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Core Issues Still Unfixed By Damage 2.0


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I. Weapons Uselessness (OR: DE y u make all weapons useless for n00bs?)


Remember when the mod system was completely revamped waaaay back when in Update 7? That was what, seven months ago? Remember the good old days where you basically couldn't play past Mercury unless you were lucky because you needed to get a Vitality + Redirection to have anything more than starting shields? And you needed to get a damage mod before your weapon was at all useful?


Yeah. Those were the days, weren't they?


Except those days still exist. Weapons still require mods to be useful at all past Mercury. Now, since launching on a new platform (the PS4), there is logically going to be an influx of new players. These new players are going to play, run into the hilariously bad tutorial and the fact that weapons, despite leveling up, gain no benefits from level-ups save more mod energy (unlike Warframes) and thus are basically useless until the Holy RNG grants them the things they need.


I think the reason the community has consistently failed to consider this is because, let's be frank. Half of us have hundreds of hours in this game and need to actually think about what it was like being new. I can attest, having gotten here during Update *5*, back in January, that the ability for weapons to passively level up then was fantastic. It meant that not getting damage mods wasn't a problem, because a maxed out weapon could at least get you places.


Please, DE, can we get weapons to actually gain level-up benefits just like Warframes? I mean, isn't one of the ideas of Damage 2.0 to get away from One True Builds? As long as your primary source of increased damage comes from a single mod, that single mod should be innate to the weapon. Again, nerf the damage mods, make the weapon automatically gain levels from damage, and you make it so that someone who goes through Mercury and ends it with a Level 12ish Mk1-Braton but no Serration can actually play through at least Venus and Earth, possibly even Saturn, and might be able to, with four buddies, take on a bit of Neptune for control modules.


I'd go as far to destroy 'pure overall damage' mods entirely (so no Killing Blow, Pressure Point, Hornet Strike, Point Blank, or Serration). Instead, I'd replace them with a nice-to-have mod. Something that adds a little bit to every characteristic or something. Call it a "Mastery" mod, and have it add, I don't know, +2.5% a level or so to damage, rate of fire, reload speed, ammo max, magazine size, accuracy, maximum range, and maybe crit chance (percentage of base, not flat), and crit damage. A nice to have that nevertheless is not necessary for anything (although +30% to basically everything a weapon does is great). I'd then make it so that weapons just gained +5% damage per level, maxing at 150% at level 30. Increase or decrease enemy HP scaling to taste.


II. Scaling Hilarity (OR: Stalker/Nightmare OP plz nerf)


The Stalker was buffed from 'a loot pinata which might kill you if you make a few mistakes' into 'invisible ninja murderer which no-sells all your powers forever'. Now, it might just be me, but I think if you have an enemy in your game, most people who decide to encounter it should be able to kill it. You can see the issue here, when you have a guy who, when he shows up, decides that this game is too interesting, it should be Guns Only Cover Shooter (you can't melee the Stalker because his slash dash does about 1000 damage and will instantly kill anyone short of a Rhino and he does like 500 dps with his bow so you need to take cover). Because, you know, if I wanted to play a generic cover shooter I'd play one as unpolished as Warframe.


Instead of all those actually good cover shooters that were designed from the ground up as one. I'm sorry, DE. This is a travesty. I understand you like DarkSector a lot, but if I wanted to play DarkSector I'd... play DarkSector. Warframe was advertised as a fast-paced shooter with strong melee elements and cool powers. When the Stalker shows up, I get none of that.


And Nightmare? Well, the Nightmare mechanics also turn the game into a cover shooter, although at least in Nightmare you get the use of powers. Well, except when you don't because you got No Shields/Energy Drain. The level scaling in Nightmare right now is utterly broken, because now it's giving the equivalent of 60ish old levels (and tripled damage). Grineer do like 100 damage a shot on Earth Nightmare. It's hilarious.


III. Powers? What Powers (OR: DE y u take away fun things)


(II) hits on a major issue. Whenever some enemy is changed, half the time the changes are "let's make the enemy nerf the powers/weapons of the players!" The Stalker being totally immune to any powers with a duration. Lephantis and his damage/second cap (As well as his invulnerability when he's not attacking). And Rollers/Runners, which had never been changed from the stunlock-fests they were for several updates and almost a year.


