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This Game Is Too Easy.


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Q: What's the difference between level 1 and level 15 enemies?

A: Nothing, they both die in one shot.


Q: What's the difference between level 16 and level 22 enemies?

A: Nothing, they both die in two shots to the body or one shot to the head.


Q: What's the difference between level 23 and level 30 enemies?

A: Nothing, they both die in three shots to the body or one/two shots to the head.


Q: What's the difference between level 1 - 30 enemies and level 35+ enemies?

A: Every mission in the game is comprised of level 1 - 30 enemies, while level 35+ enemies don't exist unless it's a stalker or you're 25 minutes into survival.






This game was fun when I started playing two weeks ago when the only things I had was my Excalibur and an unmodded Braton, but it's just not as fun anymore. I have around 20 weapons and 3 max rank warframes, and virtually all challenge this game once had is completely lost.


I can't understand why people bother to max out Serration. Once you get it to around rank 6, you've got all the damage you need to one-shot most enemies found in 50% of the game's content. Shotguns in particular are hilariously powerful, since pretty much 90% of the missions in this game involve CQC firefights in small corridors and air vents.


Warframe abilities in general are hideously overpowered, and any half-competent player can eviscerate 50+ enemies simultaneously by simply hitting the 4 key. I don't bother playing online anymore, I only play solo or in private parties with friends, because watching some random nobody in their Nova throw out Molecular Prime on every single enemy they ever see ever and easily sanitizing multiple rooms full of enemies instantly isn't exactly the most thrilling experience. Iron skin is lame, the only time it's actually possible for me to die while playing as a Rhino is if I stay past 30 minutes in survival when enemies start level scaling at a ridiculously fast rate.


Is the game intended to be this way, or is this simply an unfortunate consequence of the early release of Damage 2.0? Is there anything I can do to add challenge to this game for myself without purposefully gimping myself by using bad weapons with bad mods?





You havent met the other 95% of the Game. Level 35 enemies? How cute. Goodluck trying to clear a swarm of 1000+, a swarm of 50+ in Survival is enough to mutilate an experienced Tenno. Level 2.1k is the highest record here in Warframe, I doubt you can survive 100+.



Pathetic thread. Arrogant Noobs who hasnt left the Earth Star Map. 

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You havent met the other 95% of the Game. Level 35 enemies? How cute. Goodluck trying to clear a swarm of 1000+, a swarm of 50+ in Survival is enough to mutilate an experienced Tenno. Level 2.1k is the highest record here in Warframe, I doubt you can survive 100+.



Pathetic thread. Arrogant Noobs who hasnt left the Earth Star Map. 


Read the whole thread please. You're just making yourself out to be an idiot.


Also, Silver Initiate? What? You realise the rank above people's avatars is tied to their post count, not their in-game mastery rank right?


I know people who are Rank 13 in-game without having touched the forums once...

Edited by Notso
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I know I'm still fairly new, which is why I asked if this percieved lack of difficulty is being caused by Damage 2.0.



I've reached every planet in the game.


 Damage 1.0 made weapons WAY more powerful than they were and building set-ups were also way easier. Take the Soma for example, it was able to tear down everything in T3 and made Outer Terminus look like crap. Now, thanks to Damage 2.0, the Soma can only handle certain enemies easily and T3 was harder than before. Bleed and puncture damage, which we can now take has been quite the pain for many people with tanky shield builds.

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DE please pay attention its not people being egotistical, waving epeens, being elitist snobs or whatever they get accused of. The game is far too easy at higher levels.

Dude, what?


I can barely damage level 30+ enemies with *any* weapons I have, and they kill me in about two seconds of sustained fire.


I'm not a new player -- check my profile. Been here a while. Got a couple dozen maxed weapons and six maxed warframes.


What are you even talking about?

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My previous post is still relevant, but...


Hey Laraso, did you play the special alert from Wednesday (yesterday)? I thought that was a fun balance, although it would have torn me to pieces if I hadn't used the super OP Snow Globe (at some points, I had about 30 enemies shooting me at the same time, stepping out of the globe was an almost instant loss of all my shields).


