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Don't want to be Host


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Corss Save happened. I can play my PSN account on PC. But my potato PC tanks hard when I'm host. 90% of the time, I'm host. Just because I have  good connection, the game made me host. My $300 walmart laptop can't handle the resource drain. Really don't want to give up the 5 second loading screen. Setting the ping limit actually makes it worse. I'm 100% host at 100ms.

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It's a common request that crops up every so often. I personally support it. For whatever reason, DE are extremely unwilling to either show client/host status or let people decide whether they want to host or join. The common counter-argument is that "Well, then everyone would always host!" This has never been the case with multiplayer games which allow that option (Deep Rock, Payday, Vermintide, etc.). It would certainly make things a lot simpler and more convenient, I think.

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"Well, then everyone would always host!"

Funny, because most people i know would LOVE to toggle off "be host". I'm host in 8/10 times, although unfortunately my internet connection is relatively poor. I even play with strict NAT and no open ports. (And no, there is currently no way for me to change that.)

Sorry to everyone whose endurance session I destroyed through host migration.


The problem is when you're timing is right (or wrong lol), you open up the mission instead of joining. And theres technically no way to change the Host mid-mission without host migration rn.

What i would love to see: Let me be able to wait longer.

Instead of starting the mission straight away, I would like to see a "waiting function" where you are automatically assigned to the next free host. This way you don't need a "never host" setting, just the players patience. And honestly, I'd rather wait a minute (which would be completely normal compared to other games) than volunteer to host certain missions.


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When I don't want to host, I usually just back out.  It only auto starts when you are already joining a mission that's started.  It would be a nice feature to have though.  Also, another reason to not want to host is that the host gets all the aggro.  There's a massive difference between hosting and not hosting, which also means a huge difference between solo and group play if you aren't host.

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