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New(ish) player seeking build advice



I’m a lot newer than the age of my account would lead you to believe, as I only played for a few months years ago, and a bit this past month. I have no idea how anything works, and no idea what I’m doing. But I like to have a build-goal in mind to work for, and recently found an online tool for planning builds. So, I whipped up something, and I’d like some advice on the current plan. Is this any good?

https://overframe.gg/build/706944/chroma-prime/chroma-prime-01/ (defunct plan)


I’ve been getting lots of useful advice, so I’m going to post some of my more recent build versions and ideas below. If I link a build with a given frame/weapon/companion ect that is because I intend to “main” that one. I’m not above building other loadouts for specific content, but this is meant to be my general “go-to” kit, and is chosen mostly because “I like it.” I’m not going for the meta, nor do I really care about perfect optimization. I just want something that suits my theme and allows me to clear content with a minimum headache.

As for the theme, I’ve nailed a few core concepts: near-immortal tank, status spam, and lifesteal.



Edited by AnnoyedArkham
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I'm not all that familiar with Chroma but I do see some things that could be improved.

Dreamers bond is probably not that helpful. Especially since you already have two other methods of regenerating both health and energy in the build. Physique for more health, or Growing power for more power strength would probably be better options.

I'm assuming you intend on replacing pain threshold with primed sure footed eventually... if that's the case, don't forma your exilus slot until you do that. (Vex armor might already make him immune to knockdowns? I'm not sure, but a lot of defensive abilities like that do, even ones you wouldn't expect to do that. I tested a bunch a while ago and was really surprised how common of a hidden effect it was)

Chroma wants to take health damage to build vex armor. So primed redirection actually kinda hurts him overall (I know he was tweaked to have a method of doing this without taking damage but I don't know how effective that is). Adaptation would be a lot stronger there since you're already built to health tank, and it gives more value to having arcane grace in the build.

Consider replacing his 1 with another ability like nourish.

Much deeper into the game I think it's probably possible to build him to strip armor with elemental ward, with Green archon shards and the toxin archon continuity, setting him to toxin element. Most of his abilities are duration based so you probably want some duration on him anyways. I don't know how good tek collateral actually is so that's probably the mod to replace with it.

Edited by PollexMessier
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19 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

I'm not all that familiar with Chroma but I do see some things that could be improved.

Dreamers bond is probably not that helpful. Especially since you already have two other methods of regenerating both health and energy in the build. Physique for more health, or Growing power for more power strength would probably be better options.

I'm assuming you intend on replacing pain threshold with primed sure footed eventually... if that's the case, don't forma your exilus slot until you do that. (Vex armor might already make him immune to knockdowns? I'm not sure, but a lot of defensive abilities like that do, even ones you wouldn't expect to do that. I tested a bunch a while ago and was really surprised how common of a hidden effect it was)

Chroma wants to take health damage to build vex armor. So primed redirection actually kinda hurts him overall (I know he was tweaked to have a method of doing this without taking damage but I don't know how effective that is). Adaptation would be a lot stronger there since you're already built to health tank, and it gives more value to having arcane grace in the build.

Consider replacing his 1 with another ability like nourish.

Much deeper into the game I think it's probably possible to build him to strip armor with elemental ward, with Green archon shards and the toxin archon continuity, setting him to toxin element. Most of his abilities are duration based so you probably want some duration on him anyways. I don't know how good tek collateral actually is so that's probably the mod to replace with it.

Thanks for the response, I’ll consider everything you’ve said. I know that I just went with Pain Threshold because I keep getting stun-locked when going into melee, and I hate it. So, my main thing there was just being able to shrug off attacks that would break my flow.

As for Vex Armor, I’ve not really gotten a lot of experience with it, but wouldn’t Guardian Armor bypassing his shields and doing direct health damage when squad members take damage stack the buff? In theory, in group play, I shouldn’t actually need to worry about directly taking damage.

