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Is The Meso E5 Relic Drop For The Euphonia Receiver Broken?


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  I don't usually go out of my way to make posts about this sorta thing but the Meso E5 gold drop seems bugged. I did 12-13 of the relics with full squads of other people with radiants (thats about 56 radiant relics opened between the squad) except one squad that was mixed with the rarity of the relic and i still didn't get the part i got about 7 silver helios parts and 7 silver banshee parts  so maybe i did 14 radiants. i ended up buying it for 30 platinum because i was starting to get frustrated. I would like to point out that i used tons of aya and the void traces took me about 6 hours to collect by themselves and i was getting kinda tired of opening relics as my gameplay just to get resources that sometimes only drop by the 8 and only can give you about 30 or 40 maybe 50 if you are extremely lucky. I watched a video that said if you opened about 2-4 full squads of radiant relics you would have pretty much guaranteed gold part I'm just frustrated and it feels broken but I'm not sure. The thing is i still want the barrel and the gauntlets for the Kogake but I'm really burnt out on grinding for over 8 hours a day to get it. 

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Radiant relics only have a 10% chance of dropping the rare, and playing more doesn't influence those chances. If a rare drop is rarely dropping, well, that's more like an indicator it's working as intended

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your "nearly guaranteed" for a 10% Chance is up to ~90 Samples.

but uh, the flip is that in a way you kinda can't lose because by the time you do anywhere near that many Samples, you'll have more Plat worth of stuff you already got than the thing you didn't get is actually worth anyways.
Trading provides that second layer of failsafe. 

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This is the down side of the True RNG nature of Warframe.

10% Drop Chance from a Radiant Relic does not mean that you are ever 'guaranteed' any drops except when taken as a total for millions of tries.

Because it's truly random, with no pity system, the way this works could mean that you're one of the outliers that has 90,000 in a row that are not the Rare drop, then 10,000 in a row that are. The average is still 10%, but you've gone 90k without getting one.

I'm sorry to say that you're really, really just unlucky my friend.

This is definitely cause for burn-out.

Try something else for a while. Farming only one thing at a time is the real guarantee of getting frustrated. If you have the time, try something like Void Storms instead. Grind up the Corpus ones because you'll get an average of multiple things from it; Endo from parts you don't need, Parts that you do need, Affinity for any frame or weapon you bring with you, Corrupted Holokeys for the Tenet Melee Weapons from Ergo Glast, and the Storms also drop Radiant Relics from the main reward table, so you don't need the grind for Void Traces.

My point being that if you find a mission type that lets you get rewards for other things too, it can be rewarding even if you don't get the parts you were looking for in particular.

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I guess im just tired of farming and then waiting to find a squad and then getting misinformation about how the mechanics should work when that should just be explained better by the devs. Then you get this thing then go over there to get that thing and it never ends. I literately just wanted to collect all the frames which i was almost done with and get the weapons as they became unvaulted but i guess not because i couldn't transfer my old account to PC from Playstation and now im getting terrible luck after farming hours upon hours which is were i draw the line because the more i play the more im finding its probably not for me anymore and that's a shame because between my two accounts i have about 3000 hours into it but if i keep getting to frustrated its just better to put down the game especially if more and more it keeps irritating you. The game has some odd and tedious design and that's what is frustrating me most. Like nitain extracts, tellerium, the fact that i cant seem to ever put enough damage or think of an elaborate way to make my weapons deal damage to anything over level like 125 except my kuva karak which can deal damage till level 150-160. Most of the weapons i try to make cannot be fine tuned to my playstyle because its all about "meta" or i run out of capacity. Love the feel of the Akzani pistols and love the idea of the Kestrel boomerang but i cant get either of them to deal the damage i would like because they are not "meta" even if they are (Tenet Arca Plasmor) you spend hours getting the resources leveling up and building them only to find out that it feels like that one mod or feature is missing and it is not possible to have anything else because you are at capacity. Not just weapons but frames too i wanted to make chroma into a cool dragon frame that felt fun to play but you must have the Umbra mods and an adaptation to make him survivable which takes up about 4 out of your 8 regular slots i rebuilt Chroma like 7-8 times and couldnt make him that good . I guess the brighter side is ill have more time to do other things now. Honestly might uninstall it we will see how i feel. This game has wasted enough of my life at this point. 


Edited by Pankcake_Boy
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While I hear you, punctuation and spacing your text wall is definitely necessary.

17 hours ago, Pankcake_Boy said:

Honestly might uninstall it we will see how i feel.

Honestly, take a break.

Taking a break from any game when the grind is getting to you is both healthy and recommended.

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