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Achievement Bugs


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I've noticed a few achievements that I haven't gotten - which I should have


I have a rank 30 Glaive, but I have not gotten any of the three Shuriken Proficiency achievements



And while I have the "Pride of the Lotus" achi for playing 100 hours, then I do not have the ones for playing 10 or 1 hour...



Also, I am a good deal disappointed that the achievements for making stuff in the foundry haven't counted all the stuff I've made previously - because I've made a ton of stuff already


Equally, the Entrepreneur and Merchant achievements do not seem to kick in retroactively (not that they're hard to get...)



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Yeah, I got the 100 hour playtime one too, but not the 1 or 10.  There probably wasn't anything recording how many items you crafted in the foundry.  I know I got an achievement (or two) when I built a team ammo restore, so maybe you just need to activate it.  I also got a bunch of the mod related ones when I added a single mod to a weapon.  

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I'm assuming they're tracking this. I don't think it'd be as big of an issue as many other things, but I also have a few fun ones. Missing a ton of the rank achievements, the thrown achievements, and the sentinel achievements. My favorite is that I have the 3 polearm achievement, but not the 1 polearm achievement.

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It looks like its purely an issue of having the scripts that check if achievements have been completed work properly with retroactive accomplishments


I would, for example, figure that it'd be easy to rig the achievements so if you get the 100 hour gameplay achi - that you then also automatically get the 1, 2, and 10 hour achievements as well - without the system actually scanning to check if you have played for that long...

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I imagine this is being worked on, but I'm going to report all the ones I know I should have, but didn't register.  Some of these are repeated from ones already mentioned above.


Brawler Mastery 1-3 (got the Proficiency ones correctly)

The Right Tool for the Job (got the 2x and 10x ones, but not the 5x)

Hooked/It Keeps Getting Better (got the 100hr one, but not the 2 and 10)

Pole Weapon Proficiency 1-3 (got Mastery 1-3 correctly)

Sentinel Mastery 1-3 (got proficiency 1-3 correctly)

Shuriken Mastery 1-3

Shuriken Proficiency 1-3


Ones that I guess they had no way of tracking:

Weapon Smith/Inventor/Scientist

Angel of Death


Tailor Made

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they are bugged by far and it is funny some of them like in my profile it states 500 hours played yet I do not have the "Hooked" achv requiring only 2 hours played lol - that is only one of many that have not shown up the foundry ones angel of death heck not even 10 minutes ago me and another player got a total of 700 kills in a survival match I think I had 400 and he had 300 yet the achv still did not unlock - hope DE fixes this soon before I bust my gut laughing each time I look at the Hooked achv

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In my case im have buggued:


*The Right Tool for the Job: Get 5 warframes achievement (im have 10)

*Angel of death: Get 100 kills in a mission (almost kill in defenses and normal mision almost 100 minimum)

*Sentinel Maestry 1-3: (im have 4 sentinels in level 30 and another in 27, impossible get all)

*All Shuriken Proficiency I - 3 and Maestry I - 3 (Im have hikou and kunai in level 30)

*Heavy Weapon Mastery I - 3:(my scindo its in level 30 and dera too)

*2 and 10 hour played (im have X5 hours 100 hour achievement XD)

*Dagger Mastery I - 3: (im have 3 daggers in level 30)

*Blade Mastery I - 3: ( a lot of blades in level 30 XD)

*Pole Weapon Mastery I - 3: (my Ether scythe its level 30)


I hope that people try to fix it all players achievements bugs, greetings

Edited by Revindicator
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New hotfix worked on some, but not others.  Still missing:

Brawler Mastery 1-3 (got the Proficiency ones correctly)

The Right Tool for the Job (got the 2x and 10x ones, but not the 5x)

Hooked/It Keeps Getting Better (got the 100hr one, but not the 2 and 10)

Pole Weapon Proficiency 1-3 (got Mastery 1-3 correctly)

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Im only unlock in that patch that achievements:
*Sentinel Maestry 1-3

*All Shuriken Proficiency I - 3 and Maestry I - 3

In My warframe stats appear unlocked *The Right Tool for the Job, but in steam im not unlocked.

I hope in next patch fix that and another more achievements, greetings

Edited by Revindicator
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Aside from all the achievements that i'm missing,

i have the merchant achievement in my warframe and in my steam library, but when i check on "all achievements"[on steam], its greyed out. its.......disturbing

Edited by Lawst
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Im have 2 achievements in my warframe but in steam didnt, need 1 or 2 fix more, my scithe progress dont upgrade and im in this morning reach level 10 with my 3rd scythe and dindt see my scythe normal and maestry achievement earned... the progress is frozen :S...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys one think. I see in my long weapons maestry, and figther maestry only mark progress in level 11 and 21, im reach level 30 with 4 weapons and i didnt earn the long weapons maestry level 3 achievement, but im have level 1 and 2 earned.. I see the same progress in the figther maestry...  Any more have the same problem?

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I've had several issues where leveling a weapon off bonus XP (at extraction) will not provide an achievement, and kept the game from recognizing my melee mastery for a good long time.  Once I gained a level with another weapon of that class, though, it worked.  So it appears that the achievement routine makes a check every time you level a weapon while in a mission, but not outside it.


Then again, I got a ton of achievements logging in at two separate points, rather than all at once, so there's some factors involved of which I'm not entirely cognizant, I think.

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  • 5 weeks later...


I'll probably guess that some of those weapons hit R30 due to the bonus experience upon successfully finishing a mission? Because I had that same issue happen with the Bow Mastery achievements.

I would suggest equipping another weapon of the same class and leveling it in mission, not from the bonus XP at the end, or maybe even just using it in other missions and see if that does the trick.

If it doesn't I would send in a support ticket.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The tip I can give you is either:


1. Forma your lvl 30 weapon and level it up once

2. Start lvling up another weapon of the same type.


There is an issue where you won't get the achievements until this happens.


Some of the savior of X planet rewards don't work or will not be saved when you log out. I've got Savior of Mercury 3 times. It will save for a while and maybe after an update I lose it.

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