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Warframe Community info


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Howdy! I am writing a paper for college about discourse communities and I am choosing to wright about the Warframe community. So I was wondering if I could ask ya'll some questions about your experience in the community. If you wish to remain anonymous, please start your reply with A/ or just say you wish to remain anonymous.

1. How long have you been playing Warframe?

2. What is your favorite part and least favorite parts of the community?

3. What's your favorite and least favorite parts of the game?

4. What do you think endgame is?

Feel free to include any other information or stories you want.

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Interesting, I'll do it.


1. Roughly 3 years now, since the Deimos update.

2. My favorite part about the community is how welcoming and helpful they are. Least favorite would probably be how the community responds to certain changes, which are often for the better. People can get very "enthusiastic" in the forums.

3. My favorite part of the game is probably it's monetization structure. It allows people who want to play everything for free the ability to do that, while purchasing items won't instantly make you strong. Least favorite part is definitely the bugs, some completely mess up missions.

4. I think endgame is when you can do content that is generally considered difficult casually and easily (eidolon hunts and disruption for example), while having fun.

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A'ight, I'l bite.


1 hour ago, (PSN)That_Chap482 said:

1. How long have you been playing Warframe?

According to the forum, April 2015.


1 hour ago, (PSN)That_Chap482 said:

2. What is your favorite part and least favorite parts of the community?

What I like about it is the fact that it's pretty much unchanged after all these years. Usually communites of this size turn to crap after a few years, but not here.

What I don't like about it is ironically the exact same thing. So many people here just roll over and accept whatever decision DE makes, even when it's factually horrible. Prime example, wasting time and ressources on some gimmick like Frame Fighter or Meme-frames like Xaku.

Yeah, I don't like Xaku, how'd you know? /s


1 hour ago, (PSN)That_Chap482 said:

3. What's your favorite and least favorite parts of the game?

I'd say the overall gameplay part is my favourite. Not many games out there that remain enjoyable for more than a couple months, let alone years.

Just look at Anthem. That game became a snore fest even during the Early-Access-that-was-actually-the-entire-game-because-the-Devs-messed-up.

What I don't like is how bad the grind can get at times. Yeah, sure, the game is built on that grind. I get it. And I don't mind grinding a few hours to get what I want. But then there's grinds like trying to get the components for Protea from the Granum Void - they just. don't. drop. And that's not even including the time required to farm the granum crowns to access the Granum Void. It's a grind in order to grind.

And so many people just roll with that double grind, as per question 2.


1 hour ago, (PSN)That_Chap482 said:

4. What do you think endgame is?

FashionFrame(tm), obviously.

Jokes aside, I don't think there is an endgame at all. Not unless you count fighting the same grineer grunt with 2 bajillion times the health as endgame. By that logic, "endgame" is Warframe is just a DPS check, nothing more. I can get the same check at the start of the game, it's just easier.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PSN)That_Chap482:

Howdy! I am writing a paper for college about discourse communities and I am choosing to wright about the Warframe community. So I was wondering if I could ask ya'll some questions about your experience in the community. If you wish to remain anonymous, please start your reply with A/ or just say you wish to remain anonymous.

1. How long have you been playing Warframe?

2. What is your favorite part and least favorite parts of the community?

3. What's your favorite and least favorite parts of the game?

4. What do you think endgame is?

Feel free to include any other information or stories you want.

1 2013

2 there is no. there is good and very bad people everywhere

3 chill in random public mission

4 there is no. i could even play "end game" with super old nekros with bolt prime from 2013

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1. Several years and about 2k hours. Started back when it was about to transition into Parkour 2.0 (favourite update), but bounced off because I didn’t know what to do. Came back in about 2018 and have been playing since

2. Hm. I like their wild and wacky and often downright broken suggestions when they’re made with the expectation of being treated like inspiration

3. Love: the gameplay customisation and combat and variety. Not a lot of games rewards me for either playing the game as it was designed or destroying it entirely depending on how I feel. I get tired of games telling me what to do and how to play, so I keep gravitating back to Warframe when I want that feeling of both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards on my own time, plus I love sci-fi shooters in general.

