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The Rhino buffs: I am concerned, as a hardcore Rhino main, and once a revenant lover.


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28 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

You may want to reconsider what you’re saying in light of the edit I made before you posted this. Although I’m not sure if you just excised the edit

Well guess what it is staying in as again thee decaying key is working exactly as its meant to, not only that but people begging for this key gate combo to be removed ever since the start when shied gating was added and nothing has changed so far. And additionally the decaying key is disabled during circuit but not in sanctuary onslaught despite both taking away the gear wheel meaning there is some evidence DE is fully aware of the combo and have considered the key a viable gear item. And what if DE does end up removing it, will people then start demanding nerfs to condemn and pillage too?

You say if they keep the combo in its cuz DE has given up and just do players a favor but I would say the oppisite, if DE ever does removed it would be because of so many people like that dont understand what it actually it keep demanding for its removal and will just give in.

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On 2023-07-29 at 10:48 PM, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

I dont think you realize just how short 1.3 is, the downside is that you cant run efficiency on your builds because it would prevent you from fully replenishing your shields in 1 cast. If you are spamming that much to face tank every singe instance of damage you will run out of energy so quickly then die shortly after. People always seem to focus so heavily on the invulnerability side that they completely ignore the absolutely insane that comes with it. And for the record most healing abilities do infact fully heal instantly, the ones that dont are mostly heal over time effects, on top of this health has far dr then shields do making healing technically more effective and efficient where as shields dont have really any dr at all and only have the gate which makes it very constient and is what makes it better than health tanking in higher lvls. So yes I will stand by my statement that shield gating is no different then healing your health.

1.3 seconds is about 5x longer than the average human's reaction time. From what I see, different sources appear to claim the average reaction time to be anything from 0.2s - 0.3s, so no, 1.3 seconds isn't that short within the context. Of course, we do have to account for ping, input lag etc, but even then, even when also considering someone with slower than average reaction times, 1.3 second is quite generous a window.

One can build for efficiency if one wants and have a viable Shield Gate build: A frame with 300 base shields at lvl 30 has only 75 shields with Decaying Dragon Key equipped. Given Brief Respite and 5 of the 6 Augur mods in a loadout convert 350% energy used to shields, you need an ability that costs 22 energy to fully replenish shields. What this means is one can actually build for max efficiency on a frame with 300 base shields and use their "ult", or 4, to replenish shields. That is a limit from which one can work. Adjust efficiency and/or ability used for the purpose of shield replenishment accordingly if looking to use less shield-replenishing mods, frames with other base shield values, another ability, non-maxed efficiency builds etc. Alternatively, one can even skip all that and subsume Pillage on some frames against certain factions, build for a bit of negative duration, throw on some casting speed buffs and off you go. You can also facetank with a Shield Gate build fairly comfortably. I do so often when I want a sip of my coffee and with a bit basic math you should be able to see setups can comfortably facetank for 20+ seconds just standing around doing nothing else.

Your argument regarding "healing one's health bar being the same as shield gating" relies on you ignoring the value of the invulnerability period and ignoring there being no time-based cooldown on the mechanic, allowing chaining of the mechanic ie your argument relies on you sticking your head in the sand and pretending the very thing that separates the two, doesn't exist. In reality, it has a massive impact. Last year with the release of Overguard, Mesmer Skin with 10 stacks was getting shredded in about a second by a Heavy Gunner with active Overguard. less than that when facing more than one or other enemies as well. DE buffed the ability by giving it "only" a 1-second invulnerability period between each stack being lost, which is ended up being the difference in 10 stacks getting shredded in less than a second, to it now lasting 10 seconds minimum. That is the impact successive instances of short-duration invulnerability has. That is why the invulnerability period Shield Gating grants, together with the potential to use it consecutively so one remains effectively invulnerable for a 20+ seconds, is far, far different from healing your health bar. 

On 2023-07-29 at 10:48 PM, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

It literally is preventing one hits, literally every time you get hit in those higher lvls you will die instantly. And your not fully invulnerable during it either, every time you take a hit you have to use a chunk of energy every time, which again you cant use any efficiency so it usually ends up being 50 or 75 energy per, meaning your energy bar is effectively your health bar and you have to constantly maintain it. Again people focus way too much on the invulnerability widow and ignore everything else that goes into it.

