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Some thoughts about DevStream 177

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From last Devstream, there's been a couple things that have caught my attention and I want to give my opinion & thoughts about them.
I'll try to be as straight to the point as possible this time, no indexes no pagination, just the thing.
End of post Pablo here; Disgracefully upon reviewing my own post, it's too big as it's normal, so, so thank you another day spoiler function for helping me compress things. Apologies in advance to readers.



Noctua is the second exalted weapon of the game to be on a 1st ability, only other case being Balefire.
Pointing back at some quotes from DE, they wanted to start moving away from stat-sticks for pseudo exalted weapons, and hopefully from having weapons affect your exalted ones as well. Mostly as a note, I hope they keep this in mind going forward and eventually for Atlas, Gara & Khora they do properly "touch" their exalted weapons and make them more modifiable, and hopefully usable.

Deep Archimedea


Our first "endgame activity" seems to be on the horizon, but is it worth it? I mean that in regards to the arcanes.
While tiers before the one that (for now) demands to stick to the offered loadouts & conditions grant the same rewards as Netracells but better it seems, the secured legendary arcane which was the main problem pretty much all of us had when it came to drop rates of netracells, still isn't looking good to me.

By this I don't mean that having a secured legendary arcane for what seems will be a hell of a 3-in a row mission if you decide to pick all of the available at the tab is wrong, but the fact that the legendary melee arcanes on their own are miserable options compared to the ones we have been given and can be farmed "all the time / easily".

Getting 6 more combo per finisher kill for the rest of the mission is definitively inferior to the effects that Influence or Vortex provide for any melee weapon, as combo gain is far from being an issue at the levels you'd be running a melee with an arcane, which most surely is Steel Path. What's more, as melee arcanes are meant to be the cherry on top of a melee build for the harder content the game offers (Steel Path), the better melee weapons which are mostly Incarnons or Tenets, do come with perks for paused melee combos, more combo chance, or higher combo duration.

On the other hand, Melee Duplicate which I got my first one today and I haven't skipped a single week of Netracells, yay, just doesn't cut it.
Most melee weapons that can achieve regular crits will massively benefit once more from the effects of Vortex or Influence far more than from having a second strike on their tier 1 crits, and those weapons that easily achieve higher crit tiers simply won't bother with this.
Now yes this is a chance to both roll another status proc and also another critical hit, but that's still single-targetted and melee weapons do not lack lethality when it comes to that, even less now that Tennokai has allowed for hybrid builds to finally be easily doable, and these absolutely rock on many weapons.

Both due to their lengthy + agonising farm, and absolutely terrible effects, I believe these legendary arcanes are no better than the silver ones we got offered.
Let alone the fact that Melee Duplicate is but a copy of a Duviri Decree which makes it incredibly lazy.
There are plenty of melee Decrees that converted to arcanes could perhaps have brought build diversity and made it so more less popular melee weapons got to shine, but the one they've chose will purely benefit melees that are already top of the chain, and still these won't be as good as with the arcane that should have been ranked as legendary: Melee Influence.

As for the Elite mode, if the rewards of base Deep Archimedea are going to be these, at the level shown (I'm aware they are "testing") and with the negatives they have shown, even if placeholders, I don't think I'll spend any time on it, simply because it'll be mind-numbing harder for the same things, and unworthy arcanes. Time will tell once Dante Unbound arrives, but so far these are my sheer cold thoughts on it.

Oh no's! & Robux


I am pretty happy about getting two new pure-incarnon weapons instead of more genesises that will wash away the identity of existing weapons, and I think overall the design choices have been really original this time making a sparring weapon become claws and a wrist mounted weapon into an arm cannon, which are some of the lesser popular weapons of the game. Thumbsup for these two, can't wait.

Aztec looking blessing


Styanax's deluxe is looking marvellous and although he's not one of my favourite warframes I like to play him quite a lot, however, he needs to have some bits & bobs adjusted in my opinion, first and most importantly, Axios.

Like many other grouping abilities Axios Javelin can be casted all the time, but it won't do absolutely anything unless it hits and enemy.
This is a huge problem, as it makes it so if Axios fails to home-in into an enemy, thing which it only does if you casted it while having your aiming reticle over a target, and it's a soft-homing, not even a "I'm going to impale you yes, or yes", you'll have wasted energy for nothing.
Likewise, when throwing it at the chest of an eximus or non-staggerable enemy, less you'd expect is for it to at least do some respectable damage to deal with them, but no.

