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Nyx rework proposal, by a Nyx main


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Having been a Nyx main for many years now (one of about four I imagine), I feel I've gained a good grasp of the strengths and weaknesses of her kit and what would need to change to bring her up to speed with more recently released frames. I believe that she doesn't need a complete overhaul; I think her existing abilities are compelling enough that if they're given some meaningful changes they can be appealing again.

After Hydroid's recent rework, I think it's safe to say that he's no longer the generally agreed upon worst frame in the game. I wouldn't be surprised if others would now give that title to Nyx. The end of year statistics certainly make it clear that she's unpopular. While I don't think she's as bad as people think, I do think that she needs some love.

If there are two things her kit needs in my opinion, it's more synergy between abilities and enemy scaling. Her abilities have a kind of implied synergy already but the changes that I propose will give them deliberate, thoughtful synergy. Also, I think it makes sense for her to have enemy scaling on her abilities as she's one of the few frames in the game that can't directly deal damage to enemies; she relies on the enemy to do damage for her. I think this is fine and it's part of what makes her unique but I also think it's the perfect reason to give her scaling in her kit.

Below I've highlighted what I feel the problems with her current abilities and augments are in an attempt to justify the changes. I know it's a lot so please feel free to skip ahead to the changes section if that's what you're here for.




Passive: Not the worst passive in the game by any means but it is hard to notice it's effect at anything closer than medium range.

(1) Mind Control: Good ability on paper, being able to hijack enemy abilities is definitely compelling. Unfortunately, relying on the enemy AI to get anything done is not the best idea. Mind controlled enemies doing things like taking cover (while being invulnerable) or just generally standing around doing nothing means this ability isn't as good as it could be. Being able to increase the damage of the mind control target by shooting it is a good idea but ultimately makes little to no difference at any kind of respectable enemy level.

Mind Freak: One of the worst augments in the game. You can avoid using this augment all together by just... shooting the target a few more times. This was made even worse when mind control targets were given 500% damage by default. The increased damage doesn't even show up in the hud when using this augment. Newer players would probably be led to think that the 500% showed in the hud is coming from this augment. Or if they're already familiar with the ability they might think the augment isn't doing anything at all. Even in the best case scenario, mind control targets do negligible damage anyway and adding 500% isn't going to change that.

(2) Psychic Bolts: Easily her best ability but it is still flawed. This ability is the only reason to put any strength in a build at all (obviously not factoring in helminth abilities). The only other ability that has strength scaling is absorb and not in any meaningful way. This creates a situation that means you want an exact value for strength. 125% to be exact as that's the minimum required for 100% defense strip. If you have any less you won't strip all their defences and if you have any more it'll be wasted as it won't do anything. The only reason you would build more than 125% is for the infested slow which needs ludicrous amounts of strength to even be noticeable. I don't think it's healthy for an ability to want an exact stat value.

As well as this, since the changes to armor stripping abilities that made them strip a percentage of the max value instead of the current value, other abilities have become more compelling. (Shield stripping abilities still strip a percentage of the current shield value). This change meant that abilities no longer need to strip 100% of armor in one cast, you can simply mod for enough strength to strip 50%, which is much more achievable for most abilities, and then just cast the ability again. Before these changes Nyx was one of the few frames that could achieve 100% strip in a single cast of an ability at a reasonable amount of strength. These changes combined with the fact that new frames, and therefore new abilities, have been introduced means that defence stripping abilities are more effective and more plentiful, especially when you consider a lot of these abilities are also helminth abilities (pillage, terrify, fire blast, tharros strike). To be clear, I don't think these changes were a bad thing, I'm just trying to illustrate how defence stripping abilities have become more accessible and psychic bolts has fallen below the curve as a result.

Also this ability is incredibly unreliable if you're not the host or have a less than perfect connection to them. Half the time bolts will visually connect and stagger the enemy but they will retain their defences.

Pacifying Bolts: I don't dislike this augment. It certainly got a lot better after they added an extra 3 bolts to it. This is good as it means that they're not against raising the max number of bolts (more on that later). I think this augment capitalises on the strength of the ability, that being making enemies more vulnerable. The main issue this augment has is that completely disabling the enemies is kind of overkill as if they have no resistances they'll die if you so much as look at them anyway. It's more of just a nice addition to getting extra bolts.

