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I love this game so much and I quit


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I'm going real off the cuff here and I'll start by saying, MAN DO I LOVE THIS GAME!

Today would have been day 29 of logging in straight in a row from having started my time almost a month ago in this awesome game. I wasn't shy at all about using my wallet to speed up my progression and It didn't pain me at all as I was happily spending in a game I enjoy. I had a total of 17 frames, 9 of which were Prime. I played the meta so I had S/A rank frames and I had a frame designated for every activity. On average every frame had 4 forma, but I had some that were 5-6 forma stacked. I was already making progress in SP, had hunted Archons, Eidolons, and helped Kahl rescue some brothers! I had a tricked out Voidrig, was Rank 5 with several syndicates and almost reached it on Cetus and Deimos. I had 7 frames that I main'd, all with meta builds (Primed, Archon, Umbra mods, Maxed Arcanes, etc.). 

I enjoyed the heck out of Duviri and I was one of those dudes that enjoyed railjack so much. Relic hunts, trade chat and warframe market, helping out Clan mates...I really did enjoy the hell out of this game. Had over $300 spent in the game so far, I'm not whale but I considered myself a dolphin if anything. I have a budget for play money so again...It didn't hurt me to spend because the way I saw it I was investing in the game since the mods can be used for other builds, the weapons and the frames the same too. Did I participate in Fashion frame? Hell yea lol I had a skin purchased for every frame that I main'd lol. I purchased my tennocon ticket and was overjoyed to watch the stream all day, and I always nerd out on Thursdays with the Twitch streams. It was a fantastic experience and all of it was positive. 

Regrettably there was a misunderstanding with one of the cards on my account. My card account was locked out and one recent transaction  of $10 dollars was flagged as fraud for some reason. This caused my Warframe account to go negative in platinum. I was shocked to see this and didn't know it was an issue with my card until later. My initial reaction was to buy platinum and bring my account into the positive, simple as that. Nope...not simple as that...not to Xsolla. My account is locked out for 3 weeks (nearly as long as I've been playing) until this matter is resolved. I pleaded and begged and explained the error and confusion in the matter. I asked to simply be allowed to bring my account into good standing. None of it mattered because I was talking to bots, so there wasn't any empathy, there wasn't any care or understanding, there was only the policy. I was given an email for a supervisor and told that they would respond in 2 business days. 

So I sat in my chair with my face in my hands in disbelief. I went through a roller coaster of emotions oh boy...I was angry, I was upset, I was frustrated, sad and exhausted. To think that I was going to be locked out of my account for almost as long as I've been playing. I thought about the boosters currently ticking on my account, I thought about my frames that were in the foundry so that I could finally use my Heirloom skins from the Zenith pack, because hell yes I wanted to support the game! I think the developers are awesome, the game is  hella fun and man who doesn't have a crush on the lotus, both in game and in real life with Rebecca. I'm bipolar and the reality of my life is that I live things in extremes. I'm either extremely sad or extremely happy, unfortunately I don't really experience the middle ground. So I was extremely happy about this game and it was all taken away from me so easily due to a misunderstanding. Locking me out of my account wasn't the best solution. I get that it's a solution, but it's not a good one because after I was done processing my emotions, I realized that I got too vested into this game and it's probably best for me to disconnect because Xsolla did not care about me, and DE has chosen them as their merchant so the loss is on both ends...DE lost a member of their community and customer, and I lost a great game. 

Farewell, I won't be back. 

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That's a shame, but...

Yeah, it's probably healthier for you that you do take a break. If you're on a 3 week account lock, then see how you feel after that. If you don't want to come back, then don't.

Honestly, though? Putting that much money into the game so quickly was a bad plan, and would have been better done over a longer period. The game has content for months, if not years, so take the time to play it and only speed things up when you need to.

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Sorry to hear about what you're going through; that sounds very disheartening and upsetting.

If you haven't, I'd recommend opening a support ticket with Warframe.  The folks that respond to those aren't bots: https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us

And presumably, if this Xsolla service is causing problems for Warframe's customers, it's something the folks at Digital Extremes will be invested in looking into and improving.

Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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For account lockouts/suspensions, you will need to resolve the issue with Warframe support as others have directed you. If you have already submitted a support ticket, you need to wait for a representative to respond; sending multiple tickets for the same issue may be flagged as spamming/abusing the support ticket system and result in your being locked out of that as well.

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