(I'll give you props for making Runners no longer autostagger, though.)


Why is it that every time some new and interesting mechanic comes along, it's always to disempower the players? In fact, that's a trend. Mods 2.0 basically destroyed all the hard work of the players before that, and as a bonus created huge issues because of the decision to make the mod system the level-up system, a decision which is still stupid today. Damage 2.0 made the players vulnerable to BS status conditions that are balanced when used on enemies, but not nearly as balanced when used on players.


IV. The Illusion of Customization


You can't actually customize your weapons in Warframe. I'm serious. Customization does not exist in this game. There's an illusion of customization, but in reality most weapons have only one valid build. Why? Because almost all mods are percentage-based, thus meaning that if a weapon has poor percentages in one thing, you can't make it stronger. I can't make a valid Crit-Braton, or a pure damage Soma, or a fast-reload Sobek.


Things like Crit Chance/Elemental Effect Chance should be flat increases to the chance. This lets you make a crit-Braton/Gorgon or an elemental Soma or whatever. If Critical Chance was a flat +5% per level, maxing at 30%, you could balance it around the Soma crit build being your ideal (so Soma ends up with a base 40% crit chance or so). Do the exact same thing with the other crit mods (like Critical Delay). Now the Soma is just as good as it was... except you can also run other guns as Crit builds if you wanted to.


V. Utility Mods: Still Crap


Damage 2.0 revamping every mod in the game would have been the best excuse in ages to take a look at the utility mods (i.e. everything that isn't "+Not Dying/+Enemies Dying Faster") and rebalance them. None of this happened. Period.


The +Magazine Capacity mods are still +5% a level, up to maybe +10%. Why not +25% a level? Would that really be so unbalanced? Same with the Max Ammo mods. Why is it that we can't get +50% max ammo per level? As it stands, you know what the best mod is to reduce the amount of time you spend reloading? +Damage.


How about the reload speed mods? +5% for rifles and shotguns. +7.5% for handguns. Why not buff that? Maybe the Seeker would be actually useful if enemies didn't die of old age before we finished reloading it.


How about those resistance mods eh? +3% resistance/level. I'm SURE this is a good mod and everyone should use it. Why not 10%? Or better yet? 15%? People might then actually benefit from using one of their precious mod slots, which you will probably be almost completely out of just by adding in powers/survivability, to run a resistance mod.


VI. Mod Interchangeability Nonexistent


Oh yeah, and of the things that might actually benefit from even the crappy utility mods nowadays, like Sentinels? You can't use those mods on them. It's beautiful. Why shouldn't Sentinels benefit from Warframe mods? I mean, why do they need exact duplicates of Steel Fiber, Redirection, Vitality, Fast Deflection, etc etc that happen to have crappier stats? Why not make Sentinels and Warframes share mods, and then make powers/precepts Warframe and Sentinel only, respectively?


Speaking of Precepts... why is it that you have four precepts that do the same thing (Sentinel attacks the nearest enemy)? Why couldn't that be one precept that any Sentinel can slot? It'd make approximately infinite times more sense.


This is hilarious because of the way Mods 2.0 works-you need mods to get better, and every mod you add clutters the loot table. Thus, every new Sentinel clutters the loot table with 2 new mods, which is hilarious because chances are one of those mods could be described as "exactly identical to the 500000 attack mods you already have, except it works for this new Sentinel".


In fact, going onto that, a lot of mods could very well be consolidated. I understand I'm roasting a lot of sacred cows here, but DE, please ask yourself why you need a multishot mod that works for rifles, another one for pistols, and another one for shotguns. Or a bunch of elemental mods which generally have the exact same value. Or a mod for Stamina Max and another for Stamina Recharge. Is there a compelling reason to make mods not interchangeable?


Hell, even consolidating most primary weapons mods together would be massively helpful for a ton of players. Obviously some mods should stay specialized (like Thunderbolt), but others might be more interesting if they weren't (imagine Primed/Charged Chamber being available to shotguns).


tl;dr: DE you need to fix a lot more issues with the core gameplay and you need to fix them now.

