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Lore Discussion: The Fallen Empire Theory


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Because Bratons and other fully mechanical weapons, or ones without even moving parts like melee, have energy subsystems and power output.

were talking about a future were we can apply elemental mods to our weapons, so they might ahve energysubsystems just for that

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I assume the Tenno we play as are actually newly minted, in a tabula rasa state when we're initially released from our cryopods; but we do come with basic knowledge of our initial abilities and combat skills.


Thinking about it further, it's quite possible that the Orokin forgot to infuse the early Tenno with their line of thinking and propaganda, instead, using them like tools against the Sentients without telling them why. The plight(?) of the Sentients may have rubbed off on those Tenno, causing them to side against the Orokin. Though that doesn't mean the Orokin were definitely good guys. We have no idea what happened to those Tenno afterwards.


So there's probably a Tenno(?) faction out there that we'll have to fight soon, as said by others.


I could say the Stalker is part an organization that has long deluded themselves into just hunting any Tenno; they could not or rarely found the original Tenno that murdered their Orokin masters.


But just one thing bothers me; the Orokin mentioned that the Sentients were turning their increasingly higher tech against them. And we're using various Orokin artifacts/mods to power ourselves up, are we screwing ourselves if and when the Sentients do come?

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I'm going through all the livestreams to look for anything I'd missed and I noticed something that I haven't seen mentioned before that is relevant to the new line we have about the the Orokin being "cold and gold"


In "Warframe Developer Livestream #5: Update 8 talk + Q&A" DE Steve is correcting pronunciation of Orokin (It's O-ro-kin not Oro-kin) and he states outright the origin of the name:


"Oro=Gold, Kin=Kin"


So the name is literally "Gold People", Just though that might be useful

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further goin on teh fact that Orokin translates into "golden people": ever realized that all Prime warframes (the "original" ones) have a S#&$ton of Gold in them/ are mostly gold? same for the weapons.

Edited by TheWolfMo
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Welp, time for me to give my speculations with the new lore.


Orokin-Sentient Connection

For starters, we can speculate that the Orokin came first in the timeline, as the lore specifically quotes that the Sentients grew stronger as the Orokin did, using their own technology. Now, looking onto the technology itself, the Orokin did have access to extensive and powerful nueral control circuitry. Now, looking at the fact that their opposition was called the "Sentients" leads me to believe that in the beginning, there was simply the Orokin Empire. An empire of beings that used nueral links to control their population into docile behavior, trading free thinking life for something more technological such as android life, or simply technologically simplified life. The Sentients would most likely have been those that escaped the nueral link and began to form a resistance movement, freeing their own and fighting using the technology of their people against the Orokin.


Low Guardian Connection

The Orokin maintained a security force, classified as Guardians. These would most likely have been comparable to regular military police. Something that can deal with rioting and basic small arms conflict, but not in the same area as elite troops.


The Creation of the Tenno Connection

So, we know that in the war, the Sentients were quickly managing to overpower the Orokin and close to completely overpowering them and wresting control. Now, the much more science oriented Orokin started experimenting with the Void as a potential weapon. Failing that, they took the few survivors that returned from the Void and decided that they would become the weapons they needed. Now, looking at potential crossing with the original game, Dark Sector, I believe that humanity decided to take the technocyte victims and banish them to the farthest reaches of the solar system, perhaps into the void as a garbage disposal system, which explains some of the infested derelicts that never made it into the void. It was most likely at this time that humanity took up the name of Orokin, with there being a "Highborn" and "Lowborn" separation between those of great power and the rest remaining low and unimportant humanity. Now, jumping back, this explains how the Orokin encountered their twisted brethren with excellent potential, them being infected with the technocyte plaque from possible exposure with the infested. So, they decided to do to them what had been done in their history, building augmented suits of armor to enhance each of these twisted Orokin, classified as Warframes. Then we have them being christened as "Tenno" after the first one ever recorded. This leads us to a duplication of what we do in this present time, sneaking around and assassinating the Sentients, fighting a war in the shadow that they could never anticipate.