Finally, as for Tek Collateral, I plan to put some other Tek and Hunter mods on my companion, so I really just have Collateral there to buff that set bonus.

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I like to start getting a feel for a frame first.  Triple umbra..  scan through the abilities and see which ones I think I will be using the most and then try to buff the stats it uses (range/str/dur).   Then start playing it.   Find out which abilities I really like using and how I like playing the frame.   Then you will have a way better idea of what you want to do with them.  

I don't use chroma but it looks like you are creating a massive energy reserve...for what??  Holy Crap none of my frames need or use anything more than prime flow/flow.   

Dethcube Sentinel can solve alot of energy problems for most frames.   It has Energy Generator(From Cephalone SImaris) and Duplex Bond(Entrati/son??  Or Fortuna/Biz I forget..).   Both create energy orbs.  If your frame has Equillibreum like I saw on your chroma you could also throw on Synth Deconstruct and now he also makes HP orbs (that you convert into energy). 


Looking at his abilities I only like 3 and 4.  3 is the main ability.  4 is a little AoE damage helper....  It said vex is only 18m so allies will have to be super close to get buffed wont they?   For that reason alone I would want range,  but 4 also likes more range.  

So right there I'm thinking stretch-reach+Cunning drift so as not to take strength negative with Overextended.  Overextend+Blind Rage is nice but that drops your efficiency which is important for his 4. So I'm not really feeling that.   Trans would drop duration and that would also hurt 4.   Plus he doesnt need like huge super range.  Just a buff to 25-30m buff range.  

Now it totally depends how much you use his 4.   If you want to use it alot then your gonna want a mix of Duration and Efficiency.   Play around with the different mods to get the best possible drain.  

Whatever room is left is for survival lol  Adaptation is a must,  flow would be great for 4.  STR/HP mods. Your vex augment. ....  man it will be tight...  

== Arcane Reaper+Blessing would go awesome on that chroma.....  Bless buffs your Max HP +1200 as you pick up orbs.   This will go great with 3.  Reaper give Armor and HP Regen for 10seconds after each melee kill.   Your gonna be using melee a ton to buff peoples armor so perfect... and its gonna help heal you constantly. 

For shards you could go HP/Strength/Duration/Armor  any of those..  

I would want to see if Vex Aug damage to chroma could trigger Hunter Adrenaline.   If it did you wouldn't need flow.  You might not need cunning Drift in your Exilus.   You could use Endurance Drift for a little extra energy or even 1-2 energy shards.  


Edited by (PSN)AbBaNdOn_
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13 hours ago, AnnoyedArkham said:

Thanks for the response, I’ll consider everything you’ve said. I know that I just went with Pain Threshold because I keep getting stun-locked when going into melee, and I hate it. So, my main thing there was just being able to shrug off attacks that would break my flow.

Yeah, Primed Sure Footed just makes you immune to knockdowns entirely. So it's basically a direct upgrade of that mod. But it uses a different polarity. So if you plan on upgrading to it eventually you'll waste a forma polarizing the exilus slot for it.

13 hours ago, AnnoyedArkham said:

As for Vex Armor, I’ve not really gotten a lot of experience with it, but wouldn’t Guardian Armor bypassing his shields and doing direct health damage when squad members take damage stack the buff? In theory, in group play, I shouldn’t actually need to worry about directly taking damage.

Oh u right. Like I said I don't really use Chroma so I missed that detail. It'd be great if that also applied to your companion, but the specific wording of squad mates instead of allies makes me think it probably doesn't. I forgot to mention Primed redirection is also blocking Hunter adrenaline, but if taking damage from guardian armor counts for hunter adrenaline that's pretty good.

I kinda see where you're going with the build now. Treating your health kinda like a battery and your shield more like your actual health. It's a bit of a weird way to go about using chroma who's whole deal is being an armor tank, but it's interesting.