Edited by MJ12
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I'd go as far to destroy 'pure overall damage' mods entirely (so no Killing Blow, Pressure Point, Hornet Strike, Point Blank, or Serration). Instead, I'd replace them with a nice-to-have mod. Something that adds a little bit to every characteristic or something. Call it a "Mastery" mod, and have it add, I don't know, +2.5% a level or so to damage, rate of fire, reload speed, ammo max, magazine size, accuracy, maximum range, crit damage, etc. A nice to have that nevertheless is not necessary for anything (although +30% to basically everything a weapon does is great).

I agree with pretty much everything but this. This then basically becomes the new 'must have' mod, because you now have a mod that makes every part of your gun intrinsically better.


You might swap it out if you're going for a minmaxed 'oh no i must have all crit chance and crit damage and pure damage' mods, but in any system that emphasizes versatility over raw numbers, a mod that makes your weapon more versatile in every single possible way becomes the new king of the playground.

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I agree with pretty much everything but this. This then basically becomes the new 'must have' mod, because you now have a mod that makes every part of your gun intrinsically better.


You might swap it out if you're going for a minmaxed 'oh no i must have all crit chance and crit damage and pure damage' mods, but in any system that emphasizes versatility over raw numbers, a mod that makes your weapon more versatile in every single possible way becomes the new king of the playground.


The issue here is that if you're replacing damage mods, you're going to need to replace them with something interesting that nevertheless people might want to use. The Ranger skill in Borderlands 2 does the same thing, and not everyone takes it, so it's obvious that even a +everything boost can be something that is only 'nice to have' if it's low enough.


Alternatively, erase all pure +damage mods, make +damage a base function of all weapons as they level up (anywhere from 5 to 7.5% a level), refund everyone fusion cores and credits for their pure damage mods. Leave things like Heavy Caliber/etc. alone because those have tradeoffs, often incredibly high tradeoffs.


Adjust HP scaling on enemies to taste.

Edited by MJ12
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The issue here is that if you're replacing damage mods, you're going to need to replace them with something interesting that nevertheless people might want to use. The Ranger skill in Borderlands 2 does the same thing, and not everyone takes it, so it's obvious that even a +everything boost can be something that is only 'nice to have' if it's low enough.


Alternatively, erase all pure +damage mods, make +damage a base function of all weapons as they level up (anywhere from 5 to 7.5% a level), refund everyone fusion cores and credits for their pure damage mods. Leave things like Heavy Caliber/etc. alone because those have tradeoffs, often incredibly high tradeoffs.


Adjust HP scaling on enemies to taste.

That seems like a better option; you're not just offering up a new must-have mod, you're giving every weapon an intrinsic boost that can also add to the players' sense of progression.

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As I suggested in another thread, base damage mods should work with a flat value instead of percentage (or a flat value and a smaller percentage), so it works wonders on a weaker weapon but is not as great on a stronger one.  This gives you the chance to really make your Dual Vipers into killing machines, but at a significant cost of mod space.  Late-game, higher-tier weapons that are supposed to be better (but not outrageously so) can then maybe see that mod space put to better use for other purposes.

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Take away the Stalker's bloody slash dash. If I am not allowed to use my defensive abilities (Iron Skin, Frost Globe, what have you) to stop that ponce from popping in and oneshotting me, -he- shouldn't get offensive abilities to oneshot me either.


No, I don't care that he's supposed to be a legitimate threat, because even with all the buffs, what happens is that whoever gets Stalker runs in circles while the braindead AI gets shot to pieces by the other three people on the team, forever unable to catch up.


But that aside...


Please listen to MJ12. The percentile scaling was fine before Damage 2.0 - 90% extra armor-piercing damage meant you could actually take your gun against high-level grineer, regardless of what that gun was. I love my Ignis, more than any other weapon in the game, and I -don't- want to have to switch to something else because it has absolutely no puncture damage whatsoever.


Percentile mods as they are just don't work with 2.0. Weapons with a low status effect chance will still be pathetic and useless even if you slap on every status mod on it (what good is +100% status if the base chance is 1%?)


Change the percentile mods to static values - i.e. that Hammer Shot mod now adds a flat 5% chance to trigger a status effect, or what have you.