(3) Chaos: One of her signature abilities in my opinion but I do think it's fallen off as the years have passed. I think the biggest problem with this ability is that it's just too simple, especially for a 3rd ability. Most new frames being released will have at least 2 effects on their 3rd ability. I think giving this ability a secondary effect would do it a lot of good. 

Also the way it affects the AI could do with some work. I've seen chaos affected enemies ignoring each other and all shooting at the objective. If as far as they're concerned, they're surrounded by warframes, I think the last thing they would be worried about is a terminal.

Chaos Sphere: This augment confuses me as it's purpose is to extend the effects of chaos to enemies that weren't in the initial cast range but the restrictions on the augment completely undermine this. The fact that the radius shrinks inwards and only lasts for half of the max duration of the base ability means that this augment is a lot less effective than it could be. Enemies will be making their way to you as you're at the epicenter of the ring but the ring is shrinking away from them.

(4) Absorb: Without an augment, it's hard to justify using this ability at all. Sitting completely stationary, unable to do anything except deactivate the ability, draining all your energy, just to deal negligible damage to any enemy that's above level 20 isn't exactly compelling. This is usually the ability I'll remove when adding a helminth ability unless I'm making a build around absorb. I've not managed to make many builds around absorb but when I do it'll make use of one of the augments. Also, the weapon buff this gives is laughably weak because it's additive. There's next to no reason to use the ability by itself and considering this is a 4th ability, that's not great.

Assimilate: The saving grace of this ability. Little reason to use it without this. Going from being able to do nothing while this ability is active to being able to do most of everything is obviously an improvement. However, only being able to move at 50% speed is rather debilitating. I'm fairly certain it's not even 50% of your walking speed. It feels more like 50% of your crouched speed, which unsurprisingly, is very slow.

Singularity: Hard to judge this one too much as it's a conclave augment but one way of making it better would be allowing you to actually mod the stats instead of them just being fixed. This mod also increases the energy drain which it fails to mention in it's description.





  • Strength of the accuracy debuff scales with distance from the enemy, being 40% at 5 meters or less, scaling down to 20% at 30 meters and beyond.

(1) Mind Control:

  • After the initial 'charge up' duration ends, any damage the mind control target takes from enemies is also added to it's damage output.
  • When the ability ends, all stored damage is released in a small explosion around the target.
  • The target will no longer teleport automatically and can be moved manually by reactivating the ability.

Mind Freak:

  • Causes the mind control target to periodically release a radial psychic blast that taunts all enemies within a given range, forcing them to attack the target.

(2) Psychic Bolts:

  • Now a toggleable ability:
    • Toggling on causes 3 psychic bolts to continually orbit Nyx.
    • Activating the ability costs no energy.
  • Bolts will actively seek enemies within range and field of view.
    • Enemies hit by a psychic bolt will be briefly staggered and have 100% of their defences removed, regardless of strength.
    • Strength now affects the number of bolts. She has 3 bolts at 100% strength and gains 1 additional bolt for every 33% strength.
    • Infested enemies will be slowed by 35% at base and ancients will have their auras disabled.
    • Every time a bolt is sent out, it costs 8 energy.
  • Bolts will remain attached to enemies until they die.
    • When an enemy that is marked by a bolt dies, the bolt will return to the pool of bolts orbiting Nyx and permanently increase her shields and/or armor by 5, up to a cap, depending on which defences were stripped.
  • Bolts will seek targets one after another, with a brief delay between them launching.
    • Enemies withing range are queued up to receive a bolt, with enemies closest to Nyx getting priority.
    • Damaging an enemy with a weapon will cause that enemy to move to the front of the queue.
  • Any enemy marked by a bolt will instantly become the focus of any enemies affected by chaos or mind control as long as they have line of sight and are reasonably close.

Pacifying Bolts:

  • Enemies are confused and stand helplessly in place for a short duration after being hit by a psychic bolt. Bolts refund half of their energy cost upon returning to Nyx.

(3) Chaos:

  • Enemies affected by chaos deal increased damage to other enemies affected by chaos.
    • This increase scales with enemy level.
  • Affected enemies now become more likely to prioritise other affected enemies over objectives.

Chaos Sphere:

  • The radius no longer shrinks over time, it stays fixed at the maximum range.
    • Still only lasts for half the maximum duration.
    • When it inflicts a new enemy with chaos, the duration is extended by 3 seconds, up to the maximum duration of the regular ability.

