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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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The way I imagine the stalker involves him having damage that about matches the conclave of the player, but he is highly mobile ( e.g. teleports frequently), resistant to most forms of CC and has what I like to call ability penetration. Against "invulnerable" players, he instead deals half of his normal damage (just an example amount), and stealthed players will be revealed upon striking him. He also needs an immunity to red critical hits to prevent stealth players from simply one-shotting him with Galatine and the like.


Managed to give you an upvote while trying to click quote... ah well, I'm your fan now :D


Anyways, immunity to any kind of CC, damage resistance, usage of abilities in a way that's not even remotely possible for players is a way to never create any enemy.

Immunity of any form is illogical. There is no such thing as immune in this world and since this game (even if a SciFi) modells this world with similar physical laws.

I'm not saying bastille should pick him up but at least produce some kind of effect - slowness would be fine but at least an indication that he is truly part of the world we "fight" in. I mean he completely feels like nothing within that world. Even Phorid feels bastille (or at least seemed like it the last 2 time I've seen "him"), and do believe he has more reasons to plain ignore such abilities simply due to his mass.


I still think that a dispel ability occasionally should do enough trick - without any kind of inexplicable immunity.

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Dunno what you guys are talking about, I soloed him in the Darvo event with a lvl 11 frost >.>

He was toned down during the event. He was also a guaranteed spawn during that particular event. You will not have that much luck now.


Do not nerf the stalker I like to have a challenge against him and he dies when he spawms.

Players have to learn how to fight against the stalker.


He dies when he spawns when his AI messes up. The stalker's most powerful behaviors wreck the toughest frames with the highest damage loadouts. Do not pretend he's any sort of balanced. His encounters offer little but constant running around hoping you can kill him before he lands a lucky one-hitter.


Most of us want him to be a challenge. We also want him to be a challenge that makes sense. His only "stalking" is the screen flickering before he engages. He is completely non-viable as a foe with different forms of counterplay and really adds nothing to the game that's particularly productive.

Edited by Leuca
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He was toned down during the event. He was also a guaranteed spawn during that particular event. You will not have that much luck now.


He dies when he spawns when his AI messes up. The stalker's most powerful behaviors wreck the toughest frames with the highest damage loadouts. Do not pretend he's any sort of balanced. His encounters offer little but constant running around hoping you can kill him before he lands a lucky one-hitter.


Most of us want him to be a challenge. We also want him to be a challenge that makes sense. His only "stalking" is the screen flickering before he engages. He is completely non-viable as a foe with different forms of counterplay and really adds nothing to the game that's particularly productive.

hmm lets have a look players said before U11 "omg the stalker is too weak,my sentinel kills the stalker so easy,is it a challenge?,the stalker needs buff" so now lets go on after U11 players keep saying "omg the stalker is too strong,we cant even kill him,the stalker has tons of skills,the stalker must be nerfed right now".

The stalker is good enough for now if you really know how to beat him you can do it by yourself.

Let me give you some hint,get nyx and use your ultimate before he appears boom hes died.


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hmm lets have a look players said before U11 "omg the stalker is too weak,my sentinel kills the stalker so easy,is it a challenge?,the stalker needs buff" so now lets go on after U11 players keep saying "omg the stalker is too strong,we cant even kill him,the stalker has tons of skills,the stalker must be nerfed right now".

The stalker is good enough for now if you really know how to beat him you can do it by yourself.

Let me give you some hint,get nyx and use your ultimate before he appears boom hes died.


Just read the whole goddamn thread so you can realize we want him to obey the game's rules like we do. He cheats. He cheats like a goddamn five year old with their magical shield of win against everything. That's not an element of difficulty, that's straight up punishing the player for daring to kill a boss or team with someone who did.

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hmm lets have a look players said before U11 "omg the stalker is too weak,my sentinel kills the stalker so easy,is it a challenge?,the stalker needs buff" so now lets go on after U11 players keep saying "omg the stalker is too strong,we cant even kill him,the stalker has tons of skills,the stalker must be nerfed right now".

The stalker is good enough for now if you really know how to beat him you can do it by yourself.

Let me give you some hint,get nyx and use your ultimate before he appears boom hes died.


What if you are not using Nyx? You are failing to address how his encounters play out with every other frame in the game.


If the stalker is first underpowered, then overpowered, there must be an in-between. Right now he's a prime example of inconsistency and bad combat design not only from a lore perspective, but from a mechanical one as well.

