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Rework for the statistically least used warframe in the game, Atlas.


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Firstly, I would like to inform you that the following suggestions maintain the tradition and theme of the Atlas leverian. Only one skill and one augment mod can petrify enemies, I'm banning multiple ways of petrification as most of them are clunky and have varying energy costs.






  • "Rubble" rework:

Rubble pickups must be permanently removed from this mechanic, exactly this, Atlas must increase armor for each melee/landslide hit or kill to petrified enemies, this is simpler and more practical, does not depend on vacuum mechanics and maybe prevents host connection issues. Each melee hit cracks fragments of petrified enemies and increases 25 points of Rubble armor, Kills 100 points, so 30/15 petrified enemies to reach maxium Rubble armor.

The accumulation of Rubble armor should not heal Atlas' health, every experienced player knows the problems with this mechanic, when Atlas has 1 negative health point the armor accumulation is ignored to recover this 1 health point, this mechanic drastically complicates the accumulation of armor in hectic matches and gives the feeling of failure. We don't need to recover health through this ability, we have several ways to recover Atlas' health, health per second is the best way to regen health.


  • “Landslide”:

Maintains the same mechanics and statistics, nothing should be changed here. I would love to see new variant animations for strikes, but I think this is complex to work on as there are different melee grips.


  • “Path of Statues” Landslide augment mod rework:

Landslide leaves a trail of rocks that petrify enemies when touched. +50% skill duration; More Duration is the best choice for this augment, range is arbitrary for Path of Statues as it is not logical to kill crowds when the objective here is to have enemies to touch on the petrifying path.


  • “Rubble Heap” universal augment mod rework:

The doubling of damage and doubling of attack speed of this augment mod needs to be progressive over 20 stages, with this rule the Atlas must increase/reduce its damage and speed every 75 Rubble points. This smoothes the ability's accumulation curve and improves understanding of the mechanics based on the UI's Rubbles indicator;


  • “Fragmented Hit” new universal augment mod:

Stats effects caused by skills have a 100% chance increase 1 combo counter point; Percentage is affected by strength mods to reach numbers above 100% by duplicate or quadrupling the combo points; The objective of this augment mod is to quickly accumulate the melee combo counter using other skills. Rumbler and Tectonics skill status trigger this augment mod.


  • “Tectonics” rework:

Atlas performs a Slam Attack with a 12m radius that slows enemies by 50%; enemies receive guaranteed impact status and are open for finishing; +50% melee windup/attack speed; this ability deals Slam Attack damage relative to melee; Enemies are slowed for 15 seconds. Melee duration, range, and percentage can be affected by mods; This ability enhances Warframe Brawler's theme and diversifies attacks against Landslide's tedious spam strategy. I would like this ability to become something similar to “Wrathful Advance”, an ability that improves the use of a stat that is not very accessible to melee.


  • “Tectonic Fracture” Tectonics augment mod rework:

Slam Attack summons rocky altars; Each altar has a 6m aura that inflicts status impact on nearby enemies; only 3 altars can be invoked; Altars summoned within the same auras connect as a defensive spectral field of fire but cannot cause impact status; Altars are cubic in shape and taller than the warframe model; Altars have the same texture as the old Rock-Wall Tectonics; Warframes can climb on top of altars' hitboxes; Altars prevent enemies/warframes/npcs from passing through; the defensive field of altars does not prevent enemies / warframes / npcs from passing through. Warframes can pass through altars when rolling. Slam Attack destroys the altar instantly, making it easier to recast and reposition.


  • “Petrify” rework:

Atlas petrifies enemies within 12 meters and directs all of his status effects towards these petrified enemies; Petrification duration 12 seconds; The beam mechanic replaces the cone mechanic, this permanently fixes the directional problem of this ability where Atlas mistakenly petrifies only enemies towards the character's face when the correct option is to petrify enemies towards the mouse reticle.


  • “Ore Gaze” Petrify augment mod rework:

Killing petrified enemy with melee transfer all target status effect to all petrified enemies; Status can stack on petrified enemies that already have status effects; Petrified enemies have 50% to drop additional loot and codex scan; Additional percentage of loot is affected by strength mod.


