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Jade's quest and her in-game model after the quest

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Welp, played the quest it was good, i agree with most people here, so why?

Why are we bringing a pregnant warframe to battle, wich is the less safe place for her?

I don't wanna be 'that guy' and ask for a whole rework of the playable version, but can we at least have the option to change this part?  It just feels weird lore-wise;

Not sure i'm choosing the right words here, but maybe i'm not the only one thinking this.

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I don't think its just you, for me the design just makes me uncomfortable to the point I really don't want to play Jade, despite being super excited for her from all the devstreams and promotional material.

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You are certainly not the only one who thinks this. I myself am pretty weirded out by her belly showing up if you look at her from the side. Makes me just want to level her and not put any effort into making her look good. Don't get me wrong, but pregancy is just not my cup of tea.

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I don't know if this will help, but this is how see it:


If we are brining a pregnant Warframe to battle then we are effectively carrying another child of the Stalker. To me it's more like the frame looks pregnant, but is really not. I would like DE go into detail of wanting the empty-womb as a design choice in the future, until then it's either an empty spot or some core(?) for her powers.


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So I wasn't the only one to find it a questionable design choice.
I kept asking on region if there's an auxiliary option to remove the fetus, but no one took it seriously. I assume this answers it.

I hope it doesn't offend anyone, but it made me less interested in playing as Jade.
If anything, I think it's even a bit potentially insensitive towards some people that her design is this way without an option to change it. Just my two cents.

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What does it mean for a warframe to be pregnant though - why would they necessarily have the same frailties and difficulties a human would?

And is the version we build actually pregnant, or does it just get constructed with a larger belly?

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I also don't want to be this guy who's saying "omg, this design is so wrong" and all that. Or start the debate where it's empowering since she fight while pregnant(I know this argument might come up. It's 2024 after all.) For the quest, that's OK. I'm absolutely allright with this being a lore thing and I think most community will agree on that. It was your vision and it's absolutely OK. It makes sense for the quest. 

At least give an option to change it like Prime details DE. Pregnancy is a sensitive topic after all. The quest was short, but beautiful and touching. Please.

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2 minutes ago, Alad_Vs_little_Pogchamp said:

I don't even care if our version is actually pregant or not - the implications and the model are enough for me to not play her.

Sorry, forgot to quote the OP, who was also talking about the lore implications.

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il y a 2 minutes, yoritomosomori a dit :

Sorry, forgot to quote the OP, who was also talking about the lore implications.

I mean, her noble idle screams pregnancy, and the ''ball'' (?) thingy is  very much  still here so yeah.

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7 minutes ago, Alad_Vs_little_Pogchamp said:

I would love the option to toggle it - like some prime stuff can be toggled. I would even pay money for it.

no. do not let them lock this behind a paywall. 'it's just plat, you can trade for it' idc!

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Just wanted to comment as well as another vote for having an auxiliary toggle, or maybe even a settings option to deactivate that part of the model for those who don't own the frame. It just makes me uncomfortable to the point that I won't play her. As a woman with no interest in ever having children its just another uncomfortable reminder of stuff that I'd rather escape from in video games. 

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vor 29 Minuten schrieb CommanderCatPrime:

Just wanted to comment as well as another vote for having an auxiliary toggle, or maybe even a settings option to deactivate that part of the model for those who don't own the frame. It just makes me uncomfortable to the point that I won't play her. As a woman with no interest in ever having children its just another uncomfortable reminder of stuff that I'd rather escape from in video games. 

yeah exactly, i am afab non-binary and have less than zero interest in baby stuff.

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Hopefully if enough people dislike the current state of Jade's appearance they'll make some adjustments. Having an option to hide/ remove the belly would be a good start, but in all honesty I'm not sure that'd be enough; the way her wings lay on her makes her very bulky and just accentuates the pregnant shape. Ideally they would remove the belly, slim her down, and fix the placement of her wings to make her look more like the concept by Mike Skyers they shared before. They can still use the pregnant model in the story quest, and even as an alternate skin, but from what I've seen online it doesn't seem like anyone really wants to play as her because of this issue.