(4) Absorb:

  • Activating will slowly drain energy to create a protective sphere around Nyx that blocks and stores all incoming damage.
    • Persists until deactivated or Nyx runs out of energy.
    • Her passive is disabled while absorb is active.
  • When deactivated, all stored damage is discharged in a radial explosion, damaging all enemies within range.
    • Damage is increased by a multiplier that scales with enemy level.
    • Surviving enemies will be knocked down.
  • If psychic bolts is active when absorb is activated, all bolts are recalled and are held in orbit around Nyx.
    • As long as both abilities remain active, 1 additional psychic bolt will be generated every 2 seconds, up to a maximum of double the modded value.
    • When absorb is deactivated, all psychic bolts immediately fly out and seek the nearest enemies, just before the damage from absorb is dealt.
  • Nyx can move freely while channeling absorb and can cast abilities (non helminth) but cannot use weapons.
  • No longer grants a weapon buff or raises her threat level.
    • Instead, any enemy affected by chaos will be forced into attacking Nyx. This takes priority over her other abilities that redirect aggro.


  • Nyx can use weapons while in absorb but at the cost of mobility and a slight increase to energy drain.
    •  She can't crouch (and therefore can't slide or bullet jump) and can only jump once.
    • Movement speed is reduced by 50% but she is still allowed to sprint.
  • All damage absorbed is channeled into a capped, multiplicative weapon buff that slowly scales up with the amount of damage absorbed.
    • The buff is applied when absorb is deactivated and lasts for a reasonable duration afterwards. Activating absorb again dispels the buff.
    • Deactivating absorb no longer deals damage but it will still cause knockdown.
  • Psychic bolts behave normally while absorb is being channeled and will not be recalled upon activation or increase in number as they would without the augment.



  • Would likely remain unchanged as it's a conclave augment. (The changes to absorb would also improve this augment by proxy).


And there we have it. I apologise for the wall of text. I tried to make it as readable and concise as I could. This is something that I've been thinking about for a while so I'm interested to hear what people think. I tried to make her abilities feel more meaningful and impactful while not making them too overpowered as I'm aware that she's among the original roster of frames (or at least near enough) and that means that new players can acquire her very early on. This frame has a special place in my heart and it saddens me to see her forgotten. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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I also asked for a similar change for Chaos, to make it actually scale with ability strength by increasing enemies' damage to each other.
We should also get it to DE that Chaos not affecting overguarded targets should be considered an oversight because every other threat changing CC in the game affects them. Nyx's Chaos is an exception simply because of the ability having a mechanic that puts a debuff on the enemies instead of decoys.
I think same should apply to targets near arbitration drones.

I'd like if Psychic Bolts changed the stripped armors and shields into something useful for the team. Either shields, similarly to Pillage, or universal orbs. She could use more utility considering CC is getting less and less relevant.

Personally I strongly dislike Absorb and its augment, so I'd like to see Nyx get more survivability outside of that ability, mostly for the reasons I explained in that topic.
Without the augment it has a similar issue to Hydroid's puddle, and the augment slows gameplay and turns Nyx into something she's not, from a CC and utility to a tank frame. More modding freedom to change a frame's role is not wrong, but shoehorning people into using an augment they don't like is wrong in my opinion. Especially since some people want to use it as an excuse for Nyx not to get a rework.
I think Absorb should place a decoy that casts the ability in Nyx's place, so the player can continue to play the game and use their weapons and other abilities, while the augment would continue to function like it already does for people who want to play tank Nyx.
The numbers on Absorb should also scale with enemy levels like you said.

I'm not a Nyx main at all, but I'd like to play more as her. She has such an unique theme, but her abilities didn't age well.
I used to play her for her Chaos before eximus and arbitration drone rework, but now I refuse to. Besides talking about it on the forums, the only "voting" I can do for her to get a rework is to not play as her and to have that show on DE's statistics.

Edited by Harutomata
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3 hours ago, AERO5MITH said:



  • Strength of the accuracy debuff scales with distance from the enemy, being 40% at 5 meters or less, scaling down to 20% at 30 meters and beyond.

(1) Mind Control:

  • After the initial 'charge up' duration ends, any damage the mind control target takes from enemies is also added to it's damage output.
  • When the ability ends, all stored damage is released in a small explosion around the target.
  • The target will no longer teleport automatically and can be moved manually by reactivating the ability.