  • “Rumblers” rework:

Atlas summons 3 invulnerable Rumblers for 50 seconds. Rumblers' hit is equal to Landslide's damage; The ability can be recast at any time and keeps Rubbles active; Ability is affected by duration mods; Rumblers' attack speed are affected by strength mods; no one mod affect Rumblers sprint speed; Rumblers AI needs to be reworked, each Rumbler must attack individual enemies, Rumblers attack together only when there are less than 3 enemies, these attacks are ranged with throwing rocks; This ability must be completely separated from the function of petrifying enemies and generates Rubbles; The size of Rumblers is standard and is not affected by ability strength;


  • “Titanic Rumbler” Rumblers augment mod rework:

Each Rumbler receives one of Atlas' abilities and triggers every 12 seconds; Rumbles can still attack with standard moves between skill ranges; Landslide Rumbler increases Atlas's combo counter and also receives the same active arcana, combo, augment mods, and damage stats on Atlas and his melee; Rumbler Tectonics performs Slam Attack with the same active stats in melee and Atlas mods. Rumbler Petrify has the same mod stats and active stats in Atlas.


  • “Re-entrant Perpetual” new Rumblers augment mod:

Rumblers consume Atlas Rubble points to stay active; Enemies hit by Rumblers have their vulnerability to any source of damage increased by 25%; vulnerability scales indefinitely with each hit and can exceed 100% to receive extra damage; vulnerability is added to the enemy permanently; The target appears semi-petrified solely to indicate to the Tenno team that the enemy is in a state of vulnerability; Vulnerability percentage is affected by ability strength; The ability cannot be recast but can remain active by accumulating Rubble on Atlas. This mechanic will make Rumblers have damage that scales to any enemy level;


  • “Rumbled” Rumbler augment mod rework:

I can't point out suggestions for this one, this is a conclave mod.


Thanks for reading 👍

Edited by Famecans
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I don't know.

The weak points of Atlas are: Bad pseudoexalted. Not the best CC. HP of summons does not reflect the mission difficulty. Damage of summons does not reflect the mission difficulty. Health tanking is the weakest option in the game currently.

What people like in general for higher-difficulty missions: AoE and Armor strip.


What I expect of Atlas is to punch things. So, I can't even improve Landslide, it has to retain the personal punchiness. That means, in my eyes, it cannot be good in a game of mob masses.

AoE would therefore have to be passed on summons. HP and damage of summons can be partially solved by casting on a target. (the summon gains the level of the target) Making something invulnerable is in my opinion a really bad idea. (for both sides - player/mob)

If Rubble is supposed to keep Atlas alive, in higher-level missions it would have to transform to overguard for the gating mechanics.


I think Atlas is not popular, because there is Frost. Frost has CC, survivability with an augment, and armor strip. With Atlas, you literally just downgrade to wonky CC, worse survivability, and no armor strip just to be able to punch things. While punching things is not the faster approach. That is why I think fixing CC and making the summons scale would be the first band-aid. Turning Tectonics to cast(slam)/hold(wall) would be probably a nice addition. However, I do not see how anything, anything at all, would make Atlas more popular, because there is Frost who has it all - except the punching.

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Atlas has a bunch of problems:

1): Why don't you just play Khora? Her whip is much, *much* better than Landslide. Like 100 times better. Her loot augment is *also* much better. Her cat is *also* much, *much* better than the Rumblers. And her Strangledome is *also* *so* much better than Petrify, as is Ensnare - it even works on Acolytes, Petrify does not.

2) Bugged / useless / weak abilities. Petrify actually can't be aimed with the camera, but with *Atlas's head* - it'll go completely off target in some situations. Atlas can make a useless rock wall and useless rock buddies. You need to target an enemy directly with Landslide, whereas Whiplash is an AoE ability. You can't petrify Eximus units for loot (an Eximus without Overguard is already dead), while Strangledome will pick them up and grant extra loot the instant the Overguard is gone. Ore Gaze is 25% at 75 energy and just too much effort.

3) Simply put, Atlas doesn't do anything at all.  Lots of weapons are better than Landslide (by, pardon the pun, a landslide), and he really doesn't do *anything* else.

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Posted (edited)

There are some mistakes here.

10 hours ago, kadlis12 said:

The weak points of Atlas are: Bad pseudoexalted.

I don't know if you tested it, but the incarnon adapters solves this pseudo exalted damage problem, some incarnon can add up to 30% base critical chance to Atlas' fists, generating red critical hits with millions of damage, the problem is that this build has common difficulties in generating status for enemy levels above level 300. I personally feel that status chance is not the focus on Atlas because Baruuk is the real Status Guy and Khora is the Critical Woman. Sibear Incarnon and Ceramic Dagger Incarnon make good crits to put on Atlas and I'm not sure but there is an incarnon modifier on Furax that also adds status chance to Atlas' fists but I prefer critical increases to combine with purple crystals.

10 hours ago, kadlis12 said:

Not the best CC.

