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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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I think any founder (Master or Grand Master especially) should see extra, exclusive items in the shop that non-founders don't see - even if the prices for us are insane, like 2000 platinum for the Titan Extractor Prime blueprint. As the game's first supporters, it would be nice if we continued seeing bonuses for investing so much in a game that didn't even have the content it does now.

Edited by Onihikage
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I think any Master or Grand Master should see extra, exclusive items in the shop that lower players and the newbies don't see - even if the prices are insane, like 2000 platinum for the Titan Extractor Prime blueprint. As the game's first supporters, it would be nice if we continued seeing bonuses for investing so much in a game that didn't even have the content it does now.

I am not even a founder, but i do have to agree that it makes sense for founders to have a cheaper alternative to fishing out yet another huge sum of cash just for a couple of exclusives. Masters and Grandmasters did fish out quite a bit O' dosh to help fund a game in production. Seems like it would be a fair perk to have at the very least a decently reduced price.

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Wow Spicy that means alot to us and I mean it but we would still like some way for this to be fair for everyone so I would love to hear the opinions of non founders. To non founders does it seem fair to you if you could get the extra tier through earning it by spending some cash and having an X amount of time or would you prefer something else? I think ill start asking people I party with these questions to see what they say and copy everyone of their opinions of course ill ask if I may post their opinion with/without their name. A field test and I would love to see other people do the same as me so we can hear a general publics opinion that aren't aware of this topic.

Edited by AllanIncubi
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Wow Spicy that means alot to us and I mean it but we would still like some way for this to be fair for everyone so I would love to hear the opinions of non founders. To non founders does it seem fair to you if you could get the extra tier through earning it by spending some cash and having an X amount of time or would you prefer something else? I think ill start asking people I party with these questions to see what they say and copy everyone of their opinions of course ill ask if I may post their opinion with/without their name. A field test and I would love to see other people do the same as me so we can hear a general publics opinion that aren't aware of this topic.


It should be open to anyone whom have spent a certain amount, not just founders. How will you feel if you are not a founder but have spent a fair amount into the game? The objective is to push people to spend some money if they like what they see; akin to buying the main game after you enjoy the demo.

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It should be open to anyone whom have spent a certain amount, not just founders. How will you feel if you are not a founder but have spent a fair amount into the game? The objective is to push people to spend some money if they like what they see; akin to buying the main game after you enjoy the demo.

 You're right, people who have spent $100 or more should benefit like Master/Grandmaster Founders do. But then again, whats a Founder? Why have a Council where Founders gain privileges to voting on designs, features, and names in the game? The staff is significantly more involved in the design council forums(So they claim) and many announcements about the game are released to Master/Grandmaster before the free community. Therefore those Founders are exclusive accounts, which means they should benefit more and in return to compensate for the privileges they've acquired. It only makes sense, especially when Founders Program just ended and the very next week or two Access Prime Exclusives comes out and they get nothing but a $140 pay-wall after the fact Founders just spent $100-$250! Its not fair to them and not everyone can afford both almost at once 0_0.

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i posted something similar a while back: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/133237-prime-access-pack-customisation/#entry1603037


hopefully, next time DE give us an option to pick and choose what we get in these packs, as i said in my thread, and as stated by the OP. i don't mind spending money on the stuff. i just don't want all that excess included in the pack, especially if i can work in game to get it.

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 You're right, people who have spent $100 or more should benefit like Master/Grandmaster Founders do. But then again, whats a Founder? Why have a Council where Founders gain privileges to voting on designs, features, and names in the game? The staff is significantly more involved in the design council forums(So they claim) and many announcements about the game are released to Master/Grandmaster before the free community. Therefore those Founders are exclusive accounts, which means they should benefit more and in return to compensate for the privileges they've acquired. It only makes sense, especially when Founders Program just ended and the very next week or two Access Prime Exclusives comes out and they get nothing but a $140 pay-wall after the fact Founders just spent $100-$250! Its not fair to them and not everyone can afford both almost at once 0_0.


Personally I think that amount should be around $50-60, which is the price of a Blockbuster game. I think all founders get what they wanted, it was stated clearly on the page, nothing more nothing less.


But all this feedback/ranting actually reflects the poor value of platinum. Unlike most games I know, whereby the ingame currency has special powers and place, this pack shows that plats are not the final word; money is.

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Im still trying to figure out why ninjas have scarves.

They seem like they would be more of a pain in the &#! than they're worth. You are sneakily running around a corner, you arent seen but the guard sees the tail end of a scarf. Pure giveaway

Not to mention a tripping hazard when rolling aboots on the floor.

I'm still trying to figure out why warframes are still being referred to as ninjas when they get detected within 10 seconds of every mission.

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 Honestly, what you gotta realize is that you've Paid for what you were gonna get.


 You're part of a group of Badge wearing First-Comers who fronted some cash to support DE as they worked on Warframe. 