To add insult to injury, it's getting an augment that will make it so now you get two fellow spectres that will launch Axios-es(?) for you and will create vortexes on impact.
I presume, this on impact may mean on the actual spear impact, and not again on impacting an enemy, as later it states "impale an enemy to increase vortex duration by 5 seconds".
Mind you, Axios stats when looking at the ability in the arsenal leave you wondering what the hell does it actually even mean by "duration" when it's clear the vortex lasts way less than what it claims on that "duration" of the stats, and it's supposedly for the one dude you impale.

Do you know what ability does everything that Axios Javelin does, and even in an awfully similar fashion when it comes to physics? Coil Horizon.
And funnily enough, this is a helminth ability. Coil Horizon won't care if you haven't it an enemy when casting it to do its main function, which is to group up enemies, and when it groups them, it'll do also a much, much better job at dealing damage to them due to how electricity & ragdolled enemy body parts work.

Other grouping abilities available at the helminth system also provide the same effects as Axios simply without going through the conditions it does.
It's imperative for this ability to be retouched, as it creates a disjointed logic on Styanax's kit, which is pretty simple to understand;
Group enemies with Axios, remove defences with Tharros, have your Rally Point active, and do your final stand on a group of defenceless & controlled enemies.
Releasing an augment to circumvent this is incredibly shameful.

And then, if possible fix this gentleman's weird habit of holding shields in reverse leaving the handles on the exterior.
Dagath also doesn't know how to hold a Grimoire and she happens to be one of the few frames with unique animations for them.

Lastly, am I the only one who wants to see a sword & shield skin with Axios & Tharros (default) and also Deluxe? I'm aware there's a polearm skin coming, but... no shield.
And I really like the shield, feels a it of a waste to have it show only when performing a bash or with the animation set.

3 Augments catch my eye for different reasons


The one that sort of worries me is Parasitic Vitality.
Pablo (the better one) has mentioned you can either have the augment equipped or a vitality mod.
Nidus doesn't have all that much health on his own, and at higher level content he does struggle to stay alive as a health-based frame, so if you need to be forcefully linked to an ally to have more health, this might become an issue due to the nature of Nidus on teams.

Be on pubs or premade squads, it's common for teammates not to leave much to stomp (virulence) and therefore not gain mutation stacks at an adequate pace.
Here hoping this augment also pairs with Abundant mutation to provide a 1200% health bonus, this may be unreliable even on endless missions due to another problem of Nidus' kit; heal rate.
The healing rate of Nidus is 5/s passively if am not mistaken, and then the one from his 4 scales off strength, but if Nidus ends up gaining 1200% health or even just 400% with Abundant Mutation, the heal rate after taking a big hit from say a bombard won't be good enough, not for him, not for his linked ally either.

This however "could" be "fixed" by being your teammate a healer, such as Wisp, Oberon or Trinity, or adding in a helminth ability as is Blood Altar which heals for a % of missing health. I'm of the belief that if to make my frame good I need to rely on abilities of other frames, be a teammate helping me or using the helminth system on myself, I'm most certainly flawed and should be revisited.

Nidus needn't a rework by any means, but he does require of some changes on his kit to allow him to scale better and be better at what he's meant to, instead of just, being a really good spectre. He has damage on his first which is quite respectable, great grouping with his 2nd which could do with some little changes to "ability re-activation policies", good team buffing and synergy with his 3, or survivability, and a 4th ability that is conceptually insanely good but ultimately falls a bit short.
Changing the heal rate of Ravenous to scale based on mutation stacks at double per stack and also make it so the zone can scale off ability range, would provide Nidus and his team with immense healing rate, so long as they stay within a stationary zone.

It simply feels unjustified to have such a low healing rate on a frame with no 1-hit ko prevention outside of his Undying passive, and in such a small zone, when Kullervo has double the health at base than Nidus, packing some more armour too, and Blood Altar just scales so well.

Back to the first point I made, if I need to be linked to an ally to have more health, on harder content I'm gonna get powned the moment I peek in to see what's happening.
What's more, we don't know if the augment will scale off power strength which could lead to absolutely ridiculous health % and that would make the low healing rate even more problematic, but please, do not force me to have to be linked to an ally to have more health on a frame that struggles with it.