All that in mind. I think Equilibrium is the odd mod out here. That one might be worth replacing with a duration mod if you really want to keep that set mod bonus and the shields.
Duration is gonna be pretty important for your vex armor + Arcane battery combo cus if you lose vex armor while your energy pool is filled above your base energy level, you lose that excess energy you stored up. If that actually works the way I think it does. I do wonder what you want that much energy for on Chroma tho.

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I'm sorry but ill nick pick things, since op said he has barely play we know he doesnt have many items farmed & from past post i think he may not have even that much(unless op got hours and hours of progress in few days)

So start with

  • Why chroma? just like it or its the only frame you got or what you want to get from him
  • Do you have corrupted mods (dragon vault mods ;Overextended, Narrow Minded, Transient Fortitude etc)
  • Other needed mods basic or advance to say(later content)
  • Doubt primed foot
  • Do you really have those arcanes?
  • What weapons do you have? what are the builds like(sometimes just the frame isn't enough - always bring one item that can kill)

I myself do not know how to make "good" or "top" builds, got a general idea since way too much time playing however i seek help from those who do                            overframe builds give an idea but the more time passes the worse the page information is, since its by voting poll

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vor 17 Stunden schrieb AnnoyedArkham:

I’m a lot newer than the age of my account would lead you to believe, as I only played for a few months years ago, and a bit this past month. I have no idea how anything works, and no idea what I’m doing. But I like to have a build-goal in mind to work for, and recently found an online tool for planning builds. So, I whipped up something, and I’d like some advice on the current plan. Is this any good?



is it about mele build or ranged?
if it's about mele: and do you have purple shards for mele? so that's the reason for arcane battery (double crit dmg)? because I would remove arcane and install primed flow instead of tek mod. and instead of this aura combat discipline (lowest rank as possible) + arcane avenger or other dmg arcane. because you get enough energy anyway and arcane grace will be permanently active.
with arcane avanger my good mele weapons only do orange/red crits after 12+ combo stacks.

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This is an interesting build but I see some mods that are either a little out of place or are quite niche to a particular playstyle. I play Chroma quite a bit so hopefully I can share some wisdom on it, although I am not a master at endgame builds and I've been experimenting lately. I've got a lot to say so I hope you don't mind!


Get Corrupted Mods

First thing I would recommend is getting corrupted mods from Orokin Derelict vaults so you can min max ability percentages. My builds usually focus on increased duration and strength. If you plan on being more of a solo tank or go off on your own, range can be sacrificed here. I think Umbral Fiber can be removed since Chroma has a good way of getting so much armor already. It will also free up some space for corrupted mods when you get them. Primed Redirection can also be removed in my opinion for similar reasons.


Guardian Armor Synergy

Ability efficiency can also be sacrificed a bit, especially given you have a way of giving yourself energy with Hunter Adrenaline and you can get a larger energy pool with Arcane Battery. That, along with Guardian Armor, synergizes pretty well from my experience, especially since the Scorn you get will increase your energy pool (with Arcane Battery) and the direct damage from Guardian Armor will give you energy and Fury. It's something I've been experimenting with too, which I really like. Use Vazarin focus tree to increase your Affinity Range and you can cover your allies well with this.


Excess Energy Issues

The issue that I have experienced with the synergy above is what to do with all the excess energy you will get (my energy pool will reach over 1000). I recommend subsuming an ability that you can use that energy through and/or equip Quick Thinking. I bring up Quick Thinking because at high levels, your teammates might get nuked, which you will take a lot of damage for. All that damage is great for all the energy, but you will go down to single digits very fast if you (or your teammates) aren't careful. Quick Thinking can make that massive energy pool act as a last ditch pool of health. Subsuming an ability that can heal you is something I would consider. Ember's Healing Blast might do well since it would do CC, can do a good amount of damage if you build for strength, and also heal per enemy hit, although this will take an augment mod (as such I have yet to test this one out). I'm currently testing with Well of Life because it wouldn't require an augment to use effectively, but I wouldn't recommend it because of its single-target nature. Other alternatives I've thought of were Garuda's Blood Altar and Saryn's Regenerative Molt. Arcane Grace may work to heal you but if you're being nuked for the damage your allies are taking, I worry that the regen won't be fast enough. Let me know if it works though, I might try that. Personally, I use Molt Augmented in its place to further push ability strength.