The Fall of the Orokin Connection

With the creation of an elite organization designed to outsmart those who can think independently, the only real option is to give them free will as well. And so we have the Tenno using free will, the first Orokin military force, fully unleashed without any form of restraint. They quickly bring down the Sentients, but not before, I believe, the Sentients share with them their knowledge. Trained in their ancient honor, they see the way that the Solar System has turned. Balance gave way to chaos, and chaos had now destroyed a chance for balance. Returning to receive their honors, the Tenno decided to enact revenge for being used, and restore the balance in the Solar system. In a swift tactical movement, they wipe out the vast majority of the Orokin, with what few taking what they can and fleeing. Some make it into the void and die of old age, leaving traps and defenses to keep their wealth intact. Some fewer fall on their way to the void, having encountered the infested that have escaped during the experimental journeys into the void, turning the remaining into derelicts containing hidden vaults of great wealth.But finally, all the Orokin have passed into history, and the Orokin Empire is no more. The Tenno then fall into sleep, their work done, and a balance finally restored to the solar system.


The Grineer Connection

In the fall of the Orokin Empire, a fighting force is left behind. Escaping for their lives, and hiding deep underground to escape, we have the Guardians. Rigid and without change, they have now fallen into degenerative clones, keeping to a faulty command structure, they fight to band together the system under their rule again. The Sister Queens are a legacy, the last 2 highest ranking guardians to survive the war, now eternal clones and leaders of the Grineer.


The Corpus Connection

The corpus are a byproduct of the fall. While the vast majority of the captive population was freed with the death of the "Highborn" Orokin, there were some few that were captive retainers to the rich and powerful. These would have been the workers to the merchants and elite sectors of the Orokin population, and rather than rejoin their brethren, these sought to keep the status of their masters. These are the original Corpus, who ever after swore revenge on the Tenno, calling them the Betrayers. And so the Corpus moved on into the ages, digging deep after the power of their masters, and becoming the powerful merchants that they are in the modern times.


The Lotus Connection

So, with the fall of the Orokin and the destruction of the Sentients, we are left with one in the modern times who guides the Tenno. We have a woman who pushes for the balance of the solar system and the halting of the advancement of those factions with connection to the Orokin. Who would have persuaded the Tenno to give up their servitude in the bygone era of the Orokin-Sentient war? The Lotus, the last Sentient, used her knowledge to persuade the Tenno to betray the Orokin and once the deed was done, convinced them all to enter cryosleep until the next crisis arose. And so she set a watch on the solar system, perhaps herself entering cryosleep while she set automatic eyes to alert her to any problems that arose, before she herself would then wake the Tenno.


Alternate The Lotus Connection

So, with the fall of the Orokin and the destruction of the Sentients, we are left with one in the modern times who guides the Tenno. We have a woman who pushes for the balance of the solar system and the halting of the advancement of those factions with connection to the Orokin. Who would have persuaded the Tenno to give up their servitude in the bygone era of the Orokin-Sentient war? The last Sentient used their knowledge to persuade the Tenno to betray the Orokin and once the deed was done, convinced them all to enter cryosleep until the next crisis arose. And so the last Sentient was spared in the war, and faded into the dust of history, but their descendants lived on, and kept watch over the solar system. The Lotus would be their current descendant, doing her best to keep to the balance of her ancestors and guiding the Tenno.


And thus ends the Orm-speculations for now.


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Has anyone read Gunnm: Last Order?

The more we talk of the Orokin, neural pacification of the population, and tenno uprising, the more I'm reminded of Mars Panzer Kunst rebellion and the orbital city's ingrained neural control of the citizen.

not heard of it, who is it by?

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Ok, I just read every post on this thread so far and it's roughly six a.m, same time I got up, so forgive me for making this short and forgive anything that doesn't make sense... my brain is just slightly dead at the moment.


Orokin are humans, highly advanced yes, but there's a concept in a book series called "The Child Cycle"(please tell me I'm not the only one that's read it) where it's state that eventually you become so advanced you regress, but in a way that is still superior to what it used to be. For example, bows were made to kill something before it gets to you, things become a battle of distance over the years. Now as this development for ranged combat occurs and highly advanced projectile weapons are the craze swords and melee is mostly forgotten. Then someone create something (aka our shields) that make projectile weapons more manageable. Over the years of developing defense against ranged attack the Orokin(I promise this is going somewhere stay with me) had forgone taking edged weapons into account and ancient, albeit simple, methods of war into account.


