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Dante Unbound: Known Issues ×

(Funny Observations) Revenant's Mesmer Skin and its augment can bypass these Deep Archimedea Modifiers:

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Secondary Wound - Gain 1 Puncture Status Effect every time you take damage.
Lethargic Shields - Shield recharge delay increased 500%.
Fractured Armor - Casting an ability reduces Armor by 10% for 10s.
Untreatable - Pickups do not heal, and Health Orbs cannot be picked up.
Abbreviated Abilities - Ability Durations reduced by 75%.
Concussive Drain - Taking health damage also consumes 5% of max energy per hit
Exposure Curse - Shields are removed.
Sanguine Syndrome - Every time you take damage, you also suffer a Bleed Status Effect.

Any frame can bypass it:
Framecurse Syndrome - Activating an Ability inflicts 50 damage upon you.
Knifestep Syndrome - Lose 2 Health when moving. Jumping pauses the effect.
Vampyric Syndrome - Lose Health every second. Killing enemies restores Health.
Conductive - Take Electrical damage every few seconds.


Yeah, I think it's safe to say that we still have no end game lol

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Yep, then people come and say that removing RNG would be bad because "you could trivialize EDA", but you can bypass everything with Revenant anyways. It's like they didn't discovered that frame xD And people also says that OG is too good, when Revenant can give you effectively infinite OG. But it seems like if you don't have a big number on screen people doesn't notice...

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