Again, it doesn't prevent all one-shots, so it fails in its primary function. You can use efficiency builds if you want, as explained above. 

People focus on the invulnerability period because that is causing the imbalances, but you are trying to argue everything is fine as long as we just ignore the negative impact it has and as long as we accept it doesn't even fulfil its main function. Silly.

On 2023-07-29 at 10:48 PM, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Again the downside is extreme energy costs, you play bad and take a lot more damage than you should then your energy cost will too much to handle, this is people dont seem to get if your just gonna stand there and face tank everything by spamming abilities every time your shield breaks you will die so unbelievably fast as there is no amount of energy restoration that can keep up with that. Now you could say "oh but youre not just gonna be standing there in one place the whole time, youre gonna be moving around and be killing or ccing stuff" and yea youd be right thats the point, the shield gate playstyle forces you to play extremely actively and be able to react very quickly to many situations in order to maintain it. Like I said people just ignore everything that goes into shield gating and overvalue that invulnerability window.

I addressed your notion as to why people spam. You thinking people spam because "enemies are spammy" is wrong.

In practice the downside of energy costs isn't impactful given the various methods of energy regen available in most conditions. To quote you this is: "Something that is better understood after you experience in practice.".

On 2023-07-29 at 10:48 PM, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Do you realize how not a threat lower lvl enemies are? Norma starchart/void fissure enemies would be doing enough damage that modding for extra health is necessary you can get by with just the base no shield gating required just by playing well or useing over tuned builds that wipe them around before they can even do anything. Now lvls 100-200 or base sp this gets a little interesting cuz yea you can give up survivability for more strength/range/dura/whatever but then you now become forced to play the hyper active playstyle that shield gating comes with and have to give up the comfortness of just health tanking  in exchange for for a stronger build. So yea again I stand by what I said.

You claimed Shield Gating is only useful in 1k+ content and has little to no impact in content lower in level. I refuted that, because, well, again you were talking nonsense.

Here is an example of Shield Gate play. The player isn't using mass cc. They aren't jumping around like crazy to be more evasive. They aren't using some intricate button combinations. They see a visual indicator of their shields breaking and they activate Molt. 

You were wrong about why people spam. You were objectively wrong about not being able to build for efficiency regarding Shield Gating builds. You were objectively wrong about Shield Gating builds not being impactful at levels lower than 1k. You were objectively wrong about it being the same as "healing the health bar". Stubbornly standing by these statements instead of being open to learning simply results in you stunting your own acquisition of knowledge and understanding. I have to point these out, because I don't want those who aren't familiar with Shield Gating to not try it, all because some player who doesn't understand the mechanic is trying to make it out to be far harder than it is.


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On 2023-07-29 at 11:44 PM, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

This is actually extremely well said. While I do use and enjoy shield gating, it isn't some "skilled based" mechanic and is a bandaid for much larger issues. Shield gating=/= skill it's just our only option at a certain point. Anyways, I don't think Rhino is in an unhealthy balance state like revenant. Other frames like Nezha and Kullervo have multiple invulnerability moments but are fine.

Thank you.

It seems some players try to paint this picture that Shield Gating is far harder than it actually is. I agree it is a shame that Shield Gating, or Protective Sling spam becomes our only option. I was hoping that DE would look at the durability mechanics and balance it better, but with the latest change to Overguard and them introducing another gate, I suppose they are going to continue to feed into band-aids.

Revenant... oh boy, he is broken OP and while I do feel he is more unhealthy than Rhino, even Rhino is rather unhealthy in my opinion, due to his effective immortality without having to use a Shield Gating build and the massive damage boost he can grant. I believe many of the balance issues are as a result of the intensity/effectiveness of a mechanic, together with effective duration one can achieve. Invulnerability mechanics can be ok as long as their effective duration is kept in check, which at present isn't really the case.