I propose to have at least 50% of that health per stack always active for myself, and when I link to another player, or an enemy then double the bonus.


That does it for Nidus, now Yareli.

Yareli's Loyal Merulina concerns me for this augment seems made with the helminth system in mind, far too obviously.
Players have been asking for Yareli to be able to cast helminth abilities while riding Merulina for a very long time now besides complaining about how annoying this one is to ride too. With the "No more sticky corners" update in the future, I expected the later to be somewhat alleviated, since the first DE has insisted that "It'd be too complicated" despite Titania doing so while on pixie form.

So, now Merulina will provide all of its benefits, damage reduction and more tanking, without having to use it, but on top of that the ones of Sea Snares.
Which means that people will now start using more Yareli, but adding a helminth ability over her first.

That is a problem that disgracefully stems from having the helminth system itself, not Yareli getting an augment that makes her signature theme, kdriving, unneeded, which is also concerning. Not much more to say about this honestly, while I understand why people will now start using her more (or so I believe) as it'll be much more comfortable, it seems extremely wrong that in order to make the waverider used you have to remove the waverider of her and compress her kit.

I cannot blame anyone for doing so, kdriving in the missions we have is awful, and the unnecessary inertia of Merulina made her more often than not a nuisance.

Lastly, Lavos,
Valence Bond is an augment I myself had suggested a long time ago, but I believe the inspiration for it came from the Alchemy missions bonus that you gain when completing a crucible. While the idea of the augment is great, and it feels like something Lavos should intrinsically have, so Chroma, I can't help but to think it won't help Lavos lift head from his current state, unless the augment works in the most ridiculous of ways by allowing to stack all different combined elemental damages by separate if you perform abilities fast enough instead of just 1 at a time.

This, just an opinion for the sake of remembering Lavos further from the recent Baro offerings that make me want to kill the guy, Javi scrawlings... but he's not that good of a frame. While his hypothetical damage output can be very high, he does run into many issues spreading statuses effectively and needs to do too much for his ulti to deal reasonable damage. It's a pity for he's a very unique frame, but disgracefully this is the way things are.


Hey, where's Perry?


Speaking of new augments, I can't help but to notice that frames that have come out after this ungraceful frame have gotten way more love and attention than him.

This ungraceful frame of course being Caliban.
While the changes to shields and stat buffs have helped him stand out in the category of "incredible shield frames", Caliban is disgracefully still a very bad frame, and the 2023 stat reflect how little was he played even less than frames that came out way after him.

You can argue as much as you want that his 4th ability is good, I do not deny that, but that is 1 ability out of 3 of this wretched-looking creature.
I don't like how he looks, I don't like how he plays, and I've spent far too many forma and shards to be belittled as "you don't know how to build / play him".

His theme has so much potential, but just like sentient he is completely irrelevant now.

Inaros re... mix?


I'm unconvinced by this.

His passive finally will keep working no matter level of the content the player is on, but as for his abilities I am not quite happy with what I've seen.
His one remaining the same is perfectly fine paired with the fact that more enemies will be executable when this ships.

Devouring Sandstorm, as I am now going to call it and you can't tell me it should be called otherwise, not as much.
Having a set duration but higher casting and movement speed while performing it doesn't help all that much, it draws imo similarities to cloud walker but being worse for that purpose. It now will pull in enemies and set them up for finishers, which is... good I guess since Inaros is "all about finishers" apparently, but this doesn't look all that tempting or effective to use, moreover when one could simply subsume a ragdoll grouping ability onto this slot like is Airburst or Pull, Coil Horizon too for that matter.

His 3, is getting somewhere, and somewhere original finally.
Making the augment part of his base kit is a great step in the right direction, and making the augment a death prevention even more, and very interestingly they've chosen a "stored up damage" way to affront this, which is something I know from speaking to some Inaros players they thought was a good idea.
Now then, I'm already seeing once more that his second ability will be easily replaceable for a helminth one, in this case, Blood Altar would be the best option for a lazy in-sanely-mortal Inaros build with the augment for his 3. The grouping part could easily be offloaded to either a Nautilus or focus school ability.

And finally, Scarab swarm now does more ticks of damage, with guaranteed corrosive procs, and as many were quick to point out during the stream, Inaros is thereby getting two emerald archon shards thrown into him for full armour strip. Oh, and, generated Sand Kavats.
Which will attack, for we don't know how much, and will also Scarab the enemies even further.

