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Arcane dissulution is useless now (Crescend/Duplicate issue) - that has to be joke

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Crescendo and Duplicate are rare & timegated arcanes. On other hand everything, even your grandpa drop other arcanes. I all maxed. Copies sold.

Now we get chance to get arcane that we don't have. To bad. It's rare. What I'm supposed to do? Change few arcanes that I have for 1 arcane that I have? That's not even lottery that this whole system is. It's much worse.

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Well of course they are going to be rare, like most other legendaries are and even energize is still gated.  

I used it to get the 6 ish I needed for crescendo and duplicate, but its really just to dump the cheapest arcanes you have excess off that aren't worth much.  

It's just an alternative to trading, but probably trading is a better deal if you have time.

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8 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

Well of course they are going to be rare, like most other legendaries are and even energize is still gated.  

I used it to get the 6 ish I needed for crescendo and duplicate, but its really just to dump the cheapest arcanes you have excess off that aren't worth much.  

It's just an alternative to trading, but probably trading is a better deal if you have time.

Being rare is one thing. But my point is that if you have played long enough (not even very long!) you already have all but those 2 arcanes. It's complete waste of resource/time. It's system designed to lure players to play lottery system with odds heavily against player (that want 2 rare arcanes). I don't nowadays grind. They can be e.g. long but at least you know more or limit (based on your play). For example new should take around 2 hours WITHOUT single drop (we have blueprint already). 2x more for second frame. That may be bad but you know more or less how long it would take. In this case it's pure lottery. They removed kubrow slot-machine but yet they introduced such system. I'm honestly fine with most stuff. Some are worse some are better (or good/great). This system is horrible.

If we have at least put more vosfor for rolling only rare stuff or something like this THEN it would be ok.

ps. sorry for longer post - you can see that I hate it ;)

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Most of what I've fed into arcane dissolution, from the beginning, were junk arcanes from acolytes.  You tend to get a lot of those after a point.

That said, the drop rates for Crescendo and Duplicate from dissolution are low.  Dumping >5000 vosfor in, I only got 2 C and 1 D.

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Duplicate still needs 2 and Crescendo still needs 1, then they'll be level 5.
There will probably be another noob event like the one now with unlimited ammo ranged weapons and rare arcanes in the shop later.
So it's actually fine.
The only strange thing is that Duplicate is being sold. It doesn't seem to be very popular. And not many people are running around with crit arcanes.

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On 2024-06-21 at 6:02 AM, quxier said:

ps. sorry for longer post - you can see that I hate it ;)

Sorry for late reply, but I do agree with you.  It's pretty bad value for anything other than acolyte arcanes.  Even then, if you like to trade a lot, vosfor isn't worth it.  I wouldn't try to do anything but get rid of junk you'll never sell.  If that is the intended use, then it seems okay, but I'm not sure what their actual intended purpose is.  I am sure it would be more expensive to buy cheap arcanes to gamble for arcane sets, as your main acquisition of arcane sets.  So it is pointless compared to trading, unless you aren't going to ever trade what you're gambling.

On the other hand, for the very high volume people that stockpile thousands of acolyte arcanes, it's probably good value for them to play vosfor game and get back some other arcanes that have more market value, when they can never sell all of those basic sets anyway.  So it has an impact on the market and gives a use for cheaper or abundant arcanes.

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I think the bigger issue is the arbitration drop arcanes being in with the acolyte arcanes. You are getting rid of the acolyte arcanes, so drawing more is feels bad.

Edited by Void2258
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You're complaining about not getting the rarest drops from a loot pool? First week in warframe? They are legendary, theyre supposed to be hard to get. The game is filled with low drop chances on things you want, your luck not being great does not equal a bad system. If you have spare arcanes, you trade them in and get a chance at other loot.
Dont want to do X content? Vosfor.
Have bad luck? Vosfor.
Stockpile of duplicate arcanes? Vosfor.
Arcanes are always available. Buy them from traders, kill acolytes, kill eidolons, farm cascade, there are a bunch of options that aren't outright trading with another player for the thing you want.
All this and you still complain because you want it easier.

As for the "kubrow slot-machine" comparison, no. That was a platinum powered skin gamble system. This is entirely free and has an actual gameplay impact. All you need to do is play, which you should do rather than complaining about crappy drop rates in Warframe of all games.

The current event even makes using AD to get the arcanes you want stupidly easy, run the SP event mission a bunch and trade in the resulting respurces for arcanes then those for the arcane pool you want.

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Honestly, Duplicate and Crescendo are basically given away like candy via Netracells and Elite Archimedia. So I wouldn't recommend using Dissolution to begin with for those. 

