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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3


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hace 1 hora, [DE]Megan dijo:


  • Added Wisp Prime’s Theme to Varzia’s Prime Resurgence Offerings for Aya. 


  • Improved the accuracy of Frost’s Freeze projectile when cast within Snow Globe. 
  • Temporarily disabled Aiming Down Sights on fishing spears to prevent a soft-lock issue. 
    • The full fix for this issue requires Code for a future update, so for the time being we have done the above to ensure that players going through Quests with fishing stages are able to complete them without getting stuck. 
  • Removed a certain jump pad in the Ascension mission as it was yeeting players into a pipe along the wall (BONK). 
  • Improved the help tips in the Upgrade screen to be, well, more helpful! 
  • Made small edits to the prerequisites text in the Codex for the Vox Solaris and Heart of Deimos Quests. 
  • Updated Damage type icons in Status Damage tooltips to their colored version. 
  • Turned down the SFX volume of the Enlightened Hate Skin. 
  • Made minor improvements to texture streaming of certain UI components. 
  • Updated cinematic VFX during the Ascension stage of the Jade Shadows Quest.
  • Made lighting updates to the Ascension mission. 


  • Fixed being unable to equip the Semi-Shotgun Cannonade on the Steflos. 
  • Fixed Clients receiving self-damage from enemies dying from Blast’s detonation AoE. 
  • Fixed loot abilities (ex: Nekros’ Desecrate, etc.) working on the Sisters of Parvos in Ascension missions. 
  • Fixed Jade’s Aureolt Helmet not opening and closing. 
  • Fixed Jade Light Eximus’ light beam attack doing significantly more damage after Hotfix 36.0.2. 
  • Fixed Sevagoth’s “Shadow Haze” Critical Chance not scaling with Ability Strength. 
    • For players that weren’t building around Ability Strength, this made it appear as if even its base 50% Critical Chance wasn’t applying. Now that scaling has been fixed, you can mod to increase that Crit Chance beyond 50%. 
  • Fixed being unable to rank up with the Cavia after earning Standing from Netracell missions when already at max for the current rank.
    • If you were affected by this bug, you should be able to rank up now!  
  • Fixed being able to swap Jade’s Universal Polarity from her Aura Slot onto another slot. 
    • We’ll be reverting the moved Universal Polarity back to its intended spot in a future Hotfix. 
  • Fixed Duplicate Config failing to copy an equipped Riven to the new config, and instead equipping a Veiled Riven. 
    • You will need to either manually swap out the Riven Mod or duplicate the Config again for the correct Riven to replace the unintended Veiled Riven.
  • Fixed reviving on the elevator in Ascension missions taking longer than usual. 
  • Fixed sprinting during Voruna’s Ulfrun's Descent not increasing her movement speed. 
    • Also fixes her losing her custom animation and doing a standard walk. 
  • Fixed Manifold Bond triggering from Status damage instead of from killing enemies as intended. 
  • Fixed equipped Dragon Keys impacting Stalker in the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed low enemy spawn rate in Circuit Alchemy missions (they should now be more in line with Excavation and Survival). 
  • Fixed a map hole in the Juggernaut Behemoth’s arena in the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed the Relay Quick Access wheel having infinite slots. 
    • This was causing lil ol’ Ordis in the Larunda Relay to be placed in the very last slot, making it hard to find him since he wasn’t visible upon opening the menu - but he is now!  
  • More fixes towards immediately getting stuck on a railing after loading into an Ascension mission through Ordis at the Larunda Relay. 
  • Fixed Jade’s Prex Card pick-up context action being visible to players who don’t have a max rank Jade. 
  • Fixed the Leptosam Mutagen’s description saying it is used for Vulphaphyla instead of Predasite. 
  • Fixed Pupacyst’s upgrade screen having the “Lesion’s Frenzy” Unique Trait (this was a UI-only issue).   
  • Fixed the gears on the smaller elevator in Ascension missions continuing to turn even when stopped. 
    • Known issue: Clients are still experiencing this issue, we will be looking into fixing this in a future Hotfix/Update. 
  • Fixed performance issues during the Ascension stage of the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed World State Window missions, alerts, etc. using incorrect subfaction names (ex: “Grineer” instead of “Kuva Grineer” for Kuva Alerts).  
  • Fixed offset issues with the left Harkonar Wraith Leg Plate when equipped on Jade. 
  • Fixed offset issues with the Mozi Syandana and certain leg armors when equipped on Drifter’s Vahd Suit and Greaves.  
  • Fixed Stalker’s Landing Craft appearing at Extraction in Ascension missions. 
  • Fixed Stalker’s Landing Craft being misplaced at the end of the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed Jade’s Glory on High SFX clipping for Clients when rapidly firing. 
  • Fixed a slight outline on the Legendary Rank 1-3 Sigils. 
  • Fixed PH tag in the “Start Wave” context action on Exodampers in Void Armageddon missions. 
  • Fixed PH tag in the Cold Damage’s tooltip description. 
  • Fixed cases where confirmation prompts to begin Quests were case sensitive. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Jade’s Glory on High alt-fire. 
  • Fixed a script error in Ascension missions. 
  • Fixed a script error in Duviri Decrees. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Qorvex’s Containment Wall ability. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by Blast Status Effects. 
  • Fixed some rare crashes when hitting Blast’s max stack count on enemies who are liable to become immune to Status Effects on damage. 


