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Weapon Range stat still missing (Firestorm/Fulmination)


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With the new Incarnon forms, i have been spending allot of time in the simulacrum, trying to understand the "Blast Radius" mods. 

Its hard even finding out which weapons benefit from the mods, since statistics don't actually give you a base number for blast radius. 😅

This only becomes more difficult the more i think of it, do weapons like the Nukor actually have a further beams? what about damage falloff? is that reduced? 

What about weapons who have a secondary effect that causes a explosion? 

i could google it for every single weapon, but all of this  could be fixed by a single stat that just says how many meters of range the weapons has.  

please give us weapon range stats DE 👍

Edited by Hyakkimare
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Blast Radius mods only work on weapons that already have an AoE (area of effect) that makes a spherical explosion/burst at their point of impact.  So when equipped with a Blast Radius mod, weapons like the Kuva Bramma, the Tonkor, and the Sonicor get larger explosions.  If a weapon doesn't have a listed Range stat — which means that the range is 0 — it doesn't have an AoE and you won't get any effect out of it; this is because multiplying a range of 0 by any multiplier results in 0.

50 minutes ago, Hyakkimare said:

This only becomes more difficult the more i think of it, do weapons like the Nukor actually have a further beams? what about damage falloff? is that reduced? 

Blast radius mods only work on AoE explosions, so no, it won't affect the length of beams.  And it in no way affects the falloff of weapons without AoE explosions.

In regards to damage Falloff for weapons that do have AoE explosions, Blast Radius mods have a benefit, though they don't actually change the Falloff.  But because Falloff is a percentage of the entire explosion radius, making the explosion larger increases the damage dealt at certain distances.

To illustrate this with an over-simplified example, if you have a 2 meter explosion with 100% Falloff, that means at the center it deals full damage and at the very edge of the explosion it deals 0 damage.  Now add a mod that doubles the blast radius so you have a 4 meter radius.  With a 2 meter radius an enemy 1 meter away from the center would have taken 50% damage, but with a 4 meter radius an enemy 1 meter away from the center takes 75% damage.  So while the Falloff value hasn't changed, there's a synergy there.


59 minutes ago, Hyakkimare said:

What about weapons who have a secondary effect that causes a explosion? 

It depends on what you mean.  If by secondary effect you mean that there a weapon does damage when it connects with an enemy and then also does an explosion, and both of these are listed in the weapon stats, then yes, it will affect that.


For more information, check out these wiki pages:



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Weapons with an AOE component have their range listed under their "Radial Attack" in most cases. If you've found a weapon that does in-fact deal AOE damage (mind you some weapon projectiles have a purely visual explosion on impact) and doesn't have a range stat listed then make a bug report on it. Posting about a generic potential problem in General Discussion doesn't do anything.

Also as already mentioned blast radius only affects the range of radial explosions (and some lingering effects). I'm pretty sure nothing affects projectile sizes. Beam Length is affected by mods with that stat. And falloff (of non AOE effects) is determined by projectile speed.

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so far i get everything, but still, it would help allot if players did not have to go to the wiki for there answers, thats a huge problem warframe already has.
sure it shows the weapons who benefit, but what about all the incarnons? they are not on the list. 

Edited by Hyakkimare
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3 hours ago, Hyakkimare said:

sure it shows the weapons who benefit, but what about all the incarnons? they are not on the list. 

As was already pointed out, they do not benefit from these mods. If they don't show up in the mod config as 'useable', then sense would tell you they don't apply. Don't have to visit the wiki to figure that out.

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