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Proposing: Regal Aya Changes


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Warframe marketing tells you exactly what you get. There is nothing "false" about it.

If you want Platinum just buy Prime Pack - it is simple as that. Prime packs come back in rotations.


The Purpose of Regal Aya is just for those that missed the cosmetics during the pack to pick up only the cosmetic instead of paying $50 - $100 for entire package. 

It drastically lowers the price to get access to the cosmetic only part of the prime pack. 


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6 minutes ago, xxswatelitexx said:

Warframe marketing tells you exactly what you get. There is nothing "false" about it.

If you want Platinum just buy Prime Pack - it is simple as that. Prime packs come back in rotations.


The Purpose of Regal Aya is just for those that missed the cosmetics during the pack to pick up only the cosmetic instead of paying $50 - $100 for entire package. 

It drastically lowers the price to get access to the cosmetic only part of the prime pack. 


Hrm. You missed the part where it's not jsut the cosmetics. The main point of focus is the Prime Resurgance Prime Packasges, NOT the cosmetics. Beign able to pick and choose your cosmetics is the GOOD PART (this has been stated), the bad part is the issue of lack of plat and the weird way the Regal Aya is priced/handled.


  • Duo Pack = 10 Regal Aya. Comes with the normal everything you'd expect except for platinum which is sacrificed for 50k Endo which is easy to farm. 
    Thus: You have to buy Either
    1: the 15 Regal Aya Pack for 79.99+Tax
    2: Both the 7 Regal Aya and 3 Regal Aya at 39.99 + 19.99 =59.98+Tax


  • Rhino And Nyx Duo Pack = 59.99+Tax (So you save 1 cent?), comes with everything you expect + 1200 Platinum which is more useful than Endo overall and more fluid. 
    Thus: Much better overall valu because of the Platinum.


  • At the 80$ (79.99+Tax) Mark, you can get Nidus Prime Parasitic Link Pack which includes 2625 Platinum, Nidus Prime, His Strun and Magnus Prime weapons and his exclusive glyphs. 
  • Overall: Looking at the numbers, removing plat in place of endo is the main point of contention. The other point of contention is how the Regel Aya Packs themselves are priced out for the amount you get which involves either buying two of them to afford one Duo Pack, or spending much more on the third with leftover Regal Aya which is fine if you wanna use it on other stuff, but if not then you have 5 Regal Aya sitting in the bin that either own't be used, or just get used to get rid of it.

    Regal Aya shouldn't be used to buy Duo/Single Frame Packs due to the above mathing.  Regal Aya is better suited for focus buying specific cosmetics.
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It matters how much or ( little ) you have been on this Earth.

Bundle Packages always include perks. In order to bring in more money for a larger purchase.

It's been that way for decades.


Buy 2 get 1 free. 

Buy Internet + TV and get Free Amazon Prime


Yet no one complains,  Can I instead buy 1 at 33% off?

Or if I buy one can I get 6 months of Amazon Free? 


That is literally how bundles packages work. The second you Unbundle something - you lose the perk because you are buying at a lower purchasing point. Companies want you ( For probably hundreds of years ) make big purchases and they will give you a lot of perks for making those big purchases. 


Also I just want to welcome you to the Real World.

Most people don't enjoy their stay. It's Cold, Dark, and  most generally painful. 

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23 minutes ago, xxswatelitexx said:

It matters how much or ( little ) you have been on this Earth.

Also I just want to welcome you to the Real World.

Most people don't enjoy their stay. It's Cold, Dark, and  most generally painful. 

Dear, I know how the real world is. Your little jabs there mean nothing, nor to they contribute anything to the conversation. Nor do they have any bearing at all. Learn to sonder. This is about a game, we ALL know the real world gets much worse. And lord, it can get so much worse, down to the core with crimson painted sand or a part of your soul missing forever due to a f-ed up loss. And there's things so much more horrific that cannot be said here. Thing is, literally EVERYONE comprehends this by the time they are at least 20 unless they were fully sheltered from every little thing.

Again, no one is asking for free stuff. 1:1 =/= "Free", it means fair if they plan to replace the old system fully. You can make money from people without it feeling weird.

So. I'll Barney Style It.

Regal Aya = Great for those who want to peicemeal specific cosmetics.

Regal Aya = Not great for the Duo/Prime Packadges because the Endo instead of plat. You're paying the same for less. 