This is where I stop, and think if this is truly a rework, or just adjusting the frame.
His passive is better yes, but his 2 and 3 stay basically the same as they currently are, just faster, so does his 1.
Scarab Swarm is improved and may provide a great CC + armour strip, but other than that they've just made Inaros, less prone to die and that's it?

I know Pablo said they wouldn't do something as crazy as with Hydroid, but I'm unsure that a finisher-based frame that is getting his immortality from an augment will have a place and fanbase in the current state of the game.

Hot topic: Nourish & Eclipse changes


I'll be very bold about this, I use Nourish on quite some frames.

Atlas, Citrine, Chroma, Caliban, Rhino, Ember, Frost, Hydroid, Khora, Nekros, Nidus, Saryn, and Styanax.

Each one of these frames has either a weakness that Nourish helps to solve, or a strength that it helps improve.
And I'll say, I'm okay if they cut down its effectiveness down to 50% or lower, because what matters about Nourish specifically is that it provides a lot of utility in a single ability unlike do most of the helminth system.

It gives me more energy which helps those frames with bad energy economy as are Atlas, Ember or Frost, it elevates those frames that are just amazing be even more amazing, but being honest, were it half what it is, and removed the retaliation effect, outside of Caliban and maybe Nekros from the listed above I'd still use it.

I don't care if the rest of the abilities of the helminth system are mediocre, Nourish is extremely good and versatile, so a nerf feels correct.


On the other hand, Eclipse is finally a consistent ability of either damage, or damage reduction, at the cost of becoming additive instead of multiplicative, and that is absolutely fine. One may argue that it is now a worse Vex Armour and that is a fair point, then again you can put it on any frame, it'll work at 100% effectiveness all the time, and it was unfairly strong, making it so even Roar didn't really make all that much sense outside of DoT builds.

Thanks to the coming nerf, not only does this make it so Roar and Eclipse are more balanced options of the helminth system, it also should decrease its popularity.
However, wrongfully thought by the devs, this won't lead to people trying out more stuff but instead going towards the already known and reliable options as are Roar, or Nourish even if it gets nerfed, Breach Surge & Xata's Whisper too for that matter.

So, is Mirage dead? Yes, absolutely, as much as Chroma to be precise.
Perhaps the correct thing would be to make it so Mirage gets a multiplicative damage bonus but the helminth version provides an additive one, so that way, maybe a Mirage herself would be more valuable on a team than is a Revenant with Eclipse & its augment, just as a suggestion.

Lastly, no one cares about these but I do


Slam damage finally, after so many years will follow your melee damage and be affected by combo multipliers, status chance, and critical multipliers.
Weapons that have had forever slam attack passives, such as the Sarofang, Sampotes, Exec Tenet, Incarnon Furax, among others, may finally see their mechanics do something more that be the laughing stock of their kits, and I couldn't be happier.

I love little changes like these that address old parts of the game that never carried out to the current.

Lastly, and ending this post, the new radial menu for quick navigation within the orbiters is a godsend.
I absolutely love the thought about this, as despite not looking like it, tapping on ESC or Start then going to the menu for the right thing can get a bit... old.

These two things, although the smallest of all the shown for the coming update, are some of my favourite, and I'm eager to see what can be done with those changes to slam attacks.


Only thing I really missed from the stream was a release date.
I guess eventually we'll know but the update seems to be quite charged with content.
We'll have to see, that's all for now.

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32 minutes ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

So, is Mirage dead? Yes, absolutely, as much as Chroma to be precise.
Perhaps the correct thing would be to make it so Mirage gets a multiplicative damage bonus but the helminth version provides an additive one, so that way, maybe a Mirage herself would be more valuable on a team than is a Revenant with Eclipse & its augment, just as a suggestion.

I disagree on this point. Mirage is in a far much better state than Chroma right now. For a quick example, let's compare Spectral Scream with Hall of Mirrors.

Hall of Mirrors :

1. Provides some evasion because enemies will target the clones.

2. Damage scales based on the percentage of the equipped weapon, which can boost the clones' damage effectiveness to absurd numbers with certain weapon setups.

Spectral Scream :

1. Deals a pitiful 400 elemental damage per second with 100% status chance, scales with Fury Multiplier and Ability Strength.

2. Provides elemental switching (If Spectral Scream doesn't provide function number two, it will be immediately taken out by the majority of the player base through the helminth system.)