The icon added on planets once all their nodes are completed is still bugged. I haven't completed most of the nodes in Steel Path, yet I have all the icons 


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45 minutes ago, Rigtis said:

Wait, she has a custom animation? Nice! Hope we can see it someday because still not working 🙂

I'm really excited to see this bug fixed too. So we can see this "custom animation" that is being replaced by a  "standard walk", apparently. Because that sure reads like there's supposed to be a custom walk (sprint?) animation there to me!

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1 hour ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Any details on this? I don't see any bug reports pertaining to the Cinta. 

People need to stop spamming the hotfix notes in hopes of getting their personal bug fixed.  Not the first time seeing the Cinta being commented and doing this for every single bug can get old fast especially when there is no substance provided thus leading to pointless comments like that one. A bug report is much better suited for awareness and able to be used for replication or further details as needed.


Anyways, this is the bug report the person has commented on so this is what I presume they are referencing.


Edited by Numerounius
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Is there any plans to change the way incarnon shotguns are being charged? I really want to play more with Boar but charge time is horrible. Burston is ok as rifle, same as weapon like lex laetum etc. But Shotguns are hit hard with the way it calculates pellets on headshot when you can one shot entry SP enemies.
And answering to some people I can play longer missions but for me incarnon Boar is great because primary fire mode is ideal for priority target elimination, secondary is great for clearing waves. Sadly because of the vharge problems the playstyle of switching between primary and secondary mode is a really bad choice.

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2 hours ago, PhobosIncarna said:

i’m going to take a shot every time y’all lay out a hotfix this week

this event has quickly become the worst thing to ever grind in this game and loathe it more every time i see a hotfix cause it just proves how rushed everything is becoming now.

slow it down and fix your messes please.

??????... Every major update always tends to have numerous fixes, event or otherwise.  Sure, extra play-testing wouldn't hurt, but it is impossible to predict every last little issue before something goes live - that's with any live-service game, not just DE/Warframe.  In terms of badly-launched events, it doesn't even come remotely close to the absolute trainwreck that was Scarlet Spear....

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The Alchemy no spawns bug is still going on! It happens now when a host migrates during it. Just had one do that for some reason and now we get no spawns.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed loot abilities (ex: Nekros’ Desecrate, etc.) working on the Sisters of Parvos in Ascension missions. 


Welp, it was inveitable I guess? Made me wish I had farmed the event a lot more prior to this but at least I have all of the new arcanes maxed out :|

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Is the jade loot table bugged again? I got some jade parts today before the hotfix, did 12 missions after the hotfix dropped and all I got was relics and endo.

Can someone confirm they still drop properly?

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I understand that the sister of parvos loot thing was fixed so people wouldn't feel forced to run khora and nekros over and over again. So I think it was a good change.

This event is AMAZING for new players, I was able to complete a ton of arcanes I was struggling to get because I don't like hunting eidolons. I finally have Avenger!!! I finally have Energize! There are tons of build paths that this event alone opened up for me and I'm thankful for that.

Now if only Prime Sure Footed wasn't a 400 logins reward >:(

P.S: Ordis vs Parvos banter during the elevator was 10/10, Ordis' voice actor absolutely killed it.



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37 minutes ago, Birblex said:

Is the jade loot table bugged again? I got some jade parts today before the hotfix, did 12 missions after the hotfix dropped and all I got was relics and endo.

Can someone confirm they still drop properly?

They do, got a piece from there an hour ago or so

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4 hours ago, Mazifet said:

I mean it is THE JADE LIGHT, so it makes sense it does a ton of damage in a single concentrated area

But up to 2.5M damage/second? That was downright insane, to the point in which just touching it unintentionally could one-shot any frame.

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I don't know if this is an issue for anyone else but I haven't seen it in the Hotfixes this far.

I am finding that if you have 2 Frost globes overlapping each other you cannot shoot through them. It'll stop on the second globe just like it used too.

If this has been addressed then my reading comprehension is hot garbage and my bad.

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