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🔧 sᴜɢɢᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ: The Improvements We've Been Waiting For!

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So I was thinking of a few improvements that can be made to the clan chat and ranking system! Please provide as much feedback as you can, I am open to criticism.

SAVE THE IN-GAME CLAN CHAT! (Discord is honestly used more in my clan. Which I'm not complaining.)

  1. Rank colors, emblem, & starting rank.
    • Set a color from your color palettes to apply to a rank; rank colors will show up in the clan chat (kind of like how [DE]Kickbot is purple).
    • Set an emblem for clan ranks. There will be a set of 12 emblems or so, and you can pick one for each rank. This emblem will be shown next to their name in clan chat.
    • Choose what rank members will begin as when they join the clan.

  2. Application & invite improvements.
    • See when the pending member applied for the clan.
    • Display a clan name or <No Clan> next to their name. This way you don't have to click on their profile, wait for it to load, and then check to see if they are already in another clan. This will help with rejecting members who have moved on. Also if the player wants to join, but is still unknowingly in the other clan, you can tell them to leave so you can accept the application.
    @ItsNismoAce: Accept clan applications and invites through the Warframe companion app. This way you can bring in new members without having to startup Warframe while you're cozy in bed. Clan invitations should also be in the companion app. Some sort of inbox. OOH! What if the app's inbox was themed after the latest quests that have come out? Kind of like you're using the phone to send/receive messages (but it's your inbox). ANYWAYS, DE. We don't just need quality of life updates to make the game worth playing. These small things matter the most.

  3. Clan ad improvements.
    • Some sort of formatting for the text, kind of like here in the forum.
    • Capture images of your dojo to put in a "gallery". Players can click on the gallery option for a quick view of your beautiful dojo.
    • Display the alliance somewhere in the clan ad. Probably off to the side. Show the emblem and name.
    • Leaderboard filtering. Make this the default sorting option for clans. Clans can spend resources to bump their ad to the top of the list; this is a costly price.

  4. Demote timer; it was a mistake.
    • The demote timer is honestly annoying, especially when you have a larger clan. The action is completely and easily reversable, so a timer is not necessary. I can see a Yes/No popup being reasonable, but this timer is awful and I hated it the moment it was released. Whew! Sorry. Got a little carried away there.
    • P.S. the "demote timer" is when you want to demote a member to a lower rank. A timed popup shows up and you have to wait until the countdown completes. THEN you have to select confirm or deny. Very frustrating.

  5. Clan channels; HEAR ME OUT PLEASE!
    • So a million tabs would be outrageous, but that's not what I'm suggesting.
    • Basically inside of the clan chat, you press TRIANGLE/Y/[KEY] to open up the filtering menu. Inside this menu you will see "SHOW CHANNELS". You can select any of the clan channels and switch to it.
    • Clan members with the permission to edit/create channels will be able to modify these channels.
    • Each channel has options for it when you are in the creation menu. You can add a name for the channel, slow-mode, timed messages, which ranks are allowed access to this channel, and you can override everyone's name colors to be set to something else).
    • It sounds like what it is! Channels are separated so if you type in one, it won't appear in the others. 

  6. A little moderator auditing.
    • Include a log of members who are kicked from chat and clan.
    • The log will include the last 24 hours of all moderator actions.
    • When kicking a member, you can type in a reason (like a note). This reason stays in the clan (bullet #5) and the member is not notified.
    • When clicking on a chat kick log, you can see the last 5 messages from the user before they were kicked.
    • When clicking on a clan kick log, you can see the reason the moderator kicked them (bullet #3).

  7. Dueling. Good Lord, help me with this one. 🙏
    • First of all, it used to be REALLY good until one update completely ruined it. Let me explain why.
    • Damage is now pretty much equal, no matter what mods are put on. This makes it less fun as we like to compete based on our mod sets. It makes it more interesting and gets new players wanting to rank up. The way it used to be back in 2017-2018ish was AMAZING. Oh my God I remember having SO much fun. So basically, RETURN OUR PvP POWER!
    • The current dueling rooms are, well, outdated. I'm not saying replace this one, keep it as the legacy! I'm saying, like we did with the obstacle course, add another dueling course to the dojo room selection. Make it bigger, better, renewed, and completely different than the last one.
    • The spectating is terrible, it is a very small arena, and it's kind of bland. Of course you can deal with that with decorations, but then you're left with less space than it already has.
    • Kullervo or Revenant. 'Nuff said.
    • Add rules to the panel! You can switch off operator mode, disable energy orb spawns, add health orb spawns, and control the effectiveness of energy & health orbs.
    • In Duviri we have this little test-dummy punching back that looks like a armless/legless scarecrow. Maybe we can have our own "testing dummies" in the arena that players can hit while others duel.