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1 hour ago, Silligoose said:

Your argument regarding "healing one's health bar being the same as shield gating" relies on you ignoring the value of the invulnerability period and ignoring there being no time-based cooldown on the mechanic, allowing chaining of the mechanic ie your argument relies on you sticking your head in the sand and pretending the very thing that separates the two, doesn't exist. In reality, it has a massive impact. Last year with the release of Overguard, Mesmer Skin with 10 stacks was getting shredded in about a second by a Heavy Gunner with active Overguard. less than that when facing more than one or other enemies as well. DE buffed the ability by giving it "only" a 1-second invulnerability period between each stack being lost, which is ended up being the difference in 10 stacks getting shredded in less than a second, to it now lasting 10 seconds minimum. That is the impact successive instances of short-duration invulnerability has. That is why the invulnerability period Shield Gating grants, together with the potential to use it consecutively so one remains effectively invulnerable for a 20+ seconds, is far, far different from healing your health bar. 

And you again are ignoring the fact that health has access to way damage reduction then shields do. When your shield breaks you have a 1.3 second window to react and deal with it and restore it back to full, in a health tanking when you start receiving large amounts your damage reduction (whether that be via armor, adaptation, or warframe ability) will quick in and reduce the time for that damage to kill you, often times way more time than the 1.3 secs shield fate dives, allowing you to react and restore back your health. Btw shield gating is not some skill you do or activate, what you are doing to "shield gate" is actually restoring your shields in order to gain another instance of that shield gate. Shield gate tanking and health tanking are one in the same simple as that, the only difference is that shield gating scales significantly better than health tanking do to its consistency which is dure to the fact it was specifically designed for crazy high lvl contetn.


1 hour ago, Silligoose said:

You claimed Shield Gating is only useful in 1k+ content and has little to no impact in content lower in level. I refuted that, because, well, again you were talking nonsense.

Here is an example of Shield Gate play. The player isn't using mass cc. They aren't jumping around like crazy to be more evasive. They aren't using some intricate button combinations. They see a visual indicator of their shields breaking and they activate Molt.

1st of you sure this is the game you wanna play? 2nd the clip you gave is quite the bad showcase, you see right here if this dude wasnt in literal base lvl sp he would be dead. 3rd how bout you take a rewatch of that clip and take a closer look at how many hits he ends up taking. In case you wernt aware of how molt works, molt draws enemy agro but not only that but also kinda rhinos iron skin where the decoy is invulnerable for 3 secs and all the absorbed damage gets converted to health for it meaning there will always be at least a few secs where the enemies are way less likely to shoot at you, this combined with the instant cast is what actually makes it a popular shield gate ability. 4th you say the following "They see a visual indicator of their shields breaking and they activate Molt" so answer me this. If you see your health drop below half, would you or would you not activate some sort of healing ability or other source?

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1 hour ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Shield gate tanking and health tanking are one in the same simple as that, the only difference is that shield gating scales significantly better than health tanking

Seems your typing took a hit. Your argument was that Shield Gating and healing one's health bar was the same. I focussed on the most impactful difference - the invulnerability period Shield Gating grants.  At least now you've gone from "Shield Gating and healing your health bar is the same", to "it is the same, except that it isn't", though you still don't seem to get Shield Gating not only scales significantly better, but scales to infinity. Still, I guess that's some sort of progress.

1 hour ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

 2nd the clip you gave is quite the bad showcase, 

On 2023-07-29 at 10:48 PM, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

the downside is that you cant run efficiency

On 2023-07-29 at 10:48 PM, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Now lvls 100-200 or base sp this gets a little interesting cuz yea you can give up survivability for more strength/range/dura/whatever but then you now become forced to play the hyper active playstyle

The video I linked is an example of Shield Gating play running an efficiency build in SP vs lvls 100 - 200 showing that no "hyper-active" playstyle was required there, contrary to what your claims are. Maybe you consider camping, pressing a button when shields break and using a thrown melee that doesn't require much aim a "hyper-active" playstyle, in which case I guess you'd consider early- to midgame a "super hyper active extreme-eeme-eeme" playstyle if players don't power level, as one required more effort to be successful back there given limited tools available.

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9 hours ago, Silligoose said:

Seems your typing took a hit. Your argument was that Shield Gating and healing one's health bar was the same. I focussed on the most impactful difference - the invulnerability period Shield Gating grants.  At least now you've gone from "Shield Gating and healing your health bar is the same", to "it is the same, except that it isn't", though you still don't seem to get Shield Gating not only scales significantly better, but scales to infinity. Still, I guess that's some sort of progress.