Out-of-Place Mods

Others have brought this up but there are some mod choices I would reconsider. Pain Threshold is an interesting choice, would recommend Sure Footed in that spot until you get Primed Sure Footed. You could also put on Constitution, which isn't an exilus mod but it would speed up your knockdown recovery and increase ability duration.

Tek Collateral is the big one I'm wondering about. To me it's a very specific thing to use, but someone correct me if I'm wrong since I've never used it. I would only use this if you are using a crit weapon in your load out, but even then I would replace it with something that helps with min maxing. I'm curious to know more about your intended playstyle with it and how well it helps you though!

Equilibrium is also a bit out of place to me. It's not the worst choice but you have to consider your sources of energy and health orbs and if they will be abundant enough to warrant using this mod. Only with a Nekros or Protea in your squad would I consider using this mod, but even then, I think you have your energy gain covered already and I think there are better ways of getting health. Speaking of squads...


My Big Warning

I would suggest using this in a squad of people you know and/or are coordinating with. Know what frames they're bringing and what they're built for. If they are bringing frames that provide overguard for the team, I would HIGHLY suggest using a different build that is less focused on taking health damage. Guardian Armor will work but will only affect the OG, meaning you won't take health damage, meaning you won't gain as much energy from that as you normally would. If you're running low efficiency and have no reliable way of getting energy back, your Vex Armor will run out and need to be rebuilt later, which weakens Chroma's performance. If you're going in with pubs, I would recommend a built that doesn't use Guardian Armor at all to account for this.

Edited by MobiusKnight
Clarifying sentences and adding a couple thoughts
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1 hour ago, MobiusKnight said:



My Big Warning

I would suggest using this in a squad of people you know and/or are coordinating with. Know what frames they're bringing and what they're built for. If they are bringing frames that provide overguard for the team, I would HIGHLY suggest using a different build that is less focused on taking health damage. Guardian Armor will work but will only affect the OG, meaning you won't take health damage, meaning you won't gain as much energy from that as you normally would. If you're running low efficiency and have no reliable way of getting energy back, your Vex Armor will run out and need to be rebuilt later, which weakens Chroma's performance. If you're going in with pubs, I would recommend a built that doesn't use Guardian Armor at all to account for this.

Wouldn’t subsuming ember FB with aug and running catalyzed shields/decaying dk make OG act as health fixing the issue?

edit: it’s rage and hunter adrenaline that make ally OG act as health when shields are depleted 

Edited by The_End_Kinda
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1 hour ago, The_End_Kinda said:

Wouldn’t subsuming ember FB with aug and running catalyzed shields/decaying dk make OG act as health fixing the issue?

edit: it’s rage and hunter adrenaline that make ally OG act as health when shields are depleted 

Ember FB augment will only heal, not grant OG when it's a subsumed ability. This benefits Chroma because he needs to take that health damage if you want Hunter Adrenaline or Rage to work. It's true that OG will act as health for those mods; however, that only applies to warframes that have no shields at all (Inaros and Nidus). Even if the Ember FB augment granted OG, it wouldn't work because the OG needs to come from an ally (according to the wiki, anyway).


So unless you're playing on a mission on no shield mode, I don't believe it's possible to erase Chroma's shield capacity to 0 at all times. So I don't think that that combo would work out for that synergy.

