the solar system and begin to spread from that node. Alerts will form and similar missions like I just described will pop up and it will be up to the Tenno to help push them back from those nodes.



EDIT: I'm not too sure about the notion of "a rare for a rare" in the trading... so does that mean if someone wants say a Frost Prime Systems blueprint from me does that mean they HAVE to give me somekind of frame part blueprint too? what if I dont want another part and a simple mod would do? how bout allowing the option for parts for credits or something?


I know we want to try and keep this as clean as possible and not have item leeches/farmers ect but right now it seems rather annoying to have those sort of restrictions in place...

Edited by Fartbake
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I really liked the Gradivus Dilemma and the fact i now have a badge of the event, but i've been thinking. I know its Warframe, but, how 'bout a Defense mission against an enemy ship? Where you have to prevent the enemy from boarding, firing your allies ship cannons (like the Gradivus dilemma, you side with either the Grineer or the Corpus). You need to disable the enemy ships engines or thrusters, and other tactical points on the enemy ship. But, if you fail at doing this, the enemy ship will board you, sending waves of troops inside. Which you ofcourse have to kill in order defend your ship. I know its about being an ancient warrior with an awesome suit and all, but having such a mission adds another perspective to the game. And besides, who doesn't want to shoot a giant gun at your enemy? There are still several bugs in the game. Sometimes, i get stuck at a door. Animation says its open, but physics says its not. And another bug is a weird one, sometimes when i kill an enemy, it continues firing out of nowhere. I think this bug may be related to grenade throwing, because earlier on, only the Corpus had this, but now the Grineer also use grenades, it happens with some of them too. They are not very huge bugs, but can be really annoying at times.

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Balancing Solo

another thing.

Solo player such as myself is already under discrimination by the game.

Such as:

- Amount of mobs spawned on the map. Difference in hundreds.

- Speed of approach of mobs which also related to spawn speed i believe. Soloing ED takes more time than in group and this is not related to damage output.

- Drop rates. Maybe i am mistaken but there is a connection beween chance of drop and amount of players on a map.

- "Anti Afk system". If you are playing MD and you are standing on one spot. Firing, using powers, swinging weapons around from game's perspective you are afk. Because you need to travel some distance in order to be "not afk". Mobs just stop spawning if you are standing on firepoint. Why is that? Why i must compomise entire mission in order to have mob spawns? To put myself in danger? to put objective in danger?


Amount of players who can't play because of bad connection can't be that big. Don't you dare to ruin my solo experience dear DE.

Edited by Althix
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3 - infested need some luv, more new/different units and hopefully the next event is infested focused

Infested tenno that have fallen in battle, maybe? O_0

"Starcraft II: heart of the swarm" has changed my attitude towards the Zerg.. All those personalities in the face of queens, Abatur, Stukov,  and, especially, the primal zerg are so beautiful. They show the race from a completely different perspective.

Curently, I see infested just as a primitive mob of mutants driven by the instincts of.. zombies? They are all single beings that just have similar instincts, it would be great if they become a race.

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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Gradivus Dilemma

With the Gradivus Dilemma complete, looking back we had some of our most active days on the forums discussing the event. They're is a lot of feedback providing critiques and feedback on the event. The introduction of Battle Pay and the Invasion mission type had many players ecstatic, but also quick to point out that after 100 missions it became repetitive.  Questions arose in the community asking “Why not give each side their weapons?”  To reiterate, the losing Factions weapons are put into the Vault. This does not mean they're gone forever, just simply Vaulted until a situation arises where they can be used.


Talking with Steve gave more insight as to why we picked to have the losing Factions weapons vaulted:


Steve: “At a Design standpoint, this would have split the player-base for what gear they could get. The Grineer victors would be asking in a few weeks ‘how will we get that Corpus gun?’ This way we have a completely different weapon to roll out later on.

From a Lore standpoint, the losing Faction doesn’t get their weapons, but the Lotus created blueprints to share with them so they can rank up and grow in their mastery like their brethren.”