With health tanking you use dr to reduce the time it takes for you to die giving you time to heal yourself back to full, with shield gating you use the 1.3 gate to reduce the time it takes for you to die giving you time to fully restore your shields back to full. Tell me what exactly so different about the two.


9 hours ago, Silligoose said:

The video I linked is an example of Shield Gating play running an efficiency build in SP vs lvls 100 - 200 showing that no "hyper-active" playstyle was required there, contrary to what your claims are.

The dude literally took damage during that clip you showed took a few hits to his health and only survived because they were only lvl 117, not only that but the molt decoy was doing all the work and not the shield gating thats why I said it was a bad showcase.


9 hours ago, Silligoose said:

Maybe you consider camping, pressing a button when shields break and using a thrown melee that doesn't require much aim a "hyper-active" playstyle, in which case I guess you'd consider early- to midgame a "super hyper active extreme-eeme-eeme" playstyle if players don't power level, as one required more effort to be successful back there given limited tools available.

So answer me this, is it more active to press a button to restore your shields every time they break or to one button at the start then never care again? Tell how that gameplay was more active playing than inaros. Also you never answered my question in my last post which was, if you fall under half health would you or would you not press a button to health back to full either via ability or other source?

I feel This video does a good job of going over what exactly shield gating is in comparison to health tanking, I encourage you watch through it all.

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4 hours ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

With health tanking you use dr to reduce the time it takes for you to die giving you time to heal yourself back to full, with shield gating you use the 1.3 gate to reduce the time it takes for you to die giving you time to fully restore your shields back to full. Tell me what exactly so different about the two.

Shield gating scales, health tanking does not. As has already been explained to you (by me, even), but you ignored.

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1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

Shield gating scales, health tanking does not. As has already been explained to you (by me, even), but you ignored.

Yet they are one in the same, and this is what is you guys ignore. All relevant content health tanking is just far better and far easier to pull off so dont start with that garbage. Stop trying to bring down shield gating all because health tanking cant compete with in lvl1-2k + content that hardly anyone will ever go to anyway, its downright absurd at this point.

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1 hour ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Yet they are one in the same, and this is what is you guys ignore. All relevant content health tanking is just far better and far easier to pull off so dont start with that garbage. Stop trying to bring down shield gating all because health tanking cant compete with in lvl1-2k + content that hardly anyone will ever go to anyway, its downright absurd at this point.

Something I’m wondering now is why you’re so adamant about defending Shieldgate abuse. It’s definitely an interaction with a big “Reconsider my design” target on its back for reasons you don’t seem to grasp because you don’t know the difference between a powerful synergy and a too-powerful synergy, but… I’m not entirely sure what you’re getting out of shieldgate abuse or why you think it’s so important that it’s so inconcievable that DE won’t swoop in and take it away from you down the line

edit: As an aside, I watched the video. 16 minutes is a lot more reasonable than 5 hours

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1 hour ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Yet they are one in the same, and this is what is you guys ignore. All relevant content health tanking is just far better and far easier to pull off so dont start with that garbage. Stop trying to bring down shield gating all because health tanking cant compete with in lvl1-2k + content that hardly anyone will ever go to anyway, its downright absurd at this point.

If only this was a true. Blast eximus can one shot health tanks, Inaros, nidus, Nezha at any level. While it has been confirmed a bug it is not a rare case and happens every time I do a sp 1 hr survival. I actually don't use inaros anymore because I have to shield gate with Nezha when I see the blast eximus do his move. There is nothing else you can do.

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35 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Something I’m wondering now is why you’re so adamant about defending Shieldgate abuse. It’s definitely an interaction with a big “Reconsider my design” target on its back for reasons you don’t seem to grasp because you don’t know the difference between a powerful synergy and a too-powerful synergy, but… I’m not entirely sure what you’re getting out of shieldgate abuse or why you think it’s so important that it’s so inconcievable that DE won’t swoop in and take it away from you down the line

Why so adamant about labeling shield gating as this "abusive" when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Like I said go try out raw shield gating yourself in a sp surv and see how long you last, equip the key put on brief respite or augur set and take off all other survivability and see how fast you run out of energy trying to face tank those hordes of enemies with just raw shield gating.