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Hey all, thank you so much for the advice so far. And after reading a bit, doing some research, and a little play testing I’m thinking I’m going to go in a slightly different direction. My whole concept is based on a line from Final Fantasy 12 that has always stuck with me; “vitality before violence.” I want to be immortal. To that end…


The core idea here is to stack mods, arcanes, and abilities to effectively give myself the highest possible armor rating I can get. According to the calculator on a wiki I found this set up should give me just over 95% damage reduction with around 20k effective health since any damage I take will be partially redirected into my energy. With no energy it goes into the overguard from allies, I think, and I have a way to buff my companion with consistently 1200 overguard with melee attacks. So…unless I’m misunderstanding the system, that means I should only be taking less than 3% of the enemies’ actual damage output, right?

Oh, and my companion is a lovely little Vasca Kavat named Claudia (Interview with the Vampire reference), whom I'm hoping I can build for lifesteal...and funnel that stolen health to my warframe. I hope. 

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I'm glad you have a focus on what you want out of this build. That'll help us narrow down what will and will not work for what you're trying to do. There are a few things that need to be unpacked before getting into your updated build.


1 hour ago, AnnoyedArkham said:

any damage I take will be partially redirected into my energy.

I want to clarify that mods like Rage or Hunter Adrenaline will refill your energy based on the damage you take. Your wording here makes me worry you're thinking the damage will drain your energy instead; it does not (that's what Quick Thinking would do).


1 hour ago, AnnoyedArkham said:

With no energy it goes into the overguard from allies

With or without energy, any damage you take while you have overguard will go to your overguard no matter what. If you obtain overguard from your own loadout or from your allies, that will always be the first line of defense against damage. This won't affect your goal of having maximum armor very much and, as I said before, would work against your choice of Hunter Adrenaline as a result.


1 hour ago, AnnoyedArkham said:

I have a way to buff my companion with consistently 1200 overguard with melee attacks.

This is something I'm less certain of, but I don't know how that will play into your goal of maximizing armor on Chroma. Unless you have another companion mod on that will benefit you when they have overguard.

Someone will need to correct me if I'm wrong, but overguard taking damage does not mean YOU are taking damage. So if you are running with high overguard from someone else, Arcane Guardian may not proc until all your overguard is gone. Again, Hunter Adrenaline will also not be active as long as you have an overguard because Chroma has shields.


Now turning to the build.

Maximize Strength

If you want to maximize your armor, I would maximize your strength as much as you can so you can benefit from an insanely high Scorn buff. Again, corrupted mods can help facilitate this.


Reconsider Mods

Equilibrium still stands out to me as a difficult choice. I would still highly recommend replacing it with something else, as energy and health orbs may not be reliable to find unless you have a teammate or companion that can reduce that uncertainty. That's just my opinion though.

Jugulus Carapace does indeed add what you're looking for in terms of armor and health but I think it would be much more effective to replace it, as 55% armor and 20% health doesn't seem like a lot vs other alternatives. In place of this, I would consider Health Conversion, which will add 450 armor up to 3 times for health orb pickup. This, of course, is still relying on the idea of finding health orbs to do it, which Chroma on his own can't guarantee.

Your choice of aura mod is pretty flexible. Physique isn't bad, but consider Steel Charge or Growing Power. These will benefit how I think you ought to play this build, Steel Charge especially. I'll put that in a section below.


Energy Usage

We know you intend to tank a lot of damage, and we can see you have your source of energy through health damage (Hunter Adrenaline) and you'll be getting a high energy pool with Arcane Battery. What we don't know is, what is your plan with all that energy? If you want it to act as more effective health, then you'll need Quick Thinking on somewhere. Otherwise, I'd like to know more of what abilities you intend to use that can make up for the fact that you will likely have over 1000 energy to use with this build. If you don't know what to use it for or don't intend to capitalize on all of it, then I would suggest replacing Arcane Battery with something else. Molt Augmented will increase your ability strength as you get more kills, which in turn will increase the cap of Vex Armor and Elemental Ward.