On an optimistic side, maybe they already have all this planned and she just looks like this for her release and when the clan operation ends we get her true form. Wouldn't that be nice lol

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Just now, Aeratin said:

On an optimistic side, maybe they already have all this planned and she just looks like this for her release and when the clan operation ends we get her true form. Wouldn't that be nice lol

Let's hope, I really want to use Jade.

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As someone who cannot have children, Jade’s current appearance does really sour my mood. I was so excited for Jade from the concept art, but her current model has killed that for me. I would rather not play a constant reminder of my own circumstances. 

Should her model be updated to remove these issues, I would be extremely grateful, but right now I’ll probably be shelving her for the time being. 

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12 minutes ago, Aeratin said:

but from what I've seen online it doesn't seem like anyone really wants to play as her because of this issue

Straight cis guy quite happy to use her as is here. Not sure how big the "absolutely no" crowd is - but if it's big enough then an option to disable it might be worth it.

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I'm having a hard time playing her to be honest. 

Had a friend who lost her child due to an accident out of her control (violence involved). Having Jade running around like this is a dark reminder of what can happen. 

I agree with the majority. Make it an aux or remodel her outside of the quest. 

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When me and my friend started Warframe he picked Loki. I have every steam achive, over 5000 hours on steam. I bought her cause I was so excited about her kit. However. I've really had enough with Warframe 100 more questions and no answers for anything. Was so hyped for stalker lore I got a name that doesn't matter and the fact he can have sex. I don't want to wait 10 years again like I did for new war to answer questions. And Jade's design is the worst thing I've ever experienced in this game. I just can't play her after seeing that quest. I mean no offense I love the staff at DE more then any other game company. However this is the dumbest S#&$ I've ever seen in this game, or possibly any game. It's just awful and feels wrong both lore wise and visually. Also if she is pregnant then gave birth why is the frame pregnant and why is stalker still trying to kill me. This whole experience has been very frustrating. 

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I had my interest so peaked as soon as "Jade Shadows" update was revealed, with a concept art of Jade looking super cool and the update's quest being focused on the Stalker, which made me happy because I always welcome more lore and depth to what we already know or don't know.


The last Devstream, I didn't really look too closely at the model of Jade but rather her abilities and passive, and I was super intrigued with the innovation and gameplay design, to the point I just thought that she has way too many possibilities with how she can be played and built. I would sometimes exaggerate to my friends with how excited I was after the Devstream to go on and ramble about how much I think she's probably going to be the most fun support Warframe to date.


Today happened, I was very excited and impatient to play the new update.

Spoilers ahead:


The quest was done, with new information gained, but more questions raised about the Stalker's story. I was fine and empathetic with the revelation of who Jade was and what the Stalker was trying to protect about her and what she meant to him, and it did intrigue what the Warframes are really, species/creatures wise more than what type of tools they are. I didn't mind the story revelation at the end.

However, I was very disappointed to see that Jade remains "pregnant" in her playable model and there's 0 options to change that look to being a regular looking female Warframe. I promise I tried to bring myself to not care about it, but I cannot help but to not tolerate looking at a PREGNANT woman in a WAR/CONFLICTING zones of the star chart and going for battle like it's just a super-orokin being with a strain that makes them hard to kill.


I understand she is a Warframe with peak physical abilities, however I cannot also help but think how a disturbing she looks when you're fighting enemies, and it feels like it serves more as fan service to the screwed up players (that can not be avoided with any game with sexual hints/attractions) who care about such weird things.


I sadly decided I cannot get myself to play Jade (I will grind her, but I do not think I want to use her at all, even for mastery points) until the concerns we have here about how she looks after the quest are heard. If she has the option to be not in her current pregnant form, that would be great. However, if not, then I sadly cannot think of how negative I will consider this move in the lore and there's a decent-not so small chance that I will NEVER pick up Jade in her current form/look.


I don't want this visual design decision to shun the many good things this update brings..

I am sorry for the long message/reply, but I feel I have to really show concern and disturbance on the design decision of a Warframe I was wholeheartedly excited for.


I am not necessarily asking for immediate change, but I will be happy with one form of "We hear all of your concerns." as a response for now.

Edited by ChaqueXR
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