Crowd control has always been a social problem in warframe, Nova and Sevagoth slows down enemies, controls crowds but this delays missions, sometimes this is pleasant for weak squads but experienced squads always shout the same phrase "The best defense is attack" and Atlas has enough speed and AoE range to make this attack, he just doesn't have endurance and effective status hits.

10 hours ago, kadlis12 said:

HP of summons does not reflect the mission difficulty. Damage of summons does not reflect the mission difficulty.

I don't understand what was written here but I'll try to answer, I think you're talking about the Rumblers, as I described above the Rumblers should not have health much less fixed damage, these should be changed to "skill time" and "damage based on landslide of Atlas".
What really reflects on the difficulty of the mission is Atlas' endurance and shieldgate or invisibility is used for this, health and armor is used for common gameplay up to level 300 and I don't expect Atlas kit to reach this endurance level9999, Notice tath Khora is stationary, Baruuk is semi-stationary and Atlas is extremely invasive.

10 hours ago, kadlis12 said:

Health tanking is the weakest option in the game currently.

As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I don't expect Atlas to reach this levels. If DE gives Atlas more status chance and endurance, he will have everything that other pseudo-exauted warframes don't have, he will have Agility, Movement Speed, AoE Damage and Endurance, something very similar to Gauss because Gauss's 1 makes vacuum to nearby enemies and has a movement speed that is completely unnecessary for most scenarios.

10 hours ago, kadlis12 said:

If Rubble is supposed to keep Atlas alive, in higher-level missions it would have to transform to overguard for the gating mechanics.

With all due respect to the devs, but for me Shieldgate is a very lazy and simple mechanic, there are many chances that DE will find a problematic paradox in this mechanic after adding new modifiers to the game and with that they will have to dismantle the trick for several warframes, I prefer to bet In invisibility or classic survival of armor + health + ehp, I don't see the logic of reaching level 9999 of the game, for me this is a failure of damage progression in some unbalanced broken warframes. Overguard is another very immature and appealing mechanic because we become immune to status chance, we can't bleed, we can't be knocked down, we can't receive health status, I'm curious to see the problems with that.

10 hours ago, kadlis12 said:

I think Atlas is not popular, because there is Frost. Frost has CC, survivability with an augment, and armor strip. With Atlas, you literally just downgrade to wonky CC, worse survivability, and no armor strip just to be able to punch things. While punching things is not the faster approach. That is why I think fixing CC and making the summons scale would be the first band-aid. Turning Tectonics to cast(slam)/hold(wall) would be probably a nice addition. However, I do not see how anything, anything at all, would make Atlas more popular, because there is Frost who has it all - except the punching.

I didn't mention Frost previously alongside Nova and Sevagoth because Frost has this compensating mechanic, he paralyzes enemies to delay the mission but his freezing ability removes armor which makes it easier to destroy crowds, Frost also protects targets and as I mentioned in my suggestion this mechanic It will continue to be accessible by Atlas through the augment mod, it will be a semi-defensive barrier as good as Frost's globe but it will not have health.

Edited by Famecans
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8 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

1): Why don't you just play Khora? Her whip is much, *much* better than Landslide. Like 100 times better. Her loot augment is *also* much better. Her cat is *also* much, *much* better than the Rumblers. And her Strangledome is *also* *so* much better than Petrify, as is Ensnare - it even works on Acolytes, Petrify does not.

I don't use Khora because Atlas exists (just kidding). Man, I don't appreciate stationary mechanics, I build for stationary endurance but I like running around the map, sometimes the enemies are parked on tilesets. Yep, khora's whip is a hundred times better than Landslide, I think this is related to status, the current meta is status chance and multshot, this is the trick that synergizes with faction mods. I've never used atlas for loot, but it's noticeable that khora does better, that's why I doubled the drop chance in the augment mod.

Wow Strangledome is incredible, I'm looking forward to augmentat mods of this skill, it's a very nice vacuum skill but note that in my suggestions I try to keep the Atlas theme of "invasion and explosion". Ore Gaze should explode status chance on petrified enemies and all of this should work through walls, I think Atlas deserves this mechanic as it is a two-factor action that is more complex and expensive than the one-button Saryn Nuke.

Yep, Venary is extremely superior to Rumblers, Venary uses companion mods its a second comppanion with augments mods. My suggestion for Rumblers is that their damage should be based on Atlas landslide stats, same mods, combo counter, damage, real-time sinergy. 

I don't expect Atlas to have armor removal through skills because I'm betting on the status explosion, as I suggested above, Rumblers can also explode status on petrified enemies and this synergizes well with the green crystals. Acolytes are a armored problem but through my raw damage tests they simply disappear with a single hit, I believe this will not be a problem at higher levels.

