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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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...... i dont get it.

They said they were going to do this a loooooooooooooooooong time ago.

There were even people complaining that the last package was available for too long.

How is this a surprise and how is anyone bothered?

It's basically the same thing as the last package.

What were you folks expecting?

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 I don't think Titan Prime and Misa Prime will change. Just the Frame and Weapons.


That's speculation at this point. They'll most likely release new exclusives to extort as much money from the community as possible.

I'm basing this on the fact they put exclusives in tier three and not tier one.

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The juicy part is having instant access to the prime weapons and ember prime. Are you oblivious to the fact that statistically some people will never be able to get the prime frame and weapons to drop. Not to mention the numerous people who don't have the time to spend what is looking like an average of 40+ keys to get a single ember prime drop.

So yes the juicy part is for people who have tried so many times trying to get ember, failing and then upgrading to the higher tiers from their already purchased tier one.

Whoever put the exclusives in tier three has spoilt upgrade 11 for the majority of the community.

So congratulations to the accounts who urinated all over DE's hard work and graft in releasing what should of been one of the best updates.

The juicy part is not easy access to the Primes. Your understanding is flawed.

I've been playing a long, long time. I can tell you with great confidence that your claim that "some people will be unable to get her" is complete crap. If you farm enough you'll get her. Some people get it faster, some slower, but'll you get it eventually.

The true value of the final package to any player truly familiar with the game will end up being the Plat, the 3 months of double credits and affinity, and the exclusive items that they can't farm otherwise.

If the Syandana was in a lower tier they'd make less money overall. The point of making money this way is to make sure any goals they set will be met. I know very little myself about the money side of running a Studio, but what I do know about it is that it is often unpredictable. Surprise costs come up all the time. A fried computer here, a melted server there. Not to mention costs you'd fully expect to see for things like Advertising to get your game out there and employee wages.

And to be fair, all this stuff I'm saying is coming to you from a person who feels that ultimately the prices of this pack are poor. $25/$50/$100 would have been a much more appealing deal when you consider that you get a pretty healthy stack of Platinum too.



...... i dont get it.

They said they were going to do this a loooooooooooooooooong time ago.

There were even people complaining that the last package was available for too long.

How is this a surprise and how is anyone bothered?

It's basically the same thing as the last package.

What were you folks expecting?

Most of the controversy around this is just people adjusting or reacting to the price. Besides that there will always be controversy over exclusives - no matter how DE does it. The only reason these same people don't hate Excal Prime is because most of them have him already.

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Is it just me or theres so much whining going around lately?


First, the trading post which a lot of people has been whining about. Most of the whining comes from people who hate the platinum trading and just because of that they want the whole trading system to be taken away. I MEAN SERIOUSLY?? 

If you don't want platinum trading then don't participate on it or just ignore it. It's that SIMPLE. It's not something that will affect your gameplay and yet youre whining about it and wanting it to be taken away. let me remind you that this game doesn't revolve around you.



SECONDLY. The people who are hating the exclusive packs. The word "EXCLUSIVE" stands in there for a purpose!
EXCLUSIVE is "limited to a particular personthingor group and not shared with others" "catering or available to only a few, select people" "Catering to a wealthyclientele"  "very expensiveand therefore available only to people who have a lot of money"


These definitions came from the dictionary.


Plus the DE are not forcing you to buy those exclusive items. they are only available for the people who are willing to buy it and by buying it you are actually supporting the game. Lets just say that those Misa Syandana and Prime Extractors serves as a "Thank you" or "Complimentary" gift from them.


You people should also consider that the staff needs to earn money and if youre gonna argue to me by saying "Youre right but not in this way" THEN you tell us. what are the other efficient ways for them to earn more??





I understand that this is a free to play game and even though you can buy platinums to buy items. IT IS STILL A FREE TO PLAY GAME. It just more of a play to sleep game like most people say.


and lastly. if you don't agree with me that this is not a "pay to win game" then fine. tell me, what are you trying to win against? This game is more of PVE not PVP.

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I have one simple response to Prime Acess. I don't need Early Acess stuff since i will end up getting more from your game if i farm all that stuff for myself anyways. So Ember Prime, Sicarus Prime and Glaive Prime?... Yeah, sorry, but i actually enjoy the feeling of earning such weaponry. Buying just weapons and Warframe just always made me feel dirty (Yes, this includes Excal Prime and Skana Prime... Hell, my Skana Prime is still lvl9, and i'm from February!) 


