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Identifying Grineer Corp & Steel Meridian Colors for Kahl Customization


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As an avid Grineer fan, I've always tried my best to replicate the colors of certain Corps, with meager results that can be attributed to frequent lighting changes. Now with Kahl, there's yet another layer to customize. According to the wiki, there are 8 Corps in total: Space Marine, Frontier, Drekar, Arid, Tusk, Nightwatch, Kuva & Kosma. Additionally, Steel Meridian members have their own set of colors. Since Kahl was a generic Lancer, they make for the best group to sample from.

If everything could be organized between clothing, attachments, palettes, columns & rows, that'd be nice. Screenshots are also welcome. If DE staffers catch wind of this, official results are more than welcome. My thanks for any contributions, because finding these colors is going to be a headache.

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