Don’t love: how a lot of the game feels cobbled together with paperclips and chewing gum. I would absolutely introduce more people to this game if I didn’t think they’d hit some kind of weird bug or odd interaction or jank and get turned off. Pretty sure I’m still on board because I’ve got a stubborn streak and knew that there was more to this game (and sure enough there was), but it feels a bit to ask of someone else

4. Not sure. Not level cap since there’s not a lot going on there and the game’s so non-linear. It’s not like the various builds I make all sit in the one place or behave the same way (which would get stale) anyways, and I’m still every so often doing and being rewarded for things like level 30 stuff even after 2k hours and having unlocked everything (mainly because I have builds I like using that perform the way I want them to there)

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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17 hours ago, (PSN)That_Chap482 said:

1. How long have you been playing Warframe?

2. What is your favorite part and least favorite parts of the community?

3. What's your favorite and least favorite parts of the game?

4. What do you think endgame is?

1. Since october 2017. Joined up because Marvel Heroes got shut down by Disney due to several things going on with the current CEO of Gazillion, the company that made Marvel Heroes. Reason I joined WF was because I heard good stuff about it from a former Marvel Heroes dev. He said it had great gameplay and was F2P done right, better done than their own game, which was already F2P done right together with Path of Exile at the time. And since he had done such amazing work on Marvel Heroes, WF was likely good since he enjoyed it immensly. And what can I say? He wasnt wrong.

2. The part that is my favorite is also my least favorite. People that go chicken little over changes, about how things become "unusable" after a "nerf" and so on. Makes me chuckle and facepalm at the same time, while reminding me of a friend I played D3 with. The guy went postal when Blizzard rebalanced attack speed in the game, claiming it was done to target him and people like him etc. And that his Monk all of a sudden was unplayable. Even though me aswell as another friend kept pushin the same content we did prior to the nerf on our Monk, content higher than what the raging postal lunatic friend could manage pre-nerf.

3. Very very hard question. The vast roster and no real need for a "main", much like how Marvel Heroes was set up with the uhm 70+ or whatever it was heroes. Some being better at certain activities but most can be built to do everything well. The difference in gameplay between many frames. Right now I circulate 10-ish, Lavos, Revenant, Hydroid, Dagath, Garuda, Protea, Khora, Atlast, Frost, Xaku, Citrine and Loki. The combat overall in the game is also a huge favorite, both melee and gunplay feels good and in general impactful.

I also like how crafting is set up in the game. Coming from years and years of MMOs with manual crafting the foundry system in WF is a very nice approach since I dont have to waste hours upon hours of real life time crafting infront of the screen. I start a project and go do whatever in the game during the crafting process, or log off and sleep etc. Compared to just leveling professions in say ArchAge, where I could do nothing else in the game for hours as my character crafted. Or standing at a #*!%ing stove in Black Desert, or sitting at the forge in Dark Age of Camelot trying to get the % high enough on an item so the damage was viable. Heck, I've spent less of my life on this earth on crafting in WF since I started playing than I did in Star Wars Galaxies before being able to even play my Doctor/Swordsman.

So to those that complain about WF crafting, you have no #*!%ing idea how good you have it!

4. In WF its hard to answer. Anything that increases the "challenge" while introducing new things to chase for sidegrades or upgrades. Places where our progress matter atleast a wee bit. It's just hard to create for a game that isnt linear in progression. But things like Eidolons, Arbitrations, SP and so on would class as endgame since they all offer you further progress and are more challenging than the content that was relevant prior to them. But what is endgame to some right now isnt endgame to others, since the relevance of the content isnt there anymore for some since they are done with it. And in certain cases it is a combination, like doing Eidolons to get a specific arcane and then some other content to get another. It just isnt as simple as in a linear game where endgame is the absolutely latest content and everything else is irrelevant.

Edited by SneakyErvin
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23 hours ago, (PSN)That_Chap482 said:

Howdy! I am writing a paper for college about discourse communities and I am choosing to wright about the Warframe community. So I was wondering if I could ask ya'll some questions about your experience in the community. If you wish to remain anonymous, please start your reply with A/ or just say you wish to remain anonymous.

1. How long have you been playing Warframe?

2. What is your favorite part and least favorite parts of the community?

3. What's your favorite and least favorite parts of the game?

4. What do you think endgame is?

Feel free to include any other information or stories you want.