Sentients are simple to explain if my theory pans out. Orokin made machines, they were humans, builders, hell it's what we do to survive! Now humanity as the Orokin  start to get bored as we all do and try to play god as we all want to be a god in our own right. By playing god with AI tech they finally create a being with sentience. Now it's always confused me why the Orokin call their opponents sentients if they were of organic origin. Sentient is not a race, it is a classification, a category to be placed under as self aware and with free will. However unlike humans AI's, or at least at the level I think they were, do not "feel" and are of logic and logic alone. They take tech and use it, and being machines to do not make the same mistake twice if able to learn. They see a piece of tech used by an enemy, analyse, deconstruct, identify, replicate, improve; that's how a machine would think.


The infestation is a bit tricky and i have two possible theories. One, the Orokin created a biological weapon that could deconstruct organic and some inorganic materials and reporpose them. Idiotic on their part as viruses like all things evolve to spread and carry out their function. The second theory however is a bit more... interesting I suppose. The technocyte virus came from the void, it's version of life, and sought to spread. Now this is less likely so I'll continue on with the first. So tenno are sent into void where a being or conciousness (will get to that) grants power by twisting and "corrupting" them. This power is... unfocused at best and volatile at worst so the warframes are created from the technocyte virus, the most resilient and adaptable existance in the solar system at the moment to try and direct it. It works, and the warframes are used by tenno to channel their "afflictions" into their powers.


Now this is something that occured to my while reading.

What if just maybe, due to our link to the void, we already have something we haven't considered about the lotus.

What if she is the "being" or conciousness inside the void? Think about it, we have one face, evelasting and constant as a guide, most likely sending different messages simultaniously to cells of tenno. She is niether orokin nor tenno nor anything else.

What if she is how the corrupted minds of the orokin turned tenno trying to interpurate the desires of some higher level, maybe even omnicient, force?


Now to tie it all together.


1.Orokin experiment with AI


2.Orokin succede but Sentients are hostile to creators after a period of observation(cannot be certain of reason due to not having knowledge of programming)


3.Orokin advance while the Sentients copy and improve on their technologies to use against them.


4.Orokin begin sending people in to build the towers, remember they weren't just there and towers are very different from ships, and these people are corrupted and changed by the void's hellspace.


5.They return with volatile abilities they cannot control but the Orokin see value in these rejects of the void so they make a gamble and make the warframe so they can channel their power and fight. They are outfitted with improved variations of ancient weapons, made so through more advanced forging/smithing techniques and better materials to fight the Sentients who haven't adapted to ancient methods.(think magnetic shield will block a bullet if advanced enough but it won't block a wood spear with an obsidian head)


6.Tenno beat the Sentients but during this time the Lotus, the guise worn by the being in the void, is shifting inside their power. Growing in influence. Tenno were created to keep balance and that is the purpose they will continue.


7.Tenno discover being such as Lephantis and that the Orokin seek more power from the warframes, experimenting on non-void exposed humans with the technology thus creating the lower guardians. Their power didn't have the potency of the tenno's but they had diversity. The Stalker is an example of this, he is a blank template with the suit acting as an artificial "affliction" of the void, allowing him to utalize any warframe ability he desires if in a weakened state.


8. Ceremony begins after tenno decide that the Orokin are tipping the balance of personal freedom and safety through control to far towards control and strike. Their code minds them to balance and while they follow their code they are humans and all humans, even tenno are flawed and will eventualy give in to their vises or the temptation of power so they went into cryosleep after the eradication of Humanities current ruling body, the Orokin.


9.The Stalker has been forced to bear witness to the eradication of the ones that gave him power, allies, and pupose at the hands of those the sought to honor along with the deaths of his fellow low guards. He no longer has purpose, only power and no code to dictate its use. He turns to vengance. The warframes seem to grant longevity so he trains, making his frame stronger and stronger until it's on par with those of the tenno as in all honesty it's just a blank version without focus or refinement.