Granted, the enemies were level 15, but it had half shields due to ice. I don't know how you would kill all the Corpus fast enough (while protecting the console) without using OP moves like Rhino Stomp, Ironskin, or Frost's Snow Globe.


That might be the other issue: you're using some overpowered abilities, like the Stomp. It's DE's problem to fix (anti-nerf people, this isn't your platform), but consider that there are other frames and weapons. While no one says the Latron Prime is OP, it's more than adequate to kill all the current enemies in this game aside from infinite scaling defense/survival enemies. But those Warframe abilities, some of them are really super powered. It's legitimate to say that some of them make the game super easy, since they can clear a large area. It's not legit to say the entire game is easy because of that, though. I'm also basing some of my assumptions on how in every video you've posted, you play as Rhino, and they're just regular old missions. Even a normal mobile defense can get pretty hairy when enemies swarm from all sides. Your shields disappear within 3-4 seconds at the most.


I'm also not asking you to gimp yourself, but do consider that some of the things you are using are actually overpowered and unbalanced. For 90% of the weapons in this game, you'll find yourself in a much bigger challenge. But you're right about people min/maxing with 6 formas on one weapon. It's totally unnecessary, aside from folks who love going to wave 80 on defense, but I know you not counting that.


lol.. not beign elitist and game is easy at high level? thats sarcasm.


You are an elitist hardcore nolifer if you consider high level endgame too easy - or you spent 100-s of $ for plat , got everything fast, maxed out.


Since it's clear you didn't read the thread, I'll just mention that you missed the point about needing consistent content for people with high level gear. Even if he did max out all his gear, shouldn't people with maxed gear have some content to play that is challenging? Also since you didn't read much of the thread, I'll remind you that survival and defense don't really count, as they start out super easy, then have an appropriate amount of challenge for a few waves, then enemies become bullet sponges. Consistency is what is being asked for here. There are planets with enemies level 5-10, level 10-20, level 20-30. Those are consistent. But at the top of those consistent levels (around level 35), most maxed out gear can still take any enemy down in 1-3 shots. OP is asking for enemies that maybe take a few more.


Although Laraso, that also reminds me of a point that you may be overlooking: I can only speak for myself, but I think most enemies should only take about 3-4 strong shots to kill (maybe 2 headshots?). I don't think it feels good to shoot enemies so much you have to reload just to kill them. The game does throw hundreds of enemies at you, so they should be balanced to go down in a few shots, sometimes one crit shot. I know this is certainly true for me in any PvP game. (e.g. TF2, most folks take 3 shotgun blasts to kill, and that feels right. Any more and it feels spongy since shotties are good damage and need to reload after 6 shots.)


If you have a chance before it expires, play the Darvo special alert and tell me how that feels to you. And try not to us Rhino for once. I'm curious how you'll kill everything as they swarm the consoles from all sides. (Since this is the internet and text is hard to convey tone, I'll note that I am not being confrontational here, just curious of what you think.)

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I'm merely wondering:

Those players who claim this game is STUPIDLY EASY, do they ever really LOVE and FREQUENTLY USE the warframes besides Rhino and Nova? Or do they use the weapons not only because it HURT A LOT?

I have been hearing people keep mentioning that they wont bother to collect other Warframes since their are "junk-like" for a long while.

Perhaps the weapon choosing could be just the same? I LOVE and ENJOY snipers and bows while I'm SOLO, for I know lots of people hate useless teammates wasting their precious time. (Not to mention players even discuss stuff like THE USELESS WEAPON(S) EVER on some forums. )

Although there might be some "Pro" players wishing to "enlighten" us again with "GET IT FORMA", "MADE IT WITH POTATO", "TRY FIND THOSE MODS"...so on; however, I doubt they ever really understand what does "challenge" means while they keep asking for more challenge.

