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Hotfix 11.0.3: Hotter Than Ruk’S Guns!


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PLEASE fix damage numbers appearing on dead or dying enemies, even ones that are mid-vaporizing. it is very annoying as you can never clearly tell when the enemy is actually dead since you see persisting damage numbers. make it so the damage numbers stop IMMEDIATELY after their health is gone, like before. this unnecessary enemy level compression is really getting on my nerves as well :/

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First off, keep in mind that this is indeed a gigantic change. DE warned that there will be balance issues and that there will be constant monitoring of the changes implemented. COMMON SENSE would tell you that there will be bugs in such a huge update. You're saying their unprofessional, and yet they have been working their asses off to make this game dynamic as possible as well as release bug fixes throughout the early morning and late evening.


Also, maybe the fact that there's a larger amount of people enjoying the update you're currently bashing means something? It really seems like most of the folks that actually sat down and read up about the change, and then fixed their loadouts appropriately are having a ball, while most others who tried to play T3 with their rainbow builds got hammered into the ground and are now raging on the forums about it.




Thanks for proving my point.

Sorry for the long quote, this is maybe my second or third fourm post. Dunno how to edit. 


I've played ~7 hours of U11 now, and I've "correctly" built my mods, corresponding to the weapon/faction/enemy I'm trying to kill. The results are quite underwhelming. My Dread's damage is laughable now, even with Multishot, and it doesn't help the the Infested can pretty much 3-shot the shields on the Cyropod at Xini. We're talking derpchargeres here! 


In short, I think they should have waited ~1 week to release this update, if nothing else than to work out these "Major" bugs. Better to have people raging about a huge update not coming for one extra week (pointless) than have them rage about tons of weapons being "nerfed" due to the unresponsive new damage system, and enemies "buffed" on the same effect (Stalker is hell. Not even Loki can get away now. Prepare your Tennobehind, because he's here for us!)


All in all, this is a GREAT idea! Thanks to DE for coming up with a new damage system that (in the future) will make sense. I'm looking forward to this being updated, as it has a lot of potential. For now, though, I sympathize with the "ragers". Yes, DPS is much lower now, but keep your chin up! Things will get better! 




P.S. (I've constantly found, while fighting Vor, that many times only the host can damage him for the first phase. Anybody else having this problem?)




P.P.S. (Corpus crewman, tech, and elite crewman... Still have no way to headshot them.)

Edited by Spec_Ops_FoxHound
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Added a context menu when right clicking on Private conversation tab header that contains on option to close said tab.



Since "close tab" is the only option when right clicking a tab, why not just add an "x" that closes said tab?  It would be 1 simple click instead of 2.

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Exp rewards when completing a missions are still a bit underwhelming, but a bit better than they used to.

I hope this is not a nasty plot to force players to spend plat on affinity boosters to get their gear ranked up.

What I am saying is that it could still use some adjusting.


Melee still gets stuck sometimes and stops working completely.


Mousewheel scrolling issues with UI elements with more than one scrollbar.


When in Arsenal and clicking on the chat to activate it, every time I move the cursor outside the chat window my warframe will start spinning at 47800RPM for a moment...


These are the things that I can come up with at the moment.

Otherwise a great update so far. Thank you for the hard work, keep it up. :)


P.S. I fought a mission for Battle pay qualifications in the event when the node was at 98%, and when I had completed it (came out of mission) it had been conquered. I received no Battle pay (50k credits). Is this intentional?

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Your damn stalker is too overpowered now. No one can beat him alone now. He can one hit most of frames and ignore almost all their abilities. WTF? When will you finally begin to think and test before changing the balance and buff/nerf something? DE, try to kill stalker by yourself. :P

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