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I am actually begging at this point for you to give us a different way to grind incarnon adapters and resources


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Every time I reluctantly boot up duviri because I want to grind out an adapter for another weapon I can feel my instincts fighting me. Somehow, despite me having dozens of weapons that could slaughter steel path enemies without issue, it's about every other run that I get literally nothing usable, and the default modset on weapons you don't own is about as effective at killing armored SP enemies as a balloon animal would be. More painful still is getting frames I don't own with no survivability baked into them, forcing me to jump around all game and do nothing but be a leech until the first round is over and I can get a reroll. Nothing has ever made me feel the urge to stop playing the game more than this, and I've taken multimonth breaks because of how burnout inducing it is twice already. I of course, then, have to spend hours on end grinding out far too sparse resources I need far too many of after going through that immense pain. It's clear at this point you have no intention of changing it further, so please just give us another option to earn them. Anything at all where gear isn't randomized, that's just such an incredibly terrible idea for steel path.

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You missed the worst part about it, the Pathos Clamps grind.

I own enough stuff that is built out and sold some of my stuff that the Circut grind is bearable for me but the Pathos Clamps grind is on another level of forced repetition. And this is still needed to use the incarnon adapters.

The circut grind also automatically rerolls it during weather cycles so you don't need to do one mission on base starchart to get a re-roll.

For the Pathos Clamps grind, you still have to rely on getting good cave rolls for it but then you still have to deal with Drifter gameplay for the majority of the mission which is MILES slower than regular Warframe gameplay. Even then there is still a chance that you cannot kill the Orowyrm with your own weapons, that's how bad it is. Unlike the circut where you can breeze through mission after mission with the same loadout, you are forced to grind for pathos clamps 4-6 times over each with a different loadout.

But that still isn't the worst part, built exilus formas and potatoes exist for Pathos Clamps so they have an incentive to not reduce the pathos clamps grind whereas they can go and touch up the circut part after the newness of it has worn off, which they are doing and have done in the past.

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I actually enjoy The Circuit but the fracking Pathos Clamps are what made me end up with several Incarnon Adapters collecting dust in my inventory. I hate Duviri itself. I don't want to play as the Drifter. It was fun at first, but once novelty wore off, my usual mindset of "I play Warframe to play as a Warframe" returned.

Make Vor and Jackal drop Pathos Clamps and let them be affected by boosters and I'm happy to farm them by playing what I actually can enjoy - The Circuit.

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I just got tired of hunting down the resources to build the Incarnons with, and there's no real way to speed up getting specifically what I need as far as I can tell. Just another grind on top of the clamps grind, and that's if I remember what I need.

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2 hours ago, Numerounius said:

You missed the worst part about it, the Pathos Clamps grind.

You meant the best part?

2 hours ago, Numerounius said:

I own enough stuff that is built out and sold some of my stuff that the Circut grind is bearable for me but the Pathos Clamps grind is on another level of forced repetition. And this is still needed to use the incarnon adapters.

You do few potentially different modes, different than lots of WF gameplay YET doing Circuit which is THE SAME ~5 MISSION is not repetition? I think we are using "repetetiion" for different things.

And to get 1 adapter you need like 30-40 minutes or 1 hour with team. And that's probably slow. Circuit? 1 hour for first and another ~2 hours for another adapter.

3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

For the Pathos Clamps grind, you still have to rely on getting good cave rolls

You don't need anything doing normal orowyrm. For not overly specified builds SP version gives less. Here is topic:


3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

t then you still have to deal with Drifter gameplay for the majority of the mission which is MILES slower than regular Warframe gameplay.

To be honest it depends. Some Duviri challenges are faster than Circuit one. In my experience it's other way around: Circuit is much slower.

3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

ven then there is still a chance that you cannot kill the Orowyrm with your own weapons, that's how bad it is.

I had no issue like this in normal fights.

3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

Unlike the circut where you can breeze through mission after mission with the same loadout,

I can breeze lots of content in Duviri.

3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

over each with a different loadout.

Loadout doesn't really matter with teams in normal Duviri

3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

you are forced to grind for pathos clamps 4-6 times over each

Each what? Week? I think clicked wrong buttons. Each adapter need 20 Clamps so you need 40 clamps per week. So doing normal mode you need at most 4 runs. Doing SP you need 3 (one can be normal!).

3 hours ago, Numerounius said:

But that still isn't the worst part, built exilus formas and potatoes exist for Pathos Clamps so they have an incentive to not reduce the pathos clamps grind whereas they can go and touch up the circut part after the newness of it has worn off, which they are doing and have done in the past.

One thing they have done is being able to buy 5 incarnons. It's still horrible grind...



ps. OP, or you can make them trade-able. It's simple but it's win-win. DE had this horrible grind and people that don't like it have it "other way".

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