And thanks to L**** dude, some players might need to prepare themselves AGAIN to "enjoying" this game for WF may truns to be a game which required a great deal of TIME and MONEY.

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He wanted a challenge he got it.


Survival at 6mins level 30-40 enemies=level 100


If you read anything at all you'd know that is the exact opposite of what I've been wanting.





You havent met the other 95% of the Game. Level 35 enemies? How cute. Goodluck trying to clear a swarm of 1000+, a swarm of 50+ in Survival is enough to mutilate an experienced Tenno. Level 2.1k is the highest record here in Warframe, I doubt you can survive 100+.



Pathetic thread. Arrogant Noobs who hasnt left the Earth Star Map. 


Like Notso said, that's tied to my post count.


Even the in-game rank is merely tied to the amount of weapons / warframes you've reached rank 30 on. Someone with 40 weapons and 9 warframes is going to have more mastery rank than someone with 11 weapons and 2 frames, but that doesn't mean they aren't both capable of performing on the same level.


Hey Laraso, did you play the special alert from Wednesday (yesterday)? I thought that was a fun balance, although it would have torn me to pieces if I hadn't used the super OP Snow Globe (at some points, I had about 30 enemies shooting me at the same time, stepping out of the globe was an almost instant loss of all my shields).


Granted, the enemies were level 15, but it had half shields due to ice. I don't know how you would kill all the Corpus fast enough (while protecting the console) without using OP moves like Rhino Stomp, Ironskin, or Frost's Snow Globe.


Yeah I did, it was fun (I especially liked Darvo's dialouge), and also fairly challenging. Of course, I took my rank 5 Mag Prime and rank 20 Braton into that mission with me because I was trying to get them up to rank 30, so that obviously made things more challenging than they would have been if I had taken my normal gear in with me. I had to revive 3 times because the Braton couldn't kill the Stalker fast enough. :\


(and obviously, I was using Pull quite often...)



That might be the other issue: you're using some overpowered abilities, like the Stomp. It's DE's problem to fix (anti-nerf people, this isn't your platform), but consider that there are other frames and weapons. While no one says the Latron Prime is OP, it's more than adequate to kill all the current enemies in this game aside from infinite scaling defense/survival enemies. But those Warframe abilities, some of them are really super powered. It's legitimate to say that some of them make the game super easy, since they can clear a large area. It's not legit to say the entire game is easy because of that, though. I'm also basing some of my assumptions on how in every video you've posted, you play as Rhino, and they're just regular old missions. Even a normal mobile defense can get pretty hairy when enemies swarm from all sides. Your shields disappear within 3-4 seconds at the most.


When I play Rhino, I'm usually just using Iron Skin, and occasionally Roar if I need it. Usually the only time I use stomp is when I get cornered. Rhino Charge is basically for mobility only, and even then it's not that great at it... It's a wanna'-be Slash Dash.


I also have a rank 30 Volt that I've forma'ed once (because really, attack polarities suck for Warframes unless you plan on using Focus). I have him built around Speed, and I can effectively keep Speed active for the entire duration of a mission. Being under the constant, uninterupted effects of Speed can get pretty ridiculous, and I think it makes the game just about as easy as using Iron Skin. The difference being that with Speed my melee weapon gets a +50% DPS bonus and I actually have to look out for and avoid knockdown attacks.


Although Laraso, that also reminds me of a point that you may be overlooking: I can only speak for myself, but I think most enemies should only take about 3-4 strong shots to kill (maybe 2 headshots?). I don't think it feels good to shoot enemies so much you have to reload just to kill them. The game does throw hundreds of enemies at you, so they should be balanced to go down in a few shots, sometimes one crit shot. I know this is certainly true for me in any PvP game. (e.g. TF2, most folks take 3 shotgun blasts to kill, and that feels right. Any more and it feels spongy since shotties are good damage and need to reload after 6 shots.)


Well obviously I don't want to expend half a clip into an enemy in order to kill them, but I also want enemies to last at least 2 seconds when I shoot them. Currently, they usually last a little less than one second.

