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Nerf The Brakk


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If DE release a latrine-looking gun, that shoots a brown toxic substance and do 10 times the damage of the Bragg, players will use and endorse it.


Unfortunatelly most players dont care for aesthetics, only damage. 


Perhaps DE will release a Grineer slum tileset in the future to accomodate this ever-increasing public.

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Giving players powerful equipment is all well and good - for the most part. However, if the powerful equipment being given makes other equipment essentially null and void, then you're not doing yourself any favours ("I spent hundreds of hours grinding out the Forma and Catalysts to max out my weapon and now there's something stronger and my current one is pointless!"). For example, Latron Prime compared to Soma and Vectis: both the Soma AND Vectis are better than the Latron Prime in every way it could be used, so there's no reason to theoretically even look at it, despite being a Prime weapon, obtained from the "endgame" content. Hell, the only way Latron Prime beats Vectis is in fire speed and clip size, but if you're looking for a larger clip and better rate of fire, why not take the Soma, which is ALSO more accurate than the Latron Prime and does more damage to boot!


It doesn't, though. Your weapons are still just as viable. This is not a zero-sum game. Someone's gear suddenly becoming twice as good doesn't make your equipment 'null and void'. It can still tackle the content it could tackle with identical effectiveness.

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It doesn't, though. Your weapons are still just as viable. This is not a zero-sum game. Someone's gear suddenly becoming twice as good doesn't make your equipment 'null and void'. It can still tackle the content it could tackle with identical effectiveness.

My point was that there are two options that do the Latron Prime's job BETTER than the Lat Prime, and they don't even belong to the same sub-category (Soma is an LMG and the Vectis is a sniper. The Latron is a DMR. Please tell me how either of those should be able to be a better DMR than the actual DMR). The same goes for 90% of the other weapons, with their job being done by another gun not even in the same sub-category.

Edited by Volthorne
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Its also funny how machete is better than the dakra prime, which is one frickin hard-to-get weapon, event stuff that is accessible to everyone should not be better than the weapons we farmed 10 days for.

Wut. No it's not. .__. Whatchu smokin buddy

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Wut. No it's not. .__. Whatchu smokin buddy


Yeah, of course 125 damage is much less than 80.


And I also did not take more than 40 void runs to get that dakra, and only 25 missions I dont even need to farm keys for to get the machete.


I am sure youre an incredibly expierienced Tenno, who has all weapons already, but I strongly disagree with you.

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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime. 

I think its just fine bc its an exclusive item what u got from a 1 time event. That aplies to machete vs Daka Prime

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I think its just fine bc its an exclusive item what u got from a 1 time event. That aplies to machete vs Daka Prime


This is exactly why it's NOT fine.


Power creep and sidegrades aside, how would you feel if you only got to see the ending of a game if you got it as a pre-order, and that ending was never again to be released, not even as DLC?


Event weapons are limited availability, they fall outside of normal progression(assuming there is one; which there isn't, it's just power creep) so they sure as hek cannot be the top tier of it.

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guess op don't have an acrid


also welcome to every f2p game that has an option to purchase in games weps with cash , they keep on putting out newer and better S#&$ to get people  to buy it no matter how much you butthurt scrubs cry its not going to stop, at least this one you had to get through gameplay

I'm sorry, but what?


I've never seen a weapon in this game so far that requires you to purchase it with platinum. All weapons and frames can be obtained through hard work and time.

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eh as long as they don't make the brakk available through other means, i see no reason in nerfing it (no i dont have the weapon so im not speaking in its favor), afterall, people did run 100 missions for it, and its a "hand cannon" so its only fair that the cannon obliterate everything that dare comes into its range. 

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Yeah, of course 125 damage is much less than 80.


And I also did not take more than 40 void runs to get that dakra, and only 25 missions I dont even need to farm keys for to get the machete.


I am sure youre an incredibly expierienced Tenno, who has all weapons already, but I strongly disagree with you.

I'm not talking about the charge damage. The dakra, believe what you may, is not a charge weapon, and should not be spec'd as such. Also, the dakra is capable of hitting AT LEAST 3 targets, has a longer reach, and when modded, faster swing speed. Pretty much everyone that's used any iteration of the machete (wraith or no) struggles with the strange attack animation pattern.



