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2 questions about Merging, Switch+PS4 > PC.


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atm, i have 3 accounts,

  1. a newer PC account
  2. a very old Playstation account
  3. my main account, switch

1. could i merge all 3 together and if i make PC my main, would i have to redo the whole story?

i feel like having Switch as a main account would hinder me a lot more than if i just made a PC account my main instead due to all those Switch limitations i saw.


2. on my PS4 account, i have Prime accessories that my Switch account already has, what will happen when i merge those platforms together?

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This is more things DE need to answer better but aren't.

From my understanding, you pick one account as the primary one to merge into. This one keeps all your progression. The rest are merged into that and you keep everything from those (gear, rivens, frames, weapons etc.). The "Primary" account then becomes a Warframe account, and is simply tied to the game, not the platform, so there is no harm at all in marking your Switch account as a "primary" account, as the Primary/Secondary account thing is simply for the merging process, not afterthefact.

Edited by Stormandreas
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3 hours ago, (PSN)Shaun-T-Wilson said:

the progress would be the main PC one as far as i understand

Thats what i thought, which wouldnt bother me, the story is good.

2 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

This is more things DE need to answer better but aren't.

From my understanding, you pick one account as the primary one to merge into. This one keeps all your progression. The rest are merged into that and you keep everything from those (gear, rivens, frames, weapons etc.). The "Primary" account then becomes a Warframe account, and is simply tied to the game, not the platform, so there is no harm at all in marking your Switch account as a "primary" account, as the Primary/Secondary account thing is simply for the merging process, not afterthefact.

I see, if thats the case, then awesome, i just dont want to be tied to Nintendo and end up being bottlenecked due to that. If i am no longer a nintendo account after merge, then that would be awesome! (The limitations i saw heavily worried me).

59 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

Just make main your switch account. After all you will be able to play with your switch account on pc after the merger that its the point of cross save. 

If i am no longer tied to Nintendo after the merge, then ill 100% do that.


Thank you all for the help!

I 100% agree that they should of been a lot less vague and gave more clear answers in the Q&A.

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Has there been any more clear date set for merge. Just started again on PC to give this game another chance, and realized i had created an account on my switch.

Is there something i need to do in preperation for the merge. I have connected them both to the same e-mail account, but currently they seem to be two different logins. (Email+PW for PC and Nintendo account login for switch)

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