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Chippers tools?



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For all the times that I replayed this 💫 mission, I saw tools only in the starting part of the location.


10 минут назад, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ сказал:

 moving the container first every time so far....    maybe you have to do the electrical explosion

All I've found is that the shock can kill one deacoon, and the crate can crush two moas.
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Yeah so you dont shut off those barriers,  You get up on that rail by climbing crates and storage trailers and jumping to rail and then walk around.   There can also be crap up there like k-drive parts. 

Only thing I havent done is find chippers tools.  Which is super frustrating because k-drive crap is still showing up.


A couple of out of the way corpses I have seen are:

-By a laser fence down in the tunnels between two pits. 

-Right hand side walkway right before you fight the spider. 


Looks like there is only one somachord in the first mission.   One in the second mission.  And then 2 in the third mission.   (I get this info from the mandachord,  aka 1 locked in earth forest,  2 locked in murex).   

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On 2022-09-15 at 3:30 AM, (PSN)keybladermills said:

i found the K-drive Pieces in the same mission the first time i did it. granted, i only found 2, but still. I do think Chipper's Toolbox doesn't spawn until you do it the first time, because i found the toolbox after chipper was at my Drifter's Camp

Found tools in the first run. In fact, I only miss one k-drive part, and I'm still in this first mission.

EDIT: managed to obtain every pick-up in the first run.


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2 hours ago, Shirasik said:

Places are random every run you do. Not sure yet if these are completely random or has a limited set of possible spawn points.

Found, they are random. Saw in one place in a video. Found in a different room with DNA tag,  above first switch closest to where we start. 

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The way I reached the upper part is by using the blunt under me after jumping so it was under me, right after exiting from the first terminal, basically where the rail starts.
Then I jumped on top of the rail with the height leverage from the blunt.

Managed to grab the Somachord like that too.

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19 minutes ago, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Hmmm I have been trying to get into that area to ust cuz lol.    I think there is one of the security cameras that moves a crate along a rail and there is another trigger that causes some electrical explosion....   That feels like the way your suppose to knock down the barriers...    I def tried moving the container first every time so far....    maybe you have to do the electrical explosion first then move the crate???     Or maybe your suppose to do something in the area where the electrical explosion happens???   

That's as much as I've gathered too.  Plus after you move the container you can make it drop off the rail onto the ground, but where I dropped it the end result was nothing positive.  Maybe I dropped it in the wrong place?

I'm getting really frustrated because I can't complete any of the find-it nonsense.  I get 4/5 and then hit a wall finding the last one.  Everything that was bad about the nightwave crime scene hide and seeks multiplied by more objects and a bigger map. 

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5 minutes ago, (PSN)Agent_CHAR said:

I see the somachord but its in a spot between laser barriers and I haven't puzzled out how to get there yet.  I really find these hide and seek type mechanics really boring and anti-warframe.

Hmmm I have been trying to get into that area to ust cuz lol.    I think there is one of the security cameras that moves a crate along a rail and there is another trigger that causes some electrical explosion....   That feels like the way your suppose to knock down the barriers...    I def tried moving the container first every time so far....    maybe you have to do the electrical explosion first then move the crate???     Or maybe your suppose to do something in the area where the electrical explosion happens???   

I got 4/6 tasks done.. im done for the day...   S#&$ content.  

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