Not many real issues, besides Gradivus. Didn't even make much of a statement about how it could have been executed better. Also the bolded bit is a bit of a leap... If it was set up so that each side was to receive the weapon they fought for and wanted, I don't think they'd care THAT much about the other. Then again, those weapons could at least have been demo'd for us prior.

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Here's an idea I had for the mods page in the Arsenal. It really needs a duplicates tab so we can view all our excess mods easily, and so we don't have to select each mod to sell individually a Select All Mods button or the ability to shift-click mods would be greatly appreciated. I spent about twenty minutes today sorting through all the mods I had accrued over two weeks and sold around 300 mods all of which were duplicates.

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Teamwork and “Co-op” feel.

Helping a downed player in the heat of battle is common courtesy, but many players feel the differences in play-styles can create a less-than-appreciated co-op experience. Plans for the Reputation system will be a nice push for players to focus on team work in order to gain those points. Giving players points for teamwork and building bonuses on playing with who you have mutually given points towards is just the start of the Reputation system.

I really like the idea of thanking a player for healing a downed player, in what ever form that takes. I always want to say thanks to a player when they make the effort  to heal me, and I will always try to heal a player even if I’m at the exit and I need to run back a bit.  I find the in game chat system a bit cumbersome and to try and say thanks in the heat of the moment is almost impossible.


I’ve played World of Warcraft from the beginning and the in-game chat works well. When a player helps another it is so easy to thank them.


I feel as with any multi online player game some people think that it’s OK to be rude and act like a t**t just because you can’t see their real face or there real name.  I know this is slightly off subject but I’m really not keen of any kind of negativity in a game that is meant to be fun.

For example the possible kicking system, I feel that could be a really bad move.


Just imagine you get stuck behind a door on you way back to the exit and due to lag the game there is nothing you can do about it. This has happened to me a number of times :( 

Now if there was a kick system in place and the players waiting at the exit can’t be bothered to wait for the timer to run out and someone kicks you!  You are not going to be happy, it was not your fault and you have lost everything you picked up.

The next time you see those players in your team, chances are you are going to kick that player just because they kicked you.  And so it goes on and on.


What I’m trying to point out is that it’s better to have some kind of positive systems than a negative one


Sorry for going off subject a bit but I felt it had to be said.


I think this old saying covers it.

‘If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all’

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Here's an idea I had for the mods page in the Arsenal. It really needs a duplicates tab so we can view all our excess mods easily, and so we don't have to select each mod to sell individually a Select All Mods button or the ability to shift-click mods would be greatly appreciated. I spent about twenty minutes today sorting through all the mods I had accrued over two weeks and sold around 300 mods all of which were duplicates.

I've thought that myself and also in the Inventory area, a couple more options like blueprints etc would be nice :)

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The reputation system will not be a way to get teamwork, it's the gameplay we speak of.


If I walk into a game with a Rhino with Fleeting Expertise, not only is the entire challenge of the level taken away from me because everything is stomped in the air, but the progressively spammed damage will kill things.


Now mix this with Nova and you really have no chance of competing.


This new system will not fix the teamwork we once relied on. Even a single Trinity can spam 4 and keep the whole team alive, so long as they leave her just one enemy to leech Energy Vampire off of.


The gameplay is stale and repetitive because the stronger our abilities get, the more enemies you send at us, and the beefier they get. Turns out, they still can't stop Invisibility, M Prime utility, Snowglobe, or the things that basically ruin any sort of challenge for you.


I should be able to help my teammate out in a jam, not every once in a while revive them because a Napalm shot them through 40 feet of solid steel and caught them on fire. The frames' overpowered abilities to nuke entire rooms takes away from the coop feel this game should have.


We are basically playing a Solo game, and this reputation system will not help.