I'm sorry, but what?
I've never seen a weapon in this game so far that requires you to purchase it with platinum. All weapons and frames can be obtained through hard work and time.

Yuup. There are actually some weapons that you CAN'T buy. Such as clan tech, and prime weapons. These require actual work to achieve in the game. (acrid is one of these lol)

Edited by Psychus
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I'm not talking about the charge damage. The dakra, believe what you may, is not a charge weapon, and should not be spec'd as such. Also, the dakra is capable of hitting AT LEAST 3 targets, has a longer reach, and when modded, faster swing speed. Pretty much everyone that's used any iteration of the machete (wraith or no) struggles with the strange attack animation pattern.



The dakras swing does not even deal armor penetrating damage, even with dakras swing attacks the machete wraith has a higher dps if used with charges, its charge can also hit up to 3 enemies. The machete charge attack animation is not that bad actually, I can easily hit multiple enemies with it.

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Its unfortunate that a so rare Prime weapon as the Drakka lose for a Grineer weapon.


If the Vectis, a Tenno weapon, is more powerful than the Vulkar, a Grineer weapon, than the Prime variants should be more powerful than the Wraith variants.


The same can be said with relation to Bronco Prime and Bragg. Bragg is not even a Wraith weapon, but do more damage than a Prime weapon.


Solution is to buff both Bronco Prime and Drakka Prime.

Edited by Wolfstorm18
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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime.


I want to point out two things:


- Even if you work hard to get one thing, if said thing remain the best, it won't make you buy catalysts, formas or direct weapon buy. The power creep is one of DE's most effective tricks to earn money.


- The game is, when all's said and done, a huge grind. Grinding is what keep us busy, and leveling stuff help delay the inevitable day where you're just too bored and leave the game.

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So I got the Brakk after 100 long missions, and I went to test it out. I absolutely slaughtered everything with nearly no effort. I put a day or two of work into getting this hand cannon, but what about the people who farmed much longer for the now weaker bronco prime? This is a huge problem in Warframe, because no matter how hard I work to get something, something stronger will come out and make whatever I have obsolete. So my proposal is to nerf the brakk to be a little worse than the bronco prime.

Why nerf something that took most of us forever to get, will most likely never be available to be acquired again, and something that can't be built unldss you were stupid enough to side with the Corpus just to get the blueprint?

Event weapons should stay as they are, event weapons.

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Just awhile ago Corpus supporters complained that the Brakk sucked and wanted that mini-lanka pistol of theirs.

Hell the lanka generally wasn't even a good rifle and they wanted a weaker version..

On relevancy to the topic, it's only good for crowd killing and heavies up to Lv. 90.
It can kill past that, but it's doesn't specialize enough to be fast enough like knives/soma/synapse/flux

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Just awhile ago Corpus supporters complained that the Brakk sucked and wanted that mini-lanka pistol of theirs.

We complained it sucked because it looks like a giant turd. Not because it was "weak" (I dare you to find ANYONE who said that).


Why nerf something that took most of us forever to get, will most likely never be available to be acquired again, and something that can't be built unldss you were stupid enough to side with the Corpus just to get the blueprint?

Event weapons should stay as they are, event weapons.

I think you answered your own question. Event weapons shouldn't be ridiculously strong just because "event weapons". That's just being an elitist/exclusivity A******.

Edited by Volthorne
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Just awhile ago Corpus supporters complained that the Brakk sucked and wanted that mini-lanka pistol of theirs.

Hell the lanka generally wasn't even a good rifle and they wanted a weaker version..

On relevancy to the topic, it's only good for crowd killing and heavies up to Lv. 90.

It can kill past that, but it's doesn't specialize enough to be fast enough like knives/soma/synapse/flux

I'm sorry what? The lanka is the highest damage per shot weapon CURRENTLY in game.

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No, it's not. The Vectis is (after mods).

No, they're pretty close. That 75 damage that the lanka has on the vecits? Yeah. That counts. A LOT. That being said, the lanka still has the upper hand on most enemies because it deals serrated blade damage. The vectis deals armor piercing. Which means that they have different places that they excel. But in raw damage per shot, the lanka still wins. Numbers don't lie.

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