  8. Dojo text... Oh the pain. Oh the hurt.
    • So I'm a guy who likes to put billboards up in my dojo using text. See the thing is text beacons are very easy to use... But they take up like 3,286,789,727,935 capacity each. So you're left with the puffy stone leaf tributa statue. Strategically placing them behind a board and then having to hide the triple-clay tongue is very difficult. Can it be done? Yeah, sure. But what I'm suggesting is an easier text system. Maybe we can have holographic displays with custom text. <--- HEY DE LOOK! I HAVE A GOOD IDEA!

  9. Leave a message after the beep.
    • So we kind of already have this integrated into the friend system, but I'm suggesting something else.
    • When someone is offline, have the option to "Leave a message".
    • You can type something and send one, and only one, until they mark the one you just sent as read.
    • When the player gets online they will see a popup (like an inbox message). They can click this popup and it will take them to their friends tab and their will be a category called "Messages". You hover over the players with the note icon on them to read the message they sent. You click their name to "Mark as read".
  10. Clan rank improvement by @(PSN)excat_56.
    • Ghost clan capacity: 10 members
    Shadow clan capacity: 50 members (instead of 30)
    • Storm clan capacity: 100 members
    • Mountain clan capacity: 300 members
    • Moon clan capacity: 1,000 members
  11. Cryostasis by @(PSN)excat_56.
    • This is not designed as a punishment, although I guess it could be.
    • Apply a rank (or an option) to a member to "exclude them from the clan". The member would not be counted towards the clan count. 
    • This rank denies them access to the dojo.
    • No clan/alliance chats.
    • If you have been demoted to this, you can go to CLAN > COMMUNICATION > LEAVE CLAN to leave and join another.
    • When someone has this rank, option, whatever, someone with promotion permissions can always pull them back into the clan.
    • The benefit of this is when someone is going on a long vacation, putting down the game for a while, etc. they can wait in "cryostasis" so they can always come back.
    • I know they'll probably put a limit on this, so I'll suggest one. Maybe add a maximum of 50 to "cryostasis"?

    "Add in a clan rank you can assign to members that haven't logged in for a while that would make them not count against your clan size.  - If you're at 30/30 but you have 3 people that haven't been actively playing and are taking a break, let us give them a rank that would keep them in the clan but they can't access the dojo until reinstated so we can fill their spots. Then, if they come back and we have inactive people we can move other inactive people for people that are getting active again. Or if everyone is active, that means we can expand with an active roster. Going up in size is very costly for research unless you have active people to offset those research increases."


Anyways, that's all I have for now. I will update this if I think of anything else! If you post a good idea, I'll put it in this post and @ mention you as the author.

Edited by SimulatedWhiskey
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With D2 fans showing up in a big way looking for their new fix this is the time. DE can capitalize in a major way and make a ton of new loyal fans and give the die hards what they've been asking for at the same time!

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On 2024-08-26 at 11:09 PM, SimulatedWhiskey said:

 Capture images of your dojo to put in a "gallery". Players can click on the gallery option for a quick view of your beautiful dojo.

How much space will DE need for this?

There are thousands of clans and if the images are big, it can he a huge waste of space if the images aren't stored on a 3rd party website

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2 hours ago, KIREEK said:
On 2024-08-27 at 12:09 AM, SimulatedWhiskey said:

 Capture images of your dojo to put in a "gallery". Players can click on the gallery option for a quick view of your beautiful dojo.

How much space will DE need for this?

There are thousands of clans and if the images are big, it can he a huge waste of space if the images aren't stored on a 3rd party website

It can start with few MB to few bytes or KB.

You can save it as image. For preview it would be below MB (few hundreds of KB?). For full image it would be probably 1 MB or more.

You can save it as data as it is now. Something like position of element X + color. It's already saved like this. I guess you can pull that data to create galleries.

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Personally my biggest gripe with the current Dojo system is the clunky and unintuitive decorating tools. Quite easy to fix too, just make unplaced decorations not collide with other decorations when snap to surface is off. Then we wouldn't have to clip every single decoration, this would save so much time for large scale builds.

Also do away with 50 capacity decorations and raise the capacity in Dry Dock.

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10 hours ago, swinginman said:

Personally my biggest gripe with the current Dojo system is the clunky and unintuitive decorating tools. Quite easy to fix too, just make unplaced decorations not collide with other decorations when snap to surface is off. Then we wouldn't have to clip every single decoration, this would save so much time for large scale builds.

Also do away with 50 capacity decorations and raise the capacity in Dry Dock.

I was thousand percent agree!!! I would love capacity to be raised and clipping to be adjusted (or removed).

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