Seriously, the presence of the Warframe and weaponry REALLY makes feel bad. It's like the UMvC3 character pack that offered you a 8-character pack of which you only wanted 2 of. The presence of the other 6 character ended up preventing me from buying the whole pack in the end. Which means no revenue from it, when they could have separated each character and ended up with at least SOME revenue out of me, even if i ended up paying more for the individual character. But enough about UMvC3, we're talking about Warframe.


I want to buy the "Exclusive" stuff separately. I WILL spend real money (and not my stored up Platinum) on such items as the Titan Extractor Prime and the Syandana, generating revenue for your game. (I was looking for an excuse to give you guys some money anyways, been a while since i didn't threw some money your way XD.) I'd just like you not to lock such rewards behind such a huge paywall of items of which i will get no value of.


What he said. Only thing in the pack I care about is the Syandana, the rest I don't even *want* to get for money, I'll get them when and if I get lucky with the drops.

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The juicy part is not easy access to the Primes. Your understanding is flawed.

I've been playing a long, long time. I can tell you with great confidence that your claim that "some people will be unable to get her" is complete crap. If you farm enough you'll get her. Some people get it faster, some slower, but'll you get it eventually.



I know it's your job to defend every action DE ever makes, even if that means they suddenly developed a fetish for rubbing their nipples in glee. Yet the RNG will mean it's possible that some people will never ever obtain the prime weapons and frame from the void.


That's a basic understanding of maths you've failed to grasp.


You might get it on your first run, you might get it on the thousandth run, you might get on the millionth run, you might not ever obtain the frame/weapons.

Edited by Blowfist
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I don't understand why I see a lot of people saying founders should get discount or get the exclusive only package from prime access and all the "I am a founder, I deserve to get _____".


The thing is you are a founder and you already got what you paid for, all the stuff that you got are exclusives as well so why are you still hoping you can get more out of being a founder.


The problem is with how they are marketing the prime access packs and has nothing to do with you as a founder. I hope you can understand what I am trying to get across here. People are just upset that in order to get the exclusives, they need to pay for the tier 3 crazy price so they are saying "let the founders get discount." but that is not the solution.


I think that people should get the exclusive as long as they paid to buy the package because the point of the package says it is for prime access so the meat should be the primes not some exclusive.


So why not distribute the exclusives across the tiers:


Tier 1:

Sicarus Prime

Scarf Prime



Tier 2:

+Glaive Prime

+Titan extractor


Tier 3:

+Ember Prime

+Ember Prime Icon



People may argue that if it is like this people will not buy tier 3 but that doesn't mean DE will earn less because of it. They shouldn't be greedy for big money but smaller money accumulated together is still big money. And with this tier arrangement, Tier 1 is most definitely going to be selling like pancakes.

Edited by Chromabanana
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...... i dont get it.

They said they were going to do this a loooooooooooooooooong time ago.

There were even people complaining that the last package was available for too long.

How is this a surprise and how is anyone bothered?

It's basically the same thing as the last package.

What were you folks expecting?


No, because the last pack (I assume founders) was ALL exclusive content. If you wanted the higher tier, chances are you wanted the lower.

This one, I would love the scarf and drone for example, but I don't want to be handed 3 prime items that I want to work towards. Effectively paying for less game play. If it was all exclusive this would not be a problem for me and I would consider getting it. Or make it so people who want to get the primes early can simply pay for that like people have been doing with all the other normal frames.

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 Many of the people who are generally unhappy with this Misa Syandana (which tends to be the center of attention in regards the the Prime Access debate) are just feeling the pain that comes with seeing something you'd love to collect but just can't. 


 Truth be told, the Inferno pack is quite expensive. But in the end you ARE getting as follows.


-Over 4k Plat, which is nothing to shake a stick at. (Seriously. They normally charge $200 for this much plat. Check yourself https://warframe.com/buyplatinum )

-Exclusive Syandana, which looks pretty alright.

-Exclusive Titan Prime, who has +50% to 'Suck less' stat.

-Ember, Sicarus and Glaive Prime without the farming keys. (Arguably the least valuable bit, since yes. You can just farm em up.)

-3 months of double Credits and Affinity. That is pretty seriously good.

-Ember Prime Avatars (meh)


 That is a pretty healthy amount of stuff. This isn't DE shafting the consumer. That platinum means you're definitely getting what you paid for here. The items just come on top of all that. This is better then 4k Plat at a discount along with some swag.



 So, when you ask the question "To buy, or not to buy?" take a moment to step back and really decide "How badly do I want to scratch my collectors itch?"


Regardless of what you choose, buy it or no, you're still adorable and I <3 you.

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I think the exclusives will change, what do you think will attract people to buy if someone already bought the exclusives and they only change the frame and weapons.