This build focuses on health and armor and not so much your shields. This is fine, and with how they changed Vex Armor to grant buffs based on Chroma's offensive performance, I think this build can work very well as a melee-focused build. Melee kills will give you Scorn with Vex Armor active.

So, I would highly suggest using a melee weapon that has Melee Fortification on it so each melee kill grants you more armor. Steel Charge will increase your melee damage to help this. OR, you could use a melee weapon with a high status chance and rely on Growing Power to increase your ability strength by 25% on a status proc. Combine that with Condition Overload and that may be a strong combo. Healing Return on such a weapon may also help keep you healed up due to all the status.

For your Elemental Ward I would use ice or heat as your chosen element to buff armor or health, respectively.

There are a lot of subsume options as well. One that immediately comes to mind is Valkyr's Warcry to increase melee attack speed. If you have room for Eternal War on Chroma, this means you can cast Warcry once and effectively never have to cast it again.

Edited by MobiusKnight
Added idea for healing return
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10 minutes ago, MobiusKnight said:

I want to clarify that mods like Rage or Hunter Adrenaline will refill your energy based on the damage you take. Your wording here makes me worry you're thinking the damage will drain your energy instead; it does not (that's what Quick Thinking would do).

Oh. Well that completely blows up my entire plan then. I misunderstood the wording and thought that it meant 45% of incoming damage would be taken to my energy, meaning I only take 55% of it to health. Since that’s not the case…back to the drawing board. The only reason I was bothering with so much energy related stuff was because I thought it would act as a second health bar. 

Ah well, live and learn. Thanks for correcting that before I wasted a lot of time and resources. 

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3 minutes ago, AnnoyedArkham said:

Oh. Well that completely blows up my entire plan then. I misunderstood the wording and thought that it meant 45% of incoming damage would be taken to my energy, meaning I only take 55% of it to health. Since that’s not the case…back to the drawing board. The only reason I was bothering with so much energy related stuff was because I thought it would act as a second health bar. 

Ah well, live and learn. Thanks for correcting that before I wasted a lot of time and resources. 

That's understandable to mix that up. All those mods do is that they'll take 45% of the damage you take and also turn that into energy. Suppose you take 100 damage (after damage reduction). The mod won't reduce your damage to 55 and turn 45 of it into energy. You'll still take the 100 damage, but you'll also gain 45 energy

The only way energy will work as another health bar is with Quick Thinking, and that's on lethal damage too (1 health).


I wouldn't give up on your idea just yet. It's got me wondering how doable it is and I think it has an interesting theme going. It just requires synergy from other items in your loadout. I would consider some of the suggestions I made and give it some thought! Would like to hear more ideas from others as well.

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Posted (edited)
59 minutes ago, MobiusKnight said:

That's understandable to mix that up. All those mods do is that they'll take 45% of the damage you take and also turn that into energy. Suppose you take 100 damage (after damage reduction). The mod won't reduce your damage to 55 and turn 45 of it into energy. You'll still take the 100 damage, but you'll also gain 45 energy

The only way energy will work as another health bar is with Quick Thinking, and that's on lethal damage too (1 health).


I wouldn't give up on your idea just yet. It's got me wondering how doable it is and I think it has an interesting theme going. It just requires synergy from other items in your loadout. I would consider some of the suggestions I made and give it some thought! Would like to hear more ideas from others as well.




Also; I just like that weapon. Base model, at least. These builds are goals, not things I can do right this second. And, in the name of joy and fun, I am working within the constraints of my personal definition of "cool" rather than purely focusing on optimization. 

Edit: I've gone ahead and put these two builds, along with two more, in the main post for easier reference. 

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I like that you're sticking with what you want to play instead of going for what's technically optimal. I love that kind of energy. My only question is if your definition of "cool" is pertaining to the choice of weapon or the way you play it? I see some mods in this build that seem to be leaning towards slam attacks, and I'm wondering if that's one of your constraints in terms of how you want to play the build? Either way, I'll give you my opinions on these builds (although I'm less knowledgeable on Venka's stats and builds).