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In regards to 9Hopper's Stalker diorama, I'm actually hoping that his submission could not only be a log in screen, but also the lore BG for the Stalker lore page we can unlock using the new Codex system (at least, that's what I saw it say on the wiki) Only replace the Excalibur with the warframe (and appearance colouring) that you logged out as last.

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Invasion: as alert; switches to whatever side got the most victories.  You can only run it once and finish, because it's an alert, and the pay is the same reward no matter which side.  Attacking faction should be random between remaining factions (i.e. not the faction currently there).  Maybe have a threshold of invasion wins for the attacker to flip before it does, like a reserve in an auction.  200 minimum wins for Corpus before they take this map from Grineer, etc.

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I believe teamwork should be based on gameplay, and not just benefices or points.


I would like to see more support abilities and actions that require teamwork (other than open a locked door, maybe one warframe throw other away, or allow to reach higher places). Also, it would be good to see special visual effects and results when combining certain abilities of different frames.


Also, it would be great to require a certain degree of strategy to archive a goal, not just jump in the middle of the enemies and kill them. More sniper locations, hidden corridors to reach better position on the map, scape routes, tramps we can trigger to kill enemies (like the breakable windows). I realise many of this points are already available, but at the moment is not necessary to use them.


Finally, I think it is agreed that chat/talk system needs to be improved to have a better co-op experience.

Edited by gianutn
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Looking forward to more team-play emphasis, was wondering if we could get aura and catalist/reactor blueprints introduced into the market for newer players, though, as often the alerts are too high level for newer players to assist the team, due to lower level weapons and undermodded warframes.

Also, team play should rely on using skills to benefit the team, and punished for trolling players. For example, using team ammo boxes and the like, but taken away for not waypointing mods/resources.

If teams have to work together, then new co-operative skills can be learned, rather than spam ultimate power = instant pwnage and him with the biggest gun carries all others.

Edited by SithDruid
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In addition, there is another problem, which is not explicitly stated here. DotD & Rixty Lato Skins

The point is not that people buy these things for real money. The point is simple logic.

It's been a few updates, but the problem is still not solved.


I just unite disparate ideas into one place.


Usually people talk about two things:



Please, allow the DotD Lato Skin to be put on the Aklato (Along with the Lato Vandal). 

Lato (ordinary) - the initial stage of the gameplay. Nobody wants to use a single, ordinary Lato in late game. 

Lots of people said about Lato DotD skin: "it should work for my Vandal, AND it should work on my Aklato as well".

I suppose, it doesn't need a lot of work since the vandal/dual version and the basic weapon have the same model. Making the Lato skin work for Vandal and Aklato is basically just a copy&paste. 


Second. (RixtyMOL Aklato Skin)

By analogy with the above described, RixtyMOL Aklato Skin should work on Lato Vandal and ordinary Lato, but in the two variants. On each Lato (Vandal and ordinary) must be have two variant of RixtyMOL Skin (Gold & Orange - right and left pistol in Aklato). It is logical and it is correct. Besides, as I wrote above, it should not require much work (just a copy&paste). 


The Braton DotD Skin works with it's Vandal counterpart. Glaive DotD Skin works with Kestrel. The Lato DotD Skin works with the Lato Prime. Why not bring the idea to its logical conclusion, DE?


Thank you for your attention, I hope you are not too tired my terrible English.




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Looking forward to more team-play emphasis, was wondering if we could get aura and catalist/reactor blueprints introduced into the market for newer players, though, as often the alerts are too high level for newer players to assist the team, due to lower level weapons and undermodded warframes.

Also, team play should rely on using skills to benefit the team, and punished for trolling players. For example, using team ammo boxes and the like, but taken away for not waypointing mods/resources.

If teams have to work together, then new co-operative skills can be learned, rather than spam ultimate power = instant pwnage and him with the biggest gun carries all others.

This would encourage more team co-op, especially if team members could discuss which aura, and team blueprints they should have prior to commencing a mission, as well as discussing playstyles and tactics

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