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About the new Energy Nexus mod

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So, a bit of context. The Energy Nexus mod is a new mod introduced with the Whispers in the Walls update. Aside from Energy Siphon, it's the only other mod (to my knowledge) that grants energy regen to warframes.

Energy regen is really an issue mainly for new players / players that don't yet have access to the operator and the zenurik school, so this mod would be perfect for them. At 9 max capacity cost, it's a pretty neat addition to early game builds. 

However, allow me to present you with this image https://imgur.com/a/J8osYz7
This image is a diagram made by yours truly, that shows what a player has to do to have access to the enemies that drop the mod. As you can see, by the time a new player has access to this 3 energy regen / sec mod, they have already unlocked quite a few ways of regaining energy, making this mod kind of useless, as it takes up a mod slot that could be used for something way more beneficial. As I see it, this is a mod for newbies, locked behind 100+ hours of gameplay.

I would propose to at least make it an exilus mod, so that it does not get in the way of core builds.


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4 minutes ago, DOGGOWoo said:

I believe they fixed this issue when they added Dreamer's Bond to introduce new players to the concept of Aura mods in early-game.

That's a pretty meh addition, cause for that to even have an impact, you need all 4 people with this mod, otherwise it's still useless. Even then, you get only a measly 1,2 energy / sec.

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I think it shouldn't be an exilus because it's not really utility and relevantly stronger than exilus mods that do more than just utility (for example those 15 percent ability strength mods). But I do see your point and it's just my opinion on the exilus part.
On the other hand it would be very helpful for new players to have an access to this mod earlier into the game without trading.

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54 minutes ago, inappropriatename5877 said:

Energy regen is really an issue mainly for new players / players that don't yet have access to the operator and the zenurik school, so this mod would be perfect for them. At 9 max capacity cost, it's a pretty neat addition to early game builds. 

Don't you find it good that there are issues at the entry level that you can overcome further? You have to fail to succeed.

Not having any flaws or weaknesses at the start of the journey is exactly what makes modern character writing so bad. There is no arch.

I remember when I was starting and did not have auras or stances and how big of a win it was when I finally got some.

PS: Also this mod is fully tradable.


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1 minute ago, Zakkhar said:
55 minutes ago, inappropriatename5877 said:

Energy regen is really an issue mainly for new players / players that don't yet have access to the operator and the zenurik school, so this mod would be perfect for them. At 9 max capacity cost, it's a pretty neat addition to early game builds. 

Don't you find it good that there are issues at the entry level that you can overcome further? You have to fail to succeed.

Not having any flaws or weaknesses at the start of the journey is exactly what makes modern character writing so bad. There is no arch.

You know what makes characters not great* as well? That you just need to spend X hours/days/years/etc and you *cough* overcame *cough* your challenges/issues.

This mod is not great. Eximus rework getting you guaranteed orbs on kill is good start. This is something that you "can overcome".

* you can still make character good to watch but for different reason (e.g. comedy).

59 minutes ago, inappropriatename5877 said:

However, allow me to present you with this image https://imgur.com/a/J8osYz7

Or let me put my diagram:

Buy few weapons for creds > become MR 2 > trade for 7 plat.

And if player don't want to grind for endo/credits then they can buy it for 15 plat, maxed.


But seriously, this mod is fine for higher MR as well. Not necessary but helpful in some cases. Same for Preparation in 'no consumables' missions (e.g. sanctuary onslaught). However as you said, it would be great for new players. It won't allow them to spam abilities but they could use abilities a lot. And that's what WF should be: sci-fi with guns, melee and abilities.

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2 minutes ago, quxier said:

This mod is not great. Eximus rework getting you guaranteed orbs on kill is good start. This is something that you "can overcome".

To get something from kill you still have to kill it. As opposed to slapping a mod that works passively. Also someone else may grab the orb (a horror!), instead of you.

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1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:
1 hour ago, quxier said:

This mod is not great. Eximus rework getting you guaranteed orbs on kill is good start. This is something that you "can overcome".

To get something from kill you still have to kill it.

As fair I remember you don't have to kill to get rewards. You can for example armor strip enemies.

1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:

As opposed to slapping a mod that works passively.

Your point were about "overcoming weakness". Dreamer's bound nor Energy nexus don't provide "overcoming weakness". It's just power up.

1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:

Also someone else may grab the orb (a horror!), instead of you.

Is that the case? With team I can see a lot of orbs (and other stuff) laying. I would assume that everyone would vacuum it at some interval.

Still, it would be group work. I help you - you help me.

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I completely agree. When I was a new player, I recall never using ability-related mods or even casting abilities because I knew I wouldn't reliably have enough energy. I was still unfamiliar with how to generate it.

I began casting abilities after 200 hours of gameplay, when I finally could afford to do so. Undoubtedly, Energy Nexus would have been useful back then.

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1 hour ago, quxier said:

Is that the case? With team I can see a lot of orbs (and other stuff) laying. I would assume that everyone would vacuum it at some interval.

Nope, all pickups are player based. When they drop, they drop for everyone, and everyone gets their own as far as I've observed.

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