Mind Freak:

  • Causes the mind control target to periodically release a radial psychic blast that taunts all enemies within a given range, forcing them to attack the target.

(2) Psychic Bolts:

  • Now a toggleable ability:
    • Toggling on causes 3 psychic bolts to continually orbit Nyx.
    • Activating the ability costs no energy.
  • Bolts will actively seek enemies within range and field of view.
    • Enemies hit by a psychic bolt will be briefly staggered and have 100% of their defences removed, regardless of strength.
    • Strength now affects the number of bolts. She has 3 bolts at 100% strength and gains 1 additional bolt for every 33% strength.
    • Infested enemies will be slowed by 35% at base and ancients will have their auras disabled.
    • Every time a bolt is sent out, it costs 8 energy.
  • Bolts will remain attached to enemies until they die.
    • When an enemy that is marked by a bolt dies, the bolt will return to the pool of bolts orbiting Nyx and permanently increase her shields and/or armor by 5, up to a cap, depending on which defences were stripped.
  • Bolts will seek targets one after another, with a brief delay between them launching.
    • Enemies withing range are queued up to receive a bolt, with enemies closest to Nyx getting priority.
    • Damaging an enemy with a weapon will cause that enemy to move to the front of the queue.
  • Any enemy marked by a bolt will instantly become the focus of any enemies affected by chaos or mind control as long as they have line of sight and are reasonably close.

Pacifying Bolts:

  • Enemies are confused and stand helplessly in place for a short duration after being hit by a psychic bolt. Bolts refund half of their energy cost upon returning to Nyx.

(3) Chaos:

  • Enemies affected by chaos deal increased damage to other enemies affected by chaos.
    • This increase scales with enemy level.
  • Affected enemies now become more likely to prioritise other affected enemies over objectives.

Chaos Sphere:

  • The radius no longer shrinks over time, it stays fixed at the maximum range.
    • Still only lasts for half the maximum duration.
    • When it inflicts a new enemy with chaos, the duration is extended by 3 seconds, up to the maximum duration of the regular ability.

(4) Absorb:

  • Activating will slowly drain energy to create a protective sphere around Nyx that blocks and stores all incoming damage.
    • Persists until deactivated or Nyx runs out of energy.
    • Her passive is disabled while absorb is active.
  • When deactivated, all stored damage is discharged in a radial explosion, damaging all enemies within range.
    • Damage is increased by a multiplier that scales with enemy level.
    • Surviving enemies will be knocked down.
  • If psychic bolts is active when absorb is activated, all bolts are recalled and are held in orbit around Nyx.
    • As long as both abilities remain active, 1 additional psychic bolt will be generated every 2 seconds, up to a maximum of double the modded value.
    • When absorb is deactivated, all psychic bolts immediately fly out and seek the nearest enemies, just before the damage from absorb is dealt.
  • Nyx can move freely while channeling absorb and can cast abilities (non helminth) but cannot use weapons.
  • No longer grants a weapon buff or raises her threat level.
    • Instead, any enemy affected by chaos will be forced into attacking Nyx. This takes priority over her other abilities that redirect aggro.


  • Nyx can use weapons while in absorb but at the cost of mobility and a slight increase to energy drain.
    •  She can't crouch (and therefore can't slide or bullet jump) and can only jump once.
    • Movement speed is reduced by 50% but she is still allowed to sprint.
  • All damage absorbed is channeled into a capped, multiplicative weapon buff that slowly scales up with the amount of damage absorbed.
    • The buff is applied when absorb is deactivated and lasts for a reasonable duration afterwards. Activating absorb again dispels the buff.
    • Deactivating absorb no longer deals damage but it will still cause knockdown.
  • Psychic bolts behave normally while absorb is being channeled and will not be recalled upon activation or increase in number as they would without the augment.



  • Would likely remain unchanged as it's a conclave augment. (The changes to absorb would also improve this augment by proxy).


And there we have it. I apologise for the wall of text. I tried to make it as readable and concise as I could. This is something that I've been thinking about for a while so I'm interested to hear what people think. I tried to make her abilities feel more meaningful and impactful while not making them too overpowered as I'm aware that she's among the original roster of frames (or at least near enough) and that means that new players can acquire her very early on. This frame has a special place in my heart and it saddens me to see her forgotten. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Hey, 🙂 I may not be a Nyx main, but I did read it all. 


Yes, I like the idea of the closer they are to her the worse their aim.