All of the Whispers Arcanes are honestly super easy to get in comparison to every other arcane in the game. 

That said...

I agree on the concept of narrowing down the 'RNG'. 

I would fully support a refining/narrowing of the pool. 

(Example: For a Higher Vosfor cost you can limit the rng roll to Rare or Legendary Arcanes.)

For example, I ONLY use dissolution for Eidolon Arcanes. Every other Arcane option is significantly more manageable via their natural acquisition methods.

But Eidolon Arcanes are an absolute chore. Kill/Capture 3 enemies who have a loot pool of between 7-10 Arcanes. Ridiculous.

Personally, if we had the option to buy arcanes via a resource and/or standing (like we can with Zariman, Whispers, Citrine, and soon Jade) across the board (Arbitration Vendor, Steel Path Vendor, Duviri Vendor, Onnko, etc) then I'd say leave dissolution as it is. 

But right now dissolution does feel very bad for certain Arcanes.

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13 hours ago, Malbatorus said:

You're complaining about not getting the rarest drops from a loot pool? First week in warframe? They are legendary, theyre supposed to be hard to get. The game is filled with low drop chances on things you want, your luck not being great does not equal a bad system.

But having too bad luck IS bad system. Imagine farming Tenet weapons that you can only buy for Corrupted holokeys. They don't drop from Void storm? Do Sisters. Great. First you need RNG on requiem mods, then you need to guess correct order (require doing mission & stuff). You fight your sister and can get 4 Holokeys. If you are not lucky you can get only 1. You need 40.


13 hours ago, Malbatorus said:

If you have spare arcanes, you trade them in and get a chance at other loot.

Sadly some arcanes are so cheap that it's useless to sell them.

13 hours ago, Malbatorus said:

Dont want to do X content? Vosfor.
Have bad luck? Vosfor.
Stockpile of duplicate arcanes? Vosfor.

Do you believe what you are saying? I have bad luck, get trash arcane, let's change 9 for another trash arcanes. So good.

13 hours ago, Malbatorus said:

Arcanes are always available. Buy them from traders, kill acolytes, kill eidolons, farm cascade, there are a bunch of options that aren't outright trading with another player for the thing you want.
All this and you still complain because you want it easier.

Yes they are always available. However you know what is available and better? Farm anything you want (and are comfortable with) and buy it from other player. Sure, e.g. Crescendo costs 600 maxed (cheaper if you buy not maxed) but it's there.

And I'm not complaining that I want it easier. I'm complaining that I can basically buy/grind for same amount of time as above and get 0, nada. Is it great? Farm 600 plat, not being some overly good at it. Get melee fortification. How much grind you need for that single arcane? 1-5 missions in Albrecht laboratries. 30 minutes grind maybe? That's assuming you are unlucky. You get that arcanes via just doing "anything".

13 hours ago, Malbatorus said:

As for the "kubrow slot-machine" comparison, no. That was a platinum powered skin gamble system. This is entirely free and has an actual gameplay impact. All you need to do is play, which you should do rather than complaining about crappy drop rates in Warframe of all games.

Just because it's not in front of you doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It same mechanic but more subtle.

13 hours ago, Malbatorus said:

The current event even makes using AD to get the arcanes you want stupidly easy, run the SP event mission a bunch and trade in the resulting respurces for arcanes then those for the arcane pool you want.

So, ~8 minutes, 10 arcanes from Volatile motes. ~1 arcane from event, 1,5 arcane from Vesti... motes. That's like 1-2 arcane rolls per ~8 minutes. 7-8 arcane rolls per hour.

Yeah.... it's too little for Vosfor roulette (it's fine for most of other arcanes from ordis shop))

13 hours ago, Malbatorus said:

You're complaining about not getting the rarest drops from a loot pool? First week in warframe? They are legendary, theyre supposed to be hard to get.

Define "hard to get". Slapping one handed bandit thousand time is not what I consider hard. It's just time consuming when you don't know time limit.

43 minutes ago, Aerikx said:

Personally, if we had the option to buy arcanes via a resource and/or standing (like we can with Zariman, Whispers, Citrine, and soon Jade) across the board (Arbitration Vendor, Steel Path Vendor, Duviri Vendor, Onnko, etc) then I'd say leave dissolution as it is. 

That's why events are great to max your arances. While farming for Jade, her weapons & such I've maxed every arance below 5 mote price (except resistance one that I don't use & want).

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1 minute ago, Aerikx said:
4 minutes ago, quxier said:

(except resistance one that I don't use & want).

Don't sleep on those. They are actually VERY good.

The magnetic one in particular is nice for trivializing Eidolons.

I have Dante, Rolling guard and other stuff. It's not so useful and I've other more interesting arcanes to use.

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