8 hours ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:


I feel This video does a good job of going over what exactly shield gating is in comparison to health tanking, I encourage you watch through it all.

Also, how about you watch this video all the way through too, maybe you would learn something.

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1 minute ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Why so adamant about labeling shield gating as this "abusive" when you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Like I said go try out raw shield gating yourself in a sp surv and see how long you last, equip the key put on brief respite or augur set and take off all other survivability and see how fast you run out of energy trying to face tank those hordes of enemies with just raw shield gating.


Also, how about you watch this video all the way through too, maybe you would learn something.

I did watch the video the whole way through. The guy’s acting like we should be treating unbalanced SP as the measuring stick for what DE should be designing around, and talks about lack of build variety in the catchall gamemode designed for taking limited amounts of unbalanced builds. He even talks about balance like it’s a concept in SP, which gets an eyebrow raise.

Considering a lot of what you’ve said sounds like it was pulled straight from this video that justifies Shieldgating as an active playstyle while I’m watching him run straight into enemies with no consideration for any sort of dangerzone or anything and I’m pretty sure little care for what he’s actually fighting at any moment, I’m guessing this particular video has been heavily influential in your stance.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

If only this was a true. Blast eximus can one shot health tanks, Inaros, nidus, Nezha at any level. While it has been confirmed a bug it is not a rare case and happens every time I do a sp 1 hr survival. I actually don't use inaros anymore because I have to shield gate with Nezha when I see the blast eximus do his move. There is nothing else you can do.

Yea that is sorta true though not as bad as people make it out to be, it does become more problematic around the 30-40 minute mark of sp endurance though even still its a really telegraphed attack thats easy enough to move out of the way when you hear about to come out tho sometimes I will admit amongst the hordes of enemies it may not be the most easy thing to see coming tho still better oldscool grenades. And yea big bursts of damage like the blitz eminus or bombard rockets have always had this one hit problem, its actually the reason grenades have a big red warning circle now, you can actually see this problem clearly with adaption vs a grineer heavy gunner vs some infested enemy, infested units for the most part deal exclusively impact damage yet despite this adaptation will hardly make any difference unlike with the heavy gunner.

2 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

I did watch the video the whole way through. The guy’s acting like we should be treating unbalanced SP as the measuring stick for what DE should be designing around, and talks about lack of build variety in the catchall gamemode designed for taking limited amounts of unbalanced builds. He even talks about balance like it’s a concept in SP, which gets an eyebrow raise.

Considering a lot of what you’ve said sounds like it was pulled straight from this video that justifies Shieldgating as an active playstyle while I’m watching him run straight into enemies with no consideration for any sort of dangerzone or anything and I’m pretty sure little care for what he’s actually fighting at any moment, I’m guessing this particular video has been heavily influential in your stance.

So, you didnt watch the vid is what youre saying?

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

So, you didnt watch the vid is what youre saying?

I get the sense that this is another case of you being cute. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the guy literally says that the real benefit of shieldgating isn’t the endless invincibility, but rather the increase in available modslots. The thing that jumps out to me is the endless invincibility bit

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1 minute ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

I get the sense that this is another case of you being cute. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the guy literally says that the real benefit of shieldgating isn’t the endless invincibility, but rather the increase in available modslots. The thing that jumps out to me is the endless invincibility bit

That you so much for proving my point.

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

That you so much for proving my point.

The guy, and by extension you because you’re a parrot, wants health-based gameplay to be on the same level as shieldgate abuse gameplay. As in invincible. Because he thinks the problem is that there’s little build diversity in the part of the game that’s meant to be a build-killer

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

The guy, and by extension you because you’re a parrot, wants health-based gameplay to be on the same level as shieldgate abuse gameplay. As in invincible. Because he thinks the problem is that there’s little build diversity in the part of the game that’s meant to be a build-killer

How about you rewatch the whole vid again and not skip though it and tunnel visioning onto dumb stuff to try to have it fit your narrative.

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2 minutes ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

How about you rewatch the whole vid again and not skip though it and tunnel visioning onto dumb stuff to try to have it fit your narrative.

