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About clones and specters consuming the players ammo.


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27 minutes ago, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

Follow up to this. Marked Wuclone with an unmodded Zenistar is shredding through lvl 190 Eximus CHG at an alarming rate. Like he actually kills them with no assistance. They are unpaused. If he gets a ground finisher, the slash proc one-tics them from full health. It appears that he gets the stealth damage bonus even on alerted enemies, at least in the simulacrum.

That's one way to encourage Wukong players not to afk.  Bold move on DE's part.

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5 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

That's one way to encourage Wukong players not to afk.  Bold move on DE's part.

So Duality's damage buff just doesn't apply to melee it would seem.

Set up: Heat procs created by the player show the tic damage even if other sources add to it. More simply, heat procs "belong" to whoever creates the first. You can take advantage of this to see how much damage your specter is doing if you can get it to also proc heat.

Using Eximus as Overguard is neutral to everything.
Twin Kohmak (30 base damage) modded with Heat 60 + Heat 165 is being used by me to create the first heat proc.
Synoid Heliocor (280 base damage) with Heat 60, Heat 90, and +90% SC mod using Crushing Ruin's Neutral Combo (400% damage modifier) is being used by the Duality specter to proc heat.

Expected Result: (30 + 280 x 3 x 4) x (1 + 0.6 + 1.65) / 2 = ~5508 heat proc tic damage

Actual Result: (30 x 280 x 4 x 8) x (1 + 0.6 + 1.65) / 2 = ~14,608 heat proc tic damage

My conclusion is that (in the simulacrum at least), Duality's damage modifier does not apply to melee. Additionally, both specters get stealth damage bonus regardless of an enemies' alert state (in the simulacrum at least).

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9 minutes ago, (XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom said:

Heat procs created by the player show the tic damage even if other sources add to it. More simply, heat procs "belong" to whoever creates the first. You can take advantage of this to see how much damage your specter is doing if you can get it to also proc heat.

That's extremely clever.

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@(XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom I took a cue from your test, got a ~100 crit daikyu and found a level of CHG Duality could leave a sliver of health on.  Just like your test, Twin with mark performed exactly the same afaict.  No mark and it took 6 shots to reach about the same point, 7 shots to kill.

Umbra was taking 3 shots to sliver, 4 shots to kill pretty much.  It's harder to be sure with him because he's inclined to throw in abilities. 

I tried to repeat my melee test with Umbra, but he refuses to melee if I only have melee equipped.  Just casts abilities sporadically.  He does mix in some melee if I have a ranged weapon slotted, but that's not helpful for the test.

More weirdness though.  I  tried a Boltor Prime test with these guys before that.  I thought better of it after a while, but not before noticing that the specters weren't draining ammo.  That seemed strange because I'd verified Duality was draining ammo earlier, and Twin not long after the nerf.  But as it turns out, Duality and Twin were sharing the Daikyu's ammo but not the Boltor's.   Umbra didn't affect either one. :/

I then tried an unmodded Kuva Bramma with the Twin.  It fired 20 shots I think and only then started depleting my ammo.   Even when mine went to zero it was still shooting away though.

Went back to Daikyu and it wasn't draining ammo for a while and then started doing so.   And then I decided I'm done testing this madness for a bit. :/

This was all in the sim, keeping the minions and myself away from ammo drops, and all with only the primary equipped. 




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