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Archon Boreal "Aerolysts" Cause crash

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So since last night I can not get argon hunt to actually finish until just recently.  Everyone but one person crashed out in all the runs I ran over the past 24 hours except the last run.  That's 5 crashes in a row!  This was not a problem until the recent update and it needs to be fixed!  I was lucky enough to be able to get back in when someone was still in it this time to get the rewards.  

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Just as the title says I had to replay the archon hunt several times this week because as soon as Archon Boreal summons his Aerolysts and as soon as I shook them the game crashes every time both phases. I’m on a Series S Xbox so I don’t think updating anything on my end is gonna fix this.

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Shooting aerolysts in with Jade's Glory on High primary fire crashes the game, only seems to affect player using Jade as could reconnect to squad in mission after reboot of game

Bug was replicated by shooting the Aerolyst enemies during the Boreal archon hunt's third mission with Jade's Glory on High primary fire, twice

Mission had just reached Boreal's invincibility phase for the Aerolyst spawns, each time the game was fine until aerolysts were shot at

Public squad matchmaking applied in this case, but the bug seemed localized to just the player using Jade.

No images or video available at this time, but crash prompted sending of a description (and maybe logs?) via client to studio.

Second time it happened there was a short 1-2 second delay between firing beginning and the crash occurring

Hoping it's an easy fix for you guys, you deserve a break after this awesome update!

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I am having the same issue, with archon broreal, when they cast some sort skill, the game will crash, the different is I am on PC, in my game I noticed there are others in the group also crashed, but the other 2 people are not on pc. My game is downloaded from steam.

Edited by Sofinne
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I'm also crashing (on PC) when Boreal summons the sentient reinforcements. The screen freezes then closes with the error report window. It's happened three times today.

The first time I was a client, the sentients spawned and we started fighting them, then it crashed.

The second time I was host, the sentients spawned and the other 3 players disappered from squad, then my game crashed about 15 seconds later.

The third time I was client, and crashed as soon as the sentients spawned.

Edited by Technomole
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If you are getting CTDs at archon boss, just repeat it, i had to do it 4 times to finish it. Just letting you know it is possible to finish it, it is garbage we have to deal with this...

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Okay; not just me and it seems like this is a universal FUBAR with the aerolysts.
Okay I'll stop pounding my head against a brick wall on this mission and call it a combat loss for this week.

DE? I wish you all the best of luck on fixing this.👍

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