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Companions need better survivability


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The current mods we have will make easier to revive, but the most annoying issue is how easily they go down in the first place.

Sentinels have a limited number of revives, some mods can make them reviveable (Hard Reset and the Dispensiary Aug), but they have no durability in the first place if they die again after using a (Primed) Regen.  

Sentinels need more Health/Shields and/or get not damage from AoE attacks. The rest may remain because Sentinels are lower priority than the player and most of Sentinel Deaths are atributed to AoE from what I've experienced.

Pets are more of hassle because we must be the ones to revive them and there's the AI who sometimes keeps "Where am I?" and just sits around in the same area.

To me, the Link Mods are... not exactly cutting it, they are very dependant of the Warframe you are using. And if you are using a Warframe that has low Shields/Health/Armor will ensure that they are very, very squishy, which is not helped by the AI pathing getting confused, standing still and taking fire.

The MOAs doing their animations while getting shot comes to mind.

Do the Pets have a dodge chance? Being smaller (mostly) should make them harder to hit, I imagine they should have an innate dodge chance even when standing still.

In resume, Sentinels would benefit from more Health/Shields/Armor and AoE immunity.

Pets would benefit from Link Mods being changed to something else that is not dependant on the Warframe you are using, remember Arching being effected by the Warframe? Rhino being used when doing Archwing and using Loki was a terrible idea? This is similar. And innate dodge % and less priority to be targeted.

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Currently, if you want to use a Sentinel in a longer mission, you play a Warframe with invisibility, Nyx, or Zephyr. If you want to use other companions, you have the choice between Inaros and invisibility.

So what companion do I use on, say, Saryn? The only option is a Panzer Vulpaphyla, because the companion is guaranteed to die. But Vulpaphylae are still (and will likely forever be) bugged in all kinds of ways.

It's a joke that you're still forced to precisely walk over life support drops, at least most of the time, in long survivals. Because the Vulpaphyla does not have Vakuum unless it's main body is around - which after a certain point, is never the case for more than a few seconds at a time.

There are two options that make sense:

  1. Let Vakuum and Radar mods still function after the companion dies.
  2. Make companions not die.
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