Mind Control-

Yup like this too and I also don't know why our mind-controlled minion hides behind stuff instead of bravely fighting for their Mistress. Also love the idea of turning Mind Freak-aug into a type of aggro pulling tank pet.

Psychic Bolts-

Would it Orbit like Baruuk's desolate hands or Nova's null stars? At first I thought 100% strip out the gate was OP, but then it's only 3 n, 6 on base absorb at 100 strength so not really that bad and player would need auger secrets + power drift to reach +1 then go after corrupted mods then Umbra so I actually think it kind of a cool progression path. 

The only thing that I would change is adding the armor/shield aspect to the Pacifying Bolts aug and renaming the augment to "Leeching Bolts"  As I feel the armor/shield aspect is a bit outta place on its own for PsyBolts and think it would fit great with your Pacifying Bolts change.


Yup, no problem with that.

Chaos Sphere-

Yup, yup. I know right it's so stupid and then people run gloom and Nyx 😠# is like they're never getting to the shrinking Sphere are they.



For the most part yes, It's funny actually because I wanted something similar in regard to damage multi on absorb that being

Nyx's absorb take in damage for 3's like Nezha/Rhino then on deactivation/no energy the AOE goes off with damage the adapts to enemy weakness or does true damage or something. But after the 3's you can still be in absorb it just wouldn't add damage.  This is to incentivize using absorb in enemy dense areas and pop out once in awhile and not turtle forever.

I can agree with most of the absorb changes but I do feel that she should have her movement reduce just a little maybe 30% instead of 50%?

 And I do respect the ani-turtle aspects in your version of Assimilate however I do wish the PsyBolts changes would apply.  


Overall I like this good job 🐲👍.

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@Harutomata I've just read your original post and I think we agree on a lot of things

5 hours ago, Harutomata said:

We should also get it to DE that Chaos not affecting overguarded targets should be considered an oversight because every other threat changing CC in the game affects them.

I get what you mean. One of the things I like about chaos, which you correctly pointed out in a comment on your own thread is that chaos doesn't actually need to directly affect overguarded enemies, as other enemies around them will be affected regardless and they will be forced to fight them. I do find it strange though that psychic bolts can affect overguarded targets while chaos cannot.


5 hours ago, Harutomata said:

I'd like if Psychic Bolts changed the stripped armors and shields into something useful for the team. Either shields, similarly to Pillage, or universal orbs. She could use more utility considering CC is getting less and less relevant.

The defence stripping is one of the main things I love about her and I think it would be a shame to see it go. I would actually try to take the opposite approach to fixing it. Instead of removing the defence strip, buff the ability in such a way that would make her CC more relevant. This is why I would have enemies affected with chaos prioritise targets with psychic bolts so they actually have a chance at killing them. This already exists as one of those implied synergies that could happen in the ideal scenario, but I would like to see it be a forced interaction.


5 hours ago, Harutomata said:

Personally I strongly dislike Absorb and its augment, so I'd like to see Nyx get more survivability outside of that ability, mostly for the reasons I explained in that topic.
Without the augment it has a similar issue to Hydroid's puddle, and the augment slows gameplay and turns Nyx into something she's not, from a CC and utility to a tank frame. More modding freedom to change a frame's role is not wrong, but shoehorning people into using an augment they don't like is wrong in my opinion. Especially since some people want to use it as an excuse for Nyx not to get a rework.
I think Absorb should place a decoy that casts the ability in Nyx's place, so the player can continue to play the game and use their weapons and other abilities, while the augment would continue to function like it already does for people who want to play tank Nyx.
The numbers on Absorb should also scale with enemy levels like you said.

I completely get why you dislike absorb. I don't bother using it unless I'm running an augment. It's the first thing to go in favor of a helminth ability. It does have similar issues that Hydroid's puddle had, but at least that had some things going for it. You could pull enemies into it and actually move around, however slow it may have been. Even so, I still like the premise of the ability enough to want to keep it and see it get some meaningful changes. Even just being able to move would be a good start. I think there is the potential for a way of 'detaching' the orb from Nyx so absorb can still be active but you can resume regular gameplay. I am one of those people that likes assimilate (it was the reason I decided to start maining her when it was released) but I do think it really needs to be more lenient with it's penalties. The biggest problem with the ability and it's augment is that they just haven't kept up with the pace of the game as it's increased over the years. I'm glad we agree about the scaling, I think it really needs it to do any kind of damage. 