10.The tenno awaken, their memories destroyed, and the being inside the void senses tepidation. By it choosing the Lotus we can infer a few things(if my theory is correct of course). This being, for all intents and purposes, views the tenno as its children and seeks to guide them. To do this it plays off human instinct and takes the guise of a woman, and if you look at how the lotus acts and her mannerisms at times, she not only a guide for the tenno but in a symbolic sense; a mother figure. As she wakes them the stalker takes notice.


11.The Sister, leaders of the grineer, know of the tenno and percieve them as a threat to be eliminated so they give an order for their erradication.


12.The corpus view the Orokin as gods and the tenno as "those who killed the gods in cold blood" and view them as property.


13.The infestation feels the link with the tenno and feels their power, its instinct to assimilate and evolve driving it towards their consumption.


14.The Lotus, the being within the void that birthed the tenno, follows the human instinctual patterns of the mother figure it has adopted. Eliminate the threat to its children in a way that causes as little trauma to said children as possible. Thus, it sends tenno on small missions to strengthen them, hone their rusted or forgotten skills, and get them ready for the trials to come, to make them mature. Lotus is not controlling tenno, durring the gravadius dilemma it was stated "the lotus is your guide but not your concounce..." again somthing that I feel denotes a mother figure but that could just be me.


15. Stalker finally gets to test his skills and finds them worthy until the tenno become skilled enough to face him again. he is weak again, his goal is again out of reach. He trains after battle testing his methods and slowly learns the tenno as they are now while still fixating his twisted "justice" upon them. He remembers the ancient tools of his masters, but his maddening obsession perverts their image in his mind. He is closer to the infestation than the Void and the Lotus, thus his darker and more... chaotic look. He strikes again with his new load out of dread, despair, and hate which further drive him into darkness and obsessive maddness with their nature. He finds them satisfactory until they are obsolete by the tenno "growing stronger" (aka YOU GOT NERFED *@&(%@)...!). He left and grew stronger again, learning to use more and more warfame abilities as he encontered them again and again and agian and again. Now we have the current stalker.


To sum this whole thing up. The Orokin brought about their own downfall by making the AI that became the Sentients, making the tenno while still experimenting with the infestation; the tenno slept to maintain balance, hoping that order would rise from chaos and not willing to risk their own corruption by power;  The grineer, which were a method to stave of the Sentients emerge with the queens at their head, seeking domination and the destruction of the tenno; The corpus are seeking the deaths of the tenno, who they see as heretics and the murderers of their "gods"; The being within the Void, or perhaps the Void itself, is able to percieve the threat to what it considers the equivilant to its "children", taking the guise of the Lotus in an attempt to awaken and prepare them so that they might survive.


All the while here we sit debating things that are probably completely and utterly incorrect.lol Oh well, if you find this interesting discuss, if not have a good laugh at the ravings of a 17 year old with too much time on his hands at 6 to 7:30 in the morning. I'm off to make sure that damned twitching lunchbox hasn't broken anything important... again.



       Remember how i said this is short? Yeah, less than half of the full theory and timeline.

Edited by Aden
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On my Phone so I wont quote that.

It is a fair enough expansion to the theory. You went into a fair bit of detail too, more than I think I did.

Still I feel that there are deeper roots of the Orokin in the Grineer and Corpus.

Also I agree with the Lotus as a mother figure.

Let more discussion commence!

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I agree with the Lotus being "the being in the void". The "mother" part is intriguing, I haven't thought of that before. Interesting.


One little problem is that the "lower guardians" existed before the return of the tennos, if you read the Stalker lore well. But at the same time it doesn't say anything about their gear, so they might have been refitted with pseudo-warframes a posteriori.

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Called it! I just knew the Tenno had iced the Orokin :P But the Tenno are not evil and that we know as a fact. So why would they kill their own?
The answer lies in the identity of the Sentients.
Who were they? Where did they come from? Why did they start a war with the most powerful civilization the Sol system has even known?

To understand the answers to these questions we need to look at the Sentient's name. I'm sure i'm not the first one to think of this but why would a race call themselves the Sentients... unless they were not meant to be so? Created only to serve and not think?

