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Eclipse Feedback Megathread


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Please make it a tap/hold for Mirage herself and have it work like equinox's subsume with other warframes, where you can only have 1 of the powers based on your emissive color. The values on the DR and damage probably need to go down as well, but having to choose 1 buff should help make it a less dominant infusion.

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While I really like the theme of being able to interact with the environment with this ability; having to look at each map to fix the issues with each area can be really extensive I realise. So instead of fixing the areas where there's bugs with environment interaction just changing the way the ability works would be preferred instead of adding the hold and nerfing the Hemlinth. 

Edited by Toushiro150
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hace 2 horas, [DE]Juice dijo:

Hello Tenno!

As you may have seen in Devstream #176, we are looking at ways to change Mirage’s Eclipse ability (and related Helminth ability). To briefly recap the Devstream, we see consistent functionality issues with Eclipse in various in-game environments, as well as situations where Eclipse is unreliable.


First, Eclipse does not function correctly in every area of the game. In Open Zone content, it always acts as though it is in maximum light, even when it is nighttime. In Albrecht’s Laboratories, it always acts as though it is night, preventing Tenno from using the light portion of the ability. Here's what that looks like in practice:

Eclipse in Open World - Always Light

Eclipse in Albrecht's Laboratories - Always Dark


Second, Eclipse’s reliability is due to the boost being reliant on the area’s lighting, which means taking a step to the side could cut Eclipse’s boost in half. This can make it difficult to properly utilize shadow’s damage reduction. Here's an example of what we're talking about - even a few steps may switch Eclipse from dark to light.


We’re coming to you for your feedback because we see a few paths forward, and we would like your input on our current ideations for Eclipse.

  • We can fix the locations it doesn’t work correctly in (like Albrecht’s Laboratories and Open Zone areas) but leave everything else the same - including its unpredictability when moving. This would require extensive work to fix as it ties into our new lighting system but would allow Eclipse to work in these areas and any future environments.
  • We can change Eclipse to work more reliably, but may need to reduce its effectiveness when used as a Helminth ability by reducing its power, duration, or other factors.
    • Eclipse is already the 2nd most popular Helminth ability, so removing its main barrier to entry (reliability) would mean a rebalance is in order. This effectiveness reduction would not affect the ability for Mirage, only when applied from the Helminth.
  • We can redesign the ability, so it works on the same general theme but functionally is different. For example, it could spawn beams of light nearby - standing in them provides the light boost, while standing out of them provides the shadow boost.
  • Suggestions! We are open to unique suggestions from Tenno on this as well!

Please leave your feedback below. We’ll be reading it from the shadows (but also sometimes from the light)!

Thank you Tenno!

togle or mod


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I don't care if you have to nerf eclipse into the ground, even on mirage herself. please make it tap/hold or some form of toggle. The lighting idea is neat but it is too much of a nightmare to actually get working and even in the best case scenario is going to be annoying, not to mention how your settings change it.

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I prefer the idea of making the ability generate its own light source that is the only determining factor of whether you get either boost. Tap and Hold are probably the preference for most people, but the thematic of using light seems to fit with Mirage more. If we can control the radius of the buff area created by the light source with range then it's probably fine.

Perhaps we can have the behavior of the field change depending on the Tap or Hold. If we do one, the field makes light, and standing inside it gives us the full light buff, but leaving it gives us the partial shadow buff. If we do the opposite input, it creates a dark field that gives us the full shadow buff, and leaving gives us a partial light buff.

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I'm ok with reducing the effectiveness (% of the buff) when used in helminth.

6 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Make it a tap and hold ability so people can choose between the two

I was about to say that, or make it colour based like with "Rest & Rage" from Equinox

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As I echo everyone thus far: Tap/Hold toggle. It'd be more universally in line with other abilities of similar nature. That and it would be easier to program. Reduced effectiveness is a small price to pay for more consistent use.

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Unique: mini game, hold to charge gauge

gauge has max damage, max damage reduction, and balanced

stop at the exact center to get max damage and reduction

new augment: hit to cast and get balance automatically effects +x%


Or just tap/hold

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The issue I see here is that the buff is really binary; you're getting it or you're not, and if you're in a place where you are not getting it you are performing suboptimally, and it requires a degree of micromanagement to fix that. That micromanagement can be annoying when playing a game as fast paced as Warframe, where traversal is so important.

What if the buff gained duration, not just strength, from time spent in light or dark areas? With it decaying over time spent in dark areas.

It doesn't fix these issue per se, but it smoothes them over.

Run across a map for 10 seconds in light, step into dark spot for 1 second? That 1 second starts decaying the buff strength you built up for those previous 10 seconds. Rather than running across a map for 10 seconds, and instantly losing the buff the moment your toe touches a dark area.

Longer you spend in the dark area the faster the buff decays, potentially exponentially.

It makes light and dark areas still matter, but allows you play around the mechanic (focusing on being in light not dark) without the micromanagement of making sure you're never touching a dark area. You can now touch dark areas but as long as the majority of time is spent in light areas you'll still be getting the buff you want.

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Really enjoying the idea of taking damage adding to the defense section and "dodging" damage adding to the damage section. Idk how it makes sense logically with light and dark, but giving control to the player, rather than the environment would make her feel much smoother gameplay wise. 

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Perhaps a solution to make it reliable while also keeping it balanced would to add an augment that allowed you to either lock in one of the buffs all the time or even make it a toggle, can also lower the damage buff % for helminth so it's consistent with other helminth damage buffs.

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Pablo mentioned a "shafts of light." A "Spotlight." That is fun theming for a stage performer. Have damage boosts in the spotlights, and damage resistance outside of them.

You'd need to make it instantly give max bonus as soon as you touch them, and perhaps after a delay, begin scaling it down to the damage reduction version until you refresh it. 

This would make it easier to interact with Mirage's Prism, ability, which also uses the same lighting logic as Eclipse does currently, and can be made to interact with Sleight of Hand's jewel, which also uses Eclipse's lighting logic. Just make the jewel notice when it is placed in a spotlight.

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11 minutes ago, 4g3nt0 said:

Please make eclipse a tap or hold ability. 

Eclipse change = hold for Defense, tap for Offense... easy enough.  maybe even do a 20%Reduction/80%Damage and vice versa if you think it's too powerful one way or the other at 100%.  Of course the 20/80 are just suggestive, it should be tested to see what integer ratio feel right.

Edited by (PSN)Poestis
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