Because there's still one true build. Even post-nerf, the Soma is a crit weapon first, last and foremost, because no amount of Serration will help with its pathetic base damage, and the crit mods still enhance its good base crit rating.

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As I suggested in another thread, base damage mods should work with a flat value instead of percentage (or a flat value and a smaller percentage), so it works wonders on a weaker weapon but is not as great on a stronger one.  This gives you the chance to really make your Dual Vipers into killing machines, but at a significant cost of mod space.  Late-game, higher-tier weapons that are supposed to be better (but not outrageously so) can then maybe see that mod space put to better use for other purposes.


There are issues here (mainly it'd make base damage mods OP for some weapons and ridiculously pointless for others), though. Imagine, for example, Serration adding +4 damage/level.


On a Vectis, a maxed Serration adds only 44 damage, or roughly 25% more damage.


On a Grakata, that maxed Serration boosts your damage to 54, for a roughly 500% increase in damage.


I'd just burn basic +damage mods entirely and replace them with something new and interesting.


(In fact, if I was in charge of the Damage 2.0 conversion, I'd have made Damage mods the proc chance boosters, and changed Stun mods to Toxic Damage mods).

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IV. The Illusion of Customization


You can't actually customize your weapons in Warframe. I'm serious. Customization does not exist in this game. There's an illusion of customization, but in reality most weapons have only one valid build. Why? Because almost all mods are percentage-based, thus meaning that if a weapon has poor percentages in one thing, you can't make it stronger. I can't make a valid Crit-Braton, or a pure damage Soma, or a fast-reload Sobek.


Things like Crit Chance/Elemental Effect Chance should be flat increases to the chance. This lets you make a crit-Braton/Gorgon or an elemental Soma or whatever. If Critical Chance was a flat +5% per level, maxing at 30%, you could balance it around the Soma crit build being your ideal (so Soma ends up with a base 40% crit chance or so). Do the exact same thing with the other crit mods (like Critical Delay). Now the Soma is just as good as it was... except you can also run other guns as Crit builds if you wanted to.


This is the main thing keeping me from playing the game at the moment. While I could live with a 'best setup' existing, what I hate is that it's not made clear. There is indeed a correct way to mod each gun, but the only way to actually figure that out is to use math, when it should be something made obvious in game. Why? This game is a beta. We can figure out which mods are the best. But what if the mods aren't supposed to be the best? We can point out imbalances, but we don't know if they're imbalances or not? This applies to guns, Warframes, everything. The balance that DE wants in this game is completely unknown to us beta testers, and as players, it can make us run around heavily investing into something that'll turn around on us? (remember the Heavy Calibur change?)


Also, on the topic of making an all-stats mod, the point of switching +Damage for it is to make it so there isn't such a big discrepancy between your power with +Damage and without it, because RNG is bad.

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I thoroughly agree with all of this, especially points I,IV, and V. Weapons should have the ability to level up in damage just as Warframes innately gain health, shields, and energy. They should gain +100% damage by the time they reach level 30; meanwhile Serration and other damage mods should be reduced to +100% damage as well. That way, as you said, Serration is no longer a necessity for new-mid range players, as there weapon's base damage is at least enough to carry them, whereas veterans will still want it if they intend to take on the hardest of content.


Although there probably would be some drawbacks to making all mods flat values, I think overall making them flat values rather than percent-based would make them a bit more beneficial to all weapons rather than a few with innate high stats. As for utility mods, they're definitely in need of a boost too. The only viable builds right now are damage since they're the only ones that scale to a decent number. What if I want to sacrifice some damage for a ridiculously large clip or ammo max? Too bad, the ammo cap mods AND ammo economy suck, so just invest everything in damage. Why don't we have options like this?

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I thoroughly agree with all of this, especially points I,IV, and V. Weapons should have the ability to level up in damage just as Warframes innately gain health, shields, and energy. They should gain +100% damage by the time they reach level 30; meanwhile Serration and other damage mods should be reduced to +100% damage as well. That way, as you said, Serration is no longer a necessity for new-mid range players, as there weapon's base damage is at least enough to carry them, whereas veterans will still want it if they intend to take on the hardest of content.