 You got your Mountain of Plat. Your Early Access club. A Warframe and two Weapons that will never be obtainable again. Ect, ect.


 Now that Founders package is gone. No more Founders.



 DE replaces it with this. A new kind of package containing smaller tiers altogether. What do you really get? A slightly better Farming tool. A blinged out Asa Syandana and access to some primes. (I say some Primes because this package is ever changing. When the next Prime and his/her weapons release then Ember will come OFF the pack and be replaced with the most recent one.)


Dude, that sounds harsh.

Edited by J-Pax
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I really hope something will be added or so on the Access Prime Teirs...I can careless of the Primes or the Plat... Scarf is good enough for me to put down $50 for...


Think about how the Founders pack was...


Hunters get Excaliber Prime

Masters get Skana Prime

GrandMaster gets Lato Prime


Just treat the scarf like Excaliber Prime and put it in the low Teir.  That way people who did purchase inferno, didn't miss out and people who purchased Flare didn't miss out either...all fair game..

Edited by Magnagar88
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It just seems kind of in bad taste for DE.

I mean you have this $250 support package, which a lot of us who love the game bought.

Then you get this new package that has clearly better looking and better items for less.

DE should have been cool and gave the founders this stuff, but looks like greed got the better of them. This is virtual stuff that they just didn't feel like giving to people that actually supported them early on. That in itself is pretty bad, given the fact that it will continually go on with this.....ugh. Its hard to actually say DE isn't just spitting in the face of founders right now.

Note: i'm not even talking about the platinum.

Edited by Empiren
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The opposite is also true. I bought all the way up to tier 3 because it had the scarf and I wanted it. I had no interest in buying the Frame as I have a good clan to farm with and had no fear of not obtaining it. The only thing (besides running out of plat, which wasn't likely) that could have gotten me to tier 3 was the scarf. I'm sure I'm far from the only one.




i guess that just means that cosmetics are an "acceptable" form of exploitation


there's the truth, no sugarcoating


this is the age we live in


alternate proposition for business model which i'll put in the pile with all the other ideas that nobody cared about: cram each set of items into a block (example of blocks: scarf prime+titan prime, supercharged frame+icons, supercharged pile of weapons), then let people decide how many and which blocks they want to purchase, with each consecutive block being a lower price than the previous one if they are bought together (plus the plat amount gets larger with a better overall discount and of course the really large booster bonuses at the complete package level), which incentivizes purchasing more if one has the capacity to enjoy a good deal, but does not leave any user saddled with items they truly did not want


example of sample size: five potential customers. let's say, all of them want the scarf. only one of them is able to purchase or want the largest package. as the current plans go, only one of them is going to buy the 140 dollar package, and the rest will stare resentfully at them.


now, let's do that again, but with the block system. we'll make the pricing at 50 bucks, 90 bucks, and 120 bucks respectively (adjusting the plat amounts to scale with those pricing tiers). even if they all just purchase the 50 dollar package, that's still 250 bucks, minus the costs of making five transactions as opposed to one, but 250 dollars is still 90 more dollars than 140 dollars. in addition, some people will not want to fight what are essentially solid brick walls at t3 void runs for the gamble of finding the right parts they want, so they're going to pay the additional money on top of that...


i know that this is just a hypothetical example, but I feel like there's way more people who will pay 50 bucks for one block, than 140 for all of them, and when you run a shop so that the customer leaves SATISFIED, that's a shop that will get business far longer than the quick buck hunter


if they're going to be the quick buck hunter, should be invest in a company that decides that getting all the money now is more important than making a game that we can play to the extent that our money should have lasted in another game?

Edited by weirdee
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Well, if that's how they want to play it, sucks to be them. I'm pretty sure me and quite a bunch of others have enough plat to last us the rest of our days playing Warframe. So while we might have shelved out again for the cosmetics I see no way in hell most of us would pay for content we're quite capable of farming in the Void or platinum we don't need.


On top of that they're pissing us off by dangling exclusives in front of our nose that we can only acquire by buying an expensive pack containing a lot of stuff we explicitly *do not want* because it would kill a big part of our enjoyment of the game (earning new shinies).


Pardon my french, but that seems like a bloody $&*&*#(%& move (on par with platinum training). And I sure do hope they re-evaluate this strategy (and whack the guy in marketing that came up with it with a big cluebat)

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Im still trying to figure out why ninjas have scarves.

They seem like they would be more of a pain in the &#! than they're worth. You are sneakily running around a corner, you arent seen but the guard sees the tail end of a scarf. Pure giveaway

Not to mention a tripping hazard when rolling aboots on the floor.


The notion that we're ninjas is a misconception. We're space-samurai-cyborg-pirating-parkour-enthusiasts, nothing more, nothing less.

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Dude, that sounds harsh.


But he's right actually. I don't like some of the posts here which kept emphasized on "oh we bought founders" while neglecting players whom have may have invested alot as well but lack the visual cues (founder badge/items) to show for it.