In classic sci-fi fashion, what creation of a highly advanced civilization gains sentience and rebells against their masters? It happens in Terminator, it happens in Mass Effect and it happens in Battlestar Galactica. 

From what we know it seems that the Orokin's disregard for roboethics ended up producing AI able to think for themselves and to question their tasks and their treatment by their masters, eventually revolting. ''They had turned our weapons, our technology, against us. The more adavnced we became, the greater our losses.''

When all else fails the Orokin turn to the Void, the one place they don't understand, and to the ones that returned from it. ''In our desperation we turned to the Void. The blinging night, the hellspace where our science and reason had failed.''
For them they built the Warframes, to channel the powers of the void and lay waste to the Sentients.
And thus the Tenno were born, the warriors of balance...

But what if your masters threatened the very balance you swore to protect? It was trough their actions, their recklessness that millions of lives had been lost, and in an attempt to undo their mistakes they created unspeakable horrors such as the Plague.
They could not be allowed to further disrupt the balance, right?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've read through the whole thread and thought i would add my own 2 cents to the lore discussion. I will attempt to provide a plausible timeline that incorporates what we know from the Lore of warframe and the link to Dark Sector.


-The Tenno are good the Orokin less so

-The lore of warframe and dark sector are connected (LS 10)

-There are humans in the Galaxy that are not Grineer or Corpus (livestream)

Dark Sector Ends:

Hayden Tenno realising the threat that the infested present sets out to gather as many people as he can find with congential analgesia and forms the Tenno Clans who live to fight the infested and protect the uninfected population. Over many years the become an insular warrior culture taking bits and pieces from warrior clans of the past especially Japanese. Technocyte infection becomes a rite of passage to allow the Tenno to be effective fighters against the infested and to weed out those without the genetic abnormality, eventually the analgesia becomes a trait that breeds true in the Tenno clans. The Tenno are highly trained and very impressive warriors donning their techno-organic battle suits and fighting with an extreme ferocity. The Tenno however do not have access to crazy powers and fighting the infested is a losing battle for the small group probably only numbering in the thousands when the infection spreads so readily.

Enter the Orokin:

The orokin arrive to earth and elevate humanity gifting them with space travel and the ability to terraform inhospitable planets. This is not freely given and comes at the cost of the complete submission of the human race to the Orokin.Humanity on their dying rock jump at this chance. Much if not all of humanity are fitted with Orokin cybernetics giving their masters complete control over their nervous and musculatory system. Over many thousands of years the human race prospers under the rule of the Orokin. They trade their freedom for safety and submit to the exprimentation, mind control, and whatever else the Orokin decide they want to do. Impressed with the prowess of the tenno and their control over the technocyte virus they incorporate them into their military forces taking a hands off approach to their management dealing directly with clan leaders and largely not wishing to corrupt what makes them special.

The Tenno having only an interest in protecting the weaker members of their race and the extermination of the infested are largely unconcerned with these proceedings but keep an ever watchful eye out for their hated and ancient nemesis.

The rise of the Sentient:

I subscribe to the theory that the sentient are a spontaneous artificial intellegnce that comes about through the Orokin network in some way. These intellegences can use the neural implants to house themselves in flesh and interact with the surrounding universe. Horrified that such an exsistence outside of their control has manifested the Orokin set out to exterminate this new life. The propaganda machine turns the people of the solar system against the Sentient though no hostile actions have been taken.

All out War:

The sentient, their existence threatened fight back. Born of Orokin technology they turn any new methods of attack against the empire almost as quickly as they are deployed. The Orokin requiring a complete shift in Methodology turn to the Tenno as a method of attack. Though strong and successful the Sentient grow too fast for the Tenno to hold them back.

Re-enter the infested

Impatient and feeling the noose close around their necks the Orokin turn to dangerous methods to fight, They explore the void a newly discovered dimension outside our known one, and they release the infested to fight for them. The Tenno are horrified by this but see the sentient as a greater threat to the peace and safety of humanity in an immediate sense. Their trust in humanities masters is hurt but they soldier on, War is not a time for thinking.

The void and the warframes.

