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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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I dont get why everyone is hating on exclusivity? If you guys want more content then I think letting the team earn a little bit more on the side is not bad. It's just cosmetic anyways. it's not something that will affect your gameplay. this is purely up to your decision if youre gonna get it. it's not being forced to you. jesus.

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That scarf is turning everyone mental.

^ This.


I think DE misunderstood the budget of the potential buyers. Most of us saved for MONTHS just to get the tier 3 Founders' Package.


If they are aiming to leave this promotion for more than a few months, I may save enough to get it, but I also may just get tired and just move on onto the next big title.


Most of us in the Design Council (who purchase $150 or more) are realistic gamers and stretched our budgets to the limit because we wanted to be part of the development of this awesome game, but if it will turn out to be a horrible gold maker, most of us will just get frustrated because we wont be able to afford those exclusives with our college/family budget as a priority in our lives.


(I hope the guys in the economy department also tell you to find the sweet spot where) you earn money according to your job/effort and most of the potential buyers will feel comfortable purchasing it for that amount. And I think that most of us can't even afford the tier 2 right away.

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I dont get why everyone is hating on exclusivity? If you guys want more content then I think letting the team earn a little bit more on the side is not bad. It's just cosmetic anyways. it's not something that will affect your gameplay. this is purely up to your decision if youre gonna get it. it's not being forced to you. jesus.


Except due to the way the pack is laid out, it DOES affect gameplay. If they want the scarf, they HAVE to buy the Glaive+Sicarus+Ember Prime. And the titan extractor. And all the plat.

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I dont get why everyone is hating on exclusivity? If you guys want more content then I think letting the team earn a little bit more on the side is not bad. It's just cosmetic anyways. it's not something that will affect your gameplay. this is purely up to your decision if youre gonna get it. it's not being forced to you. jesus.

The ember prime is setting a precedent for all future prime access releases and this means all future exclusive content will be Tier three.

And mind you, this is AFTER DE had to make a public apology because the community opinion of them had fallen so dramatically after Update 10.

So: It's people saying DE is doing good business, versus people not wanting DE to be greedy. All I can say is: I would've bought the first tier if it had that scarf. As it is, I'm buying none of the tiers.

I would of bought tier one had it had the exclusive, in a month or so after I had bought Tier one and if I had not obtained the prime I would of upgraded to tier three. None of that will happen and DE will get none of my money now. Smart move.

Edited by Blowfist
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I would of bought tier one had it had the exclusive, in a month or so after I had bought Tier one and if I had not obtained the prime I would of upgraded to tier three. None of that will happen and DE will get none of my money now. Smart move.

The opposite is also true. I bought all the way up to tier 3 because it had the scarf and I wanted it. I had no interest in buying the Frame as I have a good clan to farm with and had no fear of not obtaining it. The only thing (besides running out of plat, which wasn't likely) that could have gotten me to tier 3 was the scarf. I'm sure I'm far from the only one.

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As you probably know there is a pack for access to ember prime blah blah blah... anyway. I wanted to know how long is it staying available? I dont have enough money for it but i will soon so i want to know if i need a loan


It'll be removed in 3-4 months and replaced with a new prime with exclusive content in tier three. So get ready to fork out $400 a year if you  want to collect everything that's released for Warframe.

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The opposite is also true. I bought all the way up to tier 3 because it had the scarf and I wanted it. I had no interest in buying the Frame as I have a good clan to farm with and had no fear of not obtaining it. The only thing (besides running out of plat, which wasn't likely) that could have gotten me to tier 3 was the scarf. I'm sure I'm far from the only one.


How many keys have your clan mates used and how many pieces of ember, glaive and sicarus do they currently have. If they've finished any of those how many keys did they use and what was the time they roughly spent farming?


The scale of keys and time spent farming would give people a rough indication of what it would take to obtain these items ingame. Which would help to show if people would upgrade to get tier three if they put exclusives in tier one.

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I know at least a few of them have most of Ember Prime. I wasn't really paying attention since I already had it and didn't want to hog a spot. Sounded like a dozen or so runs while I was $&*^in around on Jupiter today. I'm sure more was done yesterday.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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I know at least a few of them have most of Ember Prime. I wasn't really paying attention since I already had it and didn't want to hog a spot. Sounded like a dozen or so runs while I was $&*^in around on Jupiter today. I'm sure more was done yesterday.


So you're just guessing it's a dozen? I've done 40+ T2 no drops. 40+ T1 and 2 helmets. 30+ T3 and 1 blueprint.

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I would like to see design council (or all founders) get some perks when it comes to things like this.

I don't mean discounts on prime access, but perhaps in future, make the cosmetic items (syandana) available in the plat market for founders only.

Even if it wad like 500 plat for the syandana, atleast I would feel some benefit of being a founder when it comes to this stuff.