Chroma Mods

So I'm gonna go through some of the individual mods here and comment on what I think of them in terms of achieving what you're going for, which looks like a stacked armor/health tank that focuses on melee combat.

  • Growing Power: I actually want to go backwards on my suggestion of Growing Power and suggest Steel Charge instead. To capitalize on the benefits of Growing Power, you would need to recast your abilities, which is not desirable on Chroma for a couple reasons. 1, your Elemental Ward is not recastable, which I think DE should change, but I digress. Growing Power only gives you 6 seconds to benefit from the 25% gain in ability strength, and Elemental Ward definitely outlasts that, and minimizing your duration to fit into that timeframe is not a good idea at all. 2, it seems inefficient to recast Vex Armor, especially if it hasn't run the majority of its duration.
  • Nira's Hatred: I'd like to know more about why you chose this one. Its benefits are pretty small, only 35% health and 15% duration, which aren't much when you could be min maxing instead. Maybe you're going for the slam damage, but 100% slam attack damage is not going to scale that well as far as I know. I would replace this one with something like Narrow Minded, which will min max your range and duration.
  • Guardian Armor: This mod on its own is dangerous to have on. In solo play I can see this being a way of healing % health and prolonging Vex Armor's duration. In squad play, I'm a little nervous about this choice with no other backup plan on how to quickly recover health or handle your teammates getting nuked with damage. It's hard to control what happens to your teammates, but you can control how you can respond to the damage you take in their stead. This mod on its own doesn't give you that control. I would recommend not using it and using a corrupted mod instead.
  • Eternal War: Not a bad choice but I would still really recommend more min maxing in general. You could consider removing this to achieve that. Strength and duration will be your friends here to keep you going.


Venka Mods
Someone else will need to look over the fine details of this build, like the stance. I'm not familiar enough with stances to know which one is best for what you're going for. I also see you put Seismic Wave on here which might be okay but I don't see it scaling in damage with Chroma.

The first thing I noticed is that you built Venka for crit, which makes sense as it is more of a crit weapon than a status weapon. That being said, the way you built it isn't capitalizing on either one of those. Venka Prime has a base critical chance of 34% and a 24% status chance. This does make it more of a crit weapon than a status, but these stats are good enough to make either option viable. I find more success by going for full crit OR full stat. Trying to do both can work, but it may not be as effective as other builds.

Crit Build
We can see you can exceed 100% critical chance which is nice, but I see no mods that will increase your critical damage multiplier to take advantage of it. Blood Rush is a good choice for more crit chance, but we could use some more to really benefit from getting those crits. Organ Shatter would be a good addition to this. Fury would give you higher attack speed that stacks with Warcry to get even more hits in. I think some mods from the Gladiator set should also grant some critical bonuses but I don't have that memorized at all so you'll need to check. My worry is that critical damage alone is not enough to scale your damage into end-game content. Crit weapons usually need some sort of elemental primer to boost their effectiveness, either by stripping defenses or by multiplying damage.

Stat Build
In the words of one of my best friends, status is king. You can strip armor and make enemies easier to kill, erase shields, multiply your damage to health, control crowds, etc. The way you're building Venka right now looks like you're trying to get some status in. You've got corrosive built on it, Weeping Wounds for increased status chance as you fight, and Healing Return to heal per status type affecting the target, but there's one big issue: you only have 24% status chance. I would really recommend putting some 60-60 mods like Virulent Scourge and Voltaic Strike to give you those elements while also increasing your status chance so you can actually proc them. Carnis Mandible will give you more status and slash damage, which benefits Venka, and Melee Prowess will also increase your status chance immensely. If you want to build into this, replace the crit chance mods and use the extra space to further increase the slash or elemental damage you're doing.