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I've yet to beat this guy since damage 2.0 became a thing. He's simply impossible for me. He took down my five time formaed Saryn with full shields, full health and fully leveled Vigor within a few seconds of spawning. I thought I'd maybe been incredibly unlucky that one time, but when it happened several times over and over, I just resigned to the fact that he's currently unbeatable. For now, I view "abort mission" as the only logical choice when he spawns unless I have gotten a drop that's worth sacrificing a revive over.


And yeah +500 hours playtime here, so I'm definitely not a n00b.


Edit: Also, I've read the entire thread now, so far the only tactics I've seen are 1) exploit AI weakness 2) Do more damage faster 3) Get lucky

Edited by Hap-muhr
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Wow... A lot of Soma noobs in move. Dude... Stalker's weakness are these following things.


Anticipation, Preparing, Knowledge of skill set and moves, Nuke weaponry, Forcing him to go melee and knowing what he dispels from you. Mainly Frost is a champion against Stalker a lot of health, armor and warframe what must be confronted on close quarters combat.


Currently I am mostly keeping Brakk on my pocket because of Stalker. I think this thread is just full of Soma noobs who didn't anticipate him and got killed on off guard.


Good thing that Soma and Acrid where nerfed. No more W+M1 champion level weapons.


Soma Noobs?  Brakk is almost as OP and is technically more useful in this situation due to the fact it's burst DPS.  And I don't have even have a Brakk so please give me an alternate weapon that most people would have access to.  


Oh right, you're another one of those pretentious guys who're like 'lol stalker is easy you just gotta know this blah blah'

NO.  He's OP.  He negates all warframe abilities relegating all skill to A: A matter of hitting him, if your weapons can even scratch him.  His attacks are almost all 1HK unless you're jumping around like mad where you might escape with 50 shield left with 500 shields.  It all comes down to mods and weaponry, not even skill.  


How many casual tier players without super high ranked/rare mods or potatoes defeat him?  Hm?  

Edited by Medane
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What if you are not using Nyx? You are failing to address how his encounters play out with every other frame in the game.


If the stalker is first underpowered, then overpowered, there must be an in-between. Right now he's a prime example of inconsistency and bad combat design not only from a lore perspective, but from a mechanical one as well.

Not to mention Nyx drops from Phorrid who is now Invasion-only and only during the assassination nodes.

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No, it doesn't de-aggro him in any way.  Its just that he wont come after you for killing those bosses.

Basically everyone has a hidden counter.  Killing a boss not on that list adds 1 to the counter.  Killing a boss on the list adds 0.

Whenever the stalker pays you a visit he fists checks to see if you have 1 or more in that counter.  When he appears and kills you (or you somehow kill him) it removes one from the counter.

If your counter is 0 then the stalker will never appear to attack you directly.

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No, it doesn't de-aggro him in any way.  Its just that he wont come after you for killing those bosses.

Basically everyone has a hidden counter.  Killing a boss not on that list adds 1 to the counter.  Killing a boss on the list adds 0.

Whenever the stalker pays you a visit he fists checks to see if you have 1 or more in that counter.  When he appears and kills you (or you somehow kill him) it removes one from the counter.

If your counter is 0 then the stalker will never appear to attack you directly.

Please tell me that the counter drop over time because I had to kill a LOT of bosses to farm drops for the three BP parts. Hell, sometimes I went ten runs without ever getting a part and then it'd just be another damn Rhino helmet to be sold for quick credits and even then farming Vor for guaranteed Cronus drops was more lucrative back then.

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Soma Noobs? Brakk is almost as OP and is technically more useful in this situation due to the fact it's burst DPS. And I don't have even have a Brakk so please give me an alternate weapon that most people would have access to.

Oh right, you're another one of those pretentious guys who're like 'lol stalker is easy you just gotta know this blah blah'

NO. He's OP. He negates all warframe abilities relegating all skill to A: A matter of hitting him, if your weapons can even scratch him. His attacks are almost all 1HK unless you're jumping around like mad where you might escape with 50 shield left with 500 shields. It all comes down to mods and weaponry, not even skill.

How many casual tier players without super high ranked/rare mods or potatoes defeat him? Hm?

You could have completely countered that post by simply pointing out that he admitted keeps one of the most OP secondaries on hand specifically because of the stalker. The stalker should not determine your loadout. That is bad design. I can't run just Vigor on my Mag for balanced stats anymore; I *need* Redirection.