I like the idea if someone buys one of these tiers (founders, or prime access) you get access to a market place that only this stuff goes into. So you have this 'premium' or 'supporters' market place for the items that get put in these bundles. Perhaps they are a little more expensive platinum wise, but it would mean that when someone shells out $100 they don't have to do so every update when they just want 1 or 2 items from each set.

Keep in mind you have to buy a one of these bundles to get access to this market place. (meaning anyone who is a founder or bought the prime acces gets into it)


I take this back, it is a horrible idea that would cause so much more conflict than what is already happening.


I dont get why everyone is hating on exclusivity? If you guys want more content then I think letting the team earn a little bit more on the side is not bad. It's just cosmetic anyways. it's not something that will affect your gameplay. this is purely up to your decision if youre gonna get it. it's not being forced to you. jesus.


Except this "earn a little bit more on the side" is an $80 scarf when you have already given them more money than any other game you have played.

Edited by cam-o-flage20
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It'll be removed in 3-4 months and replaced with a new prime with exclusive content in tier three. So get ready to fork out $400 a year if you  want to collect everything that's released for Warframe.


 I don't think Titan Prime and Misa Prime will change. Just the Frame and Weapons.

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Y not put the exclusive scarf into all three tiers, then change ember prime from tier 2 to tier 3. I just feel that people should get the exclusive items no matter which tier they buy... And the main point of this prime access is to get the prime items so for those who want them will need to buy tier 3.

With the scarf at all tier, just three people buying will cover the profit of selling one tier 3 and I am sure the attractiveness of the scarf will pull in alot more people.

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Totally guessing. These are the same people that got Reaper Prime that first weekend when it's drop rate was 0.01. They are not afraid to griiiiiind.

I generally take it easy and wait for bugfixes and table re-balances. Or early access packs of course :P


$80 scarf when you have already given them more money than any other game you have played.

When a game lasts me for 600 hours and hasn't gotten boring I am more than willing to shower them with cash. That's like 80 modern AAA games worth of fun times right there.

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So wait, does it work like a season pass then? Prime access meaning that every prime frame that comes out after this will come with the package? Or do you have to purchase all three each time? Because if it's the first one, sign me the F*** up right now.

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Move the Misa Syandana scarf and all future exclusive content to Tier One of the Prime Access, along with the icons and titan prime. Then remove the glaive and sicarus to tier two and higher. Problem solved.


Founders and people who want to earn the weapons are able to buy the exclusives without ruining their game by purchasing the weapons. Keeping the exclusives in Tier three is a clear money grabbing exploit of the community in a game where they're making a very healthy profit.


 I pretty much agree. If founders still want to support the game, they should be able to, but not to the point where they are buying their founding statuses again.DE could make far more money by doing such a service to offer such a possibility and help show their older players loyalty which helps keep them playing. Everyone wins, and server costs are accounted for.

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When a game lasts me for 600 hours and hasn't gotten boring I am more than willing to shower them with cash. That's like 80 modern AAA games worth of fun times right there.


Do keep in mind I have given them over $200 when I only work a casual job position.

To me that is a lot of money to go to a video game even if I have about 200 hours clocked.

Edited by cam-o-flage20
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Y not put the exclusive items separately into the tiers. This is what I have in mind:


Tier 1:


Sicarus prime



Tier 2:

+Titan Extractor

+Glaive prime


Tier 3:

+Ember Prime

+Ember Prime icons



Now this prime access as the name suggest is to get the prime items by paying so why not put ember prime at tier 3 and those people who actually want ember prime need to get the highest tier. It is the same logic as when the founder packs were giving exaculibur prime at tier 2 but lato prime at tier 3 which is not right.

Edited by Chromabanana
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Y not put the exclusive items separately into the tiers. This is what I have in mind:


Tier 1:


Sicarus prime



Tier 2:

+Titan Extractor

+Glaive prime


Tier 3:

+Ember Prime

+Ember Prime icons



Yep, that's fair, I'm even okay with the sicarius being in teir two.

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Do keep in mind I have given them over $200 when I only work a casual job position.

That's fine. It's always up to the individual on how much they want to spend on something, so please don't think I'm trying to guilt you into spraying money at them.

Hell, if I used my general rule of thumb that 10$ an hour is fair to spend on something fun, I'd owe them several thousand dollars :P

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Im still trying to figure out why ninjas have scarves.

They seem like they would be more of a pain in the &#! than they're worth. You are sneakily running around a corner, you arent seen but the guard sees the tail end of a scarf. Pure giveaway

Not to mention a tripping hazard when rolling aboots on the floor.

I dunno, I haven't really seen anything that is from the ninjitsu martial art form. Can we REALLY call them ninjas?

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