Also btw, you will not need 7 formas for these builds to work. That is far too many and you will have wasted excess modding capacity.

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18 hours ago, MobiusKnight said:

Ember FB augment will only heal, not grant OG when it's a subsumed ability. This benefits Chroma because he needs to take that health damage if you want Hunter Adrenaline or Rage to work. It's true that OG will act as health for those mods; however, that only applies to warframes that have no shields at all (Inaros and Nidus). Even if the Ember FB augment granted OG, it wouldn't work because the OG needs to come from an ally (according to the wiki, anyway).


So unless you're playing on a mission on no shield mode, I don't believe it's possible to erase Chroma's shield capacity to 0 at all times. So I don't think that that combo would work out for that synergy.

Had to look it up, but subsumed FB w/ Aug does grant OG but only for yourself not for allies, sucks that rage/hunter adrenaline works that way, cause I’m pretty sure necramech rage is written the same way and Ally OG works as health when shields pop but I might be misremembering that as well

Edited by The_End_Kinda
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29 minutes ago, The_End_Kinda said:

Had to look it up, but subsumed FB w/ Aug does grant OG but only for yourself not for allies

I'd like to know your source for this, because Healing Flame grants OG only for the player and not for allies when you're playing Ember. I can say this from experience playing a lot of Ember lately. She can't give OG to allies, only herself. Healing Flame will not grant OG at all if Fire Blast is subsumed onto any other warframe. It says this in-game and on the wiki.


31 minutes ago, The_End_Kinda said:

Ally OG works as health when shields pop

The writing is misleading. I can't speak for Necramech Rage because I don't have it, but I can also tell you from experience that Rage and Hunter Adrenaline do not work on an OG that's on a warframe with shields. That part of the writing only applies to Inaros and Nidus because they don't have shields at all.

Because OG takes the damage first ALWAYS, it's also impossible for shields to pop while having OG. So even if you could use OG as health on a warframe with shields (i.e. NOT Nidus or Inaros) per your definition, it would still be impossible for your shields to break unless you lose the OG first. If your shields pop, then yes, Rage and Hunter Adrenaline will work because the damage you're taking will be affecting your health directly and you will not have OG to protect it.

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1 hour ago, MobiusKnight said:

I'd like to know your source for this, because Healing Flame grants OG only for the player and not for allies when you're playing Ember. I can say this from experience playing a lot of Ember lately. She can't give OG to allies, only herself. Healing Flame will not grant OG at all if Fire Blast is subsumed onto any other warframe. It says this in-game and on the wiki.


The writing is misleading. I can't speak for Necramech Rage because I don't have it, but I can also tell you from experience that Rage and Hunter Adrenaline do not work on an OG that's on a warframe with shields. That part of the writing only applies to Inaros and Nidus because they don't have shields at all.

Because OG takes the damage first ALWAYS, it's also impossible for shields to pop while having OG. So even if you could use OG as health on a warframe with shields (i.e. NOT Nidus or Inaros) per your definition, it would still be impossible for your shields to break unless you lose the OG first. If your shields pop, then yes, Rage and Hunter Adrenaline will work because the damage you're taking will be affecting your health directly and you will not have OG to protect it.

Must have been the wording that threw me off ‘augment won’t grant OG to other frames’ had me thinking it gave OG to the whole party(I haven’t played ember in forever)

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2 hours ago, The_End_Kinda said:

Must have been the wording that threw me off ‘augment won’t grant OG to other frames’ had me thinking it gave OG to the whole party(I haven’t played ember in forever)

No worries. The wording on some of these things is really confusing sometimes.


The whole OG and Rage thing was also super confusing until I experienced it in-game. As an example, my Chroma was buffing a Frost to give us OG (pretty good synergy tbh) and then I stopped getting energy because the OG was blocking health damage from Guardian Armor which was not allowing Rage to proc and I suffered for the rest of the mission LOL

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