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1) $&*&*#(%&? No, let me run this by you - You have unlocked and completed every planet in the system, now everything to you is easy But wait! you now you have a slider to enter the next tier you click the newly unlocked slider to the second tier. Now the enemies start at the highest level the fully unlock tier had and the end planets are double the level the old tier had creating a new progression for higher levels.

Sure, now you need to make sure their netcode is able to detect this and that noobs don't join my party or I don't join noobs. We all see how @(*()$ bad it is at preventing high level guys from doing Mercury with noobs even when it should be EASY to filter that.


What about boosting the levels of some of the end-game planets instead? Or add some branches to all planets map dots that have HIGH levels. Quick and Easy.

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Rhino Charge is basically for mobility only, and even then it's not that great at it... It's a wanna'-be Slash Dash.


I have to disagree with this. A little while back I decided to see what Rhino charge can do, I mean REALLY DO. So I created a separate loadout and centered it completely around Rhino charge. I found out that Rhino charge covers more distance, can do it faster, and can do more damage (though, I wouldn't recommend building it for damage). Rhino Charge is actually BETTER than slash dash. I also found out that my tests were unnecessary since the wiki has the information under the ability section (look in the maximization tab).




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I'm merely wondering:

Those players who claim this game is STUPIDLY EASY, do they ever really LOVE and FREQUENTLY USE the warframes besides Rhino and Nova? Or do they use the weapons not only because it HURT A LOT?

I have been hearing people keep mentioning that they wont bother to collect other Warframes since their are "junk-like" for a long while.


No Nova or Rhino here.

And no QT + Rage combo (pre-nerf)

In fact, I think if i used Rhino or Nova, I will die terribly or lose.



Yeah I do alone, sometimes for a challenge so I deserve to use the best weapons.

But I firmly believe hard challenges should always be optional.


And not overly tweaking lowbie areas.

However, the levels differences can be made smoother.


For example

Ceres start at level 35.

Eris level 40.

Pluto at level 45


This should fix some of these issues.







Edited by fatpig84
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Rhino Charge is actually BETTER than slash dash.

if taken alone in a vacuum, maybe. In general, it's a wasted mod slot that I could put a mod that makes Rhino faster or better.


Also because it needs some free space to start the charge or I'm just wasting energy, while SLASHDASH does not.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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What about boosting the levels of some of the end-game planets instead? Or add some branches to all planets map dots that have HIGH levels. Quick and Easy.


There will of course be some complaining that the game is too easy while others flame them and vice/versa, It is a cycle that continues it is not easy to please All players, finding that balance is for sure not easy.


New systems made would not be easy but would be the best to create a playground for high levels without editing the old system. Yet I do concede to the fact if a new high level system would be created their will be complaining about how hard it is or the lack of matches in the old system for all the high level players are in the high level playground.


Not sure if you watched the livestreams but that is why I mentioned the difficulty slider if they are already working on it seems more feasible that it would be a better way to put higher level content in without having to start from the beginning? Especially if the frame work is already there?

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New systems made would not be easy but would be the best to create a playground for high levels without editing the old system.

Did you read what I just said?


-boost the "end-game" planets, that are supposed to be high level player's playground and now can be rickrolled by mid-level players with a braton.


-adding BRANCHES, that is a line of missions that leads nowhere (like say adding missions on top of Apolloduros) and is not needed to proceed in your solar system conquest, with high level missions


It would take 40 minutes flat to do so, as all new "missions" would be just the same as old, with same tiles, just higher levels.



Not sure if you watched the livestreams but that is why I mentioned the difficulty slider if they are already working on it seems more feasible that it would be a better way to put higher level content in without having to start from the beginning? Especially if the frame work is already there?

What framework? There is nothing in-game at the moment that supports a slider kind of mechanic to increase level!!!


Their filter sucks and I can easily join noobs on Mercury with my top tier equipment!!

If they do it and fail at implementing some kind of filter you end up with noobs joining high level content played in the same map!!