Although there probably would be some drawbacks to making all mods flat values, I think overall making them flat values rather than percent-based would make them a bit more beneficial to all weapons rather than a few with innate high stats. As for utility mods, they're definitely in need of a boost too. The only viable builds right now are damage since they're the only ones that scale to a decent number. What if I want to sacrifice some damage for a ridiculously large clip or ammo max? Too bad, the ammo cap mods AND ammo economy suck, so just invest everything in damage. Why don't we have options like this?


Honestly I find it really strange that DE hasn't gone to passive levelups on weapons as well. Why? Is it because people haven't complained loudly enough?


Look, after I've put in 400 hours and I have all my mods at great levels, I can deal with no passives. But it's still annoying at times. Imagine being a new player, with no mods and no idea where any mods drop, who is trying to scrabble through the solar system and doesn't know anyone to help him.


Imagine finding out that your gun, even if you grind it to 30, is useless because you didn't get RNG-based luck.


If stat boosts are necessary to experience new content, stat boosts should not be 100% RNG-granted. Back in U7, I stated the hypothetical of Joe Lootradar, who only finds useless drops because he has bad luck. We are all Joe Lootradar. Sympathize with him, DE. Please?

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There are several weapons that are useful past Mercury, if you use the right weapon against the right enemy.


For example, the Sicarus Prime (and I bet its normal counterpart too) is hilariously good against Jackal. Before I put Hornet Strike on it (no mods at all), it took a decent amount of ammo to kill him but I did manage to kill Jackal using JUST the Sicarus Prime.


After Rank 6 Hornet Strike, now I laugh at him, because I don't even need to knock him down at all. Just a few bleed procs on his body and he's gonna die without ever getting knocked down (unless my aim is off and I accidentally hit his legs).


I've killed Level 20 Grineer with the Glaive Prime before sticking Killing Blow on it.


"But those are primes!" you might say.


Well, ok, sure. What about the Lectis, which I took, unranked, into Orokin Void with a friend? It took a few hits, but I did kill a couple corrupt Crewmen/Lancers with it.

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There are several weapons that are useful past Mercury, if you use the right weapon against the right enemy.


For example, the Sicarus Prime (and I bet its normal counterpart too) is hilariously good against Jackal. Before I put Hornet Strike on it (no mods at all), it took a decent amount of ammo to kill him but I did manage to kill Jackal using JUST the Sicarus Prime.


After Rank 6 Hornet Strike, now I laugh at him, because I don't even need to knock him down at all. Just a few bleed procs on his body and he's gonna die without ever getting knocked down (unless my aim is off and I accidentally hit his legs).


I've killed Level 20 Grineer with the Glaive Prime before sticking Killing Blow on it.


"But those are primes!" you might say.


Well, ok, sure. What about the Lectis, which I took, unranked, into Orokin Void with a friend? It took a few hits, but I did kill a couple corrupt Crewmen/Lancers with it.


Remind me how many of those weapons you can build, solely with resources found in Mercury? None?


That's the point. Progression is utterly RNG-determined and that creates a worst-case scenario that is pretty terrible, and even the slightly-better-cases aren't very great.

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I'm going to bring this back because seriously, 90% of the advancement problems could be fixed by making weapons gain damage with levelups again and nerfing/eliminating the base damage mods.


The other 10% could be fixed by making abilities their own thing like Auras (maybe even with no energy cost to equip ever) and giving Warframes a full complement of mod slots for actual mods.

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Yeah, playing with some of my friend who just got into this game made me realize just how much i had to help carry them when they're playing. Solo is a long and hard play for them specially if they don't have the right mods.


It's kind of frustrating and hopefully something could be fix, doesn't need to be something drastic but something to at least alleviate the newer players so they could progress further. It was tediousome before the new dmg 2.0 patch and it's near hair tearing frustration with the new ones.

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I have to agree with this. I remember how it was like when Mod 2.0 turned out, before the Warframe passive bonuses appeared.

It was like having all your limbs lopped off and made to do a 100 meter sprint until the gods of RNG blessed you with things like vitality, redirection and damage mods.

Imagine what it'd be like with the new damage 2.0 AND Mod 2.0.