In the exploration of the void the Tenno are used as escorts to scientific teams. Something goes wrong however when the deeper reaches of the void are pierced. No one really knows what happend but only the Tenno escorts returned overflowing with an uncontrollable power. The Orokin seeing the potential in these twisted souls contruct new technocyte based armors for the Tenno allowing them to harness and control their new found power. They are dubbed Warframes the first of these is Excalibur. These new Tenno are incredible before they were the equal of a platoon now one tenno is worth a fully equipped battalion. More and more Tenno are sent to the void and it is discovered that not all are created equal. Some don't come back, some few who do cannot be contained by any means and rampage until they are finally destroyed. A test is developed to determine which tenno can benefit from the void. Those who cannot are kept close to home protecting the Orokin rulers and elite. These "low guardians" often feel a resentment towards their brethren on the front lines.

The end to the War:

Finally the all mighty tenno drive the sentient from the solar system out beyond the terminus and are welcomed back to the inner system the heroes of the Orokin empire. The Tenno remembering the Orokin willingness to use the infested and unwillingness to allow them to return immediately to their duties in exterminating them forcing them to attend meaningless ceremonies instead grow even more distrustful of their masters. Using their immense intelligence gathering skills the Tenno learn that at the height of their celebration the Orokin, fearing the power of their new creations intend to eliminate all of the new Tenno insultingly at the end of the beating of the 10th ceremonial drum. The Tenno plan and wait for their time to strike.

The Orokin stand no chance and the 10th drum is never sounded.


Fearing their own power and knowing that it corrupts the Tenno seek to remove themselves from the equation after wiping out the remnants of the infestation the remaining new Tenno place themselves in cryogenic sleep preserving themselves until they may be needed in the future. After all the sentient still lurk beyond the terminus and the void houses many unknown things.

-The rest is pretty well explored

Edited by NevanChambers
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That was a really good one! Still i don't think that Hayden is so directly connected to the contemporary Tenno or that they are so connected to the Plague.
I don't know why but i just don't see it.. maybe that's just because i've never played Dark Sector.
I like your take on the Sentients being self-aware AI programs using the Orokin neural devices to controll organic hosts; that would certainly explain why the Orokin would try to use the Technocyte Virus against them.

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Yeah it's speculation for sure. I just can't think of anything else given what is known that would explain why no one else can use the frames. I thought my reasoning for the cryopod thing was pretty weak. I had typed that 3 times on my phone and just kinda ran out of juice having done the first 2/3 of it on a touchpad keyboard so many times.

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My main concern would have to be this..


If Stalker was a low Guardian, What do you think the High Guardian's would be like coming after us?


Likely they were wiped out when we murdered all of the heads of the empire, as they were most likely the ones responsible for protecting them. In contrast, the "low guardians" survived because they were not a threat. At the very least, we did not commit mass genocide. All we did was kill all the ruling parties and destroy the infrustructure of an empire that spanned several worlds. Although that act probably indirectly led to the death of others in the ensuring chaos. Destroy the supports of a building and it doesn't just harmlessly vanish into thin air.

Edited by Ryme
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My main concern would have to be this..


If Stalker was a low Guardian, What do you think the High Guardian's would be like coming after us?

My assumption is that the Tenno are the higher guardians.

So in answer to your question, go play conclaves.

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Just a little theory about the Void. The majority of mass of the universe is unobservable, which has led astronomers to believe that this unobserved mass is made up of Dark Matter. What is the void is simply the part of space that contains Dark Matter instead of normal matter?

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My main concern would have to be this..


If Stalker was a low Guardian, What do you think the High Guardian's would be like coming after us?

High guardians? That would be us.



Just a little theory about the Void. The majority of mass of the universe is unobservable, which has led astronomers to believe that this unobserved mass is made up of Dark Matter. What is the void is simply the part of space that contains Dark Matter instead of normal matter?

Nuh-uh, dark matter is not so exotic, and it is everywhere around us.

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The Void might just be something like an anti-Universe. It's a pretty misteryous place and not even the Orokin managed to figure it out..
As our pal Vor puts it: it's the place of demons.
Maybe it's artificial and was created by some other alien race to be a garbage dump of sorts, or maybe it's heaven or hell or anything in between.
Altough we'll probably never know it's fun to think about it xP

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