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Which Type of Warframe do you prefer? (Ability Caster, Weapon Caster, Weapon Platform)

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I absolutely love ability casters. I always have the most fun with warframes that do nothing but rapid-fire off abilities.

I think Gyre is somewhere between ability and weapon caster. One of the strongest parts of her kit is specifically a weapon buff, but she can go almost pure ability damage if she wants. I love her kit but I wish she had even modicum of survivability.

Been loving styanax a lot. But doing damage with his abilities is largely just spamming his 4, and that gets old really fast. He's got all the survivability and energy economy you could possibly want, but he's a bit boring.

What I'd give for a caster frame that has a fun and damaging ability rotation, and doesn't die the moment a lancer looks at them funny. Well, that would be Gara actually.... If she didn't require a stat stick which is a mechanic I refuse to engage with.

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Don't really have a hard preference. What I might be in the mood for, will tend to change based on other variables and factors too complex and various to attempt to categorise, with many variables fluctuating in nature anyway, and not just that, but the way Warframe is set up, is that certain Warframes can overlap heavily as far as different play styles or categorisations. Like there are some Warframes I use in ways that would fall under each of OP's categories, depending on the time and day and mission and my mood. 

If I had to force a pick though, Weapons Caster might come the closest as far as general preference based on past time based play time, but ehh... See rather than ability focused with some weapon usage, for me, I tend to like more weapon usage with some casting abilities here and there (as opposed to heavy casting or no casting). 

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I play and like all styles. It's often good to try something fresh. I find that different styles work best for different missions.


I've spent most time on gara, since I started the game. I often just pick her from time to time, because she feels good to play. Power creep really went overboard in the 7-8 year I didn't play xD.

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