Yeah. I'll have to ask about it.

That's speculation at this point. They'll most likely release new exclusives to extort as much money from the community as possible.

I'm basing this on the fact they put exclusives in tier three and not tier one.

You keep saying extort. I don't think you know what it means.

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Is it just me or theres so much whining going around lately?

its warframe forums.

we cant go 5 seconds without another "waaaah" thread.


also: the irony of the complaint and this thread is not lost on me.

10/10 for that op (thats a bad thing)


First, the trading post which a lot of people has been whining about. Most of the whining comes from people who hate the platinum trading and just because of that they want the whole trading system to be taken away. I MEAN SERIOUSLY?? 

i dont hate plat trade.

i think it is a very nice thing that can allow people who cant or simply will not buy plat, to actually get plat.

what i hate, is the price gouging, and the fact that DE allows it.


i have seen a mod sell for 2500 plat... thats about $120 (usd) for 1 single mod.

that is sickening and abhorrent.

we need some kind of regulation to prevent such nonsense, not a removal of the system.


a side note about price gouging:

we as a community lose any ground to stand on when prices like that come from "us".

we no longer have any right to call DE out for &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp; prices in the market.

similarly, DE can no longer take the moral high ground to call people out on misdeeds.

(not that they will stop doing so)


greed/money has a funny way of making people act like A$%&@#$.


Plus the DE are not forcing you to buy those exclusive items. they are only available for the people who are willing to buy it and by buying it you are actually supporting the game. Lets just say that those Misa Syandana and Prime Extractors serves as a "Thank you" or "Complimentary" gift from them.


You people should also consider that the staff needs to earn money and if youre gonna argue to me by saying "Youre right but not in this way" THEN you tell us. what are the other efficient ways for them to earn more??

indeed, we are not forced to buy anything, and for the most part, prices are ok... but prime access is ridiculous and DE should be ashamed of what price they put on it.


imo, they need to severely cut back on, or completely remove the plat, and slash the price into 1/3 of what it currently is.

Edited by alchemistjkt
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Yeah. I'll have to ask about it.

You keep saying extort. I don't think you know what it means.


extort - Obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.


I know exactly what it means and the accountants at DE knew exactly how to extort as much money as possible from the community by putting exclusive items in tier three rather than tier one.

Edited by Blowfist
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I know it's your job to defend every action DE ever makes, even if that means they suddenly developed a fetish for rubbing their nipples in glee. Yet the RNG will mean it's possible that some people will never ever obtain the prime weapons and frame from the void.


That's a basic understanding of maths you've failed to grasp.


You might get it on your first run, you might get it on the thousandth run, you might get on the millionth run, you might not ever obtain the frame/weapons.


 Yet to meet someone whose needed to farm a thousand runs for any one foundry recipe. Care to point me to where I can find that guy, or are we moving on to "I'm pulling this stuff straight out of my &amp;#&#33;!" at this stage?


 Your argument is poor if it relies on extremes to be correct.

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 Yet to meet someone whose needed to farm a thousand runs for any one foundry recipe. Care to point me to where I can find that guy, or are we moving on to "I'm pulling this stuff straight out of my &amp;#&#33;!" at this stage?


 Your argument is poor if it relies on extremes to be correct.


It took me a over a month to get frost prime and still yet to get mag. That is not including the rigorous farming on normal frames.

Also I upped your comment by accident trying to click reply.


I know it was an old system but it is similar to primes. I have gone 7 runs on bosses before without a single blueprint drop. And any time it was it was something I already had. I have spent ages farming a single boss trying to get what I need.

Edited by cam-o-flage20
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 Yet to meet someone whose needed to farm a thousand runs for any one foundry recipe. Care to point me to where I can find that guy, or are we moving on to "I'm pulling this stuff straight out of my &amp;#&#33;!" at this stage?


 Your argument is poor if it relies on extremes to be correct.


I think this poor chance really exists. Because random numbers are random. Personally I met this when I tried to get Ashe Systems (or Helmet, I don't remember exactly). I did about 40 runs to get it. And, by the way, I wasn't even getting other BPs every run.

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 Yet to meet someone whose needed to farm a thousand runs for any one foundry recipe. Care to point me to where I can find that guy, or are we moving on to "I'm pulling this stuff straight out of my &amp;#&#33;!" at this stage?


 Your argument is poor if it relies on extremes to be correct.


No it relies on maths to be correct. I know this might seem mystical to some people but those with a basic understanding of this divine art understand my point does not require extreme examples.

