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The Update 12 Anticipation Megathread


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Based on all the rumblings in the community, there is a high probability that this Wednesday (or Thursday here in Australia) could be the fabled Update 12.


In terms of my appreciation for the continuing efforts of regular Warframe updates from the DE Staff over the past year or so, great job!



I am also waiting in anticipation for all the lovely presents such as the Air Warframe, potential mission drop tables in the Codex and eventual Melee 2.0 after the initial U12



Thanks DE for keeping up the great effort on this game for so long, enduring through the sometimes frustrating low points of trying to fix tonnes of technical problems. Along with riding the amazing high points of bringing your initial concept of Warframe to fruition.




...however...if I see even a glimpse of the next Prime Access bringing forth the good ole' trickster in shining gold armor...well......


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i say the Prime concealed well before U12 

did ember prime also concealed well last time ?


They released an image and confirmed her before the update went out (along with teasing glaive prime and sicarus prime) so I wouldn't really equate the two situations as all that much the same.

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i say the Prime concealed well before U12 

did ember prime also concealed well last time ?

Well they did show off her art work in a Dev Stream before her arrival in Update 11 so she wasn't really concealed that much in my opinion.

This time though, DE have made a conscious effort to not leak anything about the next Prime, so my gut feeling is that it's gonna be a bit polarising or a wonderful surprise.

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Going to go out on a limb and say we won't get a prime access tomorrow.


I got the last one pretty early and I think I still have about a month of XP boost left. May have had a little when I got it and Lotus just set me up with three days for my Oxcium, so assuming U12 is tonight, timing is probably better for Melee 2.0 to bring the next Prime Access than for U12 to bring it.

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Going to go out on a limb and say we won't get a prime access tomorrow.


I got the last one pretty early and I think I still have about a month of XP boost left. May have had a little when I got it and Lotus just set me up with three days for my Oxcium, so assuming U12 is tonight, timing is probably better for Melee 2.0 to bring the next Prime Access than for U12 to bring it.

Well I doubt they would deliberately coincide a Prime Access with the end of an Affinity Booster, most likely with events like Updates.

I'm just basing on the fact they go with the trend of releasing a Prime on a major Update since we only saw Ember Prime pop up when U11 first hit. Though whatever DE decides to do with this program is up in the air so no concrete confirmations yet.

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