Then there's the nuking potential of Sleight of Hand with its augment. And don't even start Mirage can effectively cheese Steel Path Circuit with Prism due to how easy it is to hit so many enemies at once because of how open the maps are; boosting Prism's damage to very high numbers in the process.




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  • I agree with @DrivaMain people are probably blowing the eclipse nerf out of proportion. I'm not saying it's not a nerf - it definitely is, but it won't make Mirage anywhere NEAR as bad as Chroma - she's very versatile and strong even outside of the eclipse damage buff - and for everyone else it's actually a raw DR choice without parallel and I think its use as a subsume will absolutely skyrocket. There's not a weak frame that won't want it. People have been asking for a helminth DR for a long time - honestly I'm surprised DE is giving this out - it may be too strong a subsume now - but we'll see.
  • I agree 100% the highest tier Deep Archimedea rewards are probably not going to have long term value (except for people selling those arcanes), and that the arcanes themselves are lackluster for how deep into the back shelf they are. However, I think it's a decent bet that by the time we've all collected enough arcanes for a full set (still a looooong time unless you're buying them) there may be other rewards put into the top tier, at least that's my hope. The main draw of these missions is actually the difficulty for me, not the rewards so much, but it would be nice if after some time they expanded them to include more exclusive items (and thus breathe extra life into this mode). The writing is definitely already on the wall for the highest tier though - and this is the kind of foresight DE has classically been blind to - people shooting for the highest difficulty tier will most likely become a wasteland before they plant anything in it again, sigh 🥹
  • Styanax deluxe is pretty epic. I wasn't hyped at all for it - Aztec seemed so far out of theme from the rest of WF - but seeing the different colors on it changed my mind 180 degrees. Wow, it's great! I don't share your issues with Axios Javelin but I don't play Styanax a lot either
  • Your point about Nidus' augment and how he fares in team play is a solid one - I don't think this will make him any better of a team player
  • Hard to say if there's any weaknesses in the Inaros rework until I actually play it. On paper it seems stellar to me.
  • Nourish needs a nerf, but personally I'd weight the nerf towards the viral and not as much towards the energy, for precisely the reason that many people use it to patch up energy problems more than anything
  • The slam changes are AWESOME actually, my god. (Arca Titron says HI 😈)
  • That radial jump menu is also AWESOME. I was hoping they had a cleanup for the regular version when I first saw the graphic - this was completely unexpected but I'm totally on board for it. Great QoL (especially if there's a helminth shortcut in it).
Edited by CrownOfShadows
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I'm not too concerned about the eclipse nerf, I feel it's still fairly useful in my opinion, though that might be the filthy casual in me speaking xD The nourish nerf, is kind of... bittersweet. I agree it is fairly powerful as is, and should be nerfed a bit, so long it keeps the functionality it has. For parasitic vitality I feel kind of against, as I do like it, but unless I play with my one friend, I play solo, and since you can't link sentinels or other companions, it kind of forces me into NOT using an otherwise fun, although memey looking augment. As well, I do hate that it locks you out of vitality and worse, umbral vitality. I feel a good match up would be twofold: Always provide at least base vitality on it, so you are not gimping yourself so drastically. Still locks you out of umbral but you at least have something initially. And two: Either make it so it works while linked, period, or allow me to link to my helminth charger and such to get the ally buffs, so the solo nidus enthusiast can actually not be forced into ONLY milking a DR sponge enemy for our third and actually also benefit from this meme-dream augment. But hey, that's just a theory, A HELMINTH THEORY!

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1 hour ago, CrownOfShadows said:
  • The slam changes are AWESOME actually, my god. (Arca Titron says HI 😈)

the planet you're on when you perform a heavy slam attack with the arca titron at 12x combo and maximum slam capacitor stacks after the changes:


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hace 11 horas, DrivaMain dijo:

I disagree on this point.

Fair, now here's the thing, she is in fact "as dead as Chroma"
I don't mean that she is actually dead, far from it, she'll now be consistent unlike before and that is an actual buff, but now she's at the same level when it comes to damage buffing which is much more reasonable and balanced. Still most people won't see past the change for the worst in damage, and therefore say she's dead like "is" Chroma.

Thing is, I don't believe Chroma to be a dead frame at all, quite the opposite from extensive testing & trial, just that his kit is far from appealing given how iffy his 1 & 4 are, and well, people don't really enjoy having to wait to be damaged in order to be able to ditch more damage.