Edited by AERO5MITH
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4 hours ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

I hope they'll take this into consideration and rework her.

I like to play as Nyx because she's quite unique but her abilities just are kind of weak.

We can only dream. Maybe one day we'll get a meaningful set of changes instead of the annual token buffs she usually seems to get.

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@(XBOX)DragonMan 2700 Thank you for taking the time to read it all! and thanks again for the feedback.

3 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Psychic Bolts-

Would it Orbit like Baruuk's desolate hands or Nova's null stars? At first I thought 100% strip out the gate was OP, but then it's only 3 n, 6 on base absorb at 100 strength so not really that bad and player would need auger secrets + power drift to reach +1 then go after corrupted mods then Umbra so I actually think it kind of a cool progression path. 

If you're talking visually then I was imagining something like null stars but the bolts would probably look slightly bigger as there'd be fewer of them, just so you can more easily tell at a glance how many bolts you have in reserve (there would probably be an indicator in the hub as well though). Functionally speaking, they would work pretty much the same as desolate hands/null stars: flying to an enemy as soon as said enemy comes into range. It's always annoyed me that the strip is so close to 100% at base, only requiring one strength mod to max it out. I thought it might as well just be 100% by default. I did want to lower the bolts though as you'd be able to get crazy amounts of them if it was 6 by default, especially if their number increases while channeling absorb.


4 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

The only thing that I would change is adding the armor/shield aspect to the Pacifying Bolts aug and renaming the augment to "Leeching Bolts"  As I feel the armor/shield aspect is a bit outta place on its own for PsyBolts and think it would fit great with your Pacifying Bolts change.

That's fair. I did consider putting this part on the augment. To be honest, I couldn't really decide on what to change with the augment so I kept it largely the same as I kind of like it and just added a slight buff to it. Perhaps the armor/shield leech would make for a more compelling augment than what I suggested.


4 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Chaos Sphere-

Yup, yup. I know right it's so stupid and then people run gloom and Nyx 😠# is like they're never getting to the shrinking Sphere are they.

It's funny you say that because I use gloom on Nyx all the time, albeit without chaos sphere which I rarely use at all to be honest. With enough strength gloom makes it so the initial stun from chaos lasts a lot longer, essentially freezing enemies in place for nearly a minute.


4 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:


For the most part yes, It's funny actually because I wanted something similar in regard to damage multi on absorb that being

Nyx's absorb take in damage for 3's like Nezha/Rhino then on deactivation/no energy the AOE goes off with damage the adapts to enemy weakness or does true damage or something. But after the 3's you can still be in absorb it just wouldn't add damage.  This is to incentivize using absorb in enemy dense areas and pop out once in awhile and not turtle forever.

This is why I added the mechanic of gaining additional bolts while in absorb. It would mean that you would be basically guaranteed to kill at least as many enemies as you have psychic bolts, providing you've absorbed a reasonable amount of damage first. 


4 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

I can agree with most of the absorb changes but I do feel that she should have her movement reduce just a little maybe 30% instead of 50%?

Perhaps. This would ultimately be for DE to decide I suppose. I think as long as she's allowed to sprint and therefore receive sprint speed buffs, that's the main thing.


4 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

And I do respect the ani-turtle aspects in your version of Assimilate however I do wish the PsyBolts changes would apply.

I decided to leave that interaction out when you have assimilate in the build because I thought you'd probably want the bolts to continue stripping defences as normal, seeing as you aren't prevented from using your weapons.


4 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Overall I like this good job 🐲👍.

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback!

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43 minutes ago, AERO5MITH said:

The defence stripping is one of the main things I love about her and I think it would be a shame to see it go. I would actually try to take the opposite approach to fixing it. Instead of removing the defence strip, buff the ability in such a way that would make her CC more relevant. This is why I would have enemies affected with chaos prioritise targets with psychic bolts so they actually have a chance at killing them. This already exists as one of those implied synergies that could happen in the ideal scenario, but I would like to see it be a forced interaction.

I also like the defense strip part of the ability.
I probably didn't word it that well. I meant like, what if besides defense stripping, it also regenerated shields or drop universal orbs with some interaction to the ability? It'd be a helpful addition besides the CC part.

Anyway, it'd be great if Nyx got some improvement on her abilities, and it's great to see topics like this one. Talking about Nyx's issues every now and then is important so maybe she could be one of the next frames to get a rework.