It's $&*&*#(%&, and I'm NOT going to stop saying it is. Because. It. Is. $&*&*#(%&.


What I said above would take 40 minutes flat to implement and will have 0% risk of screwing up horribly because it does not rely on scripts and code to filter out people.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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It's $&*&*#(%&, and I'm NOT going to stop saying it is. Because. It. Is. $&*&*#(%&.



Sorry but I fully disagree, adding on missions to the planet map that are higher level then the rest of the map is silly instead of doing that it would actually be straight out easier to raise the level of the all the planet's missions. But then that alone will not fix the problem and having one or more extra missions on the map still would not fix the problem.



Did you read what I just said?


Yes. Do I agree with all of it no.



What framework? There is nothing in-game at the moment that supports a slider kind of mechanic to increase level!!!


To Quote Myself to answer this.



 if the frame work is already there?


*If* The frame work is there not "The Frame work is there"

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Sorry but I fully disagree, adding on missions to the planet map that are higher level then the rest of the map is silly instead of doing that it would actually be straight out easier to raise the level of the all the planet's missions. But then that alone will not fix the problem and having one or more extra missions on the map still would not fix the problem.

Can you explain why it's silly and why it does not solve the problem?WIth a branch you have high-level missions for everyone that is bored of doing the same defecne/survival, and all possible tilesets. That's the same adding the slider does, but without the need for coming up with additional code to filter out people that don't belong in that power level, and all the backend that allows the enemy levels to be scaled dyamically.


Adding such dead end branch is nearly istantaneous as all map points are just a bunch of constant values in a table. Adding a slider system requires quite a few actual coding touching global mod spawning mechanic and adding filters based on something to work out right. Otherwise it's just another FUBAR.


Please explain why a slider is better.



*If* The frame work is there not "The Frame work is there"

My answer was that there is no framework, because it's not a mechanic already in-game. I wasn't nitpicking your sentence, just saying that whatever they do in that direction has to be done from scratch.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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Can you explain why it's silly?


Well I think it is silly for the branch would be a higher level then the boss of the planet. That is really the reason why I think it is silly. If there happened to be a boss at the end of that branch it may not seem as silly to me at least.


Is the reason why we see threads with every update "Game too easy" simply because players would farm items in low level areas? If that is so would not waiting for a new system that is overall set as a higher level be preferable then all these quick fixes we are discussing?



Adding such dead end branch is nearly istantaneous as all map points are just a bunch of constant values in a table. Adding a slider system requires quite a few actual coding touching global mod spawning mechanic and adding filters based on something to work out right. Otherwise it's just another FUBAR.


Please explain why a slider is better.


A slider would not be better *I just don't think it is a dumb idea* then even adding a whole new system. Adding branches may be interesting if there was a boss at the end (maybe a high level version of the low level bosses) but those branches should not interfere with the current nightmare system yet doing that would cause a lot of coding troubles.


For lets say someone that is not that skilled can clear the normal missions solo but not the high level branch that would with the current system block him out of nightmare mode. Granted most would say "Then he should not be playing nightmare mode" but that will not stop them from trying. As well it should not lock them out of it for the new branch you suggest would actually be Harder then a normal mission's nightmare mode If I correct since it seems you believe there is no challenging content for you. So Nightmare mode would be a stepping stone to the branch if I am correct and they should not be blocked out of it.

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if taken alone in a vacuum, maybe. In general, it's a wasted mod slot that I could put a mod that makes Rhino faster or better.


Also because it needs some free space to start the charge or I'm just wasting energy, while SLASHDASH does not.


What do you mean? If they're both basically mobility skills, and Rhino Charge does the mobility part better... Why wouldn't it be better?

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What do you mean? If they're both basically mobility skills, and Rhino Charge does the mobility part better... Why wouldn't it be better?


I've always viewed Slash Dash as an attack skill, because that's what it excels at. Super Jump is a mobility skill.

Edited by Laraso
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