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so... anyone else getting Helldivers 2?


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it launches on Feb 8th, and I for one am actually HYPED:

I played the original a bit (not a crazy amount of hours like warframe, but some) and it was a LOT of fun. for anyone interested, there's a few unique things about the original game that will be carried over to this that you should probably know about:

- the original was top-down, this one is third-person, but you can also have first person ADS. 

- friendly fire is ALWAYS ON and deals FULL damage. you will probably die more times to accidents than you will to the enemy, but that just adds to the drama and the hilarity, knowing you're just one poorly placed airstrike away from mission failure.

- you can use "stratagems" (call in air support, turrets, ammo resupply etc.) to help with the mission, but calling them in requires a series of directional inputs (D pad on console, I assume arrow keys on PC?), and trying to do this under pressure while your team is fighting and dying around you make it SUPER intense. plus if you enter the code wrong you have to start over. objectives require these inputs too so you really have to watch each others' backs. 

- you will die A LOT. it's a part of the experience really. the enemies come in vast numbers and you don't get a lot of health. the levels are also balanced around co-op play, even when you're solo, so it can be very challenging without a team (you can still play solo, and win, if you're skilled!)

- there are also other team mechanics, such as a rocket launcher that requires someone behind you to reload it while you aim and fire.

- there's 3 factions: bugs, Automatons (formerly called Cyborgs) and a 3rd faction which used to be an alien race called the Illuminate, but it's not revealed if they're back or if it's another faction.  bugs are your usual nasty sci-fi creepy crawlies, Automatons are a bunch of heavily armored socialists, and the third race is... something else, definitley.

- it's a community effort! in the first game, everybody worked through the system to reach a faction's home planet and bring the war to their doorstep. naturally, resistance gets tougher as you complete planets and fight on higher difficulty levels (the highest difficulties are insane), you will be a small but integral part of an actual, ongoing war campaign!

It's very rare I get excited for games but I'm looking forward to this one a lot. I'm hoping it will get a lot more support and a bigger community than the original Helldivers did, because it ha a lot of potential. I could very well sink a LOT of hours into this, maybe even make it my side-piece alongside warframe!

Super Earth Needs You! will YOU be there?



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i'm pretty interested in the game(though also pretty interested in Hundreds of others), but i decide whether i'm going to Buy/play a game in the Week(s) after a game is Released, not anytime before then.

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