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People are becoming more impatient as of late.


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10 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

I'm not saying it's a good excuse to be a jerk. But it is certainly contributing to people wanting to rush things when their available time to play the parts of the game they want, and even other games, is constantly being encroached on by weekly chores the devs push on us.

Some people are just going to be jerks in that situation. Sure it's on those people for acting like that. But it's also hugely on DE for producing that environment to begin with. It's not the player's fault the devs put a big ticking clock above their heads.

How does one expect a F2P game to monetize and pay all 400 employees if they don't put *some* pressure in-game on players to make purchases of some sort, some of the time?

I mean, play and grind, or bypass grind by paying and still enjoy the game either way.  But that's the trade-off...  If they charged you $60 to play, or a membership fee or something, it'd be different... but they don't.  They literally create as few pressure points as possible on the player to purchase anything... but they do have bills, and they do need to push sales somehow.

Also, nobody "pushes" these weekly things on us. They exist, but you don't HAVE to do them weekly, at all.  Hek, I've been skipping most weeklies for over a year because of health, and honestly, it's made little-to-no difference in my enjoyment of the game...

The frames/weapons will be there to farm/trade later,,, no need to rush.
Rivens will be there, and are not necessary anyway.
Shards will be there, and are not necessary anyway.
Quests will be there.
Arcanes aren't going away.
Relics are there later, too.

NONE of this needs to be done today, if at all.  If you put those expectations on yourselves, respectfully... that's on you.

It's like these people burning themselves out farming 1000+ forma during Plague Star, and then they're too disgusted to even open the game after that...  I'd understand why! But that was on THEM for overdoing it.

Forma is ALWAYS available... if ya always keep one in the foundry (which you can even do from your phone via companion app), you'll have plenty when you need 'em.

Again, none of this stuff is a "must-have".  LIKE to have? Sure, but not worth burning yourself out over.

DE didn't do that.  They put the cookies on the table... if y'all decide to shove the whole damn platter down your throats at once, don't blame DE for your sugar crash later.

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12 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

I was just referring pretty much exclusively to the arcanes yeah. I got all the event exclusive stuff and all the curses to fill my clan's gargoyle in a day. But yeah, the arcanes are grindy. I'm trying to get just 4 arcanes out of the lot, and to max them all out I need over 200 runs. And that's WITH me already having half of what I needed to start with. That's Grindy.

Better than getting them the normal way, sure. But for one thing, that's kindof the point or they wouldn't be worth doing the event for at all. But for another, That's not a positive mark on the event, that's a negative mark on grinding them out normally.

It would be literally impossible for me to even engage with the event at all, if I was doing all the weeklies for other stuff that I want. I am doing none of them, and still feel like I probably wont be able to do the event enough to max the only 4 arcanes I'm trying to.

All the extra arcanes you get from the mission is nice tho I'll give you that. But they're not the ones I'm after, and they're just going to serve pissing me off when I roll an arcane I've already maxed out 5 times over from this event while trying to get the netracell exclusive legendary arcanes eventually. Dissolution is a nice system but extremely inefficient, and DE is suspiciously withholding the actual drop rates from it. Which is not something they normally do so it's gotta be bad.

Have you considered...
Trading the ones you get for the ones you want?  With other players? :O

Nobody said you HAD to use the Dissolution system.

Heck, ya don't really need any arcanes whatsoever (though they do help). And Orphix/Eidolons aren't going away, either.  None of this is going away other than the event... in a MONTH...

I don't know why y'all set these arbitrary deadlines and goals, and then get mad at them.

Seriously, let it be casual.  If ya get there, great. If not, you can always trade later. It's really not a big deal.

What Arcane do ya need?  Hek, I might even have some extras you can have, if so.  Don't turn this into a chore, or it's *going* to feel like one.

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12 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

You trivialise and rush all Spy missions (maybe except for Luna) with Wukong and the Helminth ability that instantly hacks consoles. Even so, when I feel brave and do a public Spy mission, half of the time people do what you describe, especially with totally unfit Warframe.

We have a Air Support that freezes the alarm countdown for like 10 seconds which can help a lot but it's still occasionally not enough.

I bring the moa because I don't like to just change into a different warframe, besides, most of the time I can do spy missions with any warframe I have, I may take some time but I get the job done, something a few players can't stand.

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On 2023-12-24 at 3:32 AM, PollexMessier said:

Maybe because DE keeps slapping a weekly time gate on new content and it's making people feel like they have to do all the weeklies. Which takes up literally all of their time to play the game with how many there are now.

On top of there also being an excessively grindy event happening right now.

Yup typical Warframe post. They love to give us rep grinds and time gates. That’s all they know how to do tho.

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On 2023-12-25 at 5:09 AM, PollexMessier said:

I was just referring pretty much exclusively to the arcanes yeah. I got all the event exclusive stuff and all the curses to fill my clan's gargoyle in a day. But yeah, the arcanes are grindy. I'm trying to get just 4 arcanes out of the lot, and to max them all out I need over 200 runs. And that's WITH me already having half of what I needed to start with. That's Grindy.

Better than getting them the normal way, sure. But for one thing, that's kindof the point or they wouldn't be worth doing the event for at all. But for another, That's not a positive mark on the event, that's a negative mark on grinding them out normally.

It would be literally impossible for me to even engage with the event at all, if I was doing all the weeklies for other stuff that I want. I am doing none of them, and still feel like I probably wont be able to do the event enough to max the only 4 arcanes I'm trying to.

I'm of a similar opinion. Though, I fortunately still have tons of Platinum and items to trade from a time when I was more motivated with farming "extra". I've come to terms with getting very few Arcane Energize as I prioritize the weeklies instead and just not bother with this "Operation". The fact these things drag on for 4 weeks is also a bit annoying if I'm being honest. I much rather DE give us something less excessive with a shorter window of 1-2 weeks. Hell, this could have just been a Tactical Alert with a new Wraith/Vandal/Ceti weapon and no Arcanes vendor. It's getting really boring that the last 3 Operations in a row have had the exact same gameplay rewards (barring a small handful of cosmetics). Operations used to be exciting, especially for a new weapon to use.

I'd probably give the event more of a go if there was scoring involved. Spamming the Effervo node ad nauseum gets pretty stale, especially when you already have the Arcanes done and don't get any reputation or Voca from the boss itself. The only thing this update has left for me to do are codex scans and Netracells time-gating. I can't even bother with the former really, because the codex is such a joke.

Edited by Voltage
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