Thank god it’s only 16 minutes and I can run it in the background while I try and pull whatever specific thing you want me to pull out of it because you’re too busy trying to seem superior or something…

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Shield Gating is just hiding the fact that we are lacking survivability options in the game past a certain point, and instead of actually addressing how much damage enemies do/better survival options, abusing shield gating is being pushed as as the solution. The shield actually breaking and preventing damage from bleeding over along with the brief grace period for you to process what is actually going on isn't the issue, it's the extent this can be chained to provide immunity to all incoming damage.

If you don't believe me, here's a clip where I am effectively immortal without actually making use of survival mods outside of the ones commonly used in shield gating. There really isn't a point where I'm actually close to dying, and I even bother making use of any other survival mechanics available to me like Status, CC, or Abilities.

When abusing shield gating, actually modding for survivability is detrimental, if DE gives Augur mods/Brief Respite the same treatment as the Rakta Dark Dagger, all of my survivability is gone. If DE add a Shield aura that functions similarly to Physique, my build is useless. A Shield Blessing from a Relay might be enough to push my build to the point where I can't recover enough Shield to refresh my Shield Gate. That's how fragile a build is if it is entirely based around abusing a mechanic in a way it was not intended to be used. Survival should not go from Immortality to instantly dead just because you gained a little base shield capacity and just shows that this is a band-aid for a problem we never got an actual solution to.

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5 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Thank god it’s only 16 minutes and I can run it in the background while I try and pull whatever specific thing you want me to pull out of it because you’re too busy trying to seem superior or something…

Oh, youll know exactly what that is once you get to that point.

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22 minutes ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Oh, youll know exactly what that is once you get to that point.

I’m just going to throw out random observations to see what sticks:

Is it the part where he says players complaining about shieldgate abuse are just players trying to turn health tanking builds into shieldgate abuse builds, and you think I’m one of those players afraid of death and is why I’m saying bad things about shieldgate abuse

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4 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

I’m just going to throw out random observations to see what sticks:

Is it the part where he says players complaining about shieldgate abuse are just players trying to turn health tanking builds into shieldgate abuse builds, and you think I’m one of those players afraid of death and is why I’m saying bad things about shieldgate abuse

More or less yes, its more about people focusing way too much on the invulnerability and assume that because some select frames "abuse" shield gating better than others like saryn or khroa that all frames can do the same and just spam abilities endlessly and never however in reality thats not true. Now Im not sure if you saw it or if you where just listening to it in the background but he did show a molt sayrn stand still and face tank a bunch a heavy gunners which worked briefly, however the second he ran out of energy bam dead. People just put way too much value in the invulnerability window when in reality its nowhere near as big as people think it is.

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13 minutes ago, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

More or less yes, its more about people focusing way too much on the invulnerability and assume that because some select frames "abuse" shield gating better than others like saryn or khroa that all frames can do the same and just spam abilities endlessly and never however in reality thats not true. Now Im not sure if you saw it or if you where just listening to it in the background but he did show a molt sayrn stand still and face tank a bunch a heavy gunners which worked briefly, however the second he ran out of energy bam dead. People just put way too much value in the invulnerability window when in reality its nowhere near as big as people think it is.

Death is an acceptable outcome. And I’m still saying that shieldgate abuse has a “Reconsider me” target on its back

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5 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Death is an acceptable outcome. And I’m still saying that shieldgate abuse has a “Reconsider me” target on its back

Im telling you bud it really doesnt, the whole "infinite invulnerability" is just a huge misconception that comes from so many people misunderstanding and overvaluing what the shield gate does and just jump to assumptions that very wrong. Il say it again, you can feel free to this shield gate "abuse" yourself and you will very quickly see that it is nowhere near as op as you think it is.

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Just now, (NSW)warfare3376 said:

Im telling you bud it really doesnt, the whole "infinite invulnerability" is just a huge misconception that comes from so many people misunderstanding and overvaluing what the shield gate does and just jump to assumptions that very wrong. Il say it again, you can feel free to this shield gate "abuse" yourself and you will very quickly see that it is nowhere near as op as you think it is.

Yet it scales how far…?

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