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11 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

The deal is flawed they want people to pay the SAME AMOUNT for less instead of 1200 plat you get 30 to 50k endo which is useless besides upgrading mods while plat can be used for hundreds of things 


Which would you rather have the dual pack with both prime packs primes and cosmetics with1200 plat to go anything with including buy endo if you want to for 60 dollars 

No, it's just two different deals, and it is up to us to decide what we want (or not). 

And the question of what I would rather want contains the core flaw in the argument, since it is missing the "time" factor. The correct question to ask is this:

Would you rather get all the packs you want in a few weeks even if you get no plat, or wait for several years to get them with plat?

Because that is exactly the really real decision each of us has to make. There is no "scam", there are no "lies", there is no secret "conspiracy" to change the unvaults. It is a simple, normal decision involving a choice between two slightly different products. One has more "total value" (in the form of plat) but has the drawback of undetermined availability (counted in years), the other has "less value" but has the advantage of being available immediately with a "pick and choose" option. And we can choose freely, it is as simple as that.

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5 hours ago, Spark_Daddy said:

So. I'll Barney Style It.

Regal Aya = Great for those who want to peicemeal specific cosmetics.

Regal Aya = Not great for the Duo/Prime Packadges because the Endo instead of plat. You're paying the same for less. 

If you're Barney'ing it, it should be put like this:

Regal Aya = Great for those who want to piecemeal specific cosmetics and/or don't want to wait for YEARS for them to become available.

Regal Aya = Not as good value as the Duo/Prime Packages because the Endo instead of plat, if you don't mind waiting for YEARS. You're paying the same for less. 

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22 minutes ago, Graavarg said:

No, it's just two different deals, and it is up to us to decide what we want (or not). 

And the question of what I would rather want contains the core flaw in the argument, since it is missing the "time" factor. The correct question to ask is this:

Would you rather get all the packs you want in a few weeks even if you get no plat, or wait for several years to get them with plat?

Because that is exactly the really real decision each of us has to make. There is no "scam", there are no "lies", there is no secret "conspiracy" to change the unvaults. It is a simple, normal decision involving a choice between two slightly different products. One has more "total value" (in the form of plat) but has the drawback of undetermined availability (counted in years), the other has "less value" but has the advantage of being available immediately with a "pick and choose" option. And we can choose freely, it is as simple as that.

They are  scaming us the whole price situation is a scam 60 to 80 dollars for a pack that usually has plat (which makes the price go up do to plat being a payed currency that can get you literally almost everything in the game and can be traded for goods) but now instead of plat there adding  useless endo (you can farm anywere) and making it the same price 


If you dont see the flaw in that im afraid your a brainwashed sheep that will believe or buy anything that the company puts out even if its horribley priced 

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6 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

They are  scaming us the whole price situation is a scam 60 to 80 dollars for a pack that usually has plat (which makes the price go up do to plat being a payed currency that can get you literally almost everything in the game and can be traded for goods) but now instead of plat there adding  useless endo (you can farm anywere) and making it the same price 


If you dont see the flaw in that im afraid your a brainwashed sheep that will believe or buy anything that the company puts out even if its horribley priced 

Well, I might be a brainwashed sheep, but the flaw I see is that the actual scam going on is the claim that this is a scam. It is just two different products, coming at you from two different directions with slightly different content and different time constraints. All there is to it is that we now get to choose between two different ways of acquiring vaulted cosmetics, instead of having to wait for years for the right unvault to happen. But anyone preferring that approach can still do it that way, no problem.

This whole thing is a dumb, egoistic storm in the internet teacup. Complete with quotes ripped out of context, illogical reasoning, fears of an over-arching conspiracy (🤪) and a belief that "they" are out to get you. Or your money. 

Just chill and buy whatever you want, just like the overwhelming majority of players will do. And they are perfectly capable of handling this... ahem... "challenging" situation. However, if you are really and truly afraid that you cannot withstand the psychic power of DE (marketing) affecting your mind and forcing you to buy stuff you didn't actually want, you might need the sort of help you won't get on the forum.

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I just want to throw out this thought.  Prime Resurgence Will also run parallel to TennoBaum. Many people are complaining that the cost of Regal Aya is a cash grab for DE. How about this. During TennoBaum make all primes available only in single packs with no plat for say $25.00 with a portion of the proceeds going to the annual children's charity as a direct donation. This offers new players a reduced cost of a prime current at a minimum of $40 for 7 Regal Aya and does some good in the world. Have this option on all Platforms and Steam as well.  

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