Put simply, Mirage is "ded" to most because now her damage buff isn't OP, but as per usual with any frame if you know that their kit is more than just one ability, you know this is far from true.  All things considered, it even makes sense for Eclipse to be additive instead of multiplicative when compared to Vex Armour, as one needs to be charged from taken damage while the other is at 100% performance from the get go.

Long time ago I read some post or message from DE regarding "consistent damage buffs", and Roar, Eclipse and Vex Armour always came to mind thinking, "How are these consistent". Now, they finally are, though perhaps the wording, which is the most important part, should be changed for those.

T'was just sarcasm.

hace 7 horas, CrownOfShadows dijo:

Hard to say if there's any weaknesses in the Inaros rework until I actually play it. On paper it seems stellar to me.

I don't think of it having any sort of weaknesses when it comes to the shown rework as much as I don't see any strengths compared to other frames for that matter.
He can theoretically be even more immortal with the changed augment of Scarab Armour and just Blood Altar due to how we've been let know it works, and again Sandstorm's benefits do not seem there to me. But the weirdest part is that since Scarab Armour now prevents statuses effects and the augment will inflict a bleed proc when you should have died, means this bleed proc may be skippable with status cleansing effects, or effectively reduced to almost nothing by using a very peculiar yet great mod: Rapid Resilence.

They've upgraded his immortality even further and provided him with a self-spreading form of CC and armour reduction, but again, a finisher based frame doesn't have much potential on the current state of the game where for the most part you have to kill many enemies in little time. Finishers are for single targets and the only way to change this would be to use Marked for Death, but that is much stronger on HP% draining abilities as Energy Leech or Reave.

Ash already exists and his Bladestorm's performance is poor to say the least without resourcing to extremely fixated setups as are using finisher-enhancing abilities like Silence paired with as much finisher damage as possible, as offers Innodem. And stills these only work on most regular enemies, not newer ones or special units.

That is what bothers me, his rework, leaves him pretty much in the same state as he's now, just even less likely to die by fixing 1-2 things, but the rest doesn't look like it'll do much to benefit or provide spiciness to him, unless his finishers are health % based and not weapon reliant, and the sandcats do quite an effective job at killing, which I don't trust they will due to companion AI being companion AI.

Hence why I would call this more of an "Inaros remix" than an "Inaros rework".

hace 7 horas, CrownOfShadows dijo:

Nourish needs a nerf, but personally I'd weight the nerf towards the viral and not as much towards the energy, for precisely the reason that many people use it to patch up energy problems more than anything

I'm not really sure it'd be fair to leave the energy multiplier to be as high as it is outside of Grendel, that is why imo a general nerf, perhaps more on the viral buffing side, is the correct thing to do, but so long as they keep the features Nourish provides, I won't have a problem. Again, the retaliation effect could be removed and I wouldn't have any issues.

For balance's sake it is important that the ability is nerfed to a point where using the original frame for it is an equally if not better choice than using any other with it subsumed, or you'll end up with cases like Sevagoth's.

hace 5 horas, Skoomaseller dijo:

the planet you're on when you perform a heavy slam attack with the arca titron at 12x combo and maximum slam capacitor stacks after the changes:

Lets also remember that Arca Titron's slam capacitor can self-retrigger Melee Influence to auto recharge on kills done by the slam itself.

My PS5 (after 8 years of PS4 I now have a 5, yipee) and your PC, probably do not like this idea at all.
Matter of fact I believe you've shared a picture of Earth exploding due to the reaction of the device this will be performed on, rather than a planet on the game itself.


Thank you everyone for your input.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

a finisher based frame doesn't have much potential on the current state of the game where for the most part you have to kill many enemies in little time. Finishers are for single targets and the only way to change this would be to use Marked for Death, but that is much stronger on HP% draining abilities as Energy Leech or Reave.

Ground Finishers can affect multiple targets at once, and his new 2 seems intentionally set up to do that.  Unfortunately the one brief example they showed in the stream wasn't impressive, as the ability didn't do a good job of gathering two targets in ground finisher range.   Hopefully it's better than that live. 

There's a good chance that the vast majority of players will find ground finishers clunky and slow anyway, no matter how well it synergizes.   But it's the main thing I'm truly excited about trying out.   Ground finisher play is definitely viable enough for my purposes with Prolonged Paralysis or Pull.

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