Edited by Leuca
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You could have completely countered that post by simply pointing out that he admitted keeps one of the most OP secondaries on hand specifically because of the stalker. The stalker should not determine your loadout. That is bad design. I can't run just Vigor on my Mag for balanced stats anymore; I *need* Redirection.

I play Valkyr a lot now and unlike with Frost/Rhino, that 50 base shields ain't benefiting much from Redirection. 150 base shields, sure. Not to mention armor is useless on Warframes. If I want a lot of effective HP, I'll play Saryn and her near-Rhino level armor with higher base HP for vitality.

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I've killed every boss.. Does killing these bosses on the list deaggro him?



no, the only way to deaggro him is to get killed by him... or to kill him.


Those bosses I listed DONT grant deathmarks, every boss does. And it is my understanding that you can only have 1 deathmark active. A stalker encounter where YOU are the target gets rid of it, regardless of how it ends.

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No, it doesn't de-aggro him in any way.  Its just that he wont come after you for killing those bosses.

Basically everyone has a hidden counter.  Killing a boss not on that list adds 1 to the counter.  Killing a boss on the list adds 0.

Whenever the stalker pays you a visit he fists checks to see if you have 1 or more in that counter.  When he appears and kills you (or you somehow kill him) it removes one from the counter.

If your counter is 0 then the stalker will never appear to attack you directly.

Thanks for answering ensignvidiot and tsukinoki. I've just been at a complete loss at trying to find him. I've killed the bosses that give death marks attempting to aggro him. Week later of doing void missions and so on still nothing so i started just running M Prime over and over since i read that its a fast mission for more chances. After running that place more than i wish i did he still won't come after me.  I've even forma'ed my stuff and went from unranked to max again and still hes no show. I'm even more surprised that the randoms i get paired up with don't get him either.

He was so annoying to me when i was just starting out. Now hes chicken....

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Thanks for answering ensignvidiot and tsukinoki. I've just been at a complete loss at trying to find him. I've killed the bosses that give death marks attempting to aggro him. Week later of doing void missions and so on still nothing so i started just running M Prime over and over since i read that its a fast mission for more chances. After running that place more than i wish i did he still won't come after me.  I've even forma'ed my stuff and went from unranked to max again and still hes no show. I'm even more surprised that the randoms i get paired up with don't get him either.

He was so annoying to me when i was just starting out. Now hes chicken....



If you really want to fight the stalker, its quite simple: Forma your warframe. He'll come around soon

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Okay everyone I have a Fix to the stalker problem



Everyone Friend Valorbaby, we will pass him/her around when we are doing missions to avoid getting ambushed.


Problem solved.

I truly wish he was like this when i first started playing the game.

Edited by Valorbaby
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Don't know if this has been mentioned - since 2.0 I have run about a 50/50 chance of taking down the Stalker when he appeared. About 3 days ago, I was having yet another grand battle with him, and winning soundly - he has very little health left. 


Suddenly, he pulls his legs into a full Lotus and starts floating in the air. He also stops taking any damage whatsoever. Alarms sound in my head - this looks exactly like Nyx's Ultimate ability!?


I pull way the hell back, and watch as his shield completely regenerates... Then he explodes, immediately teleports 10 feet behind me and pelts me with 7 or 8 Despairs...


That isn't fun. Whoever is in charge of adjusting the Stalker - cut the S#&$, dude. It isn't funny anymore. For the first time in 11 months, I have stopped running missions in WarFrame. Have simply not had the desire to play anymore because S#&$ is just more broken with every hotfix.  The Stalker and his ENDLESS CHEESE is one of the many examples of things being borked.

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Sadly the death mark counter does not decrease over time.

It will only ever decrease if you kill him/he kills you.

It is unknown if it will decrease if he spawns and you abort a mission but it is currently assumed not to.

Even if you have 9000 death marks he still only has a 2.5% chance (They have actually cut his chance to spawn in half since U11, used to be a 5% chance) of appearing in any mission. It just means that he can appear 9000 times before you need to kill another boss that grants a death mark.

Also, Vor and Jackal don't grant death marks, so you dont have to worry about him coming after you for those ones.


Its a 1 in 40 chance that a mission will spawn the stalker. Then it goes through all of the players and finds the first one with a death mark and has a frame above level 5, though I do pity the players who do happen to be at the minimum level.

Also, a fun fact a friend of mine discovered after a long absence:

He wanted to play the new tutorial as he had been gone for a few months, hopped in, and the stalker invaded the tutorial and killed him there. So not even the tutorial is safe if you have death marks.

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