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Spawn rate of enemies at the top of the elevator shaft needs some changes

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After the top of the elevator shaft in the Ascension mission there is a hallway where enemies keeps spawning indefinitely without any LoS limits (looks like they are teleported in). You can "farm" this location for resources, credits, mods or Riven Silvers. Sure its nice that you can get extra stuff but its also kind of annoying when you are just farming Vestigial/Volatile motes and want the mission to be over without needless delay. People usually end up camping in the hallway and not helping defend the pod which usually ends up slowing the mission down for minutes longer than it needs to be.

Maybe throttle down on the spawns a bit or add some kind of limit up there to discourage camping?

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So you are one of the ones who ruined the fun. the way I see it, they need to bring it back and make it so it did force extract once it made it to the end. Problem solved. Progression checks as you go up the floors and up the amount of spawns to bassiclly make it a living hell to try and camp the lift (if no progress is made) and make jade light ignore mesmer skin again to force "immortal" players to keep moving 

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The silly spawns weren't really the biggest problem, I can see what they were going for with it - guaranteeing strong opposition even against a super jacked squad. The real design headscratcher is DE going for that... but then just completely removing any fail states and letting the big green ball be "destroyed" and automatically rebuild itself over and over again anyway, with zero need for player input. I've joked for years that they are terrified of mission failures because they probably see these as bad for player retention, but now I'm fully convinced that this is actually true.

Edited by ebrl
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On 2024-06-20 at 7:56 PM, ebrl said:

The silly spawns weren't really the biggest problem, I can see what they were going for with it - guaranteeing strong opposition even against a super jacked squad. The real design headscratcher is DE going for that... but then just completely removing any fail states and letting the big green ball be "destroyed" and automatically rebuild itself over and over again anyway, with zero need for player input. I've joked for years that they are terrified of mission failures because they probably see these as bad for player retention, but now I'm fully convinced that this is actually true.

I think that they had so many complaints about griefers in the last event, that they were indeed scared of making it possible for 1 individual to ruin the mission.

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On 2024-06-20 at 6:56 PM, ebrl said:

they are terrified of mission failures because they probably see these as bad for player retention

my mission softlocked and I went afk for 20 minutes and the green ball thing was still fine

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well, i ran the mission (SP) with my dante-slash-nuker and could keep the mission objective glide to the end regardless of farmer, afk-leecher or dowend player... but yeah, the spawnplace is silly and every test-player would have noticed that right away... gg DE, showing us how much you test your game contend beforehand ^^)

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