Would you like me to cite the hundreds of wiki posts about stalker drops, maybe the numerous clan members who have been unlucky in numerous different drops. Do you even play warframe or do you spend all day on the forums talking up DE's every action?


Actually I'm going to post some quotes from the wiki regarding the despair because you clearly have never played warframe.


DESPAIR - Wiki quotes


"Been wanting this weapon since forever.  I have 22 Dread bps and 3 Hates but never got a Despair bp.  Finally got it today so I can vouch that he does still drop it(even though the drop rate seems to be really low)"


"1 fking week this damn stalker hasnt shown up even though i played millions of defense and I spam golem just for parts with my friends still no stalker fml..."


"I've fought about 40-45 stalkers, with out a single special stalker weapon drop. Yet the only weapon I want from him is this. Yet my friends killed the bloody guy two times in a row, and got these and the Dread."


"133 stalkers, 6 dreads 3 hates. Yay"


"330 hours no depsair, I feel for you"


"Brother I killed 40+ stalkers, i got 8 dreads, 35+ slash dash, and other random mods. No despair or hate, problem?"

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extort - Obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.


I know exactly what it means and the accountants at DE knew exactly how to extort as much money as possible from the community by putting exclusive items in tier three rather than tier one.


  Yeah, but you're still wrong. There isn't much that is unfair about it. It just costs an arm and a leg.


 Either pay $200 for 4300 Platinum here: https://warframe.com/buyplatinum


 Or get that same 4300 Platinum, along with a bunch of items at a 25% discount here: https://warframe.com/prime-access

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Add a "veteran tier", with only the exclusives, and no plat, available to anyone having bought either founder or prime access, including the current prime access, and if possible for people having spent $40 or more on plat.

Make it something like $20 or $30.

So founders can buy their syandana and the titan extractor prime, and newcomers can buy tier 1 and the exclusive pack.

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No it relies on maths to be correct. I know this might seem mystical to some people but those with a basic understanding of this divine art understand my point does not require extreme examples.

Would you like me to cite the hundreds of wiki posts about stalker drops, maybe the numerous clan members who have been unlucky in numerous different drops. Do you even play warframe or do you spend all day on the forums talking up DE's every action?


 Stalker involves considerably more RNG then getting chunks of Ember from Void Capture runs. Much easier to farm Capture then to Farm Stalker. Always has been.


 And your mystic maths don't tend to get as bad as a thousand runs. Even before DE set bosses up to reward a BP 100% of the time at mission end I'd never encountered someone who'd run a mission more then 200 times before nailing their target. It was unacceptable, but it is also fixed.


 I figure any example of a person getting better then 500 runs looking for something is going to turn out to be someone farming for a specific Mod. Those are still pretty horrible. Luckily Boss/Void drops don't tend to be as stubborn.

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 Stalker involves considerably more RNG then getting chunks of Ember from Void Capture runs. Much easier to farm Capture then to Farm Stalker. Always has been.




That's speculation unless you've data mined which DE do not look kindly upon. Are you claiming to know the drop rate of Ember Prime?


At the moment it's looking like Ember prime drop rates have been significantly reduced compared to the other primes.


It's currently looking to be well under 5% for each drop.

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  Yeah, but you're still wrong. There isn't much that is unfair about it. It just costs an arm and a leg.


 Either pay $200 for 4300 Platinum here: https://warframe.com/buyplatinum


 Or get that same 4300 Platinum, along with a bunch of items at a 25% discount here: https://warframe.com/prime-access


I'm correct but I'm wrong, how does that work?

Farmville and steam trading cards prove that people will pay like drug addicts for exclusive items.


DE accountants have stuck the exclusives in tier three to extort as much money from people as possible.


Their actions cannot be defended and your attempts erode your integrity.

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That's speculation unless you've data mined which DE do not look kindly upon. Are you claiming to know the drop rate of Ember Prime?


At the moment it's looking like Ember prime drop rates have been significantly reduced compared to the other primes. It's currently looking to be well under 5% for each drop.


 Buddy I really freakin wish they'd just make public how Stalker actually works. All I know is that a random roll decides if he can show up, followed by a random roll that decides when, followed by his drop roll. 


 Unlike the Void, where you get a Key farming Defense, which is a random roll, followed by running the key to get a reward, which is a random roll.


 As for her drop rates, no I don't actually know them and yes, I'd agree. It is very likely she is currently the hardest frame to obtain. Dilution of the Void drops has always been an issue. I really wish they threw together a new type of key for her and her stuff.


 But she can still be farmed just fine. People are sprouting up here and there having gotten all her parts. So at least the worst didn't happen, none of the drops are bugged.

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