 It is harsh, but it is what I believe is the truth. I'd rather be honest then sugar coat it.


Yep, honesty is the best policy. I agree with you on most part. But you see, there is something common in every game and that is end game contents or top end items.


In Warframe, such items would arguably be the Prime items. I said arguably because while it might not be the best stuff in terms of stats, no one can argue that they are hard to acquire due to the lengthy process of key farming and finally the void mission and RNG (and may the odds be ever in your favour). Now we have a unique (only scarf to be a prime) item which cannot be gotten from the void and you have to pay to get it... and that sum of money is not small. This said "blinged out asa syandana" has an effect on the players and economy like hats from TF2, party hats from RuneScape or legendary items from GW2. The difference is simple: those items are available for everyone whom have played during those period the items were available or are still available.


Short story: Cosmetic items are not innocent little things even if they are statless. Exclusives are good and people want it. But the only exclusives which are usually spared from controversy are time-exclusives. DE wants to make this time exclusive item behind a pay wall, which is still fine as its the same concept as the Solar Landmark. But putting it behind a $140 wall when some of us have already invested a fair sum and indicating that this will happen every 2-3 months is... For a lack of better word: uncool.


And here we are... Gathered together trying to rant/suggest/feedback in hope that an alternative/insight can be made.

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  The only things in that package you can't have normally are the Titan Prime, which is neat but ultimately rather bland, and a blingy scarf. You are missing nothing.

Agreed.  Also,  if you have played any other f2p games, you would know this is common practice.  Bling keeps the lights on.  

Edited by Alohoe
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So i finally shelled out for the extra's cause i cant see this being resolved before the next prime pack hit's, and even thou it's a little bit pricey i kinda hope DE don't take use all for granted Founders / Prime Access / Long time plat payers.

We shouldn't really be fighting over who gets what from this access depending on the title from the past , what we should be looking for here is some extra way that long term players can support the game without having to spend hand over fist every time. In most FTP games this normally comes in ways to speed up the game (cutting out grind) and cosmetic items. Now DE has done a great job on the cutting the grind out, however they have fallen short (if your not a sentinel) in the cosmetic area. On top of this platinum after the market place is only used on trading and if your not huge into trading then this is a resource that just stacks up.

This then brings up the problem with a user wondering what the hell to do with there platinum ?? let's take me, I had the Grand master and i've used it to buy potatoes, some forma , and all the cosmetics items this still left with me a huge amount that didn't move till a friend said look it's not going any were just blow it on keys and mods (which took a long time to do btw). Platinum just has so little use to most that making a 4th option for people to buy without it just seems like the right move no matter what your current status is in the game :D

(Damn Chat box.. colour is spelt with a U a U i tells you it's not a spelling mistake!!!)

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The packs are great!

We all have to agree with that but I disagree on the high price. I think the affinity booster and the credit booster are not needed.That could reduce the price of the package to enable more purchases and contributes to warframe. To add to that, founders should get a choice or chance to review the packages to give constructive feedback on the price and contents of new packages.Besides that for supporting the game it would be great if the founders could buy/ choose what they want, after all we love the game from the very beginning.


Think of this positively.

Slightly cheaper and reasonably  priced packages = more buyers and more money supporting the game. 

With the choice of buying cosmetics/individual items = more buyers and more money supporting the game. 

*some players wants the misa sydana and want to grind in the void fot the prime items. Grinding can be exciting when you finally find all the parts of a prime weapon/frame. 

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Y'know, you could just Sell the Primes, and stuff you don't want, and earn it the hard way. You don't *Have* to use them. 


I think what the OP is saying is that he'd prefer to have it the other way around - cosmetics at the cheap level, Ember Prime and the other Prime gear at the expensive end.

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This then brings up the problem with a user wondering what the hell to do with there platinum ?? let's take me, I had the Grand master and i've used it to buy potatoes, some forma , and all the cosmetics items this still left with me a huge amount that didn't move till a friend said look it's not going any were just blow it on keys and mods (which took a long time to do btw). Platinum just has so little use to most that making a 4th option for people to buy without it just seems like the right move no matter what your current status is in the game :D


That's the problem. The players supporting the high cost of the pack like to highlight that you get heavily discounted platinum along with the goodies. But uh-oh, there are statless cosmetics which platinum can't buy, not even for a sizable amount like 200-300 plats. And if you are the majority who prefer to build your lego over buying a built one, those plats are only for slots and potatoes and formas which is nothing compared to the thousands of plats you get.


I really hope that DE would think that this is it and we can't/shouldn't change a thing for this current pack. I think they can actually keep a record and allow anyone whom have previously purchased a pack AND bought the Inferno pack to swap to the fourth pack and sort of 'take note' of such purchase and allow these rare individuals such as yourself to use the already paid money for the next pack purchase. Big fat hope I know.


Nonetheless, congrats on your purchase and the Misa Syandana. :)

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