Because that's the position of new players now. If I were a new player? I'd put maybe 5 hours into this, then uninstall it on the basis of it being pure sadistic crap.

Especially if I somehow managed to claw my way out of Venus and ran smack dab into NOPE Man (Stalker).

It's like Dark Souls meets XCOM difficulty, but without the fun until the RNG finally throws a few crumbs your way.

Edited by Scowlface2
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I wouldn't take out damage mods. HOWEVER, I think all weapons should have damage/RoF/etc levelups, such that Rank 30 weapons can be used in vs enemies up to Lv 30 (ie early Pluto) without further modding.


Then, stuff like damage mods and such can be used to pull weapons up to "Pluto Survival 40 minutes" and so on.


Would this trivialize early content? Yes, of course.

But that's what you get for using high-level gear in low-level areas.

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I wouldn't take out damage mods. HOWEVER, I think all weapons should have damage/RoF/etc levelups, such that Rank 30 weapons can be used in vs enemies up to Lv 30 (ie early Pluto) without further modding.


Then, stuff like damage mods and such can be used to pull weapons up to "Pluto Survival 40 minutes" and so on.


Would this trivialize early content? Yes, of course.

But that's what you get for using high-level gear in low-level areas.


That's also viably fair. In that case being bad with the RNG will slow progression and make it difficult to access endgame content... but you can still basically do everything in the game outside of T3 Voids and such. The Pre-U7 weapon bonuses ended up being effectively just +50% to magazine size/damage/reload/RoF/crit chance/crit damage anwyays, so probably perfectly viable as levelups.

Edited by MJ12
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I remembered playing as a newbie on this. If you didn't had any damage increase mods, you basically would have issues killing things past venus. Where your guns can't even scratch a simple lancer. If you don't believe me, you could take a unmodded braton mk1 and attempt to kill something on lets say... Earth. Watch as you empty out magazines, only to kill one guy. That's basically how it is for a newbie at warframe. Most of my IRL friends who do pick it up have to rely on myself to carry them until they manage to get the bare basics in terms of mods just to survive past mercury.

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It's our responsibility as players to promote this issue and bring it to the front of things we want added. This is a change that would benefit old and new players. The current mod system isn't getting better, damage 2.0 wasn't perfect and requires a compliment.

Weapons should level up, utility mods should be valuable and trade offs should become worth consideration.

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I was playing a fair bit with CrimsonCannon, a friend of mine, and I've spent the last weeks running with Ysi, who's come back after Update 6. My experience has been that for a new player, taking the whole game as is is an overwhelming experience. That's something that I felt every time I rolled with ckk - it was like I was constantly trying to catch up to all the fast players who were slaughtering everything in their wake. :p


Having weapons leveling up their stats, even modestly, would still help new players and players with new weapons.



I remembered playing as a newbie on this. If you didn't had any damage increase mods, you basically would have issues killing things past venus. Where your guns can't even scratch a simple lancer. If you don't believe me, you could take a unmodded braton mk1 and attempt to kill something on lets say... Earth. Watch as you empty out magazines, only to kill one guy. That's basically how it is for a newbie at warframe. Most of my IRL friends who do pick it up have to rely on myself to carry them until they manage to get the bare basics in terms of mods just to survive past mercury.


Exactly, bro. It took me getting the Soma to actually start having a chance of killing things, and even then I needed your help to carry me.


I still remember my first T1 Exterminate. I'd gotten my Volt, hadn't gotten my Soma yet, and completely ran out of ammo for my Boltor with about I think 55 enemies to go. Luckily I already had my Lex by then, so I still managed to struggle through, but it wasn't pretty. -_-

Edited by WhiskeyGolf
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After having only played for about two weeks, I can confirm that getting past earth without the mods I now know I "needed" was frustrating. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to kill anything, because I was higher level than the enemies, and my weapons were too! It was simply because I needed to farm for more of the necessary mods. So, I did, went back and farmed survival and defense missions, which I really enjoyed doing. Got better mods, and went on past earth finally.

However, I think you bring up some really good ideas on how to improve the system. The way I see it now, and how the game has shown me it works thus far, there can only be a few builds per weapon that are truly effective at doing what they need to - kill things and survive.

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