8 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

2) Bugged / useless / weak abilities. Petrify actually can't be aimed with the camera, but with *Atlas's head* - it'll go completely off target in some situations. Atlas can make a useless rock wall and useless rock buddies. You need to target an enemy directly with Landslide, whereas Whiplash is an AoE ability. You can't petrify Eximus units for loot (an Eximus without Overguard is already dead), while Strangledome will pick them up and grant extra loot the instant the Overguard is gone. Ore Gaze is 25% at 75 energy and just too much effort.

Yep, I hate lost energy with this skill, I replace with helmint. My suggestion is to keep the animation and rework it into a skill with radius range and then all the status in Atlas are transferred instatly to all petrified enemies. I suggested increasing the drop chance of Ore Gaze from 25% to 50% and adding a trick to synergize with shooting weapons: *Killing petrified enemy transfers all target status effect to all petrified enemies.

8 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

3) Simply put, Atlas doesn't do anything at all.  Lots of weapons are better than Landslide (by, pardon the pun, a landslide), and he really doesn't do *anything* else.

Exactly that, as I mentioned above, I'm suggesting more AoE features without Landslide, functionality and damage effectiveness for Rumblers, synergy between skills and some tricks to survive but I'm not aiming for endurance lvl9999.

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I still think that the main selling point of Atlas is "punching things". Punching can not ever be "mass cleaner", at least not without losing its essence. Therefore, you cannot make Atlas more popular - without killing his essence.

(btw: You mentioned fixing Sevagoth. That frame is kinda complicated - and more importantly, its acquisition is locked behind unpopular content. I doubt its location will ever change, and I doubt general trends will ever abandon simple things, so... Again, you can not make it popular without gutting its essence.)

I will try to summarize: Fixes are important, but just fixes cannot make a frame popular. (while total overhauls can just kill its selling point and turn the frame into another flavorless meh)

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On 2024-04-19 at 1:39 AM, Raarsi said:

-checks Prime usage-  Um, I think Nyx and Banshee still got him beat.

You have a point. Perhaps that Atlas prime was boosted above Nyx Banshee prime by two indirect factors:

  • 1st Atlas Prime was the best Primed Sure Footed at the peak of AoE weapons, this popularity still remains on the chart, it was the peak of Kuva Brahma and Kuva Zarr after the change from Kuva Lichs to Railjack.
  • 2nd Atlas prime relics are more accessible than old warframes, most old warframes were acquired with the old relic farm mechanic.

Note: these are just theories from my tinfoil hat Idk, for sure Nyx and Banshee also need reworking, playing with them makes me feel "naked". The only thing that makes me bored in Atlas is that I'm forced to punch and punch things to kill, no other skills synergize to deal more damage or show another hit animations with melee and we there 3 f#k clunky petrify skills, Rumbler it uses a lot of energy, is very slow and make Atlas with its guard down, try Petrify quickly is like build a house of cards, any key movement will make you spend energy and Path of Statue is an exclusive augmentative ability for busy missions with crowds.🤷‍♂️

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On 2024-04-19 at 5:43 AM, kadlis12 said:

I still think that the main selling point of Atlas is "punching things". Punching can not ever be "mass cleaner", at least not without losing its essence. Therefore, you cannot make Atlas more popular - without killing his essence.

The only thing from my suggestions that could make it effective for Nuk destruction is the simple action of quickly petrifying and showering targets with status chance weapons, this will work if the DE puts the same Mecha Mod Set mechanic. Yep, this is totally opposite of Waframe Brawler's theme. I just thought the arsenal could be useful for the Atlas kit.

On 2024-04-19 at 5:43 AM, kadlis12 said:

I will try to summarize: Fixes are important, but just fixes cannot make a frame popular. (while total overhauls can just kill its selling point and turn the frame into another flavorless meh)

The real focus is not on making it popular, the title is just a catch-all for devs 😅 I just feel like this is a single-skill warframe.

On 2024-04-19 at 5:43 AM, kadlis12 said:

(btw: You mentioned fixing Sevagoth. That frame is kinda complicated - and more importantly, its acquisition is locked behind unpopular content. I doubt its location will ever change, and I doubt general trends will ever abandon simple things, so... Again, you can not make it popular without gutting its essence.)

My mention to Sevagoth and Nova is only related to abilities to slow down enemies, Nova's Kit is very useful and Sevagoth has a kit with enemy vacuum. I don't have really negative opinions about Sevagoth, I haven't played it enough, I just feel superficially that it costs me a lot of Forma and his gameplay mechanics are similar to Valkyr, maybe I'm wrong idk.

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