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19 minutes ago, AERO5MITH said:

I decided to leave that interaction out when you have assimilate in the build because I thought you'd probably want the bolts to continue stripping defences as normal, seeing as you aren't prevented from using your weapons.

Ok, just to clarify Nyx in assimilate, she's stripping while absorbing then the bubble goes away n, the buff is given.

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24 minutes ago, Harutomata said:

I also like the defense strip part of the ability.
I probably didn't word it that well. I meant like, what if besides defense stripping, it also regenerated shields or drop universal orbs with some interaction to the ability? It'd be a helpful addition besides the CC part.

Ah, I see. This was why I added the shield/armor leeching effect, to give the ability a bit more depth. I also added that in so that her tanking capabilities would be somewhere between a completely invincible tank and wet toilet paper, as it kind of is at the moment. But yes I do agree that some kind of secondary effect would definitely benefit her and potentially her team depending on what the effect would be.


30 minutes ago, Harutomata said:

Anyway, it'd be great if Nyx got some improvement on her abilities, and it's great to see topics like this one. Talking about Nyx's issues every now and then is important so maybe she could be one of the next frames to get a rework.

Agreed. They can't ignore us forever!

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20 minutes ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Ok, just to clarify Nyx in assimilate, she's stripping while absorbing then the bubble goes away n, the buff is given.

That's correct, yes. I was originally going to suggest that the buff be active while absorb is being channeled but I thought that would be overpowered as it would be doing too much at once and you'd just be encouraged to stay in absorb forever.

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Most of your ideas are great but psychic bolts is a great ability and doesn't need the drastic changes you suggest. It strips armor and shields, hits enemies in cover, and is extremely reliable and fast to recast. It's one of the best armor strips in the game period.

Edited by (PSN)Joylesstuna
Nyx is also my favorite frame
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9 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Most of your ideas are great but psychic bolts is a great ability and doesn't need the drastic changes you suggest. It strips armor and shields, hits enemies in cover, and is extremely reliable and fast to recast. It's one of the best armor strips in the game period.

I do agree it's a great ability, probably her best one overall but in my opinion it's lacking when compared to more recent options. Take tharros strike for example. It does everything that psychic bolts can do but doesn't have a cap on number of enemies affected, heals you, deals damage, knocks enemies back, opens them to finishers and it does all this for half the energy cost of psychic bolts. The only real downside is that it requires higher stat investments. It's also a subsumable ability so any frame has access to it.

Psychic bolts is very reliable; providing you're the host. If not it feels like you may as well toss a coin to decide if it will work or not. If they were to fix this and this alone it would immediately make the ability much better but I still believe it would benefit from a secondary effect to allow it to compete with more modern abilities.


26 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

Nyx is also my favorite frame

Glad to know I'm not alone!

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  • 8 months later...

I totally agree with you that Nyx needs a tweak. But at this time, i think is more like a rework. Pablo should try it. In the case isnt the best option, or isnt possible in any way, i think Mind control can instead be a "remote control" on an enemy, with a buff on damage, speed, and parkour velocity; making you able to pass through cameras, lasers, etc and not triggering enemies. While active, Nyx will wipe his image from enemies minds, like a cloak and they will not see her. 2nd skill will keep the same, with armor strip and should be given shield strip too. 3rd skill will keep the same, but adding a synergy that when bolts hit an enemy affected by chaos, they will have 15% chance of exploding and releasing more psychic bolts that will seek for nearby enemies dealing X% true damage on exploded enemy, and X% true damage on first bolt impacts. Nyx 4th ability needs a rework considering the movement penalty from the augment, i think should be more related to her passive -reduce enemy precision-, like creating ilusions of herself that randomly change places , enabling friendly fire for them and making enemies to damage each other while reducing received damage on nyx. 

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On 2023-10-29 at 10:27 AM, AERO5MITH said:

Now a toggleable ability:

  • Toggling on causes 3 psychic bolts to continually orbit Nyx.
  • Activating the ability costs no energy.


I'm not sure about that.


On 2023-10-29 at 10:27 AM, AERO5MITH said:

Every time a bolt is sent out, it costs 8 energy

Ah, there it is. Okay I can get behind this. It should have an initial casting cost to toggle it on though, even if it is just 25 energy.


I love everything else. These are solid changes that I think DE should seriously consider.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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