Hopefully this info helps.


1: June 2013 is when I first started up the game, though I've taken several breaks in between then and now, so it's not a clean 10 years or anything.


2a: My favorite part of the community...I'll have to hedge my bets on this one a bit, because my first-response might not quite be fitting.

My first thought is that my favorite part is how Warframe's community stays a part of your life, even after you stop playing the game. Even when I took long breaks from the game, I still quoted the memes and references. I still argued on the forums. I still watched Youtube videos about it. The community of the game lingers with you, even after you've stopped playing. It's almost a sort of a very distant familial in-group, but online, and centered around a videogame.

Unfortunately, though, I get the impression that this is just a sign that the game...has a community. I haven't really engaged with other video-game communities before, so I can't be sure that this isn't just part-and-parcel with all videogame communities. I do know from second-hand experience that Call-of-Duty's Community isn't quite like this (It's more dedicated to just buying a bunch of merch and ad-covered junk-food), but that's my only point of compare/contrast.

So, to provide an alternative answer: my favorite part of Warframe's community is how it continues to attract creative and inventive minds. People do crazy sh*t with Fashionframe, Build-crafting, Bizarre community interactions (Pink Grendel awaits Red-Text), and Skill-Running. Tennogen receives constant amazing submissions. The forums are filled-to-bursting with interesting warframe/weapon/rework ideas. This game sparks people's imagination.


2b: My least Favorite part of Warframe's Community is much more clear-cut. Warframe's community has a growing sense of "Instrumental-play". The game is ostensibly somewhat of a sand-box: there is no hard-set progression path, you are free to play whichever missions you see fit. Yet, more and more, Players treat the game as a sort of progression-and-statistics-puzzle-box. "What's the best way to grind x" "Best build for weapon y?" "Most damage build for warframe z?". They ask these questions as if there's a single, correct answer. It's one thing to share builds and tips, it's another thing entirely when the community starts proclaiming "bests". And this isn't even touching on the Nerf-fear. Holy hell, how this community rails against anything that can be construed as a nerf.

This obsession with "Instrumental Play" isn't bad because it's wrong to think about optimal performance. It's just a matter of priority and scale: Optimal performance shouldn't be everyone's first priority.


3a: My Favorite part of the game is its potential for self-expression. Build-creativity, fashion-frame, play-style differences, content engaged with, it's all up to the player. Heck, when the game was younger, this was even an aspect of the Story: so much of the story was vague and un-specified, that each player had their own personal head-cannon. The ability to self-define to such a pin-point degree feels almost unprecedented in videogaming. It's amazing, and exactly what I want from a game like Warframe.


3b: My Least favorite part of the game is kind of just reiterating my favorite: I dislike the various ways that the game shuts-down some player self-expression. Niche mechanical interactions that screw over certain builds, fashion-frames, playstyles, etc. Can't be a melee-only spell-caster: you'll have no recourse for nullifier bubbles. Can't be a Tech-knight fighting the Infested: shields don't protect against Toxin damage. Can't wear certain armors with certain Syandanas, they'll clip weirdly.

Heck, one of the least-addressed issues I personally have is how poorly the Energy system synergizes with the concept of expression-through-abilities: abilities ought to be reliable, not RNG "when will I get my next orb". The Devs have added energy supplements over the years to ease this issue, but they haven't touched the core problem, in my personal opinion.

Lots of little issues like this, that on their own, none of them are deal-breakers: but in aggregate, they really bring down the feeling that you can do what you like in this game.


4: Endgame... I think it currently is expressed in Warframe as when the player is expected to grind diminishing-returns for increasingly less-vital goals, so as to simply have an excuse to continue playing the game.

What I think the concept of Endgame is any means by which a player might continue to play the game after reaching what others might be able to call a state of near-total-completion. It is, in my eyes, best done as simply a transition into "free-play", where the player switches from material goals (Beat this level, earn this achievment), to more abstract forms of self-entertainment (Stug-only sorties, A named-weapon for each line of a song). To some folks, that's very difficult for them to enjoy; and that's totally fair. But to my mind, those types of players necessarily must move on to the next videogame. I don't think the game needs to keep pumping out more material goals for a player, just because that player can't enjoy a videogame without them.

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